neo geo aes CRAZY prices?

Liquid Snake

I am untouchable
20 Year Member
Nov 22, 2000
I picked-up Ninja Masters from a member here on the forums in Feburary for about $115 USD. eBay is no longer a good option. Keep waiting and watching. It's a great game don't give up on it.

I use to hunt around on ebay a lot for Sega Genesis and Japanese Mega Drive games but I've stopped for a long time now.

Same here
Mar 15, 2006
It's a nightmare , would really love to add to my collection but eBay prices are way to high , I iften wonder if people deliberately drive prices up to make the illusion of rarety and value ?


King's Dry Cleaner
Jul 7, 2006
It's a nightmare , would really love to add to my collection but eBay prices are way to high , I iften wonder if people deliberately drive prices up to make the illusion of rarety and value ?

Like I mentioned earlier in the thread. Part of the problem is tied to the fact that ebay tracks prices of games based on listing and suggests that sellers list items based on previous sale prices. Since ebay is not so much of an "auction site" as it is a site for power sellers to list buy it now items. This leads to a situation where more sellers list items as buy it nows for slightly higher than the "trending price" whenever they listed it. This causes a continuous upward momentum of prices on games.


Thou Shalt Not, Question Rot.,
Jan 17, 2013
...ebay fees are calculated by percentage, so increasing prices is very much in their interest.


It's Time Us Welsh, Stood on our own 2 feet, WEL_S
Jul 19, 2015
I agree with you xsq and dragonmasterdan they're all trying to clock your dollars, and they all want their cut, that's why they ain't willing for you to give your email adress if you message people with an offer and they accept...


Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Feb 9, 2015
It's a nightmare , would really love to add to my collection but eBay prices are way to high , I iften wonder if people deliberately drive prices up to make the illusion of rarety and value ?

Ya they definitely do, theyll have relatively common games for 3-4 times book value and just post scream about how rare it is. Rare is a relative term so i guess they arent being inaccurate , any neo geo game is rare really compared to say super mario world.


New Challenger
Feb 3, 2015
I had gotten a broken 4slot mvs not too long ago that came with svc and metal slug 3. I fixed it and loved it and went to find more games to buy. Then i learned how much mvs games go for now... i remember back in high school thinking maybe ill own one and seeing that it wasnt too expensive to get games. But now even with money i have to really hunt for neo geo stuff.
so i normally buy broken these days. I lucked out with a neo geo cd. 30$ + 20 shipping got me a neo cd top loader with power, samurai shodown, and controller. turns out only the controllee was busted. So some deals are still to be had, just need patience and luck.

Yagyu Jubei

Dodgeball Yakuza
Feb 16, 2001
I don't see the bubble bursting on the Neo market. Ebay sellers aren't lowering prices because there is no incentive to do so. They know, sooner or later (especially with AES and in-demand MVS games), someone will pay that outrageous price. With so many conversions and boots out there, getting into AES now doesn't make sense. I got lucky and managed to rebuild my original 90s/00s collection in a matter of months, at prices way below market value. However, that took a lot of ridiculous patience, non-stop stalking and DEBT. I still track prices on Ebay and a good deal pops up every once in a while but almost all the bargains have dried up. High demand, low population and rampant hoarding do not make this hobby cheap.

I will admit, there's nothing like those sexy, shiny black carts and all that superb artwork but for you noobs out there, just get CMVS and call it a day. Mix in a 161 and a few OG carts and you'll be good to go. Let us old farts worry about AES.


Zero's Secretary
10 Year Member
Dec 1, 2011
Agreed, the Neo bubble isn't bursting soon. As we've seen prices just keep going up and up and up. There are a few "low end" AES titles I'd like but it takes a lot of work just to track down a copy. I'm still kicking myself for not picking up AM2 for $60 at a local game store about 3 years ago. "Oh it'll be easily findable later."


