DEMON'S SOULS (strategies, warnings and discussion)


Beast Buster
May 25, 2006
My playthrough got put on hold for Mass Effect 2. Loved everything so far though! 3-1 is creeping me out!

There's nothing more nerve-wracking than hearing a Mind Flayer's bell in the distance but not knowing exactly where he is. That happened to me far too many times and I didn't see him until I was being hit with that blue blast that knocks you on your ass.

That's one of the most tense stages in the game.


Apr 8, 2002
There's nothing more nerve-wracking than hearing a Mind Flayer's bell in the distance but not knowing exactly where he is. That happened to me far too many times and I didn't see him until I was being hit with that blue blast that knocks you on your ass.

That's one of the most tense stages in the game.

Tell me about it.

Where is he where is he where is he OH MAN HE JUST CAME AROUND THE CORNER!

I just run away and hope I can hide and heal every time that happens.

Metal Slugnuts

Feb 13, 2006
Any strategies on the Flamelurker from 2-1? I had a random guy help me get him down to 1/3 health but then he owned my ass. :emb:


Apr 8, 2002
I dodged his attacks as best as I could from the far end of the tunnel and returned fire with my own magic, and healed when needed. If you don't have any ranged attacks, then unfortunately I don't have any better advice for you.

Metal Slugnuts

Feb 13, 2006
I dodged his attacks as best as I could from the far end of the tunnel and returned fire with my own magic, and healed when needed. If you don't have any ranged attacks, then unfortunately I don't have any better advice for you.

Fuck, all I have is a bow.

How exactly do you learn magic in this game? :scratch:


Apr 8, 2002
There is a tool in the Nexus that teaches some beginner magic. He is on the opposite side of the Nexus that the blacksmith and company are, kind of back behind some pillars. I didn't notice him back there until after I finished 2-1, but that doesn't mean he isn't there. I didn't look back there beforehand. I call him a tool because he is kind of a jerk.


Beast Buster
May 25, 2006
Any strategies on the Flamelurker from 2-1? I had a random guy help me get him down to 1/3 health but then he owned my ass. :emb:

I posted this strategy for taking down Flamelurker in the other DS thread.

As for the strategy best suited to take out Flamelurker, I found it very helpful to lure him to the left side of the battlefield where the giant ribcage is lying on the ground, near the foot of the stairs. If you use a bow and proceed to have him follow you around the ribcage he'll have trouble navigating around it, and it will give you enough distance that you should be able to avoid his projectiles and area of effect attacks. Just take advantage of the distance, pelt him with arrows, and run another lap around the ribs when he finally manages to move in on you.

Rinse and repeat and he's really not bad.

Just bear in mind that he seems to get faster when his health is below 25%, and he tends to fire off those area of effect blasts with greater frequency. Just make those arrows count and use those ribs to keep out of reach from him and you should be fine.


Heartlessness is a virtue
Sep 16, 2005
Normally I wouldn't admonish someone for a bump, but come on... My thread was still on the first page, and it's full of active discussion. Sheesh.

evil son

Bead Banger
Dec 30, 2004
great thread i had got this game a couple months ago but i am just now getting around to playing it..

i have one question is there anyway to store your souls in the nexus?where do you go to lvl up?is it just the blacksmith?
i hate loosing all my souls im in the first area and keep getting my ass handed to me the further i go in next thing you know im on a survival mission to get my souls back from where i died.i die before hand though causing me to loose everything

Blue Steel

previously "bubu_X"
Feb 26, 2003
You can't efficiently store your souls at the nexus (it's risky). But what you can do is, commit suicide in the nexus, then you will leave a blood stain there (that's where your souls will be).

Then you can go out into the main world (one of the five areas) and immediately drop your blue eyestone so you can be summoned or drop your black eyestone so you can invade.

As long as you don't die, I think your souls will remain at the blood stain in the nexus. If you die though, I think they would all disappear, but I'm not totally sure. A person broadcasting a live stream on told me how to do this, but I just explained it as best I could.

Might wanna check up on the Demon's Souls wiki page before trying this, because I don't want you to lose your souls on account of my advice.

evil son

Bead Banger
Dec 30, 2004
ah so that why i saw all those blood stains in the nexus lol i was wondering why they were funny watching the go all the way up an jump off..but thanks for the advice:buttrock:


15 Year Member
May 20, 2004
ah so that why i saw all those blood stains in the nexus lol i was wondering why they were funny watching the go all the way up an jump off..but thanks for the advice:buttrock:
Players will usely suicide in the nexus to stay in soul form.The other being to make,there game go towards a black wt or to help a freind as a blue phantom.


Apr 8, 2002
Players will usely suicide in the nexus to stay in soul form.The other being to make,there game go towards a black wt or to help a freind as a blue phantom.

Why would anyone prefer to be in soul form unless they were wanting to play as a phantom?


15 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
Just throwing a post in here to see how things develop. Just hit soul level 90 today. Can finally use Yurt's armor and dodge effectively. Beat every stage except Towe of Latria 2, 3, and 4. If anyone needs any tips post here. I've put over 50 hours in and have been dicking oround trying to change tendencies and get my equipment how I want it before new game+. Also, didnt read the whole thread, but I just got a email that Atlus is changing tendencies for valentines day, and you can vote to see what way it goes. I say vote for White, cause Black is easy to get.


15 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
great thread i had got this game a couple months ago but i am just now getting around to playing it..

i have one question is there anyway to store your souls in the nexus?where do you go to lvl up?is it just the blacksmith?
i hate loosing all my souls im in the first area and keep getting my ass handed to me the further i go in next thing you know im on a survival mission to get my souls back from where i died.i die before hand though causing me to loose everything

You level up in Shrine of storms stage 1 at first. Your priority is leveling up here and beating all 4 stages. Cause stage 4 in shrine of storms will be your permanent leveling up spot. After you beat shine of storms 1, at the Adjunctors archstone you can immediately go down a hallway and pump 4 arrows into the reaper and get his souls and all his minions souls. Then suicide off the cliff,come back, pick up souls, and do so as much as needed. It's about 5,200 souls a run, or 8,250 if in pure black tendency.

