

Super nO0b
Jan 21, 2005
How much do you usually tip when you eat out? What's considered generous? When I have things delivered I usually just round up to the next dollar, is that enough or should I be throwing in more. When I buy pizza I give the delivery guy an extra dollar. Is this sufficient or is he cursing between his teeth?


Nov 9, 2000
First off - the sig? Queer.

As for tips if it's under $20, I'll usually leave 3 bucks. If it's under $10, 2. If it's under $8, 1.

I don't do percentages. I see no reason to leave %15 of $7.50 when I go to a Chinese buffet and the waiter/-ress only refills my drink. I also don't tip barbers or hairstylists.


Fire Starter, Instigator, the guy from RE5
Dec 23, 2001
I tip between $2 to 15 dollars. The most I tipped was to this sexy waitress at this joint, I dropped a 20, other than that yeah.


B. Jenet's Firstmate
Jul 19, 2003
My max is $2.00 but thats only if I go to a restaurant and the waiter refills my drink within my 30 sec. mark of it being empty. If it goes past my 30 sec. mark and still no refill he or she will be lucky to receive $1.00.


6400|!!|Kyo Clone
20 Year Member
Oct 23, 2001
That delivery guy is definitely grinding some teeth.

Delivery tips should not be less than 2$. If I recall, the cost to drive is about 33 cents per mile (oil, gas, wear and tear, depreciation value of car). 2$ would about let him break even.

I've worked in food delivery for 6 years (only delivered for one of those years myself... did other related jobs in the meantime). From my experience (delivering Thai food), most people tip about 4.50$. I worked at a Pizza Hut for 4 years. Drivers there tend to be annoyed with anything less than 3$. It is a different demographic ordering Thai Food than Pizza, but the bottom line is that no driver feels like losing money at his job.

Percentages are nonesense when dealing with delivery. It takes the driver no more effort to deliver 20$ worth of food than it does 100$.

Also, just so people know because this often gets misunderstood: Delivery charges have nothing to do with driver tips. That money goes to an insurance policy to protect the establishment if you decide to kill the driver.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
Fuck that gay ass 15% thing.

And I don't tip, only do it for waitresses that are cool.

Mike Shagohod

Stray Dog Grunt
20 Year Member
May 16, 2002


...no seriously though. Having been a waiter at a high volume and super upscale Japanese Restaurant back in 1999, serving the likes of Tommy Lee Jones (ppl think he's an asshole but he's just very "Direct") and a few others who'd come in after Spurs games, I learned the value of what food service ppl have to put up with. Of course my Dad from day one, always told me to treat ppl right. Thus my standard fare is $4.00 and if the service is really good then I leave $6.00 *If you're in a party bigger than 5 ppl most places automatically charge 15% gratutity anyhow.

Heck some of the hottest women I dated (a few I fucked) back in TEH MACK days were waitresses. Just made them an Oragami $5.00 ring and that broke the ice. From there it was interesting. Some I wished I'd have not gotten to know, they had more issues than some strippers I had dated.



Zantetsu's Blade Sharpener
Apr 11, 2005
Super Rant Mode!

Tipping is bafflingly retarded concept to me.

Think of it... why should we (the customers) pay the stupid waiters to do their job? Sure, you may say "Because they don't even make minimum wage!", but is that really something I should be concerned with? It should be the responsibility of the employer to pay their workers high enough wages to keep them happy. The way it is now, the state practically mandates that customers MUST tip the waiters/foodservers because they make such low "official" wages. Some restaurants even automatically add a "gratuity" percentage to your tab!! Seriously, the owners of restaurants are getting workers at slave labor prices, since the customers are practically paying them to work.

You might also say "They're providing a service to us, and we should tip them for doing a good job!". Well, shouldn't it be a given that they should do a good job, since it's their job to serve us?! Why should I pay them for not being sloppy?

You may say "It's common decency to tip the waiter! You'll look like a scumbag if you don't!". Well, to that I say "Boo hoo". Tons of other people work at much more difficult jobs, and they never receive tips for it.

The fact is, foodservers can potentially make a huge amount of undeserved money per night, and it's basically just hand-outs from customers. How tipping got to be such a widely accepted practice is beyond my comprehension.


