Halo 3 Beta impressions

Big Shady

Kyukyogenryu Black Belt
15 Year Member
Apr 16, 2003
So I got the beta last night and here are some quick impressions.

* I'm digging how they toned down jump and run speed.
* Matchmaking is a little fincky right now, but it works.
* The water is gorgeous.
* Decent looking, but the graphical showcase for the system is Gears of War
* Lots of physics replication, which I always find impressive.
* The replay system is so gimped, it might as well not be in the beta.
* Just flat out fun.

I think maybe the biggest let down might be the graphics. After being spoiled with Gears and UE3 development, its just not a knock out like the other games were, which I am fine with. People, however, shouldn't expect any more polish or fine tuning to the engine. The game is shipping in September, hence it is basically done. They may tune game types and weapon placement, but that's pretty much it. The only graphical improvement one could hope for is a slight bump in texture resolution since the file size is small for the beta (990 MB).

Anyways, the main thing is, its alot fun for me. Please post your own impressions :)
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"Macho Man" Butta Supremo

Yuri's Aerobics Instructor
Apr 20, 2005
The game looks good to me.

I'm not very good at console FPS, so I got destroyed just like I did in Halo 2.

The shield grenade is wild. I was hiding in there like a panzy and got melee'd. haha.

Matchmaking did take awhile at first. I like how after a match, you have the option to stay in the same party. Makes it easier to find another match.

I'll be playing much more ut3 (pc version) than this, but I'll still probably pick it up.


Crossed Swords Knight
15 Year Member
Mar 5, 2004
Big Shady said:
So I got the beta last night and here are some quick impressions.

* I'm digging how they toned down jump and run speed.
* Matchmaking is a little fincky right now, but it works.
* The water is gorgeous.
* Decent looking, but the graphical showcase for the system is Gears of War
* Lots of physics replication, which I always find impressive.
* The replay system is so gimped, it might as well not be in the beta.
* Just flat out fun.

I think maybe the biggest let down might be the graphics. After being spoiled with Gears and UE3 development, its just not a knock out like the other games were, which I am fine with. People, however, shouldn't expect and more polish or fine tuning to the engine. The game is shipping in September, hence it is basically done. They may tune game types and weapon placement, but that's pretty much it. The only graphical improvement one could hope for is a slight bump in texture resolution since the file size is small for the beta (990 MB).

Anyways, the main thing is, its alot for me. Please post your own impressions :)

I had purchased Crack Down planning to play it and the Halo 3 Beta. However, once I realized the Halo 3 Beta wasn't coming out until mid May, I sold off my copy of CrackDown. (I never got around to opening it) I recently looked at picking one back up but I guess the Beta is only for 3 weeks?

So, I will just have to read impressions and wait for the real thing in Sept.

EDIT: Is is true you can take one guest on Live with you in the Beta?


I asked for a, Custom Rank and, Learned My Lesson.
15 Year Member
Oct 3, 2005
Holy shit! How could they tone DOWN the running speed?


Hijacked by a Spambot!
Aug 21, 2004
Gameoz said:
I had purchased Crack Down planning to play it and the Halo 3 Beta. However, once I realized the Halo 3 Beta wasn't coming out until mid May, I sold off my copy of CrackDown. (I never got around to opening it) I recently looked at picking one back up but I guess the Beta is only for 3 weeks?

So, I will just have to read impressions and wait for the real thing in Sept.

EDIT: Is is true you can take one guest on Live with you in the Beta?

I sat my little brother up with the team training matchmaking and a few people had guests, but I think you're right that you can only have one guest.

From what I've heard all copys of Crackdown come with the beta now, even the ones that aren't marked... After using Crackdown to download the Beta you still need the disc to launch everytime.

  • The way they've changed up territories doesn't really work too well. It's just not very fun.
  • I've only played CTF one time, and that was a one flag. I hope they change the playlist up a bit.
  • VIP is really nice especially on Valhalla. If done correctly, one person can dominate the match with a plasma pistol and battle rifle. Since only VIP kills really matter, you don't even have to focus on the other team members.
  • Plasma pistols don't track near like they did in Halo 2, so you need to be pretty much dead on. The battle rifle is still a one shot kill afterward though.
  • The snow covered map just isn't very fun. I hope they get rid of this one.
  • Sniping is quite a bit harder than Halo 2. It seems like you actually have to hit the player models now, and not just sweep snipe like 2.
  • The ghost is just a powerful as 2, but I did come across a glitch in the snow map. Somehow it got stuck between the doorway shield and overhang and wouldn't allow me to board or flip it.
  • The moveable turret kicks so much ass. This is THE weapon to guard assault games with. I only wish you could remount it for more ammo, or setup somewhere other than the spawn point.
  • The spike grenade seems to be a bit worthless right now.
  • Load times are horrendous right now, it seems like the game loads 5 mins for every 2 mins you actually play... Maybe this is a bit of an exaggeration, but there is a ton of loading.
  • Sometimes it might take 10-15 mins to find a match.... I think it's because the system now considers your overall ranking along with your rank in that matchmaking type.
  • Lag is really reduced from Halo 2 from what I can tell. I've only seen significant lag one or twice in all the time I've played since last night (quite a bit).
  • The player models are really ridiculus. They have these flashlights all over that shine in darkened areas, it's really quite cool.
  • I initially thought the mongoose (atv) was worthless, but I'm starting to like it. Even if it's totally gay looking with two people on board. The passenger can still fire weapons while riding on back, I'm thinking this will be become a deadly combination once people start using it.
  • It took some getting used to, but I really like having the use button on right bumper. You can still use your right thumb to either aim or jump while boarding, reloading, or picking weapons up.

