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    • Cousin_Itt
      Cousin_Itt replied to the thread Worst US state to live in.
      Arizona south of Flagstaff. I would die during the summer.
    • Cousin_Itt
      I went ahead and preordered. I figured if I don’t care for it too much, I’ll unload it with an everdrive and hopefully get near what I...
    • Cousin_Itt
      Cousin_Itt replied to the thread ITX Llama.
      I'll read and watch reviews for the llama. I must be too nostalgic for old ISA and Pci cards. But I guess for gaming only, this is...
    • Cousin_Itt
      Cousin_Itt replied to the thread ITX Llama.
      is there a benefit to tinkering with this vs buying/building a 233mmx time machine? I'm just curious since the llama only has a...
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