Tester 3


Geese's Thug
Dec 20, 2011
So I heard that Egoraptor (internet sensation for making the New Ground Awesome series) is one of the main characters in the new season of Sony Playstation Tester, so I decided to watch. I am not new to these game reality show.... things..... but this thing really made me want to screw my eyes out.

Other then Egoraptor and maybe one other guy I am convinced that every there are not really gamers as much as they are boot lickers will to bend over backwards to their new found religion "SONY". Most all of them come off as "bro-gamers" (people who mainly play big name titles like God of War, CoD:MW, and Uncharted), and the judges seem to not now shit when ever they talk. David Jeffe (director of Twisted Metal and God of War series) was a guest judge on episode 2 and they guy really looked like a douche, the asshole kept making this face like all he wanted to do was go home to his midget porn and get baked while shooting off a knuckle buster.

Sooooo, anyone else been watching this crap?


Setsuna's Owl Keeper,
15 Year Member
Apr 22, 2006
Sooooo, anyone else been watching this crap?

Yeah, I'm watching it. I thought season 2 was good.. so far this season has been a let down. Big Fazeek for lyfe!

Hot Chocolate

No Longer Yung, No Longer Raoul,
20 Year Member
Sep 11, 2002
Never watched it before and only downloading the Jaffe episode. Can't be worse then the tester show sci-fi channel had


Rosa's Tag-Tea,
Oct 31, 2001
jaffe is the fucking man

I'm still not gonna watch a stupid sony reality show... if you got time to watch that shit watch this hour that you won't likely regret :)


Guerilla Warrior,
Jul 12, 2003
yeah ive been watching it. its fucking terrible. Jaffe really was being a prick. and the contestants up there annoy the piss out of me....none of them seem like they know ANYTHING other than SONY SONY SONY. that one guy Reality Palez has his head so far up his own ass its sickening.

i just got done watching the Nolan North episode, which was straight bs because I have no idea why they keep that Suskaiden bitch. how do they screen or pick these contestants? REALLY!!!!

and the next episode is Street Fighter x Tekken, and you guys should see how badly these scrubs are just janking on the sticks. its terrible.



Geese's Thug
Dec 20, 2011
Then maybe David Jeffe was already high in that episode cause he pretty much said that communication is not important in team work. Don't get me wrong, I love some of the games he was involved with but in that episode (maybe it was from the editing) he pretty much looked like a tool to me.
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