The "Too Many Good Games" Thread


Dec 25, 2001
I have been apart from my video gaming systems for 6 months (due to a long, complicated move). I haven't been moping around pining for my 360 and HDTV, and I only mention this so the list below makes a bit more sense.

I'm sure others on this board are feeling my pain, so let's hear it. As far as I can tell, the last approximately 4 months have been some of the best I can remember in terms of releases I'm interested in playing.

Here's my list:

Halo 3: Finish the fight!. enough said.

Half Life 2: orange box: I haven't played ep. 1 or 2, or portal... and since I'd want to play the original HL2 again.... aaaaargh too much value for money!.

Guitar Hero 3: I want to play you, but I think I'll just move on to rock band considering the circumstances. It's not you, it's me.

Assassins Creed: I wasn't particularly interested in this game until I saw the reviews... 99% of games with "open living world" ideas turn out shitty. Like Shenmue (zing!).

Ace Combat 6: why not.

Mario Galaxy: How'd a wii game make it on this list? I think I'll have to wash off my keyboard with lye or something.

Random Live arcade releases: There is no refuge! I feel like smashing all the furniture in my house and seeing if hot food comes out (mmm.... couchburger), streets of rage style.

Call of Duty 4: Be the bush!

Rock Band: I can finally pretend to be a whole band, like Trent Reznor and Billy Corgan!

Bioshock: I rent you!

I'm sure there are others I have forgotten (until I see them in the bargain bin... heh).

What's your list?


Honourary Irishman.,
20 Year Member
Oct 31, 2001
umm except shenmue was awesome, jerkass.