3DS and Wii U eShops close at end of March


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
I just saw some yougoober spent 23k buying them all up, about 4500 odd, because he's gonna play em

People are mental. I don't get how they don't think they can be remotely disabled if Nintendo wanted, anyway

Saw that video but didn't watch it. If dude was doing it for preservation purposes then good for him but I have to imagine Youtube weirdos do shit like that because it drives clicks, not because they actually give a shit about owning every iteration of My First Horse Gelder or whatever trash you could find on the 3DS shop.


Shamrock Chatster
15 Year Member
Nov 20, 2005
Saw that video but didn't watch it. If dude was doing it for preservation purposes then good for him but I have to imagine Youtube weirdos do shit like that because it drives clicks, not because they actually give a shit about owning every iteration of My First Horse Gelder or whatever trash you could find on the 3DS shop.
Even fuck preservation guy, is mentally fucking retarded.

max 330 mega

The Almighty Bunghole
15 Year Member
Dec 14, 2004
Saw that video but didn't watch it. If dude was doing it for preservation purposes then good for him but I have to imagine Youtube weirdos do shit like that because it drives clicks, not because they actually give a shit about owning every iteration of My First Horse Gelder or whatever trash you could find on the 3DS shop.
You must be kidding. Its files. They were stolen likely before they even hit the e-shop

Moob Butter

Bare AES Handler
20 Year Member
Dec 31, 2002
all that shit is already perserved, the roms are out there.

Alot of the shovelware aimed at very young kids or perverts should be purged from history.

I was looking at the upcoming release schedule for the Switch.

Who is going to buy this shit for preservation purpose?

”Have you ever wanted a calculator with a cute and quirky anime cat-eared character, this is the perfect combination of utility and fun”



My poontang misses Lenn Yang's wang
10 Year Member
Apr 3, 2011
Saw that video but didn't watch it. If dude was doing it for preservation purposes then good for him but I have to imagine Youtube weirdos do shit like that because it drives clicks, not because they actually give a shit about owning every iteration of My First Horse Gelder or whatever trash you could find on the 3DS shop.
He gave the Wii U and 3DS containing all those games to the Video Game History Foundation. That's Frank Cifaldi we're talking about, Mr video game preservation himself.


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
Ho boy

I hope it's the one with the hynix MMC on because they won't be there in a year or two

Digital games aren't designed to be preserved


Amusaka's Lacky
Jul 11, 2016
He gave the Wii U and 3DS containing all those games to the Video Game History Foundation. That's Frank Cifaldi we're talking about, Mr video game preservation himself.
so what are they going to do about how wii u's apparently brick themselves? i assume they're going to jailbreak and back up everything somehow instead of just putting that wii u on a shelf behind glass


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
so what are they going to do about how wii u's apparently brick themselves? i assume they're going to jailbreak and back up everything somehow instead of just putting that wii u on a shelf behind glass
Easily preventable. They just have to turn on the Wii U every once in a while, let it sit for 2 minutes, then turn it off.

You know, how literally everyone who has a Wii U 'uses' them.

Ive got a WiiU that I havent powered on in like 3 years. I hacked it and then was like Oh yeah there's really fuck all to play other than Breat of the Wild and its 4 non dungeons.... *powers off the wiiu.*


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
The Wii U is good for playing Wii games in HD and has some solid titles. I did have one die though so had to buy another. Meanwhile the original Wii is bulletproof.