Orgy Hosting Mod
15 Year Member
May 26, 2004
You guys are some cheap asses. Even if I eat alone and the tab is like $7, I'll give a $10 and tell them to keep the change. Meals over $20 and I'll leave atleast 6, sometimes up to 10. This is of course if the waiter/waitress was nice. Having a good waiter/waitress can make or break the entire meal.

Zenimus said:
Super Rant Mode!

Tipping is bafflingly retarded concept to me.

Unlike most jobs, where being a total slack ass vs. busting your ass doesn't effect your pay, being a waiter/waitress does.

They don't get paid a high hourly pay because the job is based around one concept. The better you do your job, the more you should make. This is a good idea and would lead to better employees if not for people with your point of view.

What kinda waitress do you think you'd get if she knew her paycheck would be same if she was total bitch to you or not ? You'd get that fat bitch in the Wendy's drive through with a terminal attitude problem.
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Super nO0b
Jan 21, 2005
Grizzly King said:

Lol, I was about to post that.

You know what this is? It's the smallest violin in the world playing just for the waitresses.



, Certified Gamer Chick,
20 Year Member
Oct 13, 2002
Since I work for tips myself, I tend to be more generous with tipping. I know they're working their asses off, and I know what it's like to deal with dumbass customers.

As for how much, I go between $5-$7 normally (based on an average of a $20 meal, etc.). When the service is exceptional, I tip far more.


6400|!!|Kyo Clone
20 Year Member
Oct 23, 2001
Greatkiller said:
My max is $2.00 but thats only if I go to a restaurant and the waiter refills my drink within my 30 sec. mark of it being empty. If it goes past my 30 sec. mark and still no refill he or she will be lucky to receive $1.00.

Laughable. Even if you informed your waiter of your policy before your meal your waiter woud:

A) Not be able to fulfill your request

B) Serve your spite right back at you and not refill your drink.

If your drinks are that important, you may want to ask for a pitcher instead of trying to find clever ways to save a buck.

As for tipping while being served at a restaurant, yeah, I believe there are different rules to be applied than what I suggest for deliveries. I don't expect people who make 10 bucks an hour to spend half of their hourly wages tipping a waiter. On the same token, I don't expect those customers to be buying meals out of their budget. You can make a meal for 3$ if you buy your groceries and cook yourself. If you can't cook, you should be paying your hourly wages because you'd be DEAD otherwise.

I can respect Zenimus' opinion. There's definitely some truth in that.

However, I don't believe some of you guys understand the basic underlying concepts here. This isn't about economics. It's about not ticking off the people that handle your food.

It's often considered an insult to tip someone the spare change of your bill. If all you can honestly afford is a buck, pull that spare buck out of your back pocket and be gracious enough to hand it to the guy with a smile. Then again, as I said above, if that's all you can afford you should probably be making different food choices. No junk food. No soda. No take out. etc.

Tips is an acronym for "To Insure Prompt Service". It doesn't have as much to do with what your waiter did THIS go around, but how you expect to be treated the NEXT time you walk in the door.


Let Her Cook
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2005
How many different photobucket accounts do you have? Why do you have a photobucket account registered under Takumaji's name?

Every smiley you post, even the ones that are sitting to the right of the post message thing, is from one of your photobucket accounts - and there's at least one in every one of your posts. Are you going to change them all to L.emonparty if you're banned?

Are you still trying to help Indians? I'm drunk as a skunk but I'm not crazy. No -you're crazy. Fucking loon.


Zantetsu's Blade Sharpener
Apr 11, 2005
Abasuto said:
What kinda waitress do you think you'd get if she knew her paycheck would be same if she was total bitch to you or not ? You'd get that fat bitch in the Wendy's drive through with a terminal attitude problem.

I should think that they would try to work hard to keep their job. If they give bad service to restaurant patrons, you can bet that they'll be receiving some complaints. It shouldn't have to fall upon the customer to "buy" good service at a diner, which is pretty much what tipping is.

Suppose the concept of tipping didn't exist... If a restaurant wanted to maintain a good reputation, you can bet they would pay higher wages and make certain that their employees would behave properly.

There really is no logical reason why a restaurant patron should tip a foodserver. Do you tip a surgeon for successfully removing your brain tumor? Do you tip a bus driver for driving you downtown? Do you tip a teacher for going that extra mile for your kids? No, because it's their job, and they don't expect a tip for doing it.