That's pretty much all I've got right now, but I really like the game. Probably even more than Halo 2 (and some of you know how much I played that...) I just subscribed for live for this game, so if you guys want to ad me here's my username:

Bills Barnacle


I Love Frames!,
Jun 12, 2002
I am loving Halo 3 so far. Its a good mix of the gameplay of Halo1 and Halo2 with just enough new stuff that it feels new. I love the graphics. It looks like the best of Halo1+2 art styles in high res. It just feels right to me.

Big Shady

Kyukyogenryu Black Belt
15 Year Member
Apr 16, 2003
MilkManX said:
I am loving Halo 3 so far. Its a good mix of the gameplay of Halo1 and Halo2 with just enough new stuff that it feels new. I love the graphics. It looks like the best of Halo1+2 art styles in high res. It just feels right to me.
Yeah I'm with you on the visual style.

The game feels more "tactical" to me. Its not Rainbow 6: Vegas tactical, buts its less Unreal Tournament. Toning down the jump really made a difference in my eyes.


Knar Sdrawkcab, !t00w
15 Year Member
Feb 28, 2003
i'm really digging it too.

is it just me or when you turn does it seem to be a bit stuttery? it would benefit from a frame rate increase.

Buro Destruct

Formerly known as, Buro Destruct, , Southtown Stre
Jul 27, 2002
The Plasma Rifle is TITS. Maybe its just my unique experience, but its been WORTHLESS in the games I've played.

VIP on Valhalla is so fucking fun. Snowbound is a pretty legit level too, I like the sloping elevations. Makes for some interesting shooting situations.

Spartan Laser is a perfect balance of "devastating" and "almost too unwieldy to bother with".

Graphics are pretty. Very subtle things going on with the art style. Mongoose is fun. Trip Mines are HILARIOUS (nobody seems to catch when I drop one).

Matchmaking takes too long. But I suspect it will be slightly improved in the future. If not, I could live with it.

I absolutely fucking LOVE the sound of the assault rifle.


Formerly Punjab,
Aug 16, 2001
Buro Destruct said:
The Plasma Rifle is TITS. Maybe its just my unique experience, but its been WORTHLESS in the games I've played.

VIP on Valhalla is so fucking fun. Snowbound is a pretty legit level too, I like the sloping elevations. Makes for some interesting shooting situations.

Spartan Laser is a perfect balance of "devastating" and "almost too unwieldy to bother with".

Graphics are pretty. Very subtle things going on with the art style. Mongoose is fun. Trip Mines are HILARIOUS (nobody seems to catch when I drop one).

Matchmaking takes too long. But I suspect it will be slightly improved in the future. If not, I could live with it.

I absolutely fucking LOVE the sound of the assault rifle.

Wow man...given how fast you soured on Halo 2, I'm surprised you're digging it so much. Should be a damn good time when the real deal arrives.

Man I hope the single player campaign is decent. It ain't gonna be hard to top the last one, which was quite possibly one of the biggest disappointments ever.

Big Shady

Kyukyogenryu Black Belt
15 Year Member
Apr 16, 2003
beelzebubble said:
i'm really digging it too.

is it just me or when you turn does it seem to be a bit stuttery? it would benefit from a frame rate increase.
That actually might be logging code that is collecting data for the beta and will be turned off for ship. I'm not 100%, but that could attribute to framrate issues.

Also, I love the attenuated and spatialized audio in the game. The crackle and snap of gun fire in the distance is perfect. Makes it feel like a battefield, especially in Valhalla.


Dec 25, 2001
I finally had a chance to play for about an hour.

Its fun; simple as that.

I haven't even been able to deploy one of the "gadgets" I've picked up, I was too busy running about enjoying it. Some of the new features to screen out random people screaming in the lobby also seem nice.

So far, the Beta has exceeded my (low) expectations.


