Fucking USPS...


Gandalf Of Gibberish,
10 Year Member
Mar 8, 2010
the manager says yeah he prolly lost it? does not sound official to me. complain to a higher up?
at lees you wiill get a refund


Is he greater than XD Master?
10 Year Member
Sep 5, 2009
How fucking hard is that job? .

Thats what I'm asking.

Also, do you live in a sketchy area or have assholes for neighbors? What kind of d-bag gets someone else's package and doesn't take it to them? Isn't opening someone else's mail a federal offense? Not really worth the risk when you don't even know what's in there.

Nah, the neighbors are cool and the neighboorhood is meh. It's possible some degenerate is posting it on e-bay as I am typing this, but I'm hoping they have just havent had the time to foward it.

Ahhh, your right! Its not like they have millions of other people to deliver mail to. Too bad they dont have some service where you can let them know your not going to be in town so they can hold your mail.....ohhhh wait.......

Look, I agree that what happened sucks; and it sounds like USPS was to blame for the mishap. But why would you not put a hold on your mail, when you know your suppose to be receiving a valuable package days before you get back? Sounds like this COULD have been prevented had you taken the necessary steps. i.e. If your mail was held, it wouldnt have been on the "new guys" truck to be possibly delivered to the wrong address.

Look man, I really didn't get the feeling you were trying to be helpful.

Sorry if you were.

In all honesty I've tried to have mail held for me and it lead to another shit-pile.

This isn't the first time I've had to deal with this Post Office being incompetent.

I suppose next time I'll just stick with them holding my mail, that way they can't claim some asshole stole it.
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Iori's Flame
20 Year Member
Feb 7, 2002
I called my local post office and the Manager told me what really happened. That day the regular mail carrier was not working they had some new guy, who wasn't familiar with the route, filled in for the day. The manager was very straight forward in saying what most likely happened; It was delivered to the wrong address and not scanned as "delivered". Once he told me it was unlikely that it would re-surface that I decided to file a claim.

If I received that game mistakenly and opened the box to find a Strikers cart in it, I can imagine I would drop it back off on your porch with this note inside:

"Dear 2d_Master

Looks like the USPS accidentally delivered your package to me. After opening the box and seeing a Strikers cart in it, I have decided to be a good neighbor and return it to you.
I don't want this garbage in my home.

P.S I suggest you burn it and dispose of the ashes. And file a Paypal chargeback since no sane human wants this game in their collection and you clearly wanted Ghost Pilots.

Ur Neighbor"
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Is he greater than XD Master?
10 Year Member
Sep 5, 2009


Belnar Institute Student
Aug 8, 2012
Just a heads up, and I am not sure if all post offices do this, but usually if you are going to be gone a week or so you can have them hold your mail at the post office. The one my mail gets delivered by has let me do this every time I have gone on vacation.


Stupid Bitch.,
15 Year Member
Jun 21, 2007
While waiting for a metal slug 3 to arrive (the tracking said it had been delivered), I saw the mail man come up the driveway deposit some mail... stuck my head out the door and it wasn't there, chased him down the street like WTF and he was all " oh, I was gonna drop it off on my way back to the truck" sounding super shady and nervous like...
I'm pretty sure he was trying some stupid shit...

Stupid bitch.

Sorry to hear about your package son.

Maybe should have had a friend or family member go and scoop it off your porch.


Is he greater than XD Master?
10 Year Member
Sep 5, 2009
Just a quick update.

The USPS fucked up and didn't even deliver the package.

The package was marked "undeliverable" even though Fox1 had the proper address.

The package was sent back to Fox1 and he sent it to me again, free of charge.

Thank you Fox1 !


Cholecystectomy Required.,
10 Year Member
Oct 1, 2013
Just a quick update.

The USPS fucked up and didn't even deliver the package.

The package was marked "undeliverable" even though Fox1 had the proper address.

The package was sent back to Fox1 and he sent it to me again, free of charge.

Thank you Fox1 !

Glad to hear it worked out for you man


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 24, 2001
Glad it finally got there lol.


Professional College Dropout
10 Year Member
Jan 7, 2013
Like I said, ya never know. I've had the same happen... marked as a bad address mistakenly and sent back. Glad you got your stuff :)


noble trader
Dec 6, 2002
I know this has already been solved. I just wanted to point out that you can have your mail held up to 1 month by putting it on vacation hold. Also, when shipping through USPS make sure you pay the extra $1-$2 dollars for insurance. Even though a package is sent via Delivery Confirmation, its not insured. So if it is lost in transit, the Post Office still wont compensate you for the item (even if its their fault).....only the cost of postage that was spent. I've been with them as a mail carrier for over 20 years. If any of you guys ever have any postal questions, feel free to PM me.


Master Tasuke

Pathetic Meat Sack, Doll Fucker and Collector of J
Nov 29, 2009
i've done a jillion online purchases, most from the BAY, and only ONCE did i ever have something never show up.
of all the things i've ordered, it was PS2 METAL SLUG ANTHOLOGY.

i waited at least a year for it to magically turn up when i least expected, of course it never did. i just ordered another and chalked it up to chance...
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Sakura's Bank Manager
Jan 20, 2013
I had an S-video modded Sega Genesis get lost in the mail, it had tracking but it just disappeared. Fortunately the seller just sent me another one and it did arrive.

Master Tasuke

Pathetic Meat Sack, Doll Fucker and Collector of J
Nov 29, 2009
THAT... would be a NASTY LOSS. good to hear the seller made good by you...


