is this a internet predator?

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Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Apr 9, 2005
[highlight][[/highlight]EDITOR'S NOTE[highlight]: goingmerry was a young man facing issues that many kids his age deal with: sexual awakening, the desire for girls, the frustration (or self-perceived frustration) with being too nerdy or ugly, problems with grammar and spelling, and the potential opportunity to sleep with multiple hot girls if he would only suck the dick of a guy who contacted him on chat. ...w-wait a second...

This thread tracks goingmerry's thought process as he debates whether the ends justify the means. This thread starts fast, and continues going through later posts such as (but by no means limited to) 80, 92, 96, 100 109, 115, 122 and (a personal favorite) 498. If that doesn't remind you of your own youth, then you're probably normal.]

or just a crazy cat inviting me out for a night on the town? this random guy imed me and its kind of scary. do any of you guys have experience deeling with these people? right now i'm playing along. some how he knows this kid at my school, who is a 9th grader named allen lin adn would never do what this guy says he is doing. i was talking to him last night he was't at a party, i'm scared about how this guy knows i live in michigan and how he knows my friends names. 9th graders dont' go to nightclubs....what should i do? i could just block him but i'm bored and am not telling him anything about myself or where i live and am certanainly not going to meat him.
here is the aim convo we had. i'm grandline313

Twistedfire1000: dude last night was fucking awsome
grandline313: yeah. what happened?
Twistedfire1000: you don't rember
Twistedfire1000: ?
Twistedfire1000: we got toasted and we started fucking these totally drunk chicks
grandline313: maybe you think i'm someone else? idk who you are and i don't think i'm who you think i am. that does sound awsome though.
Twistedfire1000: toomm???
Twistedfire1000: ralph??
grandline313: no sorry.
Twistedfire1000: then who is it?\
Twistedfire1000: allen???
grandline313: alex. who are you? i dotn' know any tom or ralph's? how did you get this sn?
grandline313: maybe your friend has an sn simular to this?
Twistedfire1000: dude i like you alex your fucking awsome were going to get wasted tonight at tequila rain do you want to come its cool i know the owner
Twistedfire1000: ?
grandline313: haha no sry. you sound like an internet preditor. i'm to young to drink anyway.
grandline313: thanks for the invitation though
Twistedfire1000: cool
grandline313: so when you get wasted do girls look hotter than normal? maybe i'll try it someday, i'm not good at getting girls expecialy not hot ones.
Twistedfire1000: hells yeah
Twistedfire1000: even dudes look good
grandline313: lol
Twistedfire1000: man the chicks that are 5 go up to 10s
grandline313: awsome. i should try it someday.
Twistedfire1000: dude i dont know about you but im getting shit faced tonight and fucking some hott ass chicks
Twistedfire1000: rember dogg you have the invite
Twistedfire1000: dude if your still a virgin that would change tonight
grandline313: yeah i am a virgin.
Twistedfire1000: dude the chicks at this party are gonna be so drunk they will fuck anyone, dude i can basicly garrentee you at least a threesome
grandline313: i kind of have a thing for asian girls. are there very man asian girls there?
grandline313: **many
grandline313: many asian girls. sry typo
Twistedfire1000: yeah dude, they love you long time
grandline313: lol
Twistedfire1000: we have at least 10 of them comeing not including thier friends
grandline313: wow, sounds great.
Twistedfire1000: yeah man, you gotta come!!!!!\
grandline313: tequila rain is in boston right?
Twistedfire1000: no... fountain walk
grandline313: o ok in novi.
Twistedfire1000: yeah eah
grandline313: so how did you know i lived in michigan?
Twistedfire1000: cuz i live in michiganTwistedfire1000: do you kow allen lin?
grandline313: yeah
grandline313: do you?
Twistedfire1000: yeah dude hes coming to the party, he was there last night, dddude he got like 3 hot ass chicks, a blonde and 2 asian chicks, he got all of them in the hot tub and was like fingering the asians while the blonde sucked his dick
grandline313: realy? that realy does't seem like something he would do. thats crazy! allen lin of all people, i never thought he would ever get a girl.
Twistedfire1000: i know man i though i was trippin balls but im pretty it was him, i doubt if hed remebre anythign cuz that guy got soo fucked up it wasnt even funny
grandline313: so you went last night right? and tonight you are going. you dont' have a job or school?
Twistedfire1000: spring break biotch
grandline313: lol. anyway about how long does it last? how late did allen stay last night?
Twistedfire1000: he went home with the 3 chicks at like 2 so i dont know how long his little party went on
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So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
Sounds more like one of your close friends trying to prank you....