Mike Shagohod

Stray Dog Grunt
20 Year Member
May 16, 2002
Zenimus said:
I should think that they would try to work hard to keep their job. If they give bad service to restaurant patrons, you can bet that they'll be receiving some complaints. It shouldn't have to fall upon the customer to "buy" good service at a diner, which is pretty much what tipping is.

Suppose the concept of tipping didn't exist... If a restaurant wanted to maintain a good reputation, you can bet they would pay higher wages and make certain that their employees would behave properly.

There really is no logical reason why a restaurant patron should tip a foodserver. Do you tip a surgeon for successfully removing your brain tumor? Do you tip a bus driver for driving you downtown? Do you tip a teacher for going that extra mile for your kids? No, because it's their job, and they don't expect a tip for doing it.

I kind of see your point, and it's valid within it's own right. But the opening of "Reservoir Dogs" is indeed the whole point. For some it's paying their way through college, and more to the point something a woman can do and make enough to do so without having to be a stripper (heck I guess this could be for a guy too now that I think about it.) So should I have to pay a $6.00 cover charge AKA: "entrance fee" to a strip club, even though I'm going to be shelling out $4.50 a beer and then have to turn around and have to tip a stripper? It stands to reason that a patron could drink beers alnight while watching from a far, but the whole point of going to that scene (well it was for me when I was younger, haven't been to one since 2000) is about "The Experience". If you don't go up to the stage, you don't get personal with the girls that provide the voyeuristic fantasy. Or if you do go up and don't tip, you're an asshole and no one wants to dance for you. Thus you may not pay a $20.00 for a lap dance, but if you want a little something YOU PAY the $1.00 dance floor fee.

...thus it's the same thing with food service. Just like Strippers don't get paid hourly it's dependent on horny guys that like a girl and keep tipping her, well the establishments get to charge their outrageous $7.50 for a Caesar Salad which should be no more than $4.50 tops, because their staff is made up of $2.50 an hour workers. Thus you come in and want something to eat. If you're not doing FAST FOOD, then you've got time for a "Dine In" experience no? Thus you're paying for good service precisely because the establishment exists due to crappy wages paid. You like the service you tip, you don't you don't have to. If you don't ever even for stellar service then ppl know not to serve you.

You can't imagine what it's like to have 8 tables with 4 ppl @ a high volume Japanese Restaurant can you? You've got all these rich snobs in their Audiis and BMWs and more, they want their SUSHI now. But you've got to cover another waiter's table while they're in the bathroom and know what the ppl are drinking. Then you've got some bitch who's mad because her main course was ready before the sushi arrived, but the sushi bar and main kitchen are on two different timetables. At that same time, you're refilling tea on 2 different tables, helping train a new person, and then a party of 8 Japanese business men who speak little to no English walk in. These dudes eat slower than most. You've got to remember Mr. Takamini wanted the Eddamame and Mr. Nemuri wanted the Osunimono Salad, while the other three have 8 large servings of hot sake and a $60.00 order of Sashimi... while someone else is getting mad because the Kitchen's not ready yet, but all these ppl came in immediately after the SPURS won a game and there's a wrap around line outside the building. THEN Actor Tommy Lee Jones comes in and wants special service.

I'm sorry but having to deal with all that, I'd like to think that I and the others who had to POOL our tips at the end of the night... well we deserved the $88 bucks in tips after it was all equally distributed. The establishment paid $2.50 so they can charge ridiculous prices and I've got to deal with assholes like this beefcake rich boy who kept trying to mess us up, and trip someone else as they walked by and make a scene. If you've never worked food service you really cannot understand it all.


You don't tip a brain surgeon because he does get good pay, benefits worth a damn and more. Ppl working food service are usually either paying their way through school or it's all they can get depending on whatever their circumstances and it pays shit. Thus if you don't want to tip do fastfood then. But if you go into a place realize those ppl have families to feed as well. It's what they have, not everyone is going to drive an SUV they don't need and make mad bling, then be a cheap skate. A shitty server is a shitty server. But a good one is worth a $5.00 tip easily. I mean seriously for what I elaborated on, which was one night in 1999 @ Koi Kawa Japanese Restaurant if they were paying us $6.75 to $7.00 an hour it wouldn't be worth the abuse we have to take. Of course I ended up leaving because I finally lost it with a few ppl.

