offical wwe thread


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Hell In A Cell PPV Results: 9-16-18


Maryse and Brie opened against each other. Maryse backed away right away and tagged in Miz. Brie then tagged in Bryan as the announcers talked about the psychological games Miz and Maryse were playing. This was the right match at this point in the show following the intensity of Joe-Styles. Maryse taunted Brie again, tagging in but then tagging out before any contact. Miz gloated and applauded as Bryan tagged back in. The only downside here is that Miz should be hesitant to want to let Bryan get his hands on him, too. Graves said it must be awful to wake up next to Bryan every morning because of “unkempt and ungroomed” he is. Saxton’s defense wasn’t inspiring. He basically said who cares if Bryan is a complete smelly mess of an ungroomed man because he’s “a heck of a competitor.”

Bryan rallied against Miz and started loud “Yes!” chant. Bryan went for a running knee, but Miz side-stepped him, then rolled him jp for a one count. Bryan countered into a Yes Lock. Maryse entered and hit Bryan across his back in the weakest pin break-up in history. Brie caused Maryse around the ring and through the ring. The ref cut off Brie and ordered er back to her corner. Miz tried to surprise Bryan from behind with a Skull Crushing Final, but Miz kicked out. Bryan threw kicks at Miz’s chest in the corner and then landed a running dropkick to Miz’s face. On a second attempt, Miz moved and Bryan crashed into the corner.

Miz kicked Bryan in the corner with a series of Yes Kicks. The crowd chanted “No!” each time. Graves called it great psychology by Miz. Miz set up a superplex. Bryan blocked it and headbutted Miz to the mat. Bryan went for a diving headbutt, but Miz moved. Or, in this case, “no one was home.” (Clichés are so blah. Or, as a wiseman once said, a good writer/commentator ought to avoid clichés like the plague.) Miz pounded away at Bryan, but Bryan backdropped Miz to the floor when he charged. Bryan crawled over and hot-tagged Brie in. Maryse looked like she was asked to get in a freezing swimming pool. She dropped off the ring apron. When Miz got in her face, Brie attacked Miz and then slidekicked under Miz’s legs and knocked Maryse into the table. She rammed Maryse’s head into the table seven times and then shoved her aside. Bryan clotheslined Miz over the top rope to the floor.

Bryan then hit a flying knee off the ring apron to the side of Miz’s face at ringside. Miz reversed Bryan at ringside into the barricade as Brie led the crowd in “Yes!” chants. Brie threw Maryse into the ring, then tackled her. Maryse shoved Brie off of her. Brie dropkicked Maryse off the second rope and made the cover. Miz was very late pulling Brie off of Maryse and the ref just stopped at two and stood up as Miz reached for Brie’s leg. Bryan didn’t like that and attacked Miz. Bryan yelled, “Nobody touches my wife!” Miz and Maryse sat up in the ring so Bryan and Brie hit stereo Yes Kicks until Miz and Maryse rolled to the floor. The world hoped Brie would not attempt at this point a dive through the ropes, because when she does it, it earns the name “suicide dive.” Instead they chased them down. Brie threw Maryse back into the ring, then did her yell, and hit a running knee to Maryse. Miz tried to interfere, but Brie threw Maryse into Miz. Brie rolled up Maryse, but Maryse countered and pulled on Brie’s pants to score the pin. Graves afterward brazenly (and self-awarely) said Maryse is underrated as an in-ring technician.

WINNERS: Miz & Maryse in 13:00. (*3/4)

This was a sloppier version of what you’d expect out of this. Maryse is bad – like really, really bad. Brie’s hardly a world class worker, either. So they wisely kept what was asked of them to a minimum, but that minimum was awful. Brie and Bryan couldn’t even fullysynchronize their Yes Kick routine. That said, it’s not the type of match where all of that matters as much as usual and they did an effective job building anticipation for Brie to get her hands on the elusive Maryse. The content with Miz and Bryan was pretty good and filled the majority of the match.

(6) RONDA ROUSEY (w/Natalya) VS. ALEXA BLISS (w/Mickie James, Alicia Fox) – WWE Raw Women’s Title match

Renee said Rousey’s best strategy is to win quickly given her rib injury. (The lesson of the day is not to leave it up to the field goal kicker. Oh wait, wrong sport, just a frustrating Viking fan venting a bit.) Rousey took Bliss down early and scored an early two count. Then she wrapped up Bliss with a nice bridged pin attempt. Graves said he’s not sure he’s ever seen that before. Renee said maybe Rousey learned that from Natalya. Cole said Rousey is always training down at the Performance Center. Bliss upkicked Rousey in the ribs to take over. Rousey took Bliss down and began to set up an armbar, but Mickie and Fox distracted her. Rousey took the bait. Rousey caught Bliss’s weak attempt at a kick and then tossed her across the ring. She then asked who wanted a souvenir tonight as she set up an armbar. Fox and Mickie pulled her to ringside. Rousey,s selling her ribs, rolled to the floor and surprised Bliss who dropped backwards and scurried away. She bumped into Natalya. Rousey threw Bliss back into the ring. Bliss charged at Rousey, but Rousey side-stepped her and Bliss ended up in the arms of Mickie and Fox. Rousey messed up a bit when she said: “Who needs friends – who needs enemies when you have friends like that?” (They caught her! They were there for her!)

Rousey grabbed Bliss and dragged her back into the ring by her hair. Bliss dropped down and snapped Rousey over the top rope. “Alexa Bliss, clever as the devil and twice as pretty,” said Graves. Bliss roundkicked Rousey hard into ribcage in the corner. Fans began chanting “Ronda!” Cole acknowledged them. (The announcers did not acknowledge the “Becky” chants earlier, by the way, and they were just as loud and sustained.) Rousey lifted Bliss onto her shoulders, but her ribs gave in and Bliss yanked her hard to the mat. Bliss then landed double knees and then moonsaulted her knees onto Rousey for two count. Bliss kicked away at Rousey in the corner. She hung Rousey upside down and then dropkicked her ribs. She scored a two count. Bliss then applied an armbar. Renee said Rousey won the title in dominant fashion “and now look at her.”

Bliss grabbed Rousey’s right arm and right leg and yanked against the ring post from ringside. Mickie and Fox then grabbed the limbs and yanked. Natalya duplexed Fox at ringside. Mickie, meanwhile, tried to interfere. Rousey blocked her and threw Mickie into the ring post. Rousey turned back to Bliss and they mess mid-air with crossbody blocks. They were both slow to get up. Rousey surprised Bliss with a small package for a two count. Rousey scored a two count with a backslide. Bliss came right back with a kick. Bliss taunted Rousey. Rousey got intense and yelled and broke Bliss’s grip and then gave her a twisting Powerbomb. Rousey’s ribs were too hurt for her to follow up right away. She stood with the aid of the ropes and pounded on her ribs (nobody with a real rib injury would ever, ever do that, adrenaline or not.) Rousey punched away at Bliss rapid-fire in the corner, but Bliss caught her charging with a boot to the ribs.

