I can't believe what Bush is saying nowadays.


Street Hoop Star
15 Year Member
Mar 12, 2006
It seems that as closer and closer Bush gets to the end, the stupider he gets. Is it me or is he supporting the torture of prisoners?

<sarcasm>I thought this country was civilized</sarcasm>

Bush vetoes interrogation limits said:
Bush vetoes interrogation limits

US President George Bush says he has vetoed legislation that would stop the CIA using interrogation methods such as simulated drowning or "water-boarding".

He said he rejected the intelligence bill, passed by Senate and Congress, as it took "away one of the most valuable tools in the war on terror".

The president said the CIA needed "specialised interrogation procedures" that the military did not.

Water-boarding is condemned as torture by rights groups and many governments.

It is an interrogation method that puts the detainee in fear of drowning.

Track record

Speaking in his weekly radio address, Mr Bush did not mention water-boarding specifically.

"The bill Congress sent me would not simply ban one particular interrogation method, as some have implied," he said.

Water-boarding: prisoner bound to a board with feet raised, and cellophane wrapped round his head. Water is poured onto his face and is said to produce a fear of drowning
Cold cell: prisoner made to stand naked in a cold, though not freezing, cell and doused with water
Standing: Prisoners stand for 40 hours and more, shackled to the floor
Belly slap: a hard slap to the stomach with an open hand. This is designed to be painful but not to cause injury
Source: Described to ABC News by un-named CIA agents in 2005

"Instead, it would eliminate all the alternative procedures we've developed to question the world's most dangerous and violent terrorists."

He added: "This is no time for Congress to abandon practices that have a proven track record of keeping America safe."

Correspondents say the slim margin by which the bill was passed means it is unlikely that the Democratic-controlled Congress could gather enough votes to overturn Mr Bush's veto.

The bill would have restricted Central Intelligence Agency officials to using the 19 interrogation techniques outlined by the US army field manual.

It would ban the CIA from using not only water-boarding, but sensory deprivation and other harsh coercive methods on prisoners.

The CIA recently publicly admitted using water-boarding on three people, including high-profile al-Qaeda detainee Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, but not for the past five years.

Zero Satori

Jaguar Ninja
Sep 21, 2006
Piratero said:
Water-boarding: prisoner bound to a board with feet raised, and cellophane wrapped round his head. Water is poured onto his face and is said to produce a fear of drowning
I honestly just envisoned in my mind how that would possibly feel, and it scared the bejeezus out of me. :crying: I'm still shaking just thinking about that, and to think that this could actually be done to a real person sounds like something out of a Stalin-era KGB handbook, not a decent, humanitarian state.

Fuck this shit, man! I need to get my passport in order before they stop letting Americans out of their own borders... :help:


Loyal Neo-Disciple,
20 Year Member
Aug 16, 2000
I actually approve of this, if you think this is crazy, wait until there's another 9-11 and no one will complain about tortures to get the terrorists to confess. You simply can't be humane or even reason with people who want to kill you, just look at Israel vs Palestinians, it's either kill or be killed.


Orgy Hosting Mod
15 Year Member
May 26, 2004
vincewy said:
I actually approve of this.

Personally, I also prove. However, Bush looks like a hypocrite (again) for supporting it because of how often he's ranted against torture and his pursuit of civil liberties by other countries/groups.

When it's all over, who our worst President ever was will still be debatable, but it's quite clear that Bush is the most embarrassing President we've ever had. He's single handedly given the US the worst global rep it's ever had and made a complete mockery out of everything this country has ever done and stood for.

Whoever wins 2008 should make their first action to be apologizing to the world on behalf of Bush.
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World Her,
Apr 17, 2002
vincewy said:
I actually approve of this, if you think this is crazy, wait until there's another 9-11 and no one will complain about tortures to get the terrorists to confess. You simply can't be humane or even reason with people who want to kill you, just look at Israel vs Palestinians, it's either kill or be killed.
lol fear

Rade K

Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Mar 17, 2001
vincewy said:
I actually approve of this, if you think this is crazy, wait until there's another 9-11 and no one will complain about tortures to get the terrorists to confess. You simply can't be humane or even reason with people who want to kill you, just look at Israel vs Palestinians, it's either kill or be killed.

This is how Bush got his second term, people.


Kobaïa Is De Hündïn
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2001
vincewy said:
I actually approve of this, if you think this is crazy, wait until there's another 9-11 and no one will complain about tortures to get the terrorists to confess. You simply can't be humane or even reason with people who want to kill you, just look at Israel vs Palestinians, it's either kill or be killed.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I mean....

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
vincewy said:
. You simply can't be humane or even reason with people who want to kill you, just look at Israel vs Palestinians, it's either kill or be killed.

So you are saying the Palestinians are right in what they do?


Formerly Punjab,
Aug 16, 2001
vincewy said:
I actually approve of this, if you think this is crazy, wait until there's another 9-11 and no one will complain about tortures to get the terrorists to confess. You simply can't be humane or even reason with people who want to kill you, just look at Israel vs Palestinians, it's either kill or be killed.

I previously thought you were a quality member.
Now I realize you're ragingly misguided at best, or at worst...a walking dribble cup.

