Xian-Xi ( dunno if I am allowed to just call you James ) , we haven't made business yet, but I think you are irreplaceable. I'm more of a passive Member, I wasn't on this Board ( or any other Board ) for years, mostly for Real Life Reasons. But if there's anything Neo-related that I didn't understand or just want to get confirmed like only a developer from SNK would be able to do, I looked and still look for Threads with Replies from you first. You are a Paragon for this community.
That said, I do agree that the Shop could be cleaned up a bit. It's tiresome to read " Out of Stock " so many Times, and Examples of your Works regarding Superguns and CMVS Setps would be very helpful.As a Guy from Europe, I would also like to get a rough estimate about Overseas Shipping and which Carrier Options would be available. Since this is a known Problem ( I see the many big " US-only , no discussion " signs on the Market Place ) on both sides I understand why many try to avoid shipping overseas.It doesn't help that there are some dubious Guys on this Continent that just want to get easy money selling knockoffs / conversions and so on. But it looks like the Money Conversion Rate alone does depress some also.
I bought from Hawaii before, even if that was about 10 Years ago. Wasn't a Problem though, as the Guy followed the only really Important Rule of sending to Germany : Placing a clean and readable Invoice on the outside of the Package not marking it as a "Gift" .
Fingers crossed for your Shop, perhaps we can do Business in the Future. And many thanks for all the incredible helpful technical Knowledge you shared so far.