Rousey then lifted Bliss and gave her a somersault Samoan drop that the announcers completely undersold. Rousey then applied her signature armbar. Bliss tapped out.

WINNER: Rousey in 12:00 to retain the WWE Raw Women’s Championship. (**3/4)

Good performance by Rousey at this stage of her career, showing two or three more spots that were well-executed. Bliss was really strong in carrying her where that was called for. The interference at ringside from two helpers along with the injured ribs coming into the match protected Rousey from looking weak by not beating Bliss sooner. All of that said, there is an “ordinariness” to Rousey setting in. The good news, she’s good with facial expressions and selling and intensity where she’s ultimately going to be good enough to be viable as a top star beyond the novelty stage once the glow of being a UFC Superstar in WWE has worn off.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Hell In A Cell PPV Results: 9-16-18

(7) ROMAN REIGNS vs., BRAUN STROWMAN – WWE Universal Title match

Braun came out to a mixed response. Once he entered the Hell in a Cell (the entire structure is coated in red now, by the way), he raised the belt and that was the loudest boos of his entrance. When Reigns’s music stopped, Braun and Reigns had a stare down mid-ring. When Reigns raised his belt in the air, Strowman snatched it away. The crowd cheered. Reigns jump-started the match with a punch to the jaw. Cole said Reigns wouldn’t allow the championship to be disrespected by Braun like that. (And so begins the needlessly heavy-handed commentary telling everyone why they should absolutely cheer Reigns.) Braun kneed Reigns to stop him and then threw him shoulder-first into the ring post. Braun then knocked him hard off the ring apron into the side of the Cell.

As Reigns returned to the ring, a “Let’s Go Roman / Roman sucks!” dueling chant began. Reigns knocked Strowman to the floor. Louder boos. Strowman charged at Reigns at ringside seconds later, knocking him hard into the Cell wall. He then stomped on his throat like he was putting out a cigarette. When Braun picked up the steel steps, Roman kicked them out of his hands. He then hit a Drive By. Braun caught Reigns’s half-hearted leap toward him and chokeslammed him on the ring apron. A “Get These Hands!” started with a small group of fans. Strowman picked up a kendo stick, but dropped it. He liked the chair better. He smiled. Reigns popped up and hit Strowman with the kendo stick. Renee said she’s never seen one of those break so quickly before. Reigns kicked Braun as he was re-entering the ring.

Reigns bashed Braun across his back with a chair a few times. Strowman grabbed the chair mid-swing and yanked it away, but when he charged shoulder-first, Reigns moved. Strowman crashed into the ringpost. Reigns DDT’d Strowman onto a chair for a soft two count with a powerful kickoff. Reigns staggered Strowman with two Superman Punches. He went for a third and Strowman chokeslammed him for a very near fall. Strowman complained to referee Mick Foley, who went from invisible to a factor in this match instantly. Braun yelled more at Foley, who defended himself. Braun lifted Reigns for a power slam, but Reigns slipped out and caught him with a boot. Reigns avoided a charging Braun and then hit a Superman Punch for a near fall. Cole went into ultra-dramatic mode for the count.

Reigns charged at Strowman at ringside, but when he turned the corner, Strowman met him with raised steel steps. Reigns went down hard. Strowman threw Reigns back into the ring as Graves said Reigns will have diamond prints on his forehead for the next few weeks. Strowman bashed Reigns again with the top of the steps, good for a two count. Strowman protested, then yelled, “Why won’t you stay down, you moron!” Cole said: “He won’t stay down, Braun, because that’s what Roman Reigns is all about. That’s why he is Universal Champion today!” Strowman smashed the ringside steps down onto Reigns’s chest. He threw the steps out of the ring, making a huge noise as they bounced off the cage and the ring and landed with a thud on the mat. Graves said Reigns could have internal injuries after that. Strowman landed a running powerslam and scored a two count. Graves said Braun isn’t happy with the officiating, “and for good reason.” Braun set up a table in the corner. Reigns slipped free. Reigns landed a Superman Punch and then speared Braun through the table. It broke in two. Reigns made the cover and Bryan kicked out.

With both men down, Ziggler and McIntyre ran out. the ringside ref yelled at them. Dean and Seth ran out and threw Drew into the barricade. Ziggler ran away. They caught him and threw him into the cage and took turns punching him. They cleared an announce table. Drew ran back and attacked Seth and Dean. When Seth and Dean fought back, Ziggler began to climb the Cell. Graves said he was just trying to escape Rollins. Seth followed him. They stood on top of the Cell and exchanged punches. Drew began to scale the Cell, too. Cole said this must be bringing back nightmares for Foley. Seth set up a Powerbomb, but had to abandon it as Drew approached. Drew mounted Seth and punched away at him. Dean climbed the Cell with a kendo stick. Dean attacked Ziggler and Drew with the kendo stick like a madman. “This is crazy!” said Cole. Dean and Drew double-clotheslined each other and crashed onto the roof. “Thank God it held!” said Cole. “There are bodies strewn everywhere!”

Ziggler was able to began a descent, although Seth crawled over and tried too grab at him. Ziggler punched Seth off of him and tried to get his footing in the cage. He began to climb down. Seth began to descend next to him. They fought on the middle beam of the cage wall. Reigns and Braun were still down in the ring all these minutes later, which was ridiculous. The camera aimed up dramatically at them as they tried to bash each other into the cage. They both bumped onto tables in stereo fashion. (Is it really going to help Reigns get over now that Seth isn’t just insulating him from cheers, but he’s taking the big bumps for him in his matches?)

Suddenly Brock Lesnar’s music played and he walked out with Paul Heyman. Now there was a surprise. The ref outside the cage tried to tell them to leave. It’d have been hilarious if they listened. Lesnar kicked the door off of the Cell and it came right off the hinges. Fans chanted “Holy sh–!” Heyman sprayed Foley in the eyes. Foley went down, writhing in pain. Lesnar bashed Braun across the back with parts of a broken table. Then he hit Reigns. Then Braun, and the table piece broke in two and went flying. He picked up another piece and broke it across both men’s backs. Lesnar then gave Braun an F5. Braun didn’t take it particularly well. Lesnar looked fierce with a beard as he circled the two men. Lesnar then gave Reigns an F5 and dropped him onto Strowman. Fans chanted “UFC.” Cole said, “Nobody in a million years expected Brock Lesnar to show up here tonight!” Graves: “And no one is safe.” No boos. Just a “One more time!” chant. He left. Cole said Lesnar has left bodies in his wake. The ringside ref entered the ring and called off the match. Boos. Cole said he has no choice. Reigns and Braun writhed on the mat. Reigns grabbed his left arm. “I have never seen anything like tonight,” Cole said. Graves said neither man can continue thanks to Brock Lesnar.