We used to pull shit like this on eachother all the time....

Or better yet, have a third party do it...


Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Apr 9, 2005
norton9478 said:
Sounds more like one of your close friends trying to prank you....

We used to pull shit like this on eachother all the time....

Or better yet, have a third party do it...
sounds right. i stayed home from school today. it is way past lunch period and even if one of my friends had lunch then a study hall......plausible but not likely that it is one of them. like you said probably a third party but i dont' have any friends that would go to that lenght. i could be wrong though. more convo:
edit: he also has an elaberate profile with links so i think its defiently a third party or a weird stalker. but why would it be a stalker if they knew i was too young to drive/drink myparents would never drive me to a night club....its gotta be a third party. or a sn of a kid at school who i dotn' know.

grandline313: so there is dancing right? i can't dance for shit.
Twistedfire1000: hell no, dancing sucks ass
Twistedfire1000: there might be a few people danceing butthey will be drunk so its basicly just stumbling around
Twistedfire1000: fun to watch
grandline313: lol
Twistedfire1000: ubt the real fun is with the ladies
grandline313: i know you said the 5's look like 10's when drunk, but are there girls that look higher than 5 without beign plastered? also im not realy that muscular or good looking of a guy so idk if i will have as easy of a tiem as you say getting some (asian)ass


Wannabe Thug,, born 1991
15 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
Dude, this ass-ness has gone on long enough, i'm guessing you wrote all of that yourself. However i do not care.

Lameritoes :chimp:

Tung Fu ru

Actual Musician,
20 Year Member
Aug 17, 2002

Why would you even talk to this dude for that long? He's obviously a fucking weirdo, either way.


soulthug said:
Dude, this ass-ness has gone on long enough, i'm guessing you wrote all of that yourself. However i do not care.

Lameritoes :chimp:
Looks like someone is jealous of the second youngest member on the site.

Don't worry soulthug, you'll always be my number one.


Tung Fu ru

Actual Musician,
20 Year Member
Aug 17, 2002
hermegildo said:
Looks like someone is jealous of the second youngest member on the site.

Don't worry soulthug, you'll always be my number one.


goingmerry is another youngster.....I guess that explains it.

......soulthug being number one:kekeke: :kekeke:


Wannabe Thug,, born 1991
15 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
hermegildo said:
Looks like someone is jealous of the second youngest member on the site.

Don't worry soulthug, you'll always be my number one.


PS: IgnizV2 is younger than me


20 Year Member
Apr 15, 2002
~lol michigan

I wonder if they started relocating them to Michigan when the population got too stupid to know how to have sex.


Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Apr 9, 2005
well it ended up to be a long and confusing experience. basicaly the guy diong this was a friend of this kid i know named alin, his friend's hobby is stalking people and crackng their sn's with skript kiddie tools, then using what he knows about them to inpersinate them adn try to ruin there relationships with people on their buddy list. to make a long story short he used three sn's sometimes 2 at ounce and coordinated them in a way. it was pretty good it realy did seem like 3 different people, most of the time. i've read the death note manga so i consider myself a wannabee novice detective so i knew it was the same guy but i wanted to believe they where diferent people cause one of them pretended he was a 10th grader homo at my school and he used the other sn to back up that story. andyay the sn pretending to be a homo guy told me i was cute and asked if i was gay. i said no, he said he sees me in the halls and would realy like to suck my ear. i sadi sry i only like asian girls. he said if i give him a blow job he would get me a hot asian girl. i knew none of this was true but i realy wanted to believe it, i saw it as my ounce chance to ever get a hot asian girl. andway i was home form school today and this went on for a bit cycling the different scren names. untill i told my friend who happned to knokw this kid, he then warned me adn said if you trust me block this kid. of cousre by then i knew what was going on but i did't know who was behind it. sense my friend told me it was one of his old friends i knew he would't give me a hot asian gf and i would't suck his dick so i did like my friend said and blocked hm. i'm realy not gay , i mean you have to look at the ends not the means. basicaly how i see it is, my friend used to be friends with this stalkre kid, my friend changed school, the stalker kid got mad and possesive and trys to cause harm to any of his friends new friends. the whole reason he could take it this far was because i was bored and let him, and becaues he had the common ground of knowing allen lin so he could seem like someone he was't. i did't save all teh convo but here is some with the "gay guy":