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Super nO0b
Jan 21, 2005
Zenimus said:
I should think that they would try to work hard to keep their job. If they give bad service to restaurant patrons, you can bet that they'll be receiving some complaints. It shouldn't have to fall upon the customer to "buy" good service at a diner, which is pretty much what tipping is.

Suppose the concept of tipping didn't exist... If a restaurant wanted to maintain a good reputation, you can bet they would pay higher wages and make certain that their employees would behave properly.

There really is no logical reason why a restaurant patron should tip a foodserver. Do you tip a surgeon for successfully removing your brain tumor? Do you tip a bus driver for driving you downtown? Do you tip a teacher for going that extra mile for your kids? No, because it's their job, and they don't expect a tip for doing it.

Yeah I get where you're coming from and I'd give a generous tip if I feel like they deserve it but it shouldn't be required. I don't think I've ever left more than 3$ at a sit in restaurant. I don't want to appear cheap but I'm not at a point in my life where I can throw money around that easily. As soon as I get a steady paying job then I'll give a little more.


Nov 17, 2003
I'll tip a delivery guy $3 for a $15 order and $4 for a 20 dollar order.

But if they're taking excessively long (past the time that the restaraunt told me to expect my food, 30+ minutes etc) I'll leave them with something like $2.

I'll tip 25+% on a meal unless the waitress/waiter is an asshole, spills something on me, or does something else crappy. Like if you see her walking around and talking to random people and not doing her job, doesnt respond to when you call them over, or takes 30 minutes to give you another drink to the point that it ruins your meal. I'll tip 30-35% if they're fast and provide exceptional service.

I like to give a generous baseline tip, especially now given how expensive gasoline is, but I will tip based on excessively bad or good performance.

As far as tipping at the Chinese Buffet though....no fucking way.

Tipping people that do absolutely nothing makes no sense to me whatsover.

Okay, so the person at the door has shown me where to my table, but the point of a buffet is to get up and get your own food and drinks, so I'm not leaving anything at an establishment that doesn't have waiters in the first place.
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Honourary Irishman.,
20 Year Member
Oct 31, 2001
i've tipped a nickel before. i really don't care what these people get paid, or that they rely on tips. if that's the case then they can go find a better job. i don't work for tips, and i can't slack ass on the job (slack off while setting up an AC unit, see what happens and how many contractors get pissed) i just think these waiters and waitresses don't deserve more because they're bringing me my food. i mean fuck the people at whataburger bring me my food and i don't have to tip them. mr pin was right. this tipping stuff is for the birds. unless the waiter is a friend of mine, or unless she is attractive and friendly. i'm not gonna leave more than a dollar or two on a good day.


6400|!!|Kyo Clone
20 Year Member
Oct 23, 2001
Zenimus said:
How tipping got to be such a widely accepted practice is beyond my comprehension.

...and how having others prepare and serve our own damn food became such a widely accepted practice is beyond my comprehension.

It's not a right. It's a priveledge.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
Zenimus said:
Super Rant Mode!

Tipping is bafflingly retarded concept to me.
Bla. Bla Bal
is beyond my comprehension.

Dude, Don't eat out.....

Tung Fu ru

Actual Musician,
20 Year Member
Aug 17, 2002
I deliver pizzas. When I eat out or have food delivered, I tip pretty well. When delivering pizzas and someone gives me a buck or two, it pisses me off, especially with gas so high. When someone orders $100+ worth of food and only tips like 4 or 5 bucks, I'm pissed.

Waiters, servers, delivery guys..... They all are doing you a service, bringing you your food. If you don't want to pay them to do it: pickup you pizza and don't go to sit down resturaunts.

If you're too "broke" to tip, you shouldn't be ordering out anyways, go to the grocery store.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
1. The only time I Order Pizza instead of Pickup is when I'm too drunk to drive.
2. I only tip a few bucks because I just blew all of my money on alchol.


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
Tipping the delivery guy is a necessity, but only a few bucks (I usually tip more than that, but the baseline is fine)

At a restaurant, that's different, then it's a baseline of 15-20%. I rarely give more than that unless it's out of this world, and if its aweful I aim below that (also rare). Its really easy if your state's tax is 7-9%, you can just double it or so to figure out a starting figure.

If you don't tip you're a classless miser.