WINNER: No contest in 20:00. (***1/4)

Well, that was a crazy, unexpected finish. It feels like a big copout to Braun vs. Roman in a way, but Lesnar’s big surprise appearance certainly mitigates what would have been a big backlash. Having other guys take bumps for them off the Cell felt contrived and like a big distraction. The match itself was delivering until they lay there for ten minutes as the other two pairs fought around and on the cage.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Madison Rayne has signed with ROH. Bit of a surprise considering she was in the Mae Young Classic and her husband still works for Impact, but it's welcome news. She would make a great first feud after Tenille Dashwood takes the WOH World Championship off of Sumie Sakai.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Monday's Raw had the lowest viewership ever. Roman Reigns is totally a draw though, I promise.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Death Before Dishonor was really good.

That was possibly Sumie Sakai's best match. She really brought it. I was really hoping that Dashwood would win the belt, but it makes sense why she didn't: at the TV tapings she announced that she has needed shoulder surgery for a while and will be taking time off to get it done.

Frankie Kazarian somehow just keeps getting better and better. He's better at 40 than he was at 27.

Lethal always delivers. Taven looks to be the next feud; hopefully ROH has the balls to do the title change at Final Battle. That Hammerstein crowd will go nuclear.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Punishment Martinez is leaving ROH for WWE

And despite her injury, ROH has offered Tenille Dashwood a new contract and she is expected to sign it. Classy move to pay her even though she'll be out for months.


I survived Secret Santa, It wasn't Easy.,
Feb 19, 2016
Punishment Martinez is leaving ROH for WWE

And despite her injury, ROH has offered Tenille Dashwood a new contract and she is expected to sign it. Classy move to pay her even though she'll be out for months.

The contract is probably dirt cheap during downtime, including injury.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
The contract is probably dirt cheap during downtime, including injury.

But still, they don't have to give her anything. Nobody else is going to sign her when she's hurt; they could pay her nothing and just wait her out.


I survived Secret Santa, It wasn't Easy.,
Feb 19, 2016
But still, they don't have to give her anything. Nobody else is going to sign her when she's hurt; they could pay her nothing and just wait her out.

Pay next to nothing for a face of the women's division? Sounds easy enough. If they wait her out, she could be free to go elsewhere (like Impact) when she's healed.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
You were too busy watching MNF, right?

Of course.

But MNF is not a new thing. Raw goes against it this time of year every single year. They dropped almost half a million viewers from the same episode last year.


There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
I watched a little of RAW but turned the channel. None of the current storylines interest me.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
I watched a little of RAW but turned the channel. None of the current storylines interest me.

Aren't they building to a PPV that's gonna be on at like 3 AM in the US or something? Seems like a good way to go.


There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
Yeah on Saturday. It's just a build up for the next show in the middle east. That Prince or whatever is spending mad money. Enough for HBK to give it a go as well as Kane.Lesnar too while he's prepping for a mma return.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Super Show-Down Results: 10-6-18

Results courtesy of (direct link to Powell's complete report).

1. “New Day” Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods (w/Big E) vs. Sheamus and Cesaro for the Smackdown Tag Titles.

Graves questioned New Day’s logic of keeping Big E on the sideline given that they were going against two powerhouses. The challengers dominated the body of the match. New Day came back and there was a nice spot with Woods performing a Backstabber on Cesaro followed by Kingston hitting a double stomp off the top rope, which led to the pin…

New Day beat Sheamus and Cesaro to retain the Smackdown Tag Titles.

Powell’s POV: A good opener. I enjoyed the strategy talk from the broadcast team regarding New Day going with their smaller lineup against The Bar. I was hoping for a title change because The Bar need the tag titles more than New Day.

2. Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair for the Smackdown Women’s Championship.

Both women made their entrances and then a video package on their feud was shown. JoJo delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Australia likes Lynch more than Charlotte too. There was a loud “let’s go Becky” chant as the match got underway. Lynch caught Charlotte in an early Fujiwara armbar. Charlotte broke he hold with a side slam.

The women traded forearms for the “yay/boo” dynamic with the crowd cheering in support of Lynch. Charlotte caught Lynch with a spear for a two count. Charlotte went for a moonsault, but Lynch put her boot up at 8:35. Lynch went for a top rope legdrop a short time later, but Charlotte rolled out of the way. Charlotte applied a Boston crab at 9:15. Lynch reached the ropes to break it.

Lynch grabbed the title belt and wanted to leave, but Charlotte stopped her. Back in the ring, Charlotte speared Lynch again and then applied a figure four. Lynch grabbed her title belt that was on the apron and hit Charlotte with it for the DQ. The women fought after the match. Lynch gave Charlotte an exploder on the floor, then ran back and delivered a knee to the head.

Charlotte beat Becky Lynch by DQ in 10:50.

Powell’s POV: An entertaining match with a finish that explains why the match was so low on the card. The finish also says they are continuing with this illusion that Charlotte is the babyface in this program, which is just stubborn and counterproductive.

3. John Cena and Bobby Lashley vs. Kevin Owens and Elias.

Cole said Cena is a 16-time world champion “and in my estimation the greatest of all-time.” Cole said Cena and Lashley teamed together against Randy Orton and King Booker back in 2007. Cena looks like he went to JBL’s barber. The heels isolated Lashley while Cena’s hair waited for the hot tag.

Lashley tried to spear Elias on the apron. Elias moved and Lashley tumbled to the floor. Elias ran Lashley into ring post and put him back inside the ring where Owens performed a frogsplash for a two count. Cena’s Hair took the hot tag and entered the match for the first time at 9:25 and hit the Five Knuckle Shuffle and an Attitude Adjustment on Elias. Cena’s Hair struck a fighting pose and then threw an elbow or something to the face of Elias and pinned him. Graves said the name of the move in Mandarin and also said it was the mythical sixth move of doom…

John Cena’s Hair and Bobby Lashley defeated Kevin Owens and Elias in 10:05.

Powell’s POV: I would say that Cena did the least amount of in-ring work possible, but he added that new move. He should have stuck with the least amount possible since the new move felt really flat and unnecessary. Cena’s lack of in-ring work would have been disappointing if WWE had built up his return in a bigger way. They just don’t position him as a meaningful part of the company these days, though I assume someone in the crowd paid good money to see him and is feeling a bit let down at the moment. It’s worth noting that Cena didn’t put over Lashley in any way, and Lashley didn’t really get anything out of this.

