did i do a "180" or is sano some srk raised troll?


Knar Sdrawkcab, !t00w
15 Year Member
Feb 28, 2003
heres a post i made on snkcapcom.com after reading sano's post on madmans. i cant register at madmans coz i dont have a private (non free) email account. im not looking for a mob to help me in some flame war, i just want to know for my own benefit if ppl think i "did a 360" on my opinion coz i cant see it... what do ppl think?


So, beezlebubble who originally had negative views on the game (see the other CFJ Thread) has turned around 360 and changed his opinion? Maybe he should, oh, I dunno - LEARN TO PIPE THE HELL DOWN UNTIL HE'S PLAYED A GAME LONG ENOUGH TO FORM AN OPINION! Not that I ever take the opinion of someone who gave SVC a raving Beta review seriously anyway. I like SVC more than most Capcom fanss and will pick it up on the X-Box, but I sure wouldn't rave about it.


impressions after about an hour and a half and 2 or 3 games.

im not a fan boy of any particular company.

general impressions:
its fun and i like the simpler system (no real guard crush, no rolls), the speed is also to my liking. but as a piece of work by a company it looks like effort levels are super low. bgs are terrible, they rank lower than the neowave ones which i didnt really think was possible, not only are they almost static but where there is movement its pathetic (see djay, cammy, ken and birdie looking like tacked on pics with only sean moving one arm up and down) the bgs dont seem to be 3d but more like layers of high rez pixelated ugh... game is choppy with slowdown when you come to blows with hauzer.. seems pretty framey.

- thailand bg is hideous imo
- about 10 ppl at the loke test...
- cvs style graphics aka high res with pixelated sprites (alex looks the worst from what i saw)
- mukuro looks cool with a ken style spinning kick, a ninja knife projectile, a multi projectile super, a teleport and drop which is cool, lots of chain use and a cool dash.
- jedah also looks very cool but i imagine he hasnt changed much in terms of moveset or look from ds.
- hauzers breath super seems to do no chip damage.
- hauzers sprite is incredibly hard to judge, whether you are hitting front or back and how far it is range wise to where you can land a hit on him when poking is veryhard to tell.
- there seemed to be some sort of defensive roll ala kof (ab when blocking) that belonged to which system im not sure.
- lots of urien and ryu players. ryu is solid and boring, urien a fiend with his wall super, just overhead/low/standing mix up till you hit then bounce them between hits and the wall for very quick stuns, ouch and sorta cheezy.
- hongkong bg is ugh
- hit sparks are cvs2 style exaggerated ones.. i dont really dig them.
- throw whiffing builds bar real quick.
- nool is sorta cool and at this point really strong, hes a poking king with no less than three nice mid-long standing pokes, a normal standing aa and great recovery on his flying charge, dp and fireball, you can just sitback, mix up fbs and pokes and aa a jumper for an easy keepaway game, saw a guy do this against zang for a perfect. his what seems to be s.LP is awesomely abuseable.
- hauzer has almost zero recovery on his charge move (see charge->c.LP for a nice rush down pattern)
- ingrid is super easy to use and fun, shes like a dummied down athena, her fbs are amazing arcing like a rimururu ice ball, the heavy goes the whole screen arcing near the opposite side, the light about half the screen to fall at the feet of the opponent and the mid in the middle of the two, her normals (especially j.HP, s.HP and c.HP are great for using when you jump in or dash after a fb) are good and shes basically a zoning monster who seems to have nice air priority.
- ryu, nool, urien and ingrid seem powerful at this early stage
- 21 chars (4 per system, sf2, sfalpha, warzard, sf3 and ds) + ingrid.
- the sprites are not touched up to look similar style (see leo vs zangief shading, colouring and black edges) looks pretty ugly.

ill play it im sure, the system seems pretty cool but the graphics are ugly and the game seems choppy and framey at this point. ill go again sunday with a m8 for more impressions..


well i played again tonight (cfj beta).. was my 3 month anniversary with my new woman so we headed to namba for a bit of thai.. the game centre where the loke is is about 1 min walk from there so i popped in for a couple of goes. still not much of a crowd

the game is growing on me.. the sprites seem less mismatched whether by virtue of me getting used to the look or some cleaning up being done by capcom??

gameplay however is obviously being tweaked heaps and the speed is up a bit. feels real nice basically and despite the disappointing graphics (bgs still irk me, the thai one truly looks like a 3 year old drew it... a mess of color and low rez almost static characters) the gameplay is very nice with the speed and the old school feel systemwise. oh yeah the effects have been tweaked and i am happy to say look quite nice now unlike the cheezy ones at the first loke test.

the roster definitely needs beefing up, i wish theyd get round to it quickly coz time to test is slowly drying up. all in all im looking forward to this one and its a sight more exciting/interesting that kof neowave thats for sure.

hey sano, maybe you should pipe down?

a - these impressions are based on a loke test. thats the only info i can give you at the moment. its either that or nothing.

b - i said "growing on me"

c - i said i like the system in the initial thread and then that the tweaks were causing me to like it even more.. seems consistent to me, maybe my english isnt good enough?

d - wtf does svc have to do with it, you are one of those nagging wont shut up super long memory srk fools arent you?

e - i still didnt like the graphics in the 2nd thread, so still consistent.

f - maybe you should fly over to japan and do an impressions thread yourself?

someone whos a member of madmans post this in the cfj 2 thread over there for me? (is sano a member here?).

sorry for the drama eight
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20 Year Member
Apr 15, 2002
Well, both your posts seem pretty consisent from where I'm sitting.

+doing a 360 means nothing, it means you are exactly where you were before you did the turn. :spock:

Doing a 180 means the opposite of what you were doing/thinking before. I.E. you Hate the game, then you did a 180, and now you love the game.


Knar Sdrawkcab, !t00w
15 Year Member
Feb 28, 2003
Well, both your posts seem pretty consisent from where I'm sitting.

+doing a 360 means nothing, it means you are exactly where you were before you did the turn. :spock:

Doing a 180 means the opposite of what you were doing/thinking before. I.E. you Hate the game, then you did a 180, and now you love the game.

very true. and i copied his mistake... im not gonna bother picking on his grammatical errors though :mr_t:


Disciple Of Orochi
Sep 14, 2002
Link me to the thread over at madmans, I'd like to check this out.


NeoGumby's Sycophant,
20 Year Member
Jun 12, 2002
it would be natural if your opinion of a game changed after playing more for a while. it's not a big deal.

+doing a 360 means nothing, it means you are exactly where you were before you did the turn. :spock:

Doing a 180 means the opposite of what you were doing/thinking before. I.E. you Hate the game, then you did a 180, and now you love the game.

lol. pwned.
Feb 4, 2001
Your English is fine, and your posts make sense. The problem must be on the other end. [/tech guy]

Kazuki Dash

Samurai Shodown Swordsmith
Feb 21, 2004
meh, don't let the guy get to you beelz, I think you stay as objective as you can considering that you still have to provide your own opinion when giving loke test reports...

and even if you do change your opinion of a game, so what? It's still being tweaked and the more exposure you get the more you have to base your findings on...it takes more guts to acknowledge a changed perspective than to cling stubbornly to original thoughts that don't apply anymore...

I'll still be checking your loke test threads regularly as it's still one of the best ways to get an inside look at new stuff...