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
I am glad I never sold my neo stuff after the late 90's. I kept everything, and I got back all the stuff I did sell. Which actually were just cd's and a top loader to begin with. The prices are just crazy now, I blame trending. Especially when a auction sells for a ton, but there is some specific reason, then it trends that next seller to unload their shitty label scuffed up ninja masters for a fortune. All it takes to like ruin a game is a bidding war between two idiots. When I got my SSVS, I felt like I jumped out of a exploding building.


Armored Scrum Object
Jul 26, 2015
Well, I'm one of the suckers who didn't research this platform hardcore before jumping into it, and I'm definitely contributing to this markup. I know I don't make more than most here, I'm enlisted military and always lusted after Neo Geo hardware and games growing up. I 'researched' on eBay and bought what I thought was some good product but I see now how things really are! Still learning...


General Morden's Aide
Feb 3, 2013
I don't see the bubble bursting on the Neo market.

1. There is no "bubble" to begin with... as in 100.000 mintish units of Blazing Star AES discovered in an abandoned warehouse and thrown on the market in one blast.

2. There's no speculation going on either; no boomer is seducing people to believe, that MotW is a good game and scarce at that, while in reality it's crap. It is a good game and it is scarce.

3. And don't expect 100.000 collectors to die on the same day and their heritage spread all over net auction houses for peanuts at the same time.

4. All of it won't happen, hence no bubble... this is not the stock market. It's plastic clutter lowlife and we're all casualties of nostalgia.


Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Feb 19, 2015
I just got into the neo scene early this year when i scored a beat up but working aes system from ebay for $150. At the time i thought it was a good deal but when i learned how hard it was to come across the games and how expensive they were then that's when i realized that maybe it wasn't so great after all. The only game i had was magician lord, which cost me $70 shipped. Later on I bought 3 games from a user here and that's been my extent with the console.

Since then I have acquired an MVS-2 board with a couple of games from a guy on craigslist. I have a supergun ready to go and am just waiting on a mvs to jamma adapter. Even though the MVS prices are climbing they are far more affordable then their AES counter parts. That's where i've been concentrating my efforts on.


Another Striker
10 Year Member
Aug 10, 2012
1. There is no "bubble" to begin with... as in 100.000 mintish units of Blazing Star AES discovered in an abandoned warehouse and thrown on the market in one blast.

2. There's no speculation going on either; no boomer is seducing people to believe, that MotW is a good game and scarce at that, while in reality it's crap. It is a good game and it is scarce.

3. And don't expect 100.000 collectors to die on the same day and their heritage spread all over net auction houses for peanuts at the same time.

4. All of it won't happen, hence no bubble... this is not the stock market. It's plastic clutter lowlife and we're all casualties of nostalgia.

I think that's debatable, at least. Your points are all valid, of course, but interest in 16-Bit gaming could dwindle rather swiftly once "the masses" find another trend they like. It happened to comic books, as far as I know.


King's Dry Cleaner
Jul 7, 2006
I think that's debatable, at least. Your points are all valid, of course, but interest in 16-Bit gaming could dwindle rather swiftly once "the masses" find another trend they like. It happened to comic books, as far as I know.

The comic book business crashed for a handful of reasons, a lot of it tied to people buying them as investments, a speculator bubble, that was hastened by Marvel moving to an exclusive distribution model that caused two thirds or so of Comic stores to close in about a two year time-frame.

With that said, the generation of people interested in owning and collecting 16-bit games will eventually get just a few more years older and start to de-priortize buying and owning games of their childhood over mortgages, car payments, and putting away money for college for their kids. The VERY rare and very sought after games are not going to deflate in value, and this is true across just about any gaming platform. But a combination of a drop in interest, the possibility of more AES multi-carts being available in the future (or even a Flash cart) taking less serious Neo-Geo owners and gamers out of the equation can and would lead to the prices on the more common games to go down.


Zero's Secretary
May 10, 2012
I've been into the Neo AES scene for quite a few years and I'm already regretting not getting a few of the carts a few years ago when they were still actually affordable.

Games like LB2 were like around 300USD and now they've risen to around 500ish on ebay and there's also an issue with bootlegs.

Really a crappy time to get into the AES scene.


