NGF EBay account selling supposed rare NG prototypes.


Least Valuable Player
Apr 24, 2001
It's Chris's account btw. Dion isn't selling any of that.


Dodgeball Yakuza
Jun 10, 2006
So that Networking Cart sold and now he's not listing anything new? Wonder if he took the money and ran...

Xian Xi

15 Year Member
Dec 1, 2005
So that Networking Cart sold and now he's not listing anything new? Wonder if he took the money and ran...

NGF never takes money then runs. They list more things for sale with documents and pride.


Thou Shalt Not, Question Rot.,
Jan 17, 2013
So that Networking Cart sold and now he's not listing anything new? Wonder if he took the money and ran...
shame is, IF it really sold, it likely went to some asshole and we'll never see any documentation on it (legit or not).


Proto Hunter
20 Year Member
Nov 10, 2001
shame is, IF it really sold, it likely went to some asshole and we'll never see any documentation on it (legit or not).

Correct. IF it sold. Reason being, it is most likely he bought that particular item back. I don't think it was worth nearly what he thought it was. He is alienating the few serious buyers that are actually out there by not running the auction properly. Any serious buyer wants & needs (considering they're reputation when it comes to unique items) to see the inside of the item, see it plugged in and running, screenshots, etc.

I've been waiting & watching to see if he'll be just as unprofessional with the alleged upcoming items as that will create a serious dilemma. Truthfully, something already did happen that pretty much exposed the sad truth; more on that later when things get dicey.


Pope Sazae's fake account
Jul 2, 2015
I've been waiting & watching to see if he'll be just as unprofessional with the alleged upcoming items as that will create a serious dilemma. Truthfully, something already did happen that pretty much exposed the sad truth; more on that later when things get dicey.

Care to elaborate any more on that?


Proto Hunter
20 Year Member
Nov 10, 2001
More NGF inconsistencies...

I was going to wait on this, but sure, fine, I will elaborate now: (for those with short attention spans, skip to the bottom for the quick version with pics; this first part is merely the sources, in case it is brought into question)


DATE: February 18, 2004
Chris Ray had some alleged neogeo protos for sale during this previous "fire sale"
(Bang Busters, Ironclad, Neo Pool Master)
Within hours of him listing them, I called him on the telephone to purchase them.
He claimed they were already sold. He also told me who purchased them. I later
confirmed with that person that the purchase never occurred and that it was a lie.

DATE: October 27, 2011
THREAD: "NGF history and snk buyout details"
POST: #340
TEXT: "I've added some photos of a few of the protos."
(Bang Busters, Mystic Wand, Last Odyssey, Neo Pool Master)
Dion Dakis posts up a bunch of pictures of unique cartridges and claims them
to be several protos.

DATE: April 27, 2016
Chris Ray begins another fire sale.
Among his intital listings, is the neo pocket station device.
He posts 4 pictures. 3 of the pictures are of the device in the listing.
However, 1 of the pictures is of a completely different (incorrect) item
that he obviously included by accident. (hey, this happens on ebay all the time)

Chris discovers his mistake, and on May 3 he deletes this fourth picture.
The auction ends with no bids on May 4th.
Of course, I saved the picture before he deleted it.

The picture is of a "neogeo proto" cartridge. Which one? Who knows, yet.
But if he follows through on his own words:
"...please look to the future for some incredible pieces
of Neo Geo History, including original artwork, unreleased games
(Warlocks of the Fates, Last Odyssey, Dunk Star, and other treasures..."

SO............THE SHORT VERSION............

2004: Chris Ray claims this cartridge is Bang Busters, and he sells it!
2011: Dion Dakis posts the same picture, as his Bang Busters, maybe Dion was the buyer?

2004: Chris Ray claims this cartridge is Neo Pool Masters, and he sells it!
2011: Dion Dakis claims this cartridge is Neo Pool Masters. Say what?