4. Asuka and Naomi vs. Peyton Royce and Billie Kay.

There was an early spot with Royce and Kay pausing the match and putting their hands on their hips and saying Iiconics. The broadcast team said it was their superhero poses. It led to nothing other than Asuka and Naomi roughing them up, though they did come back and isolate Asuka.

Later, Naomi performed a split-legged moonsault on Royce and had her pinned, but Kay broke it up. Asuka hit Kay with a missile dropkick. Naomi set up for a springboard move, but Kay pulled her down from the floor. Asuka went after Kay, who ran Asuka into the barricade. Kay held up Naomi and then Royce hit her with a running knee and pinned her…

Peyton Royce and Billie Kay defeated Asuka and Naomi in 5:45.

Powell’s POV: The Iiconics didn’t get the mega reaction when they were introduced (or at least it didn’t seem like they did through my sound system), but the crowd popped big when the duo got the win. It was a nice moment for them and I assume the babyface duo will get the win back on television or perhaps at WWE Evolution.

5. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe in a no disqualifications, no count-out match for the WWE Championship.

Joe made his entrance first and then waited at ringside for Styles, who ran to the ring and fought with Joe at ringside before the bell. The ref officially started the match once both men were inside the ring. Styles worked over Joe early. Joe eventually cut off the opening flurry and kicked Styles to ringside. Joe performed a dive through the ropes and hit Styles with a forearm.

Joe worked over Styles with his signature offense, including the step-up enzuigiri. Joe catapulted Styles into the bottom rope and then Styles tumbled to the floor. Joe tried to suplex Styles back into the ring, but Styles slipped over him and threw a series of strikes around 8:30. Styles performed a backflip off the middle rope into a reverse DDT for a two count. Joe came back by catapulting Styles into the corner and then caught him with a clothesline for a two count of his own at 10:05.

Joe went to ringside and grabbed a chair at 12:10. Joe brought the chair into the ring and Styles dropkicked it into his face. Styles picked up the chair and jabbed Joe in the gut with it and then slammed it over his back. Styles set up the chair and sat down on it for a moment and looked at Joe, who was selling in the corner. Styles went for a springboard move off the chair, but Joe caught him in the corner and performed a uranage onto the side of the chair and then got a two count.

Joe pulled out a table for a pop. Joe slammed the chair over the back of Styles and then set up the table in the middle of the ring. Joe set up for what appeared to be a superplex through the table, but Styles slipped under him and dropped Joe through the table. Joe sold left knee pain. Styles was bleeding from the mouth. Cole noted that Joe told the referee it popped, then said he’s fine and told the referee to leave him alone. Styles pulled the referee back and went to work on Joe’s knee.

Styles barked at Joe that there are consequences for messing with his family. Something was censored. Styles went for a Calf Crusher, but Joe countered into a Coquina Clutch. Styles reached the ropes while Cole said the ropes won’t force a break in a No DQ match. Styles reached the ropes and slid to the floor to break the hold. Styles hit Joe with a few shots from the apron that knocked him down. Styles hit a springboard 450 splash on the knee.

Styles sent Joe fought to ringside and followed him. Styles ended up in the front row, then used the barricade to perform a Phenomenal Forearm on Joe. Styles rolled Joe back inside the ring. Styles set up for a Phenomenal Forearm, but Joe stepped aside and then applied the Coquina Clutch. Styles backed Joe into the corner twice in hopes of breaking the hold, but Joe performed a wicked suplex and covered Styles for a near fall at 22:20.

Joe applied a Coquina Clutch. Styles rolled onto Joe for a two count in a play off their Hell in a Cell finish. Styles applied the Calf Crusher and got the submission win.

AJ Styles defeated Samoa Joe in 23:45 in a no disqualification, no count-out match to retain the WWE Championship.

Powell’s POV: If this event is considered a glorified house show then apparently Styles and Joe didn’t get the memo. This was an excellent match and it’s hard to imagine anything else on the show will come close to touching it, but we’ll see. I was really hoping for a title change here with interference from Randy Orton, which would have moved Styles into a hot program away from the title while freeing up Joe for a program with Daniel Bryan, but no such luck.

6. Ronda Rousey, Nikki Bella, and Brie Bella vs. Ruby Riott, Liv Morgan, and Sarah Logan.

Rousey received the big star reaction. Rousey and Nikki had a lengthy debate over who would start the match. Nikki ended up starting for her team. Brie and Morgan ended up in the ring together early on. Brie grabbed Morgan’s colored tongue. Brie yelled Brie mode a short time later to a minimal reaction.

Riott Squad isolated Nikki, who eventually made a hot tag to Rousey. Ronda worked over Logan and performed a twisting Samoan Drop style move. Riott and Morgan ran in and were cut off by the Bellas. Rousey set up for her finisher on Logan, but Morgan ran in and broke it up. Morgan and Logan went for a double team on Rousey, who tossed them both around and then put them in a double armbar and go a double submission…

Ronda Rousey, Nikki Bella, and Brie Bella defeated Ruby Riott, Liv Morgan, and Sarah Logan in 10:05.

Powell’s POV: I liked the early tease of issues between Rousey and Nikki over who would start the match. There was no further issues, which is a bit of a letdown in the moment, but they can obviously do an angle on Raw if they are going with the two of them at WWE Evolution. I just hope we get a Nikki turn and not a respectful match between two babyfaces. Ugh. The finish was a bit much and WWE just keeps plowing through potential opponents for Rousey, as she has now beaten all three members of Riott Squad in just a matter of days.

A Melbourne tourism ad was shown and it didn’t feel gross unlike the Saudi Arabia propaganda video… They once again boasted over having a crowd of 70,309…

7. Cedric Alexander vs. Buddy Murphy for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship.

Murphy came out wearing the Australian flag on the back of his shorts. The Melbourne native was well received by his home country crowd. There was a “Buddy” chant after the opening bell. Murphy played to the crowd and then jawed at Alexander. He eased a handshake and pulled it back. Murphy caught Alexander with a high knee and got an early two count. Murphy performed a flip dive onto Alexander at ringside.

Alexander hit a Michinoku Driver from the ropes around 5:00. Alexander followed up with a flip dive of his own. Alexander set up Murphy on the ropes. Another “Buddy” chant broke out and Alexander stopped and looked at the crowd before going to the ropes. Murphy ended up slipping away and catching Alexander with a kick and then a powerbomb from the ropes for a two count.

Murphy went for a high knee, but Alexander avoided it. A short time later, Alexander hi the Lumbar Check and covered Murphy, who kicked out at the last moment. The crowd roared as Alexander expressed shock. Alexander went for a springboard move, but Murphy caught him with a knee and hit his pump-handle driver finisher for the win…

Buddy Murphy defeated Cedric Alexander in 10:35 to win the WWE Cruiserweight Championship.

