Picky Eaters: What's their Deal???


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Feb 25, 2004
Shroom you stupid asshole chicken liver is delicious, wtf mate

dude that sounds awesome, good story. I too have gone through mountains above clouds and it is an incredible feeling. I was planning on going to Nepal this month but felt I wasn't in good enough shape to do hiking at that altitude.

You should do it. If you don’t smoke, I’m sure you can get through to a base camp. Maybe quit booze for a month. It’s a unique part of the world, that said, it was close to 20 years ago when so went. I remember the bar having a tape stereo and letting us play our music while we waited for our delivery of 50g of Hasish our Porters were hooking up for us without our teachers knowing.

I was with this girl and on the last night I fucked her brains out in this tent for our whole class to hear, back at school I almost got expelled and had my exam marks revoked because of it. True story.


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
So far my fave fish has to be Flathead. Scallops are another fave of mine, I haven't had much in the way of oysters or mussels but tuna, shrimp, sardines I love.

edit: Thats a fuckin story and a half Faust, holy shit high five.
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A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
You should do it. If you don’t smoke, I’m sure you can get through to a base camp. Maybe quit booze for a month. It’s a unique part of the world, that said, it was close to 20 years ago when so went. I remember the bar having a tape stereo and letting us play our music while we waited for our delivery of 50g of Hasish our Porters were hooking up for us without our teachers knowing.

I was with this girl and on the last night I fucked her brains out in this tent for our whole class to hear, back at school I almost got expelled and had my exam marks revoked because of it. True story.

fuckin oath mate


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
cobba i love seafood back home but here it's more troublesome than fun. they don't debone the fish. tons of very tiny and very sharp little bones all around. basically to eat fish you have to spit it out. i'm used to living like a peasant now and don't mind spitting at the dinner table but those bones fucking suck.

and lobster isn't common here, but crabs are. boston lobsters are legendary, but crabs? WHERE'S THE MEAT? THERE'S NO MEAT??!!! and i swear to mao they only pretend to like this shit just because it's relatively expensive despite not tasting good at all and being a bitch and a half to eat.

edit: goddamn you got me all triggered with this crab shit, bad memories of "你会吃螃蟹吗?" like bitch tell me what the fuck I'm supposed to eat, you gonna buy 100 dollars worth of this fucking shit and don't even buy a shell cracker?? THERE'S NOTHING TO EAT

You have to rake the the meat from the fish off with a fork. Are you grabbing the fish and eating it like a drumb stick? I eat most of my fish with bones. If you want that fresh shit from a real fish market that's how it is.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
no forks here brodeo...imagine doing it with chopsticks...

then imagine everyone at the table digging thru the fish trying to get some meat out of it with their chopsticks. communal eating here. shit maybe that's how I got warts come to think.


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
You probably got warts from the local pool/sauna or from the place you live...


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Feb 25, 2004
So far my fave fish has to be Flathead. Scallops are another fave of mine, I haven't had much in the way of oysters or mussels but tuna, shrimp, sardines I love.

edit: Thats a fuckin story and a half Faust, holy shit high five.

It gets better, that same girl smuggled the 50g of hash up her tight 18yo pussy, triple bagged. I know, call bullshit, but I’m a humble person. We were kids and we were stupid. It was right before the Sydney Olympics so we declared, had our boots inspected for Nepal mites and walked through. Walking through Thai customs was a rush.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
I'm gonna give you my warts and put them in your cereal, how you like them apples
edit: jesus titty fcking christ can we change this thread to cool Faust stories?

dude for real coolest fucking stories i've read on here in a long time. make a war room thread and just have at it.
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General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Feb 25, 2004
Like I said, this was 20 years ago, I’m a boring dad now. Best I’ve got is maybe a threesome to some Dutch bird when me and the missus can finally cut our kids loose at 45.

Legit though, smuggling drugs, especially through Thailand stopover was probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever done. Not to mention my carry on was filled with B.B. guns and Ninja Stars from Patpong night markets.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
Legit though, smuggling drugs, especially through Thailand stopover was probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever done. Not to mention my carry on was filled with B.B. guns and Ninja Stars from Patpong night markets.

Speaking of risky crossings, reminds me of when I was in North Korea, the night before the last day I shared a room with the guide (guy from the UK, not NK). He had some real NK money and was acting all hush-hush, low tones and all, wanted to sell some to me (can't use NK money in NK, go figure - only tourists can use Euros or dollars or china money). I figure why not fuck it I collect money, sure. I buy it and put it in my wallet.

Next day going thru customs and it's my turn, and I swear to mao when I get there I am the only one she asked for me to show her my wallet and what's inside. She sees the money and takes it out, calls some guys over, I'm thinking well this would be an embarrassing thing to get in jail for. A few minutes later they clear me through. Guide wasn't too happy at all about that though.