(after we small talked for a while, i played along cause i wanted to get to teh bottom of who was doing this)
FaierMetrese: soo
grandline313: idk i'm pretty boring to talk to, sry. who are you though?
FaierMetrese: no your not, im casey
grandline313: casey blickenstaff?(was a name one of his other sn's supplied)
FaierMetrese: nooo
FaierMetrese: casey goldberg
grandline313: should i know you?
FaierMetrese: probaly not
FaierMetrese: i see you in the halls sometimes
FaierMetrese: your kinda cute
grandline313: wait are you a guy or a girl?
FaierMetrese: im a guy...duh
FaierMetrese: omg
grandline313: sry. what am i supposed to say? "yoru cute too"? i don't kow you and don't realy call guys cute.
FaierMetrese: well dont you tihnk im cute?'
FaierMetrese: im the one with the messenger bag
grandline313: mhmmm i'm trying to recall you but can't realy rember what you look like. sorry
FaierMetrese: you hurt my feeelings
FaierMetrese: ;-)\
FaierMetrese: :-(****
FaierMetrese: :'(
grandline313: ahh well sorry if you took offense to that. its just normaly guys don't call each other cute. and like i said i dont remember seeing you.
FaierMetrese: well im not a normal guy
FaierMetrese: neither are you
grandline313: what do you mean by that?
FaierMetrese: ;-)
grandline313: lol
FaierMetrese: wait you mean you dotn play for "our" team?
grandline313: what? when did i say that?
FaierMetrese: i just assumed, you kinda walk like us, and i have gaydar
FaierMetrese: are you serious??? your not one of us?
grandline313: you mean i'm not gay? no sry im not gay.
FaierMetrese: you mean ive been wasting my time!!?!?!?!:'(
grandline313: we can still be friends even though yoru gay and i'm not.
FaierMetrese signed off at 7:40:35 PM.
FaierMetrese: but everytime i see you i wanna suck on ear
FaierMetrese signed on at 7:42:08 PM.
FaierMetrese returned at 7:42:13 PM.
FaierMetrese: will you let me?
grandline313: well i thought about it. and talking to girls is realy hard for me and i realy do only like asian girls. and am probably never going to get a girl in my life. but i'm not gay and dot' realy want anyonhe sucknig my ear unless its an asian girl. nothigin against you or anything its just naturaly how i am.
FaierMetrese: i see:-(
FaierMetrese: i can help you get a girl
grandline313: realy? that would be awsome.
FaierMetrese: if i get you a hot asian girl will you give me a blowjob
grandline313: sounds like a deal.
FaierMetrese: yess fabulous!!!!!

//again i'm not gay but this realy would be worth it

FaierMetrese: ok which girl do you have an eye on
grandline313: ah well there is only 2 asian girls in 9th grade. one of them i don't find attractive adn the other one, i think i ruined my chances with so...not much to work with.
grandline313: adn i would have no chance with anyone a grade above
FaierMetrese: how do you feel about older women?
FaierMetrese: how did you ruin it with her
grandline313: well i tried talking to her and i'm not good at talking to girls. it was pretty stupid what i said. what do you mean by older, how much older?
FaierMetrese: 10th?
FaierMetrese: or 12th?
grandline313: o yeah thats barely older. that would be great. but i realy dont' think i'd have great chances.
FaierMetrese: ohh i think u might
FaierMetrese: do you know amy?
grandline313: no. sorry.
FaierMetrese: liz?
grandline313: well waht do you mean by know? know what they look like or actualy have talked to them before?
FaierMetrese: both
grandline313: well i havent' actualy talked to any of them before. and i dont' know there names but i have defiently seen hot asians in higher grades then mine. i realy think its hopeless.
FaierMetrese: hmmm cortney?
grandline313: idk names so if you describe her looks maybe i'll know who your talking about?
FaierMetrese: well first of all shes asian, georgous black hair, C cups she tlaks about them alot, shes pretty thin, i wish i could be that thin, beautiful brown eyes

