is there such a thing...

Oct 22, 2000
is there an rgb to svid converter for the supergun, if u read my other poat, my supergun port has no wires at all connected to it, hence ita not connected to the board, needs wiring and i dont know how to do that, so is there such a device so i can hook it up to use my svid wire i have for the supergun!


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
actually youll need a converter, first, you must have decent soldering skills which you probabaly have and second, these can be bought in a higher quality and kooked up real easy for cheap here goes, first call
video connection 1-800-444-6854 you'll reach ether debby or kelly ask if it is still available. have you already hooked up the power suply IF NOT BE CAREFUL! telme how it goes

TO Geese Howard, my little cream puff.

Your sliminess and greed has been a
has been a source of great enjoyment
for me these past few years, alas,
your end has come. We are all surfing
on a new wave of evil.
Unfortunately for you, my friend, the
wave is here, and you have no board.

Auf Wiedersehen, Meine Kleine sucker,
Oct 22, 2000
this conveerter thing will it make all the wavy lines go away on my mvs, cause my svideo port isnt connected, theres no wires on it at all, seems the person i got it from either stripped it or it was never connected,so i cant use my svideo unless you know where i can get it hooked up, or can i do it myself, tell me how!and how much os this converter thing you was talkin about