Powell’s POV: A really good match with a hot live crowd. This is the biggest moment the cruiserweight division has had perhaps ever or at least since the Neville vs. Austin Aries match at WrestleMania. Hopefully the company won’t decide to cut this match from the DVD too. Yes, I’m kidding, but it will be interesting to see how they follow up on this. If they are serious about the cruiserweight division then they should really spotlight this on Raw somehow.
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Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Super Show-Down Results: 10-6-18

8. “The Shield” Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose vs. Braun Strowman, Drew McIntyre, and Dolph Ziggler.

The Shield entered through the crowd and wore masks that covered the bottom half of their faces. All six men fought and it spilled to ringside. The Shield set up for a triple powerbomb through a broadcast table on Strowman, but it was broken up by McIntyre and Ziggler. Rollins and Ziggler ended up in the ring together and the bell rang to officially start the match.

The heel trio isolated Rollins early on. Strowman tagged in around 5:40 and knocked Reigns and Ambrose off the apron. McIntyre ran Reigns into the steps, then Ziggler ran Ambrose into the barricade. At 8:30, Strowman went up top and went for a splash, but Rollins rolled out of the way. Rollins crawled to the corner for a tag just as Ambrose got back on the apron to take the tag. Ambrose and Ziggler tagged in, and Ambrose performed a fallaway slam. Cole asked where JBL was. Didn’t he team with Bobby Lashley earlier tonight?

Reigns tagged in and had McIntyre down. Reigns set up for a move in the corner, but Zigger ran interference. Moments later, Reigns went for a Superman Punch only to have McIntyre move. Reigns accidentally hit Ambrose and knocked him off the apron. With Ambrose down at 15:45, the heels stood on the apron and surrounded Rollins and Reigns, who were in the ring. Ambrose got back onto the apron. Ambrose held his jaw, then entered the ring and ran through his partners and dropkicked Strowman off the apron.

The Shield set up for a Triple Powerbomb on McIntyre, but Strowman returned and broke it up. Strowman tossed Reigns and Rollins to ringside. Strowman followed and performed running shoulder blocks on Reigns and Rollins. Strowman looked to the ring and yelled, Finish him.” Ziggler performed the Zigzag on Ambrose for a near fall. Strowman called for Ambrose to be sent to ringside so he could “run his ass over.”

Strowman went for his running shoulder block on Ambrose, but Reigns speared Strowman through the barricade. McIntyre and Ziggler set up for their finisher on Ambrose, but Rollins broke it up. Rollins superkicked McIntyre to ringside, then Ziggler took out Rollins with a superkick, and finally Ambrose hit Dirty Deeds on Ziggler and pinned him. The Shield trio put their fists together at ringside afterward…

The Shield defeated Braun Strowman, Drew McIntyre, and Dolph Ziggler in 19:40.

Powell’s POV: A clunky match at times. The crowd doesn’t seem to be mic’d particularly well, but it didn’t seem like the heels had a ton of heat. That’s actually been an ongoing issue with Strowman in that the fans were passionately behind him as a babyface and yet they don’t react with the same level of passionate heat for him now that he’s a heel. The Ambrose tease was well done and Graves made it seem like it’s still an issue even though The Shield members seemed to be on to be on the same page afterward.

9. Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz for a future shot at the WWE Championship.

AJ Styles was shown watching on a backstage monitor. Miz tried to deliver a pre-match promo, but Bryan’s entrance music interrupted him. The bell rang before Bryan even took his t-shirt off. Miz raced over and hit Bryan with a knee to the ribs.

Miz threw more knees to the ribs. Miz removed Bryan’s shirt and Bryan had tape on his right side. Miz did the Yes pose in he corner only to run into a kick from Bryan, who then threw his kicks to the chest of Miz. Bryan wound up for the big finale kick and Miz avoided it. Miz avoided a running knee and then hit one of his own for a two count. Miz set up for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Bryan countered into an inside cradle and pinned Miz…

Daniel Bryan defeated The Miz in 2:25 to earn a WWE Championship match.

Afterward, the broadcast team said they just received word that Paige booked the Styles vs. Bryan match for the WWE Championship for Crown Jewel… The broadcast team hyped WWE Evolution matches…

Powell’s POV: Why would Paige book a title match in a place where she’s not even allowed to see it in person? Is WWE going to follow up every mention of the Saudi Arabia show with a plug for the all-women’s Evolution event? Cheap shots aside, this was a disappointing match. I don’t know if one of the wrestlers entered the match with a legit injury that required it to be short or if this was simply the plan, but I didn’t care for it either way. It’s a shame that creative never managed to recapture the magic that Bryan and Miz found on the Talking Smack set. By the way, this leaves a lot of time for the main event or this show will be going off the air earlier than the four-hour window would seem to suggest. Of course, the ring entrances alone may eat up 20 minutes.

10. Undertaker (w/Kane) vs. Triple H (w/Shawn Michaels) in a No DQ match.

Michaels made a standard entrance. Hunter came out with a hood over a skull mask that he removed on the stage. Kane made a pyro-free entrance. Taker made a standard entrance as Cole played up this match as the final meeting between two legends. JoJo announced that it would be a no DQ match. Taker looked at Hunter after JoJo made that announcement. The broadcast team played up that Hunter had the power to make it a No DQ match given his status as COO.

Taker went for Old School early, but Hunter cut it off. Triple H tried the move himself and Taker grabbed him by the throat and pulled him down and then worked him over with punches in the corner. Taker ended up performing the Old School move at 3:35, which led to a small “you’ve still got it” chant. Cole said Undertaker has a record 101 pay-per-view wins. Taker stood on the apron and clotheslined Triple H as he dropped to the floor. Michaels shoved Taker into the post and then ran when Kane walked toward him. Hunter went to ringside and shoved Taker into the ring steps. Michaels pulled out a table, which Hunter set up on the floor. Kane went over by the DX duo and was chased off by the referee. Triple H set up for a move on Taker, who delivered a back body drop.

Undertaker ran Triple H into the ring steps. Hunter rolled back inside the ring and kicked Taker when he tried to follow. Taker performed a neckbreaker for a two count. Hunter controlled the next couple minutes of offense until Taker caught him coming off the second rope and tossed him to ringside. Taker controlled the offense and dumped Hunter over the barricade and then followed him. Taker choked Hunter with a cord in the crowd (thank God it wasn’t a necktie).