grandline313: so you are teh same person as shlom n ohev and twisted fire? but who is that?
//here i confronted him, i thougth ti was one of my friends who alos knew my other friend playing a trick on me

FaierMetrese: nooo i donno shlom n ohv but twisted fire is cortney
//blocked him now

rest of other convo
grandline313: so there is dancing right? i can't dance for shit.
Twistedfire1000: hell no, dancing sucks ass
Twistedfire1000: there might be a few people danceing butthey will be drunk so its basicly just stumbling around
Twistedfire1000: fun to watch
grandline313: lol
Twistedfire1000: ubt the real fun is with the ladies
grandline313: i know you said the 5's look like 10's when drunk, but are there girls that look higher than 5 without beign plastered? also im not realy that muscular or good looking of a guy so idk if i will have as easy of a tiem as you say getting some (asian)ass
Twistedfire1000: ooo dude some of the hottest chicks of novi will be there, and if allen could get some, you could get some
grandline313: true. well it sounds like a great idea but i can't realy drive there and my parents would't like me out that late. your not one of my friends or someone trying to prank me right? or a third party hired by my friends? lol. i mean normaly complete strangers arent' that nice, they would rather have all the puuunayy fro themselvs.
grandline313: **for themselves
Twistedfire1000: normaly we would but dude you are fucking pimp
grandline313: thaks alot. ok well if i can get a ride i'll go. maybe i can ride with alin lin. it will be hard cause my spring break was last week and i have school tommorw.
Twistedfire1000: hah maybe
Twistedfire1000: dude next time we do it on the weekend ill tell you
grandline313: ok sounds great. i could deviently go on a weekend.
grandline313: at first i thought you were an internet preditor but now i realy think your allen lin or an affiliate of allin lin playing a joke on me. they woul't let a minor into a night club.
Twistedfire1000: you were right the first time
grandline313: what? an internet predator? i dont beleive it. if you were you would nto have chosen a public meeting place.
Twistedfire1000: what can i say, im an idiot
grandline313: as in a 40 year old man who stalks adolesenct male teens? fat chance
Twistedfire1000: who said im 40
Twistedfire1000: or a man
grandline313: there you go. thats more like a predator.. if you were a girl i might be tempted to meet you at a place. but do girls realy swear and talk so vulgar ?
Twistedfire1000: yeah...
grandline313: i wouldt' know i never talk to girls
Twistedfire1000: why not?
Twistedfire1000: you seem like a sweet guy, i would fuck you
grandline313: i'm not gay or anything. i just have a hard time thinking of what to say to them. i like sort of geeky thinigs that girls dont' realy talk kmuch about. i'm nto good at small talk. thanks alot thats probably the nicest thing anyone besides my parents/grandparents has ever said to me.
Twistedfire1000: geeky things liike what?
grandline313: anime, computers.
Twistedfire1000: thats hott
Twistedfire1000: i lovvve anime on the computer... you mean porn right?
grandline313: as in hentai? i like that but i like normall manga and anime series as well as computer proggraming, web design, building computers, and thta sort of thing too.
Twistedfire1000: it turns me on so quickly