Knar Sdrawkcab, !t00w
15 Year Member
Feb 28, 2003
Big Shady said:
That actually might be logging code that is collecting data for the beta and will be turned off for ship. I'm not 100%, but that could attribute to framrate issues.

Also, I love the attenuated and spatialized audio in the game. The crackle and snap of gun fire in the distance is perfect. Makes it feel like a battefield, especially in Valhalla.

yeah i love the crackle and pop of distant gunfire, adds alot to the experience imo.

i'm a battle rifle man. not a big fan of the shotty sniper or rockets only matches, can't wait till i can setup/search for the type of matches i want to play in september.

melee too, i love whoring the melee :)


Angel's Love ,
20 Year Member
Aug 29, 2001
beelzebubble said:
yeah i love the crackle and pop of distant gunfire, adds alot to the experience imo.

i'm a battle rifle man. not a big fan of the shotty sniper or rockets only matches, can't wait till i can setup/search for the type of matches i want to play in september.

melee too, i love whoring the melee :)

I'm with you on that one, I love the BR. IMO, the Spiker is too powerful, especially when dual'ed. I do like the fact that the shotgun is now viable for someone other than the host now, though. Oh and those new spiked grenades, awesome. I racked up like 7 kills in one match thanks to those. They stick just like the plasmas do to people and vehicles plus they stick to walls plus, no bouncy give-away.

The maps are looking pretty good, but I agree they should tweak the Snowbound a bit more, I don't like the way it feels at all.

Feel free to hit me up when I'm on.

I really like the direction this game is going. I hope they can finish polishing it up enough in time for release.

Spike Spiegel

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Apr 24, 2001
Two questions: One, should I rent Crackdown to check this out? I really want to see what everyone's talking about. And two:

I loved Halo 1. Wasn't nearly as crazy about 2. Something wasn't quite right. Would you say this is closer to 1 or 2, or does it have its own feel all together?


Knar Sdrawkcab, !t00w
15 Year Member
Feb 28, 2003

A Halo modding community has accidentally made various hidden game files public, found by retrieving hidden data in the Halo 3 Beta code.
Before we go any further, a warning: the following are in no way official or confirmed features of Halo 3.

* New equipment: Instacover ; Smoke (suggested this might be a smoke grenade?) ; Jammer
* New vehicles: Chopper ; Pelican ; Shadow
* New weapons: Flamethrower ; Claymore Grenade
* New mode: Infection (described as "Destroy the Flood or become infected. Score points for killing flood or big points for infecting a human. The player with the most points wins."
* New rankings: The highest rankings are now Killpocalypse and Killionaire, instead of Double Kill and Triple Kill.
* A reference to a map editor has also been found, a returning feature from Halo 2.


I Love Frames!,
Jun 12, 2002
Aniother thing that is amazing is the "Foley" of the game. The sound effects and even the way they are handled in the game are very nice. High production values fr sure. Sounds as good as Saving Private Ryan. Echo's of machine guns in the canyon and the whirr and buzz of the vehicles speeding along. I havent heard sound this well in a game ever.

Buro Destruct

Formerly known as, Buro Destruct, , Southtown Stre
Jul 27, 2002
KaedesDisciple said:
I'm with you on that one, I love the BR. IMO, the Spiker is too powerful, especially when dual'ed. I do like the fact that the shotgun is now viable for someone other than the host now, though. Oh and those new spiked grenades, awesome. I racked up like 7 kills in one match thanks to those. They stick just like the plasmas do to people and vehicles plus they stick to walls plus, no bouncy give-away.

The maps are looking pretty good, but I agree they should tweak the Snowbound a bit more, I don't like the way it feels at all.

Feel free to hit me up when I'm on.

I really like the direction this game is going. I hope they can finish polishing it up enough in time for release.
What they really need to do, goddamnit, is just make Snowbound into Sidewinder. I can't be the ONLY person that fucking loved that map in Halo.

Anyway, from the 3, Valhalla is easily my favorite map. Its better than Coagulation or Blood Gulch but very much has that same feel to it.

Dual-wielding anything seems to be a tad overpowered. Spiker or SMG.

Its so fun when I'm the ONLY person on my team with VIP Kills because nobody wants to work together.:help:

Big Shady

Kyukyogenryu Black Belt
15 Year Member
Apr 16, 2003
Spike Spiegel said:
Two questions: One, should I rent Crackdown to check this out? I really want to see what everyone's talking about. And two:

I loved Halo 1. Wasn't nearly as crazy about 2. Something wasn't quite right. Would you say this is closer to 1 or 2, or does it have its own feel all together?
I don't think rentals of crackdown contain the key.


Dec 25, 2001
Big Shady said:
I don't think rentals of crackdown contain the key.

I recently bought a used rental copy of crackdown for $20 Cad (SCORE!).

There is no key; its just a menu ( "downloads" ) that you access when in the game.