A short time later, Triple H set up for a Pedigree, but Taker fought him off. They went back into the crowd and Taker chased Hunter deep into the crowd before bringing him back to ringside. Taker went to pull a chair out from under the ring. Michaels tried to stop him, but Taker knocked him down. Taker brought the chair into the ring. Hunter ended up getting the chair, but Taker kicked him in the gut before he could use it. They went to ringside where Taker slammed the chair over the back of Triple H.

Taker set up Hunter on the table at 14:25. Taker went to the apron. Michaels climbed onto the apron and ate a boot from Taker, but it gave Triple H enough time to move off the table. Back in the ring, Taker stopped Triple H from using a chair and then chokeslammed him. Taker hoisted up Triple H and put him down with a Tombstone Piledriver. Taker crossed Hunter’s arms over his body and covered him for a near fall. Michaels gave Kane a superkick that positioned him on the table. Triple H leapt off the apron and elbow smashed Kane through the table.

Undertaker punched out the referee. Taker hit Triple H with a chair over the back multiple times and then placed it over his face. Michaels climbed onto the apron and pleaded with Taker. Triple H came back and hit a Pedigree and a new referee was there to make a near fall count. Triple H placed Taker’s head in the chair. Triple H went to the second rope and dropped a knee onto the chair. Triple H had the pin, but Kane recovered and pulled the referee out of the ring.

Michaels pulled out a sledgehammer from underneath the ring and handed it to Triple H, who hit Taker with it. A short time later, Undertaker put Triple H in the Hell’s Gate finisher. Hunter had the sledgehammer and used it choke Taker until he released the hold. Taker went for the sledgehammer. Michaels entered the ring and grabbed it. Kane cut off Michaels, who low blowed Kane. Taker tossed Michaels over the top rope to ringside.

Taker chokeslammed Triple H and went for a Tomestone, but Michaels broke it up with a superkick. Michaels went for the move again, but Taker scooped him up in Tombstone position. Triple H hit Taker with a sledgehammer. Michaels superkicked Taker, then Hunter performed a Pedigree and got the win…

Triple H defeated Undertaker in 27:35.

Triple H and Michaels embraced while Cole said it was all over. The broadcast team raved about the match. Taker sat up in the corner and had the sledgehammer in his hand, which he handed to Triple H. Hunter pulled up Taker and hugged him. Taker also patted Michaels on the back, then all four legends raised their arms in the ring and pyro shot off around the stadium. The legends kept their arms in the air and played to all four sides of the building.

Suddenly, Taker grabbed Hunter and gave him a Pedigree, and Kane took out Michaels with a clothesline. Taker scooped up Michaels, who threw a couple of punches, but Kane hit Michaels. Taker dumped Michaels to ringside and ended up chokeslamming him through a broadcast table. Taker’s music played to close the show…

Powell’s POV: I give Taker and Hunter an A for effort if nothing else. They received a ton of television time and this was the featured match on this show and it’s obviously it’s leading to more at Crown Jewel, so they couldn’t deliver the type of throwaway match like Taker and Cena had at WrestleMania for instance. They were moving in slow motion at times and it wasn’t pretty, but the crowd appreciated the effort to at least attempt to have an epic match. All of the outside interference by Michaels made him and Hunter feel like the heels, so Taker and Kane attacking them afterward felt justified. In fact, it felt ridiculous that Taker and Kane would go along with raising their arms with the duo afterward. It was all a bit confusing. I guess the idea is to let the fans choose between the teams, but they both actually came off poorly. It was a real mess in a lot of ways, though it seemed like the crowd left satisfied and perhaps a little confused.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
The go-home episode of Impact before Bound for Glory did 183,000 viewers, the second fewest in history.

Pop announced today that they are dropping Impact out of primetime, from the 8:00 PM slot to the 10:00 PM slot.

Not good.
September 13th Episode: 258,000 viewers
September 20th Episode: 229,000 viewers
September 27th Episode: 222,000 viewers
October 4th Episode: 190,000 viewers
October 11th Episode: 183,000 viewers
Last edited:

Maury V.

Lucky Glauber's #1 Fan,
Jan 4, 2002
The go-home episode of Impact before Bound for Glory did 183,000 viewers, the second fewest in history.

Pop announced today that they are dropping Impact out of primetime, from the 8:00 PM slot to the 10:00 PM slot.

Not good.
September 13th Episode: 258,000 viewers
September 20th Episode: 229,000 viewers
September 27th Episode: 222,000 viewers
October 4th Episode: 190,000 viewers
October 11th Episode: 183,000 viewers


And the promotion is doing so good, too!

I wonder if they'll go back to Spike or something.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Why the hell would Spike want them back? They were doing over a million per week when Spike axed them and almost 2.5 million at their peak.


I survived Secret Santa, It wasn't Easy.,
Feb 19, 2016
The go-home episode of Impact before Bound for Glory did 183,000 viewers, the second fewest in history.

Pop announced today that they are dropping Impact out of primetime, from the 8:00 PM slot to the 10:00 PM slot.

Not good.
September 13th Episode: 258,000 viewers
September 20th Episode: 229,000 viewers
September 27th Episode: 222,000 viewers
October 4th Episode: 190,000 viewers
October 11th Episode: 183,000 viewers

Thursday Night Football and shitty storyline builds.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Impact Wrestling Bound For Glory PPV Results: 10-14-18

Results courtesy of (direct link to McMahon's complete report).


After some jockeying, Mack and Sydal began the match with some exciting chain wrestling. Page and Swann tagged him. Page flipped Swann off the top with an arm drag and then went for a cover. Page and Swann were on the outside of the ring. Swann went to go under the ring to get something, and Sydal was hiding underneath the ring and hit him with a chair. Willie Mack hit a dive off the apron to take every man out. Back in the ring, Sydal applied a submission. Page hit Swann with an elbow off the top for a two count. Swann made a hot tag and Mack cleared house. Mack hit Page with an Exploder Suplex. Mack hit a standing moonsault for a two count. A loud “This is Impact!” chant broke out. Callis said Mack is a “new signing” by the Impact management team. Sydal flipped Swann off the top with a hurricanrana but Swann, as he rolled through it, caught Page with a hurricanrana. That was really impressive. Mack hit Page with a stunner. Sydal took out Mack with a leg sweep. Swann hit Sydal with a cutter. Swann hit Sydal with a Phoenix Splash for the win.

WINNER: Rich Swann & Willie Mack via pinfall in 12:00

Really fun opener. This was the first time I’ve seen Willie Mack, and he’s awesome. I became an instant fan. He’s super charismatic and really athletic for someone with his size. The whole match was really good and it energized the crowd.


The crowd immediately chanted for Eli Drake at the opening bell. Drake hit a boot in the corner. Ellsworth tuned up the band for Sweet Chin Music, and the crowd booed heavily. Drake hit a powerbomb after catching Ellsworth’s boot. The crowd chanted for a Gravy Train. Ellsworth hit Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere for a two count. Drake hit a Gravy Train. The crowd chanted, “One more time!” Drake picked up Ellsworth and hit another Gravy Train for the win.