grandline313: yeah
Twistedfire1000: tell me about web design....
grandline313: lol. um i'm not that good or anythign but what i along with a friend made a decent site. he did most of the graphical work, photoshop, etc. i did the codeing, no wysiwig editor caus i'm tryign to learn the stuff, there is probably 2nd graders better than me. i'm realy lame. anyway i have linux server runnign apache at home hosting the site its lame but it was fun for a while, where makeig a new layout now, i should learn php. i should also set up my own dns server rather than use free ones like i do.
grandline313: so i know you said you like hentai do you also like panchira?
Twistedfire1000: im sure your not lame
Twistedfire1000: you sound awsome
Twistedfire1000: YES!!! omg i love panchira
Twistedfire1000: im kinda a dyke
Twistedfire1000: but i like guys too so yeah
grandline313: lol, i want this shirt it says panchira in japanese then under that kitaaaa. thats cool, i'm not gay but i can see how you like mixing it up everyounce adn a while.
Twistedfire1000: if you get that shirt i will so fuck you
grandline313: lol
Twistedfire1000: im serious, that shirt is sexxxy
grandline313: they have a girls version too.
Twistedfire1000: ooo we could match
grandline313: so who are you though?
Twistedfire1000: courtney
grandline313: so what was teh whole begging night club thing about? do you go to allen's school?
Twistedfire1000: i just wanted you to come
Twistedfire1000: yeah
grandline313: so you go to country day? there not on spring break now so i dont' see how you could have gone to the club? miss school?
Twistedfire1000: yeah, im on my own spring break
grandline313: lol
Twistedfire1000: hanging out wit people form novi
grandline313: so are you allens age? i dought theywould let people that young into clubs
Twistedfire1000: they do when you flash them
Twistedfire1000: it pays to be a C cup
grandline313: i'm surprised they let allin in though
Twistedfire1000: they didnt, he went over to aimees house last night it wsnt there
Twistedfire1000: tonite the paratys there
grandline313: ah ok. you seem realy different then from when we first started talking , more like a girl i guess, not taht i would know what a girl talks like. when you said you knew allen lin i was kind of scared cause i thought you were an older male who could drink and go to night clubs and somehow knew me and allin , i even posted on a forums and aseked them what i should do. lol.
Twistedfire1000: oo what did they say
grandline313: they said you were probably a friend/grouop of friends playing a joke adn that when they were younger they used to do shit like that. another guy thought i made up the whole thing caues there was so much talking about ass. i still have my suspicions though, but you do realy seem like your a girl.
Twistedfire1000: yeah i seem likea girl, i am a girl
grandline313: ok i believe that.
grandline313: have i ever seen you before at school or something? cause i go o allens school too.
Twistedfire1000: i dont tihnk so
grandline313: ok well on a weekedn or something if the offer is still up i would defiently go to one of those parties. if there is asians there of course. i can drive in a few mountsh so it wont' be difficult.
Twistedfire1000: well i gotta go set everything up
Twistedfire1000: love ya hun
grandline313: ok, so long.
Twistedfire1000 signed off at 3:50:07 PM.