2004: Chris Ray claims this cartridge is Ironclad, and he sells it!
2011: Dion Dakis claims this cartridge is Mystic Wand!
2016: Chris Ray intends to list this same cartridge for sale soon! But as which game?

So do they, or did they ever, have any protos? Draw your own conclusions.
But keep in mind what I have always said:
A statement or a claim, a few pictures, a few screenshots, and even a video,
does NOT prove anything. All of these things together; working in conjunction
and in unison can sometimes be acceptable proof.


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Xian Xi

15 Year Member
Dec 1, 2005
I'm pretty sure they have those protos with the flash cards but they are probably dead.


Stupid Bitch.,
15 Year Member
Jun 21, 2007
Disappointed in the lack of post-it notes...


Proto Hunter
20 Year Member
Nov 10, 2001
I'm pretty sure they have those protos with the flash cards but they are probably dead.

Right, that's the beauty of it.
They can call them whatever game they want. Slap a couple small stickers on them as well which label the cards as anything. List & sell them as any game; claiming they have no way to test them anymore, (which is why they can't provide pics), and sell them as is / where is and with no warranty implied & no returns. All sales final, and the buyer has no recourse. Seller can claim the cards data was volatile and the buyer messed them up when attempting to read them.


Dodgeball Yakuza
Jun 10, 2006
Right, that's the beauty of it.
They can call them whatever game they want. Slap a couple small stickers on them as well which label the cards as anything. List & sell them as any game; claiming they have no way to test them anymore, (which is why they can't provide pics), and sell them as is / where is and with no warranty implied & no returns. All sales final, and the buyer has no recourse. Seller can claim the cards data was volatile and the buyer messed them up when attempting to read them.

Had no idea these guys were so fucked up in the head. What do they get out of this? It just seems like they're wasting their time and others...


Psycho Soldier
20 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
They could have a few legit protos, and possibly a box of those memory sticks in their SNK buy out.

Here is my theory though. They are in this for the money, and selling one copy of each proto doesn't seem like their style. If they had real protos, they would have flaunted them long ago, and in secret instead of calling them protos, called them undiscovered SNK AES releases, and produced them in moderate batches for a few hundred each, and made a killing.

Or option 2.

Of those protos, maybe one or two are real, but they lost the data because years ago they didn't know how to retreive it, or they kept it secret and they died before they dumped them. Now they may have a few dead boards, or manufatured a few proto boards with some leftover SNK memory cards like on those protos.

Basically, they don't have anything, and look through old neo geo documents and decide what to create next and label it as a rare accessory or proto. They probably never had anything good, or functional. And never will.

I mean if they really had anything, we would have known when they were in their prime, and taking all those photos of the buyout. Maybe they did and I missed that. My gut feeling is if they had it, we would have known by now, therfeore they never really did.
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20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2001
They could have a few legit protos, and possibly a box of those memory sticks in their SNK buy out.

Here is my theory though. They are in this for the money, and selling one copy of each proto doesn't seem like their style. If they had real protos, they would have flaunted them long ago, and in secret instead of calling them protos, called them undiscovered SNK AES releases, and produced them in moderate batches for a few hundred each, and made a killing.

Or option 2.

Of those protos, maybe one or two are real, but they lost the data because years ago they didn't know how to retreive it, or they kept it secret and they died before they dumped them. Now they may have a few dead boards, or manufatured a few proto boards with some leftover SNK memory cards like on those protos.

Basically, they don't have anything, and look through old neo geo documents and decide what to create next and label it as a rare accessory or proto. They probably never had anything good, or functional. And never will.

I mean if they really had anything, we would have known when they were in their prime, and taking all those photos of the buyout. Maybe they did and I missed that. My gut feeling is if they had it, we would have known by now, therfeore they never really did.

The good news, if there is any here, is that those cards they show are probably still holding data if they weren't wiped by SNK. They are the same flash cards that were on mine and can be dumped.