WINNER: Eli Drake via pinfall in 2:00.

Drake grabbed a mic after the match ended and Ellsworth rolled out of the ring. Drake said he came to New York City and he asked for the best. He didn’t ask for garbage. He asked for top guys and championship material. Drake said he asked for Hall of Fame material.

Abyss’ music hit and he came to the entrance. Abyss entered the ring and Drake attacked him. Abyss came back with a clothesline. Abyss hit a splash in the corner. Abyss hit a Black Hole Slam. Abyss rolled to the outside and brought a table into the ring. Abyss went to chokeslam Drake but he hit Abyss with a low blow. Drake set up Abyss on the table and climbed to the second rope. Drake went for a dive off the second rope but Abyss caught him and chokeslammed him through the table.

It was a fun moment with Abyss coming out to battle Drake. James Ellsworth as the “surprise” challenger to Drake did not go over whatsoever. The crowd was anti-Ellsworth from the second his music hit and they were pro-Drake from the very beginning. That did not work. But it was interesting because the crowd forgot about that by the time Abyss got involved. They cheered wildly for Abyss as he put Drake through a table, when literally minutes before, they were chanting “Gravy Train!” at Ellsworth.

(3) TESSA BLANCHARD (c) vs. TAYA VALKYRIE — Knockouts Championship Match

Early in the match, Blanchard hit a Codebreaker for a two count. Callis said that Tessa usually has a strength advantage, but in this match, she probably doesn’t. Tessa dropkicked Valkyrie in the kidney. Taya hit Tessa with a big German Suplex. Tessa really sold her elbow after the German. Taya hit Tessa with two charges in the corner. Taya hit Tessa with a superplex and then locked in a submission. Tessa powered up from a seating position and drove Tessa into the corner. Taya locked Tessa into an armbar submission. Taya stomped Tessa into the mat and then locked Tessa in a camel clutch. Tessa got to a rope to break the hold and then she tried to roll to the outside. Taya hit a Road to Valhalla but the referee was fixing the apron and didn’t make a count. Taya missed a dive in the corner as Tessa moved. Tessa hit a Buzzsaw DDT for a two count. Tessa hit a diving Codebreaker off the top rope for the win.

WINNER: Tessa Blanchard retains via pinfall in 11:00.

That was great! Seriously, I had high expectations, but that was awesome. You could feel the emotion in the match and Taya, who hasn’t wrestled on the show in months, looked great. The finish, where Tessa hit the diving Codebreaker, was incredible. That’s a match WWE could have presented as a WrestleMania Women’s Title match, and been proud of it. Really high marks for a fun, athletic and very entertaining match.


Moose was led to the ring by three unnamed valets. Moose charged Edwards at the bell. Edwards hit a Boston Knee Party to halt Moose’s momentum and then went and got “Kenny” on the outside. Killer Kross attacked Edwards from ringside and the bell rang.

WINNER: No-contest in 1:00.

Mathews said the match was being thrown out. Kross choked Edwards. Kross threw Edwards into the ring and Moose and Kross double-teamed him. Moose hit a pump kick on Edwards. Tommy Dreamer hit the ring with a kendo stick and made the saves for Edwards. The crowd chanted, “ECW!” Dreamer grabbed a mic and cut a promo on Moose and Kross and said this would be a tag team match.


Dreamer and Edwards went to the outside and began brawling with Kross and Moose. Dreamer spit water into Edwards’ mouth, and he spit it at Moose. On the outside, Jylan Ware of the New York Giants shoved Moose. Back in the ring, Edwards hit Kross with a top-rope hurricanrana. Moose and Edwards traded chops in the ring. Edwards hit a Blue Thunder Bomb on Moose and the crowd applauded at the end of a fast-paced chain of wrestling. Dreamer kicked Kross with a low blow. Kross hit Dreamer with a Doomsday. Edwards was the victim of a pop-up powerbomb from Moose that sounded like it was going to break the ring. Edwards pinned Moose with a schoolboy.

WINNER: Eddie Edwards & Tommy Dreamer via pinfall in 11:00.

After the match, Kross snatched Edwards and held him, for Moose to hit a huge spear. Moose and Kross dragged Edwards to the outside and power bombed Edwards onto the ring apron.

The crowd is insanely loud, and very into the show. I’m not sure Dreamer qualifies as a surprise, because I think everyone assumed he would show up at some point given his proximity to the venue and that he seems to have a solid working relationship with Impact Wrestling. That being said, the crowd still popped huge for his entrance and he had them hooked on the match.

Edwards was the real star of this match, I thought. The powerbomb he took from Moose inside the ring, and then on the apron, were sickening bumps that I’m sure he’ll be feeling in the morning.

Continued in next post...
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Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Impact Wrestling Bound For Glory PPV Results: 10-14-18

Continued from previous post...

(6) BRIAN CAGE, FENIX & PENTAGON JR. vs. OVE (Sami Callihan, Jake Crist & Dave Crist) — OVE Rules Match

Pentagon tossed Callihan from the ring in the early going. OVE rules are essentially Lucha rules, where someone is legal after someone else leaves the ring. Fenix hit Jake Crist with a diving headbutt. Fenix hit Jake with a kick and then a huge dive off the top rope. Jake rolled out and Callihan rolled in. Callihan took out Fenix with an innovative DDT-type move. Callihan dragged Fenix back into the ring and hit a springboard clothesline off the second rope. Callihan tried to dive on Cage on the outside but Cage caught him and powerbombed him onto the apron. Jake Crist threw Cage into the ring post. Fenix hit Dave Crist with a superkick as Dave tried to dive to the outside. Fenix dove through the middle rope onto Jake and Callihan. Jake Crist superkicked Pentagon. Cage caught Jake in the ring and tossed him over his head, over the top rope, and onto everyone on the outside of the ring. Pentagon hit Jake Crist with a double stomp off the top rope. Callihan tossed Cage to the outside but Fenix dove in with a huge kick for a two count. Jake hit two superkicks on Fenix. Jake Crist nearly died from a Pentagon Driver but Dave made the save. Cage decapitated Callihan with a clothesline. Cage powerbomed Callihan into the corner and the Lucha Brothers hit a spiked Fear Factor for a two count because the other members of OVE made the save. Pentagon hit Dave Crist with a Codebreaker. Pentagon propped Fenix up on his shoulders (standing) and Jake Crist climbed to the top rope and caught the Fenix with a cutter from probably 12′ in the air. They landed on Dave Crist’s head, I think by accident. OVE took turns kicking Cage in the head, who was on his knees. Callihan hit Cage with a piledriver for a three count.

