Where to get 6-slot repaired?


Zero's Secretary
Jul 14, 2005
A few months ago, I purchased a 6 slot with a burned edge connector. I repaired the edge connector with a female edge connector and plain fingerboard, just like described on Bob Robert's pages. However, the board still acts entirely dead.

Is there anyone who does repairs on a 6 slot? I got money and just want a damn working board.


Nov 29, 2001
You could try this method or hard wire 5 volts to the mobo. Is the edge connect socket OK.
Check the 5 volts on the board.



Kula's Candy
Jul 11, 2002
You could try asking mainman.

I myself just bought a couple junk 6-slot boards, as one of mine only has 5 working slots (d-lite tried really hard to fix, but it' probably a damaged trace on the corner), and I hope to do some board swapping to solve the issue.


Zero's Secretary
Jul 14, 2005
ttooddddyy said:
You could try this method or hard wire 5 volts to the mobo. Is the edge connect socket OK.
Check the 5 volts on the board.

I already did the edge connector repair first thing. Everything seems just peachy with it; it fact, I was testing it on the harness, and was showing 5v when I took the multimeter to the auxilary power connector on the mobo. THe problem with the board isn't the edge connector; I suspect on the chips died whenever the original frying of the edge connector happened. Ive looked the board up and down for busted capacitors or damaged components, but didnt see anything. I simply don't have the know-how to properly troubleshoot this board to isolate where the problem is at. The board acts dead; the screen shows grey with thin white almost horizontal lines; IIRC, identical to how the cabinet acts with nothing at all in it. If it came up with a memory address of a problem, I could work from there, but it gives me nothing to work with.

Any suggestions on who I might be able to pay to work on it? I don't know who 'mainman' is; how would I reach them?


CPS2 Person.,
20 Year Member
Mar 26, 2001
A burned edge connector, damn it takes serious juice to do that. I assumming you wired that new replacement finger board correctly. If thats the case and the board still doesn't work you can have a overwheming amount of fried components because it takes a shit load of current to fry a edge connector. I can say off the bat for sure all the ram is fried, the work ram, the video ram, hell even the color ram.

But thats not even the bad part as the ram chips can all be bought right off the shelf, the bad part is replacing component taht might have failed which are not so easily found.

Yes I do work on multi slot units but there are two level of repairs I do. The first level is the more common ram replacemet which takes little of my time to do. The second level is the pain in the ass troubleshooting of the board which failure will occuppy over a whole day or more to fix. Your board based on how you describe it sounds like a lost cause, i'm sorry to say.
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Mr Neo Fix-it
15 Year Member
Nov 29, 2005
Keep in mind that a burned edge connector can also be caused by a bad jamma slot on the wiring harness or a dirty card edge on the board. If the contact has corrosion on it or if it is loose fitting it will add resistance to the circuit. Current flowing through resistance dissipates as heat.

If you bought the board used, you should check to see if it has a BIOS chip on it. Sometimes these sellers will yank socketed chips off of the boards. It's a PITA, but it happens. My 6 slot is missing the BIOS.

Another thing to do is CAREFULLY touch the tops of each chip with your finger to see if any are roasting hot. I say carefully because if a chip has an internal short, it can get hot enough to blister your finger. If you find some that are abnormally hot then that may be your problem.



Zero's Secretary
Jul 14, 2005
channelmaniac said:
If you bought the board used, you should check to see if it has a BIOS chip on it. Sometimes these sellers will yank socketed chips off of the boards. It's a PITA, but it happens. My 6 slot is missing the BIOS.

Another thing to do is CAREFULLY touch the tops of each chip with your finger to see if any are roasting hot. I say carefully because if a chip has an internal short, it can get hot enough to blister your finger. If you find some that are abnormally hot then that may be your problem.

There is the original BIOS in it, and I tried it with both the original BIOS and a 2.2 Unibios I ordered from Raz. THe burns on the edge connector happened on the 5v lines. I used a female edge connector and a double sided fingerboard to repair it, like the directions on Bob Robert's site. I checked each pin when done with a multimeter and the connections are fine with no shorts. There are no empty sockets.

Mainman, would it be cheaper to buy another 6 slot than to try and repair this one?


CPS2 Person.,
20 Year Member
Mar 26, 2001
toodles said:
Mainman, would it be cheaper to buy another 6 slot than to try and repair this one?

Well I would charge you pretty close to a hundred for successful repairs if that even possible, so it depends on you and the market value of a working 6 slot. I never bought a neo mvs working all mines where bought broke and I repaired them so I have only a loose ideal of what a 6 slot goes for. I think between $170-$250