Dec 15, 2013
I had an S-video modded Sega Genesis get lost in the mail, it had tracking but it just disappeared. Fortunately the seller just sent me another one and it did arrive.

2 months ago I ordered a cheap SNES AV cable from china (eBay) and it hasn't showed up. I already lost the hope and since it's being already like 60 days from the purchase, I don't think the seller will return the money or send another one. BTW: Anyone here has an SNES AV cable for sale? :)


Cholecystectomy Required.,
10 Year Member
Oct 1, 2013
2 months ago I ordered a cheap SNES AV cable from china (eBay) and it hasn't showed up. I already lost the hope and since it's being already like 60 days from the purchase, I don't think the seller will return the money or send another one. BTW: Anyone here has an SNES AV cable for sale? :)

im sure i have one lying around. I'll pm you once i get home.


Sakura's Bank Manager
Jan 20, 2013
2 months ago I ordered a cheap SNES AV cable from china (eBay) and it hasn't showed up. I already lost the hope and since it's being already like 60 days from the purchase, I don't think the seller will return the money or send another one. BTW: Anyone here has an SNES AV cable for sale? :)

you mean a composite cable for the snes? Shit man I'm sure I have one you can have it for free if you want just pay shipping, but shipping to Colombia is probably gonna be steep and what if it ends up in the hands of the cartel :keke:


noble trader
Dec 6, 2002
you mean a composite cable for the snes? Shit man I'm sure I have one you can have it for free if you want just pay shipping, but shipping to Colombia is probably gonna be steep and what if it ends up in the hands of the cartel :keke:

The cartel will use the cable to strangle their enemies.


15 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
I hope you get it man. From my experience they will say they will refund you and lie to your face. I had numerous similar incidents just this year and received jack shit. Once for a Wacom stylus my parents sent me I forgot at their place. Which I had to go knock on doors to locate, thanks god I found it. Once for a garage door opener from Amazon. Never received it but amazon rocks and refunded me. And just about 2 months ago for a few games a fellow sent me on eBay for some holder installations. Dragon Warrior IV, Final Fantasy III, and Zelda 1. This is where it got ugly. Packages never came.

The lady at the post office was super nice. She was the supervisor. She stated she would do anything she could, but the shipper needed to go to his post office with the receipt and file a claim. She said have them call her if there were any issues, and that she would take care of me. The guy went to the post office and they refused. He had her call the manager at my office, and she stated (lied), that I went to the computer and checked the delivery conformation number before going outside. So she told the other lady because of this I was not being truthful. Because no one checks numbers online before going outside to get packages. The guy told me they said "sorry, I think you have been scammed"

Not once did they ask for any proof I was a honest seller. Never mind I go there almost everyday, and have gave them THOUSANDS of dollars every year. Or asked about my 1500 transactions on eBay that are 100% positive. Or the fact me and the guy had numerous other transactions before hand, all completed successfully. They just lied and called me a scammer. What I told the lady at the post office was the guy emailed me and asked what was going on. It had been a few weeks, but he normally would contact me right after shipment. This time he did not. Basically the game was suppose to be delivered august 1st, and I received notice from him Aug 18th. So I checked the tracking number, saw it as delivered, and then went outside and scanned my property.

I had filed numerous complaints before so this was nothing new as they knew I was having issues since the beginning of the year with packages coming up missing, and wrong packages being delivered to my address I had to deliver myself. I went back to the office to speak to the lady, and another supervisor lady was there this time who was a total bitch to say the least. I told her I talked to nicole, and my emails had not been responded to, and asked if I could verify her email with the .usps name and she said "no, we can't give out personal information". And I said shes the manager of this department. What kind of manager has no contact information? Every job normally has contact information via email or phone for managers.

Needless to say I never received a single email back, even after tracking her down and talking again. She assured me only that if I sent her my tracking numbers she would watch them herself and make sure they were delivered. I asked her there if she could at least track down the worker that worked that day, and ask him if he remembers delivering the package, and tell the carrier of my route to start paying attention to what he is delivering. She said "we can't do that, someone may have called off, and I can't tell you who he is". And I said I don't care who he is, you have no form of system implemented to keep track of your carriers? The obvious reason I know they were at fault was when I mentioned having issues since the beginning of the year. And she said "oh yeah that's when we..." I can not remember what she said. But obviously something happened the beginning of the year.

Later, she emailed me back a single time. and stated the worker said he delivered the package that day. I then emailed her back and asked if he was so sure he delivered it could he describe the package? Surely if he delivered it he could describe it. Never heard anything again.

I am a pretty calm and relaxed guy normally, but thinking about this now it infuriates me to no end. I had to refund this guy all the games, in mint condition and spent well over $100.00 on ebay. And I know I was home Aug 1st because I checked my work schedule and I was off. I always on my day off wait for the mail to run before leaving.
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Dec 15, 2013
you mean a composite cable for the snes? Shit man I'm sure I have one you can have it for free if you want just pay shipping, but shipping to Colombia is probably gonna be steep and what if it ends up in the hands of the cartel :keke:

Yes Ninjainspandex, I am talking about a standard SNES composite video+stereo audio cable. Can you please send me a quote for the shipping of the cable?

The cartel will use the cable to strangle their enemies.

Not very funny IMHO man :P

Liquid Snake

I am untouchable
20 Year Member
Nov 22, 2000
I've had numerous times that USPS tracking shows "Delivered" but not showing anywhere until 3-4 days later. Funny thing is that once I submit USPS complaint online, they'll call me the next day and package shows up the same day.