WINNER: OVE in 15:00.

Mathews and Callis were shocked at the end of the match. Callis said Cage took 30 kicks to the head, but Callihan is the first person to pin Brian Cage.

The finish to this match reminded me a lot of Brock Lesnar beating the Undertaker’s streak at WrestleMania. Obviously, the Lesnar-Undertaker match was much more of a shock, but it felt like that’s what Impact was going for with this finish. It was out of nowhere, and Mathews and Callis both were in shock.

The match itself was incredible. I expected this match to deliver, and it did in every way. There were huge spots and a big story coming out of the match, with Cage taking a pinfall loss to Callihan. Of all the people to beat Cage, Callihan is the right guy. He’s a heel who can gloat about this for months. Maybe a year. Honestly, the way this played out, I wouldn’t be surprised if Cage wins the World Title soon (maybe with Option C), and Callihan tries to claim that he’s the real champion for being the only person to beat Cage.

(7) KING, HOMICIDE & HERNANDEZ vs. SANTANA & ORTIZ — Concrete Jungle of Death Match

The match begins with a brawl in the ring. The ring boards slid and there were giant holes in the ring with boards sliding around. The referee is feverishly trying to put the boards back in place as wrestlers are walking around or hitting moves and they’re sliding. Callis said the ring is a literal death trap. Ortiz hit Homicide and Hernandez with a garbage can lid. Hernandez’s head is busted open. Homicide and Hernandez double-team Ortiz in the ring while Santana is down on the outside. King choked Ortiz as Homicide and Hernandez set up tables in the corners of the ring. King went to hit Santana with a dive but he missed and landed on the rain. Hernandez gave Homicide a border toss to the outside, where he landed on LAX. Hernandez hit Ortiz with a shoulder tackle, which drove him through a table in the corner. Santana hit a dive onto Hernandez. Santana asked the crowd if he should “kill this motherfucker” pointing at King. The crowd cheered. Santana tossed King into the turnbuckle where he hit his head. LAX traded splashes onto Hernandez in the corner. LAX hit a double-teamed superplex on Hernandez off the top rope. All of the boards jumped about a foot and were way out of place. The referee kept trying to straighten them out and fix them, because it was a hazard if a leg got stuck in a gap. King slapped Ortiz in the face. King was about to hit Ortiz when Konnan entered. Konnan and King brawled in the ring. Konnan had a sock filled with something … Callis speculated it was a pool ball. Konnan threw King through the table in the corner. LAX hit King with a Street Sweeper for the win.

WINNER: LAX via pinfall in 10:00.

LAX draped a Puerto Rican flag over King and celebrated after the match.

The match went a little shorter than I expected, but given the circumstances, I understand it. The match was dangerous, between the big spots and the fact that boards were sliding around. The circumstances could have made the match feel uncoordinated, but I thought it was relatively smooth all things considered. It was also a cool and different visual. Good match. I’d be OK if we didn’t see another “concrete jungle” match again, but that’s OK. I’m fine with Impact experimenting with ideas like this, rather than bad mini-movies they’ve been producing in recent weeks.

(8) AUSTIN ARIES (c) (w/ Killer Kross & Moose) vs. JOHNNY IMPACT (w/ Taya Valkyrie) — Impact World Title match

There was a dueling “Austin Aries!” vs. “Johnny Impact!” chant to begin the match. Impact charged Impact and Aries locked in a guillotine. Impact and Aries rolled around the mat as the referee tried to get control. Aries yelled, “Do you want to go to sleep right now!?!” Impact and Aries were brawling like it’s a street fight. There aren’t wrestling moves as much as just mat brawling. There was a loud “205!” chant. Impact and Aries began throwing punches and forearms. The match in the first three minutes were spurts of actual fighting without much wrestling maneuvers. Impact clotheslined Aries to the outside. Aries went for a kick but Impact jumped over it and landed with one foot on the apron and one foot on the railing, and then he moonsaulted onto Aries. Aries threw Impact to the outside. Aries mouthed off at Taya, who shouted back “fuck you, bitch!” into the ring. Impact mauled Aries in the corner with knees. Aries went for a dive to the outside but Impact caught him with an elbow. Aries locked in the Last Chancery but he lost the grip. Impact tried to suplex Aries into the ring but Aries blocked it with shots to Impact’s gut. Aries hit a 450 for a believable near fall after dropping Impact on his head on the apron. Aries hit Impact with forearms to the head in the corner. Impact hit a superkick. Impact hit Starship Pain but Aries was able to grab the bottom rope with his hand. Aries it a discus elbow. Aries hit Impact with the Brainbuster but Impact got his foot on the bottom rope. Aries glared at Taya, who yelled that she weighs more than Aries because she’s taller than him and has more muscle. Aries locked in the Last Chancery. Impact crawled across the ring and reached the bottom rope. Impact and Aries traded slaps and forearms. Aries ducked an Impact kick and then dove through the ropes and hit Taya. Impact ran to the outside and began ramming the back of Aries’ head onto the guardrail. Aries went for a schoolboy and got a two count. Impact hit Aries with a brainbuster and then Starship Pain for the win.

WINNER: Johnny Impact wins the Impact World Title via pinfall in 20:00.

Aries shot up right after the pin and then began shouting at someone in the balcony before storming to the back, flipping off the crowd … something happened there. Impact went to the outside to pickup Taya and they hugged on the outside. In the ring, Taya raised Impact’s hand as they went off the air. Moose and Killer Kross just mulled around the aisle and seemed confused as to why Aries stormed off.

Very good match to end a very good show. I’m not sure this show was as good as Slammiversary, but it was close. Almost every match delivered and Impact winning the World Title felt like a big moment based on the crowd reaction.

Overshadowing it will be whatever happened at the end. Re-watching the video, it looked like Aries immediately popped up after taking the pin and began shouting something at Don Callis, who was stationed up in that portion of the balcony with Josh Mathews. From there, Aries flipped him off and then immediately walked to the back, flipping off Callis and the crowd in the process. It appeared that Johnny Impact mouthed “are you kidding me?” as he watched it unfold, and then he whispered something to Taya after helping her on the outside. Meanwhile, Killer Kross and Moose just mulled around the aisleway, seemingly confused as to what just happened.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Another belt for Johnny Nitro Blaze Morrison Hennigan Mundo Impact.

Since leaving WWE he has won:
AAA Mega Championship (World Title)
AAA Latin American Championship
AAA World Cruiserweight Championship
Lucha Underground Championship (World Title)
Lucha Underground Gift of the Gods Championship
Lucha Underground Trios Championship
Impact World Championship (World Title)

And over a dozen indie belts.