Memorial, thanks

max 330 megafartz

The Almighty Bunghole
15 Year Member
Dec 14, 2004
Thank you all for your stories and support. I really appreciate every comment. Some day once Katie is doing better with our loss i will show her this thread so she can see all the nice things people said.

Im still real fucked up, and i gotta work all 3 of the next nights, but when i am feeling a little better i will try to stop back by and talk nerd shit and sega gaymz with you all soon. <3


Hinako's Cook
20 Year Member
Sep 20, 2004
Sorry for your loss man, it’s never easy and hurts like hell. You guys did everything possible to give him the best life, he appreciated it no doubt.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Our family had always had dogs as pets growing up, some of them living the entire time growing up. Once everyone had moved on, my mom and dad kept at least two dogs around (both small) but after I moved back in to live with them, both dogs eventually grew old and died, one passed away in my lap when it fell asleep while on the computer. After that, that was the last time we would have a pet around. The grief of their passings wore my mom especially down to the point she never wanted to go through that again. My condolences on the loss of not just a pet but a member of your family.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
When Neo was alive, we had two other cats. His older sister Nala who we had to put to sleep in 2017 due to her quite literally falling apart. She was 17 too. The other cat we had was a remnant of what we called Kittenpocalypse in 2014. We had been feeding a stray momma for a couple years and then the perfect storm hit. 4 pregnant mommas that all popped within a week of each other. We had 15 newborn - feral - kittens in the span of a week. We lost one because his mom (only child) abandoned him and he died before we got to him. But we rehomed all of the others except for one - Randy Butternubs.

So it was just Neo and Randy back in 2020. Randy WORSHIPPED Neo. Absolutely loved him. Neo... tolerated Randy. When we lost Neo we decided not to get another cat. We could tell Randy missed the company and got REAL snuggly afterward. Hes always been sweet, but not a snuggler until we lost Neo.

So, we decided to get another kitten, and ended up finding a bonded pair, a gray tabby and an orange psychotic kitten. The tabby (Ahsoka) LIED to us. She ended up growing orange fur and became a Torbie. Worst cat we've ever had, and I absolutely love her, shes great. Such a troublemaker and I wouldnt change a thing. Shes perfect. The orange boy (Dewford) is.. simply put, my new Neo. He didnt replace Neo, no one could. But this little guy (they are both gonna be 4 this december) has wormed his way into the same ventricle as Neo.

And Dewford WORSHIPS Randy even more than Randy did Neo lol.

Randy... tolerates him.

Apologies - The point of this tl;dr is - Don't beat yourselves up if you miss having a furbuddy around, and want to get another cat/kitten. You can't replace Garth and you wouldn't be. You wouldn't tarnish the memories and love you have with/from him. But the other kitten(s) will help you heal. I do wish I still had my Neo, (wasnt named after the console, he was named after the matrix character - his neural kinetics were WAY above normal). But Ahsoka and Dewey have definitely helped alleviate that pain.


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
Sorry to hear bro, I feel your pain. it was rough losing my dog last year after almost 15 years of loyal companionship. I don't think it's healthy to compare the loss of pets to people dying but that's how I felt at the time as well.

As others have said, it does get easier after the initial grieving process. My wife wants another dog but I do not. For the time being, we hang out with my kid's dog every week or so.


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20 Year Member
Aug 13, 2001
Sorry for your loss. It is tough losing a pet, and in some ways, they are closer than most family members since they spend day and night with us. I lost my dog over 10 years ago (and my other dog a year or so later). I don't know if I ever recovered, to this day I still mourn and miss them. I also never could get another dog.