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    • Cousin_Itt
      Cousin_Itt replied to the thread Tonight’s debate.
      It’s never going to happen, but I wish Mark Kelly , senator from Arizona , would throw his hat into the race. He’s a likable enough...
    • Cousin_Itt
      Cousin_Itt replied to the thread Tonight’s debate.
      I listened to a few minutes of Biden mumbling softly and kept coughing. I stopped listening, but turned back later to hear Trump keep...
    • Cousin_Itt
      Cousin_Itt reacted to Neo Alec's post in the thread Chromatic?! WT actual F with Like Like.
      Looks fine for what it is. Personally I don't care enough about Game Boy to buy another device. I just modded an old Super Game Boy to...
    • Cousin_Itt
      Cousin_Itt reacted to fenikso's post in the thread Chromatic?! WT actual F with Like Like.
      I don't know why, but the line 'heirloom quality' left me a little triggered. I hate the pretentious BS inherent in that statement. That...
    • Cousin_Itt
      Cousin_Itt replied to the thread Chromatic?! WT actual F.
      Basically aimed at the pokemon crowd. It's even calling the preorders 1st editions. I'd be lying to say im not interested. But not at...
    • Cousin_Itt
      Cousin_Itt replied to the thread WTB: Mount Brackets for MV-1C.
      I’m confused by your request. The card reader on a 2 slot is built onto the motherboard and it sits adjacent to the front side of the...
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