If they did just get a random box of dev stuff from them, it would be easy to identify what is on these cards if they just dump them. It would be hard to randomly place these in slots hoping to find a match if you have a box of stuff. I'm more than willing to help dump these if they don't have the capability.


Morden's Lackey
Aug 22, 2003
I was going to wait on this, but sure, fine, I will elaborate now: (for those with short attention spans, skip to the bottom for the quick version with pics; this first part is merely the sources, in case it is brought into question)


DATE: February 18, 2004
Chris Ray had some alleged neogeo protos for sale during this previous "fire sale"
(Bang Busters, Ironclad, Neo Pool Master)
Within hours of him listing them, I called him on the telephone to purchase them.
He claimed they were already sold. He also told me who purchased them. I later
confirmed with that person that the purchase never occurred and that it was a lie.

DATE: October 27, 2011
THREAD: "NGF history and snk buyout details"
POST: #340
TEXT: "I've added some photos of a few of the protos."
(Bang Busters, Mystic Wand, Last Odyssey, Neo Pool Master)
Dion Dakis posts up a bunch of pictures of unique cartridges and claims them
to be several protos.

DATE: April 27, 2016
Chris Ray begins another fire sale.
Among his intital listings, is the neo pocket station device.
He posts 4 pictures. 3 of the pictures are of the device in the listing.
However, 1 of the pictures is of a completely different (incorrect) item
that he obviously included by accident. (hey, this happens on ebay all the time)

Chris discovers his mistake, and on May 3 he deletes this fourth picture.
The auction ends with no bids on May 4th.
Of course, I saved the picture before he deleted it.

The picture is of a "neogeo proto" cartridge. Which one? Who knows, yet.
But if he follows through on his own words:
"...please look to the future for some incredible pieces
of Neo Geo History, including original artwork, unreleased games
(Warlocks of the Fates, Last Odyssey, Dunk Star, and other treasures..."

SO............THE SHORT VERSION............

2004: Chris Ray claims this cartridge is Bang Busters, and he sells it!
View attachment 35940
2011: Dion Dakis posts the same picture, as his Bang Busters, maybe Dion was the buyer?
View attachment 35948

2004: Chris Ray claims this cartridge is Neo Pool Masters, and he sells it!
View attachment 35942
2011: Dion Dakis claims this cartridge is Neo Pool Masters. Say what?
View attachment 35943

2004: Chris Ray claims this cartridge is Ironclad, and he sells it!
View attachment 35947
2011: Dion Dakis claims this cartridge is Mystic Wand!
View attachment 35946
2016: Chris Ray intends to list this same cartridge for sale soon! But as which game?
View attachment 35945

So do they, or did they ever, have any protos? Draw your own conclusions.
But keep in mind what I have always said:
A statement or a claim, a few pictures, a few screenshots, and even a video,
does NOT prove anything. All of these things together; working in conjunction
and in unison can sometimes be acceptable proof.

This is an excellent post and hopefully Chris/Dion will entertain this with an answer but I would also argue that the same irrefutable proof should be applied when purchasing an undiscovered U.S release and dog tag version that suddenly appear in 2016.

If you are going to apply standards to others (rightfully so) then you also need to do so yourself, fair comment ?


Thou Shalt Not, Question Rot.,
Jan 17, 2013
I just hope they dumped those or will very soon with help from others. Protos to become lost because of bitrot is a frightening thought. But I wouldn't put it beyond NGF to not dump out of pride.


Proto Hunter
20 Year Member
Nov 10, 2001
This is an excellent post and hopefully Chris/Dion will entertain this with an answer but I would also argue that the same irrefutable proof should be applied when purchasing an undiscovered U.S release and dog tag version that suddenly appear in 2016.

If you are going to apply standards to others (rightfully so) then you also need to do so yourself, fair comment ?

Yes, agreed, a 100% fair comment. And this is off topic, but I will make a short statement.
I no longer have any public opinion nor do I take any public position on the validity of those games. It caused me frustration & brought me criticism by doing so. For the tenth time, I was never trying to sell these games to anyone. I was merely a buyer; and the last one at that.