Torture is 101% un-American.
At least, in the academic 'exceptionalist' America that only exists now in Superman comics and bad textbooks. Still, occasionally I find its a dream I am not ready to abandon.
You know what the burden of being the good guy means? It means that, since you consider your intentions benign and noble, when the chips are down, you do not resort to dirty pool. You remain on the side of the principles that supposedly allow you to remain noble.
Everybody with a functioning brain (meaning everyone outside this God-forsaken administration) completely rejects this sort of interrogation method. It does not produce credible or actionable intelligence. You can cling to your '24' fantasies all you like, it simply does not work that way. You erode their belief system, you befriend them, you show them that we as Americans are not what their awful Wahhabist clerics said we were.

Do you think for a single moment that a particular terrorist individual who is so insane as to be committed to smuggling nuclear weapons into the US would actually crack under some kind of physical torture? I don't. I think they would wear the most placid smile you've ever seen...no matter what you did to them, right up until the moment the bomb goes off.

Do us all a favor and fail to breed please. Your comic book realism is killing us all.

Maury V.

Lucky Glauber's #1 Fan,
Jan 4, 2002
vincewy said:
I actually approve of this, if you think this is crazy, wait until there's another 9-11 and no one will complain about tortures to get the terrorists to confess. You simply can't be humane or even reason with people who want to kill you, just look at Israel vs Palestinians, it's either kill or be killed.

So how much Fox News do you watch on a daily basis?


20 Year Member
Apr 15, 2002
Anyone who approves this needs to be subjected to the torture.

But knowing Abasuto, he'd enjoy it.


Orgy Hosting Mod
15 Year Member
May 26, 2004
Anyone who approves this needs to be subjected to the torture.

Wanna hear a nifty torture method ?

They'd stick a cage with no bottom on a person's stomach with a rat inside it and start to slowly heat the cage up. The rat would freak the fuck out over the cage getting hot and would dig itself into the person's stomach to escape the heat.

J. Max

Aug 8, 2002
vincewy said:
I actually approve of this, if you think this is crazy, wait until there's another 9-11 and no one will complain about tortures to get the terrorists to confess. You simply can't be humane or even reason with people who want to kill you, just look at Israel vs Palestinians, it's either kill or be killed.

Israel has tried negotiating and actually made concessions. The Palestinians are a completely different situation.

And you are a complete idiot. In fact, I question if you are working for the Bush administration or are, in fact, Dick Cheney himself.


Armored Scrum Object
Sep 6, 2004
norton9478 said:
So you are saying the Palestinians are right in what they do?

Hmmf, the Palestinians are indeed very brutal, idiot, stupid, ruthless ...
And it was of course the "Godly Right" of the Jews to subside people from their homeland by force and create a nation of their own, isn't it eh?

God told Moses to take his people to the land of Philistians, for that was the country that was destined for them. But when the jews saw the huge, strong of the city they returned to Moses, hopeless and deflated, although they were told by God they would win the battle. "O Moses, you and your God go and fight off those people. And do call us when you are victorious."

Some nation indeed!

J. Max

Aug 8, 2002
Abasuto said:
Wanna hear a nifty torture method ?

They'd stick a cage with no bottom on a person's stomach with a rat inside it and start to slowly heat the cage up. The rat would freak the fuck out over the cage getting hot and would dig itself into the person's stomach to escape the heat.

That's pretty nasty, but impaling is worse. Your method does not involve genitalia and/or the rectum, and is therefore not as useful.


Jun 25, 2002
vincewy said:
I actually approve of this, if you think this is crazy, wait until there's another 9-11 and no one will complain about tortures to get the terrorists to confess. You simply can't be humane or even reason with people who want to kill you, just look at Israel vs Palestinians, it's either kill or be killed.

You fucking moron.

Why is it that most of the terror suspects who get interrogated and tortured are then released with no charges?

Fuck your ignorance.


Armored Scrum Object
Sep 6, 2004
Populous said:
You fucking moron.

Why is it that most of the terror suspects who get interrogated and tortured are then released with no charges?

Fuck your ignorance.

Thats very profound.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
lol@ "nowadays"

And yeah, it's pretty well documented that torture does not produce credible or reliable information. It doesn't take long before the tortured just try to tell you whatever they think you want to hear, regardless of veracity, just to get the torture to stop.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Mar 27, 2005
Setsuna1982 said:

Didn't some shit get blown up in Spain a year or two ago?

I's not fear, it's called prevention by any means necessary.


Orgy Hosting Mod
15 Year Member
May 26, 2004
ki_atsushi said:
It's not fear, it's called prevention by any means necessary.

So, what prevention have we taken to protect ourself from pissed off middle class white guys like McVeigh and Nichols ?


Jun 25, 2002
lone_REBEL said:
Thats very profound.

Oh believe me, your insight into the Israel situation was profound as well.

Why dont you go look up who actually allocated the land for Israel and presented it to the Jews, post WW2. Go on, look it up.


Jun 25, 2002
Abasuto said:
So, what prevention have we taken to protect ourself from pissed off middle class white guys like McVeigh and Nichols ?

And how about the first WTC bombing. The one that the US govt quite literally sponsored, bought the bomb materials, hired the "terrorist", provided the blueprints, specified the bomb location, everything.

This country does not want to prevent terrorist acts, it encourages them. Look at what Vince said, "wait until there is another 9-11 and no one can complain". That is precisely what our government wants to happen.

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I asked for a, Custom Rank and, Learned My Lesson.
15 Year Member
Oct 3, 2005
More American lives have been lost in Iraq than in the twin towers. And let's face it, 90% of the people who died on 9/11 were scummy old lawyers. We're killing brave young men in Iraq.