The NEW SimCity on PC

Dr Shroom

penis inspection day mod
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
Well whatever, the game isn't that good anyway from what I've heard: too easy and dumbed down, you build streets first then zones, no pipes, city lot too small, pathfinding worse than C&C's harvesters.
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Pope Sazae

Known Scammer, DO NOT DEAL WITH!, The Management.,
Dec 9, 2007
Hell I just want to play the game and will gladly buy the disc of it but I cannot guarantee I will be online all the time due to travel and this is a great type of game for playing on the road and living in hotels.

Dr Shroom

penis inspection day mod
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
They're just flip-flopping to calm the shitstorm. Doesn't really matter anymore for reasons stated above. I don't even want the region stuff because it was one of the main reasons why SC4 was so hard and overloaded. Also the glassbox engine is broken at its core.

Edit: oh wait it's no "official" statement...I'd be surprised if EA does anything to make the Singleplayer mode playable without having to connect with the servers all the time (only if the internal problems with the engine are fixed of course). I'd be fine with a single handshake at every start and locally saved content/cities but that won't happen.
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Edo Express Delivery Guy
Jul 26, 2010
The free game EA is given out on March 18th better be Dead Space 3. That would make an actual statement and I'd be shocked. Any other game from them just isn't even worth them giving. I have a feeling I'm going to be disappointed.

Dr Shroom

penis inspection day mod
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
The free game EA is given out on March 18th better be Dead Space 2. That would make an actual statement and I'd be shocked. Any other game from them just isn't even worth them giving. I have a feeling I'm going to be disappointed.



Edo Express Delivery Guy
Jul 26, 2010
Well here is the list of free games you can choose from as long as you buy and register a copy of Simcity before March 25th:

•Battlefield 3 (Standard Edition)
•Bejeweled 3
•Dead Space 3 (Standard Edition)
•Mass Effect 3 (Standard Edition)
•MOHW (Standard Edition)
•NFS Most Wanted (Standard Edition)
•Plants vs. Zombies
•SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition

I'm frankly shocked DS3 is on there, but it is and that's pretty awesome. At this point, it's 2 games for the price of 1 which isn't bad at all.


Fight On!,
Aug 23, 2001
This thread is probably a good representation of the internet reaction to this game. Lots of people complaining about it, except the one person who has actually played it.

Not that I don't believe that there are issues with the game itself (lots of dumb/simplistic AI that's detrimental to the game being a big one).

Maybe something will be learned from this, but since Diablo 3 had similar issues at launch (a bigger launch, though) and is still one of the best selling PC games of all time (not to mention, still hasn't been cracked fully). Still wonder what their internal figures are that justify the authentication server upkeep costs vs. the "loss" from piracy. Not to mention the bad publicity the always on DRM brings. Especially for a game like Diablo 3 that could just do the old school CD key like D2 did and only allow one CD key on at a time since people would want to do co-op with that game.

Sucks for gaming on the go. Time to buy a 3DS for travel.

PS: Organ Trail
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