With regards to the subject at hand, by no measure whatsoever have these individuals ever provided anything substantial to support they're claims. Everyone else in all the other gaming communities, (Atari, Nintendo, Sega, Klov, etc.) provides countless pictures, screenshots, videos, and detailed descriptions of these ubiquitous items. Especially, when they're selling them!

As an example, look at what Brian did with his game. That was irrefutable proof. There was NO DOUBT that he had what he claimed to have. 100% proven and confirmed. Other then the occasional good humor we all have with the yearly April Fool's prank traditions at the other gaming communities, we don't mess around with this kind of stuff.

I just hope they dumped those or will very soon with help from others. Protos to become lost because of bitrot is a frightening thought. But I wouldn't put it beyond NGF to not dump out of pride.

Well, these were Chris's own words back in 2004:
"...To answer some common questions I am getting about the carts for sale on this page.
I am sure the flash card games are "dumpable", but I am not aware how this would be done. If you purchase the game, and have the guts to risk damaging a flash card, it is your luck.
The flash cards are NOT like todays flash cards, they are LINEAR flash cards, a special type of card that acts as memory, and contains no "controller" logic, like today's cards..."

So your guess is as good as mine as to whether or not they saved thee things, or they simply died; irregardless of what games they were to begin with. (logic dictates they were protos of already released games because otherwise they would have had pics and proof to provide)

These guys bent over backwards to show us boxes of cartridges and binders of artwork and resin statues of Mai and all other assorted CRAP, but yet despite being the most valuable and unique items they allegedly have, they have never provided anything with regards to their alleged protos? It is totally inconsistent, as usual.


Psycho Soldier
20 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
These guys bent over backwards to show us boxes of cartridges and binders of artwork and resin statues of Mai and all other assorted CRAP, but yet despite being the most valuable and unique items they allegedly have, they have never provided anything with regards to their alleged protos? It is totally inconsistent, as usual.

Exactly. Back when they would have acquired this lot there was no way to know the value of it now. I seriously doubt they held on to this stuff knowing of what great value it would be in the future.

The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, and the NGF past behavior has proven their dishonesty and shadiness over and over again. They have done nothing for the community but feed us lies every so often try to scam us.

I mean they're selling telephone jacks for gods sake, how effing stupid is that? At this point their reputation is so tainted they could sell something real and no one would believe it. They are scammers, have been since the beginning. They have and always will be in it just for the money.

We will never get anything from NGF except lies.


Over Top Auto Mechanic
Jan 10, 2013
I know it's not totally related to these auctions, but does anyone know what the story is behind the safeguarded rom dumps for Sun Shine, Magic Master, Last Odyssey, Dunk Star Basketball, and Warlocks of Fates that are mentioned on the site? Why would those still be safeguarded after 10+ years of being dumped?


20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2001
Why would those still be safeguarded after 10+ years of being dumped?

Because people are assholes and it makes them feel superior to others. Life is short, why hoard this stuff and not allow people to enjoy these games.
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Eager Beaver
Mar 17, 2011
I know it's not totally related to these auctions, but does anyone know what the story is behind the safeguarded rom dumps for Sun Shine, Magic Master, Last Odyssey, Dunk Star Basketball, and Warlocks of Fates that are mentioned on the site? Why would those still be safeguarded after 10+ years of being dumped?

Supergun is the webmaster of ask him, supergun is the screen name of Billy Pitt.

I believe is not because they think they are superior is more they know they are inferior cause they have the right to sell them by the "court order" but they can't dump them, they could make more money selling a limited run at NGF prices but those cards must be blank by now or the stuff was just an art proto so they could only get a couple of screens when they still worked so everything is lost by now.
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Neo Alec

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
They must have had or knew someone with access to Fun Fun Brothers. Somehow footage made it onto their Neo Geo Collector's Tape.