Alan Wake 2


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Not very good, regardless of swim-lessons.

Don't care about the black lady PC, the rest of the game seems to be utter shit at about 5 hours in. Not really making much argument around do the light don't do the light. Srsly would have thought Alan Wake/Control sequel would have been better than this but it's not.

Edit: props to Remedy/Sam Lake for kicking off the digital war for real, dude is like yeah you can't play our game otherwise. Every fight needs an asshole.

kinda, I dunno, fuck me:

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Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Uh huh...

Though I do agree about the digital only thing being a bad move.


20 Year Member
Mar 9, 2001
Any PC games I can't buy on Steam or GOG might as well not exist.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
When it's not dragging at a snail's pace it's decent.

But, goddamnit, one of my biggest issues is games that I can't really play without a walkthrough. Souls-likes are the worst offenders (Lords of the Fallen 2023 heyo!), and this is pretty far on the bad side of that metric. Wander down this dumb alley for a supply box, then go here for a few clues, then maybe 20 minutes later go to the critical path.

I dislike this more and more as I continue to play it, it's just bad. Steph Sterling tends to make shitty content but their review of this is spot-on.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Game actually manages to improve drastically if you're willing to spend, I dunno, 10 hours to get to that point.

Finished it tonight. Thoughts in no particular order, first the unimportant ones:

-main gameplay works once you get used to it as survival horror instead of a shooter. Saga's sections are much better than Alan's, probably because she has a proper loadout and he has, like, a candlestick and a 2x4.
-the writing is just incredibly weird. It's not genius like some reviews have called it, but it's also not trash like some reviews have called it. I'd go with over-ambitious I think. Sam Lake has some very strange ideas in his head. Videogames may actually work better than movies would, but honestly, I don't know if any traditional medium can do him justice. Interesting how he tried to basically meld the two to the limit here, to mostly decent results I guess.
-the chase sequences are just dumb. How these weren't eliminated in testing is beyond me.
-casting European actors to do American accents was a bad idea. Saga's actress can't do a hard-r and it never stops being noticeable.
-amazing presentation. Best graphics I've seen on a console and the integration with video was very cool and mostly intuitive. Changing the voice actors for certain characters at key points worked REALLY well, and the musicals, well, no spoilers, they are awesome.

More critical items:
-the connections between Alan Wake and Control are cool, and I'm pretty sure they're going to be tidied up in Control 2, but there could have been some bones thrown, so to speak, in this to help out. When Estevez makes her comment to Wake about how she wishes she'd thrown him in a containment cube the first time she saw him, that's literally where he actually is in the Control DLCs. Given that the end of AW2 makes it pretty clear that there are multiple timelines in play, it seems likely to me that Control actually takes place after AW2 and after however many versions of the loop/spiral, Alan has indeed been placed in a control cube by FBC. Jesse is going to be a version of Logan I think (Tor and Odin as Saga's grandfather and uncle clearly establishes that race is, for lack of a better way to explain it, malleable here), or maybe (less likely) Saga. A version of Casey (once inhabited by Scratch but maybe or maybe no longer) is Dylan Fayden.
-lot of people seem to think both AW and Control will be full trilogies; I strongly disagree. The AW 2 DLC that has been confirmed will lead into Control 2, circa 2025 or 2026, and will fully integrate both games/universes and finish up the story. Lake understands how to not overdo it, I think, and will end things properly there. If he wants to bring in Max Payne for a cameo I won't complain.

edit: the fact that the plot of the game(s) got me writing a post like this contemplating it is a compliment I suppose. Remedy does not make boring shit at least.

edit: fuck it, this spoils a little bit of the first 10% or so of the game but it's entirely too awesome to ignore otherwise:

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Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Just now finished up the first DLC, Night Springs. In short... holy shit. In about 2 hours total or so of playtime, Sam Lake/Remedy have made it pretty clear that there will be a single game that will be the proper finale to Alan Wake, Control, Quantum Break(!), and Max Payne(!!). I was expecting the first two but I am ALL in on including the latter two.

Not gonna spoil things, but I do want to suggest that it looks like the finale will include proper Alan Wake 1 combat system, Control combat system, Shawn Ashmore (yes, really, not Breaker, Ashmore) as the third PC after Jesse and Alan (and I think Saga might get saved from the Dark Place and eventually be the fourth), and Door/Alan as the true bad guy.

I'd guess maybe late 2025 or early 2026 to look nice on PS5 Pro, probably been in development since before AW2 was finished I'd guess.

I can't really overstate this- having been a big fan of all of the games leading up to this from Remedy for, jeez, 15 or 20 years, seeing how they tied like, almost EVERYTHING together in three 45 minute DLCs (plus some clever allusions and a very sly VO in the credits) to lead up to, I dunno maybe Control Alan Wake (that's my initial guess at a title), I am just a big fangirl right now at how well Remedy did this. I can't do it justice in writing, if you ever enjoyed Remedy's games at all you should play it.

edit: in the era of live service bullshit it is pretty cool to see a few devs/publishers out there still making content like Remedy, Larian, Persona Team, RGG, a few others do.

Edit again, I'd bet $ that Sam Lake will work the Game Awards performance of Herald of Darkness into the game at some surprisingly important point.
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Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
Just started playing it, liking it so far and it looks great on PC.