Don't worry about losing souls to much. There are easy ways to get over 30,000 souls in less than 10 minutes. Don't waste your time.

Also, beating the boss that gives the red hot demons souls in stonefang, is traded to blacksmith Ed, so he can forge real weapons.

I highly suggest reading up on the crystal geckos and understanding how they spawn, cause your gonna be screwed later in the game if you don't know what your doing. There is a nest of them in 2-2, right past some black phantoms, don't keep going there until you get "inferno" or another area of effect spell/miracle that deals alot of damage. Cuae you wont be able to upgrade weapons to a higher level earlier. Basically anytime you beat a boss they respawn once. So it may be better after beating stonefang 1 to wait to tackle 2 until you have a powerful spell. also, the demons that guard the crystal gecko nest can be easily killed by running back to the elevator and taking it up. They will fall in the pit chasing you.


Heartlessness is a virtue
Sep 16, 2005
Don't worry about losing souls to much. There are easy ways to get over 30,000 souls in less than 10 minutes. Don't waste your time.

Damn, I didn't know that. Mind giving us a few tips for an easy soul method? Or did you mean the part in 4-1 you were just talking about?

I highly suggest reading up on the crystal geckos and understanding how they spawn, cause your gonna be screwed later in the game if you don't know what your doing. There is a nest of them in 2-2, right past some black phantoms, don't keep going there until you get "inferno" or another area of effect spell/miracle that deals alot of damage. Cuae you wont be able to upgrade weapons to a higher level earlier. Basically anytime you beat a boss they respawn once. So it may be better after beating stonefang 1 to wait to tackle 2 until you have a powerful spell. also, the demons that guard the crystal gecko nest can be easily killed by running back to the elevator and taking it up. They will fall in the pit chasing you.

I've managed to kill quite a few crystal lizards now with my bow, though a few have escaped. I've read that when they escape you're pretty screwed, and they won't come back (unless you kill a boss, as you said). Still, I've probably gotten close to a hundred ores off 'em so far, and I've only beaten 1-1, 1-2 and 2-1. As for those black phantoms, I wouldn't recommend letting them fall in the pit. They both have those stones that resurrect your body, and they're total pussies anyways. I beat 'em both without taking a single hit.

I have a question for you guys, by the way. It's about Flamelurker. If I use the spell that enchants my weapon, how effective is that? Will it kill him fast? I know he's vulnerable to magic, but that spell makes it only marginally easier to kill those rock grub exploding things. I'm playing a melee style guy, so my magic sucks, but I could level it up (probably using a method like the one you mention above, greedo). On the plus side, I have two flame resist rings and the purple flame shield, so I should be able to defend myself against him easily enough.


15 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
Flamelurker is kind of a bastard. He's one of the few bosses that is actually hard that you have to man up and fight. You just can't hide and pump arrows in him. I suggest you equip the fire resist ring, soul arrow magic, and water veil magic. Keep your distance and fire off the arrow magic, it will stop him when he jumps at you. I think I was only magic level 15 when I beat him. Stay far enough away so you dont get hit if he lunges at you and roll back if needed. Rolling side to side doesnt seem to work very well. If he's really far away use regular arrows. Try and stay in the middle of the map and try not to get stuck in corners. Sticky white stuff works really well if you think you need to melee him.

Here's a vid link to adjunctors arch stone leveling spot...

Heres the other vid...

You get that storm sword in that level. I suggest getting it after beating the boss cause you will prolly die. It's in the far back left corner. You're gonna have to repair it every 3 or 4 runs.


Heartlessness is a virtue
Sep 16, 2005
Thanks for the help, but I already talked about this in the other Demon's Souls thread... I managed to beat him pretty handily last night, though. I took out Fool's Idol today (also on the first try). I feel like I'm really getting the hang of this game.

I kind of fucked up though. While I was going after Flamelurker, a shit ton of those flying bug things came after me while I was near the Filthy Man. I didn't feel like fighting them, so I ran off. Well, I guess they killed him... He's vanished from the game for me. It's not the end of the world, but being able to buy hardstone would be nice. Now I have to farm it, which eats a lot of time. Fucking lame. Ah well, lesson learned at least.

When I died in the same level I fucked up too, since I was in body form (I fell off a cliff while trying for some loot, by the way... Frustrating). I was at pure white tendency, and now I think I'm not quite there. This is going to be a problem when I want to retrieve the Dragon Bone Smasher... I don't know how to raise the tendency without killing a black phantom or a major demon, and they're all dead now. I hear you need the Smasher to kill the Dragon God, so... Yeah. I don't know how I'm gonna pull that one off.


15 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
[QUOTE When I died in the same level I fucked up too, since I was in body form (I fell off a cliff while trying for some loot, by the way... Frustrating). I was at pure white tendency, and now I think I'm not quite there. This is going to be a problem when I want to retrieve the Dragon Bone Smasher... I don't know how to raise the tendency without killing a black phantom or a major demon, and they're all dead now. I hear you need the Smasher to kill the Dragon God, so... Yeah. I don't know how I'm gonna pull that one off.[/QUOTE]

Dragon god is the 2-4 bossright? You dont need any weapon to beat him. He's more of a puzzle. I used a Uchigatana with 2 hands and just broke the walls. He is the easies boss in the game. All you really need is a few arrows, or souls arrow magic. I'm gonna go check out this other demon's souls thread.