Metal Slug is (maybe) being ported to Mega Drive


Ninja Combat Warrior
Aug 19, 2015
Yeah, even if they remain some simple technical demo they are very impressive.
I was always amazed at the SFA2 port on the SNES, I wonder if we'll ever be able to see that on the MD.


Butthurt Enthusiast
20 Year Member
Sep 18, 2003
Yeah, even if they remain some simple technical demo they are very impressive.
I was always amazed at the SFA2 port on the SNES, I wonder if we'll ever be able to see that on the MD.

Because the SNES version wasn’t shitty enough? That was a late to the game version of the game that got terrible reviews, sold bad (most expensive version?) and is nobody’s favorite version of a game that straight up ruled otherwise in previous iterations. SFZ2 is one of my all time favorite games.

Now that I say that…it may have actually worked better on MD, what with its massively better CPU…the same one from the PCB even. It cannot actually be a good port though, even with the huge ROM it would require. Whatever cranks yer yank, I guess…sorta seems like wanting a toddler to paraphrase string theory to me though.

max 330 mega

The Almighty Bunghole
15 Year Member
Dec 14, 2004
Because the SNES version wasn’t shitty enough? That was a late to the game version of the game that got terrible reviews, sold bad (most expensive version?) and is nobody’s favorite version of a game that straight up ruled otherwise in previous iterations. SFZ2 is one of my all time favorite games.

Now that I say that…it may have actually worked better on MD, what with its massively better CPU…the same one from the PCB even. It cannot actually be a good port though, even with the huge ROM it would require. Whatever cranks yer yank, I guess…sorta seems like wanting a toddler to paraphrase string theory to me though.
What you dont know there Stewart aka Dildo Prosecco Faggins, is that there is actually now a version of sfa 2 snes that implements fx chips for enhancement via the sd2snes.
Also what you dont know is similar extra tech can be implemented via the md everdrive pro, thus all these new projects you miss out on while playing your cat piss encrusted carts and CD collection you inspect under microscope once a week for signs of bit rot (no flex test though, no sirree not!)
No amount of washing your genesis in the washing machine on high spin cycle is going to give you access to these wonderful new titles being added to the megadrive library.

P. S. You wouldn't understand string theory if it was a shoestring tied around your low T testicles.
Sending my warm wishes,
Charley. 🍆🍆🍆