Mars Matrix / Gigawing on the CPS 2


Kyokughen Trainee
10 Year Member
Jan 28, 2009

I combo'd these up as they felt very similar to me. Def enjoy Mars Matrix more than Gigawing, but that's just me. Seems like review scores back me up but I am surprised Gigawing doesn't have a higher overall's not bad by any means.

Maybe not at the level of Mars Matrix, but definitely not substantially worse to me.

I don't think I'd pick Gigawing as a B board, as playing it on my Darksoft multi is good enough for me, but having the Mars Matrix B board is def something I don't regret picking up.


Kyokughen Trainee
10 Year Member
Jan 28, 2009
Why do you feel Mars Matrix is the better game? I'm curious.

combo of A) my nostalgic love of pre-rendered visuals b) combo system c) overall setting d) one button config

Mostly though just overall feel of Mars Matrix


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Oct 2, 2003

I combo'd these up as they felt very similar to me. Def enjoy Mars Matrix more than Gigawing, but that's just me. Seems like review scores back me up but I am surprised Gigawing doesn't have a higher overall's not bad by any means.

Maybe not at the level of Mars Matrix, but definitely not substantially worse to me.

I don't think I'd pick Gigawing as a B board, as playing it on my Darksoft multi is good enough for me, but having the Mars Matrix B board is def something I don't regret picking up.

You're basing your review for giga wing on "the reviews"?
Like what, old video game magazine reviews?

Pretty sure these "reviews" weren't based on shooter criteria, they were based on "Uhh, old looking 2D game, where those next gen graphics for my dreamcast?"

Why don't you mention the bullet reflect mechanic, what's arguably the most defining and innovative feature for this title?

How is this "lesser known" for a CPS2 shooter when it was one of the two cps2 shooters that received ports?

I didn't even watch the mars matrix part.

I'm sure you'll tell me how "I don't get it", but...your videos are still poorly thought out!
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Kyokughen Trainee
10 Year Member
Jan 28, 2009
You're basing your review for giga wing on "the reviews"?
Like what, old video game magazine reviews?

Pretty sure these "reviews" weren't based on shooter criteria, they were based on "Uhh, old looking 2D game, where those next gen graphics for my dreamcast?"

Why don't you mention the bullet reflect mechanic, what's arguably the most defining and innovative feature for this title?

How is this "lesser known" for a CPS2 shooter when it was one of the two cps2 shooters that received ports?

I didn't even watch the mars matrix part.

I'm sure you'll tell me how "I don't get it", but...your videos are still poorly thought out!

No I am literally just saying my liking Mars Matrix more than Gigawing was correlating to reviews of both games upon their release. Sometimes my preference for one game over another is the opposite of what you might find review wise. I was just simply pointing out that my preference seemed to be the conventional preference based on historical reviews.

Like how one of my favorite games of all time is reviewed as being trash. We all have games we love that didn’t review well, and games we hated that received critical acclaim.

Also the review scores were both for Dreamcast, so I wouldn’t imagine they were based on visuals, or both would have been scored lower as they weren’t the “next generation” 3D graphics that were all the rage then.

I don’t understand why you insist on watching them if you so thoroughly hate them lol. Just don’t watch them.


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Oct 2, 2003
I don’t understand why you insist on watching them if you so thoroughly hate them lol. Just don’t watch them.

It is my right to critique the misrepresentation of these video games.

If you're not open to feedback, don't post them here. I wouldn't watch them if you didn't.

You can find a "Yay! Good job!" anywhere. But you definitely will get uncooked feedback here. A rare thing indeed.

I am recalibrating the justice equilibrium by cleansing the tarnished names of these video games you've crudely disrespected.
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Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
Without ASID there is no balance.


Kyokughen Trainee
10 Year Member
Jan 28, 2009
It is my right to critique the misrepresentation of these video games.

If you're not open to feedback, don't post them here. I wouldn't watch them if you didn't.

You can find a "Yay! Good job!" anywhere. But you definitely will get uncooked feedback here. A rare thing indeed.

I am recalibrating the justice equilibrium by cleansing the tarnished names of these video games you've crudely disrespected.

Lol what’s that then....74th amendment? Ok you keep watching them and having a bad time. Not how I use my time but counts as a view doesn’t it!


Aug 5, 2020
Both great games but Matrix is clearly the better one. Especially the DC conversion with so much to unlock and tune. Sad thing the music on DC is botched up like rocorded from a cassette tape deck. Giga Wing on the other hand surprises with the original CPS-2 OST but in way higher quality. Probably recorded from the original synth source.
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Amusaka's Lacky
10 Year Member
Jun 22, 2010
probably gonna be in the minority here but Gigawing is the much better game IMO. The music is much better in Mars Matrix for sure, but visually the game is kinda ugly IMO. I really like the strategy of the bullet reflection mechanic in Gigawing and knowing when to use it appropriately. I give gigawing the nod in all categories except for soundtrack.


Aug 5, 2020
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Cheng's Errand Boy
Feb 1, 2006
I prefer Mars Matrix, but it's more of a personal preference. The music brings a lot to the game. I just have it on CPS2, I don't remember music on Dreamcast since I sold it some years ago. But the unlocking part on DC was cool ! I miss that.

Gigawing is also good, though. But it misses a little something, don't know what, compared to MM.


moest promoenent moember of chat
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2007
Are these all cps2 games? I could play them in a pi, right?

I need to figure this shit out but never bothered because I don’t have a pc (only a Mac laptop).

EDIT: lol it’s right in the fucking thread title...haha you got to love me.
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Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
Are these all cps2 games? I could play them in a pi, right?

I need to figure this shit out but never bothered because I don’t have a pc (only a Mac laptop).

EDIT: lol it’s right in the fucking thread title...haha you got to love me.

You can do no wrong moe, we love you. Now about those wife pics?


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy
Jan 22, 2013
As far as Giga Wing 1 vs Mars Matrix: Giga Wing has plane collision which is hard to get used to after playing Giga Wing 2 and Mars Matrix. With the way I want to maneuver and position myself for optimal reflects, I think these games really benefit from being able to fly over anything that isn't a bullet.

That said Giga Wing is super badass and I love it.


Professional College Dropout
10 Year Member
Jan 7, 2013
I love both of the games, but if I had to choose one it's mars matrix all day. The chaining and reflect mechanics make for a crazy good time.


BESTEST Buttrider in chat.Officially No.10 at Schm
Oct 12, 2010
TC, have to figured out how to beat the stage 1 MM boss before the timer runs out yet?