actualyh it seems twisted fire is one guy and the other 2 sns' are another guy. i guess these kids get together on a saturday night and do this for fun. it is fun i'll admit that.


Chin's Bartender
Feb 21, 2005
Holy crap, is that longwinded and unecessary. I'll skim the Cliff Notes when we're being quizzed on the material.


Iori's Flame
20 Year Member
Jun 15, 2002
goingmerry, it doesn't matter what mentality you have, if you actually DO end up doing something with another guy's cock, you're gay for having done it.

As for the convos, TLDR.


Krauser's Shoe Shiner
Apr 2, 2004
what is the go with u lot and ur facination with asian girls............................................ is it a maturity thing?:rolleyes:



goingmerry said:
or just a crazy cat inviting me out for a night on the town? this random guy imed me and its kind of scary. do any of you guys have experience deeling with these people? right now i'm playing along. some how he knows this kid at my school, who is a 9th grader named allen lin adn would never do what this guy says he is doing. i was talking to him last night he was't at a party, i'm scared about how this guy knows i live in michigan and how he knows my friends names. 9th graders dont' go to nightclubs....what should i do? i could just block him but i'm bored and am not telling him anything about myself or where i live and am certanainly not going to meat him.
here is the aim convo we had. i'm grandline313

Twistedfire1000: dude last night was fucking awsome
grandline313: yeah. what happened?
Twistedfire1000: you don't rember
Twistedfire1000: ?
Twistedfire1000: we got toasted and we started fucking these totally drunk chicks
grandline313: maybe you think i'm someone else? idk who you are and i don't think i'm who you think i am. that does sound awsome though.
Twistedfire1000: toomm???
Twistedfire1000: ralph??
grandline313: no sorry.
Twistedfire1000: then who is it?\
Twistedfire1000: allen???
grandline313: alex. who are you? i dotn' know any tom or ralph's? how did you get this sn?
grandline313: maybe your friend has an sn simular to this?
Twistedfire1000: dude i like you alex your fucking awsome were going to get wasted tonight at tequila rain do you want to come its cool i know the owner
Twistedfire1000: ?
grandline313: haha no sry. you sound like an internet preditor. i'm to young to drink anyway.
grandline313: thanks for the invitation though
Twistedfire1000: cool
grandline313: so when you get wasted do girls look hotter than normal? maybe i'll try it someday, i'm not good at getting girls expecialy not hot ones.
Twistedfire1000: hells yeah
Twistedfire1000: even dudes look good
grandline313: lol
Twistedfire1000: man the chicks that are 5 go up to 10s
grandline313: awsome. i should try it someday.
Twistedfire1000: dude i dont know about you but im getting shit faced tonight and fucking some hott ass chicks
Twistedfire1000: rember dogg you have the invite
Twistedfire1000: dude if your still a virgin that would change tonight
grandline313: yeah i am a virgin.
Twistedfire1000: dude the chicks at this party are gonna be so drunk they will fuck anyone, dude i can basicly garrentee you at least a threesome
grandline313: i kind of have a thing for asian girls. are there very man asian girls there?
grandline313: **many
grandline313: many asian girls. sry typo
Twistedfire1000: yeah dude, they love you long time
grandline313: lol
Twistedfire1000: we have at least 10 of them comeing not including thier friends
grandline313: wow, sounds great.
Twistedfire1000: yeah man, you gotta come!!!!!\
grandline313: tequila rain is in boston right?
Twistedfire1000: no... fountain walk
grandline313: o ok in novi.
Twistedfire1000: yeah eah
grandline313: so how did you know i lived in michigan?
Twistedfire1000: cuz i live in michiganTwistedfire1000: do you kow allen lin?
grandline313: yeah
grandline313: do you?
Twistedfire1000: yeah dude hes coming to the party, he was there last night, dddude he got like 3 hot ass chicks, a blonde and 2 asian chicks, he got all of them in the hot tub and was like fingering the asians while the blonde sucked his dick
grandline313: realy? that realy does't seem like something he would do. thats crazy! allen lin of all people, i never thought he would ever get a girl.
Twistedfire1000: i know man i though i was trippin balls but im pretty it was him, i doubt if hed remebre anythign cuz that guy got soo fucked up it wasnt even funny
grandline313: so you went last night right? and tonight you are going. you dont' have a job or school?
Twistedfire1000: spring break biotch
grandline313: lol. anyway about how long does it last? how late did allen stay last night?
Twistedfire1000: he went home with the 3 chicks at like 2 so i dont know how long his little party went on
Worst post in this thread.


I asked for a, Custom Rank and, Learned My Lesson.
15 Year Member
Oct 3, 2005
I think some of the people here are the same ones that got swept up in the Dihydrogen Monoxide scare.


Angel's Love Slave
Jul 30, 2003
goingmerry said:
he said if i give him a blow job he would get me a hot asian girl. i knew none of this was true but i realy wanted to believe it, i saw it as my ounce chance to ever get a hot asian girl. i'm realy not gay, i mean you have to look at the ends not the means.
Please. Never. Stop. Posting. Here.


Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Apr 9, 2005
some more people with diffrent sn's imed me. i found out it is a group of kids from my freiends old school who do this for fun. i'm tired of them so i no longer respond.


Chin's Bartender
Feb 21, 2005
goingmerry said:
some more people with diffrent sn's imed me. i found out it is a group of kids from my freiends old school who do this for fun. i'm tired of them so i no longer respond.

But you're passing up a HOT ASIAN GIRL! If you refuse to give oral sex to another male despite that factor, then you are truly gay.


Wannabe Thug,, born 1991
15 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
Goingmerry has no life and spends hours custom making conversations for this forum? :oh_no:

Ban him kthx
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