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Feb 25, 2004
Speaking of risky crossings, reminds me of when I was in North Korea, the night before the last day I shared a room with the guide (guy from the UK, not NK). He had some real NK money and was acting all hush-hush, low tones and all, wanted to sell some to me (can't use NK money in NK, go figure - only tourists can use Euros or dollars or china money). I figure why not fuck it I collect money, sure. I buy it and put it in my wallet.

Next day going thru customs and it's my turn, and I swear to mao when I get there I am the only one she asked for me to show her my wallet and what's inside. She sees the money and takes it out, calls some guys over, I'm thinking well this would be an embarrassing thing to get in jail for. A few minutes later they clear me through. Guide wasn't too happy at all about that though.

I can’t relate but I don’t doubt the situation was sketchy. When I think of dodgy customs scenarios I think the best approach is just to keep muttering “two weeks”.


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
The only risky crossing I'd gamble with is bringing in a carton of cigarettes, damn customs has us down to a single pack now. Fucking insane.


Ralfredacc's Worst Nightmare
10 Year Member
Apr 30, 2009
Says the guy who hates fried pickles. XD XD XD

You must have me confused with someone else. I've never had a fried pickle. But I like pickles and I like fried things, so I would definitely like to try one.

Circus peanuts are pretty disgusting, though.


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
You must have me confused with someone else. I've never had a fried pickle. But I like pickles and I like fried things, so I would definitely like to try one.

Circus peanuts are pretty disgusting, though.

Fried pickles are the best.


Loyal Neo-Disciple
10 Year Member
Dec 7, 2014
I was exactly like that with sushi for awhile. It was weird and foreign. Sometimes you just have to power through these things.

I'm with you on the topic of food pickiness, but eating raw fish is foul and can kill you. Not gonna power through that, brah.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
You must have me confused with someone else. I've never had a fried pickle. But I like pickles and I like fried things, so I would definitely like to try one.

Circus peanuts are pretty disgusting, though.

Oh, that's right - you wouldn't eat them - it's not that you hate them. There was a pickle thread earlier in the year.

Also, does anyone here still eat Chipotle? If so, do you hope to get diarrhea or is it just a fun surprise?


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
anyone who says shit like this clearly does not know what the fuck they are talking about

This. Some people just like to live inside their little bubble and are scared of trying new things. That's fine I guess, if that's how you want to live your life.

You could die from fish poisoning just like you could die crossing a street.
Jul 15, 2008
even more than that its the fish is fowl part of the comment, really proves he hasnt eaten/tried much fish, cooked or raw, or he would know better

I grew up around a lot of ethnic foods I was scared to try, I was always so repulsed and afraid of lox, once I manned up and tried it at like 13/14 I realized what a fucking idiot I was and that I was missing out on some of the best foods in life because I was a scared moron. Just a year or two ago I tried pickled herring to give my grandmother a good laugh, think about that combo of words, pickled herring, served at room temp not to mention it was in some mayo looking sauce with onions floating in it. I tell you though it wasnt bad at all, it was like canned tuna, except much much higher quality, the texture was certainly different though. Its not a food I would seek out again, but if I saw it at like a wedding buffet or something I would take a bite or two just to remind myself of it. There is a certain satisfaction in trying such scary sounding things for the first time and then knowing its just a pretty normal tasting food, and I feel like a more well rounded person for staying open to them.
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King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
The only risky crossing I'd gamble with is bringing in a carton of cigarettes, damn customs has us down to a single pack now. Fucking insane.

LOL, did I read that right? You can bring in 1 pack, so 20 cigs? :lolz:

Me and my brother went to Amsterdam in '96. We smuggled back some very dodgy materials after we were done high-fiving each other while banging whores in the red light district.


Before you sell me something, ask how well my baby
10 Year Member
Mar 30, 2010
What is up with people when eating shrimp & crabs...They remove the head & shell and shit...Its the best when cooked whole w/ butter and garlic. You can suck the head insides so so delicious.

As for the crabs they only eat crab legs but not the yellow fatty part of the crab which is the best part.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
I want to hang out with Faust, that's the only thing this thread has taught me.

Also if you eat Mayo there is a special place in hell for you.


20 Year Member
Nov 22, 2001
Same here bro, Seafood is the best. Shrimp, Oysters, Mussels, Clams, Lobster, Crab, Cod Fish, Sardines, Sea Bass, Salmon, Tuna, I can't get enough of it. Some of it cooked, and some of it raw,

Word up.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
What is up with people when eating shrimp & crabs...They remove the head & shell and shit...Its the best when cooked whole w/ butter and garlic. You can suck the head insides so so delicious

I was told the black/brown gooey stuff is the shrimp's feces.