I made a thing: Red Rover TradeMart: Fun little app update in a few days


Unsure if You Asked, For a custom Rank, But Hell,
10 Year Member
Nov 3, 2014
Installed the app on the way into work this morning. I will look to add some items tonight and this week. Seems cool. I too was a bit put-off by the CC info request. Maybe not by who is requesting it but by how securely is it stored, etc and exactly at what time is it called upon to be used.

Also, I cannot create a wantlist of items that are not necessarily listed ATM? I am looking for a SMASH TV PCB, no way to enter that until I come across one in the app?
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6400|!!|Kyo Clone
20 Year Member
Oct 23, 2001
Installed the app on the way into work this morning. I will look to add some items tonight and this week. Seems cool. I too was a bit put-off by the CC info request. Maybe not by who is requesting it but by how securely is it stored, etc and exactly at what time is it called upon to be used.

Also, I cannot create a wantlist of items that are not necessarily listed ATM? I am looking for a SMASH TV PCB, no way to enter that until I come across one in the app?

So, Stripe is a bit similar to PayPal. I wonder if their presence/reputation is regional. I don't keep your card info - Stripe does - and when I need to charge you I contact Stripe.

Here's someone's comparison: https://memberful.com/blog/stripe-vs-paypal/

I'll need to make it much more clear in the app.

That's true about the Wishlist creation. I'm not against the idea at the moment, but I'll mostly shut up about it and just feel people out by what they do and say.

Shitty security coincidence, I've recently moved and someone broke into our apartment building last night and stole everyone's mail (seriously). Not mine and not the mail people sent to me, though. I've got a PO Box. And that's a decent analogy for credit card security. I'm letting someone else handle it, so shit doesn't get fucked up.
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rare's hero,
Jul 13, 2007
Wasn't me! But I was honestly thinking of posting my old leather jacket that's too big for me now...


RevQuixo. Who He?,
20 Year Member
Aug 7, 2002
So does the stuff in your collection show up when you're viewing what's out there? Or is there some little turd that reviews everything before posting it for public view?

Just curious.

Also the image posting tool is a bit weak for iOS devices. It should allow me to pick from an album and also multiple images at a time.


6400|!!|Kyo Clone
20 Year Member
Oct 23, 2001
So does the stuff in your collection show up when you're viewing what's out there? Or is there some little turd that reviews everything before posting it for public view?

Just curious.

Also the image posting tool is a bit weak for iOS devices. It should allow me to pick from an album and also multiple images at a time.

It shows up right away. That'll be more apparent when item profiles implemented - I'm leaning towards that as a 5-in-1 solution to feedback.

Agree about the image picking. Your suggestion is going on the list. To echo our email last night, I originally only wanted photos taken through the app because I was worried someone would save images from the internet of items they didn't have and upload them. This was the wrong way to think to begin with.


RevQuixo. Who He?,
20 Year Member
Aug 7, 2002
Yeah, I don't see my Collection in the marketplace. Even searching for it, not showing up. Do the items get some sort of review process before they post on marketplace?


Unsure if You Asked, For a custom Rank, But Hell,
10 Year Member
Nov 3, 2014
Your stuff is listed, but is omitted from your view in the Market, you can see it under "Collection".


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
I got an email saying I won a Switch!! :tickled:

Dr Shroom

made it in japan
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
I got an email saying I won a Switch!! :tickled:

Yes you did! Please send a cheque of $500 to Mulumbu Kulukasa in Lagos, Nigeria via Western Union and we will ship it to you right away.