King's Dry Cleaner
Jul 7, 2006
I've been into the Neo AES scene for quite a few years and I'm already regretting not getting a few of the carts a few years ago when they were still actually affordable.

Games like LB2 were like around 300USD and now they've risen to around 500ish on ebay and there's also an issue with bootlegs.

Really a crappy time to get into the AES scene.

The bootleg issue was around for years with Neo Geo being the first cartridge based platform I recall having an issue with it. Now it's affecting a lot of other systems.


General Morden's Aide
Feb 3, 2013
...interest in 16-Bit gaming could dwindle rather swiftly once "the masses" find another trend they like.

There is no better trend for the mob than VGs, since VR-sex haven't been brought into being as operative, as, let's say Viagra. And there will be no better 2d gaming, than it was during the 8-64bit times.

Regarding the comic book market, well, it became too broad for it's own good, something that can't happen to the strictly limited amounts of carts & discs. After all, comics are just paper, VGs were improvidently molded plastic thrash with odd copyright disclaimers. They can't be reissued as easily in a non-digital form anytime soon. And as long, as this limitation stands...

Finally the cars, mortgages & college kids argument is suggestive at least, because most of us have already cars, mortgages & college kids on the fly... still, no bubble poppin' anywhere to be heard.


It's Time Us Welsh, Stood on our own 2 feet, WEL_S
Jul 19, 2015
There are repro carts popping up with alarming regularity for the megadrive/genesis on ebay, peeps are asking £45 for alien soldier. On a side note, how would other members here feel about an everdrive for the neo geo aes, i've never seen one so i'm assuming there isn't one, i'd have thought krikzz would have done one by now if it was possible though maybe the markets not there. I gotta be honest guy's if i ever get a turbo/PC Engine i'd probably get the turbo everdrive v2...


King's Dry Cleaner
Jul 7, 2006
They can't be reissued as easily in a non-digital form anytime soon. And as long, as this limitation stands...

See the earlier comment I made about multi-carts and the possibility of flash carts.

Finally the cars, mortgages & college kids argument is suggestive at least, because most of us have already cars, mortgages & college kids on the fly... still, no bubble poppin' anywhere to be heard.

Again, what I'm saying isn't that there's going to be a giant price crash ala comic books. And even in that total Armageddon scenario some truly rare and valuable comics maintained their value. What I am saying is that as that people who are in the core age group interested in buying 8 and 16-bit games get older, demand will drop for the more common titles and there will be more people looking to unload. Rather than a bubble popping, think of it more as a gradual deflation. But as mentioned earlier there are some other pieces that need to fall into place for this to start to happen.


King's Dry Cleaner
Jul 7, 2006
There are repro carts popping up with alarming regularity for the megadrive/genesis on ebay, peeps are asking £45 for alien soldier. On a side note, how would other members here feel about an everdrive for the neo geo aes, i've never seen one so i'm assuming there isn't one, i'd have thought krikzz would have done one by now if it was possible though maybe the markets not there. I gotta be honest guy's if i ever get a turbo/PC Engine i'd probably get the turbo everdrive v2...

I think Krizz has mentioned some manufacturing challenges to doing a Neo-Geo multi-cart. I wouldn't say it's an impossibility though and I'm sure eventually someone will make some sort of flash cart.


Crossed Swords Squire
Nov 27, 2011
The only way this is going to go down is 50 years from now when we all start dying. You may be able to pick the games up cheap then because it's debatable whether the next generation will be arsed because they won't have grown up with the scene. Problem is whether your decrepid hands will be able to play them :)

Liquid Snake

I am untouchable
20 Year Member
Nov 22, 2000
I've been into the Neo AES scene for quite a few years and I'm already regretting not getting a few of the carts a few years ago when they were still actually affordable.

Games like LB2 were like around 300USD and now they've risen to around 500ish on ebay and there's also an issue with bootlegs.

Really a crappy time to get into the AES scene.

Shock Troopers 2nd Squad AES used to be around $250 - $275 in early 2000. Look at how much you have to pay it now....................