The 5 credit rule?


Bolt Thrower.,
Mar 21, 2014
Omega Rugal, he kept credit feeding until the AI resettled it's fierceness due to the 5 credit rule...big fucking deal.

Taken from the fighting quest thread I'm curious on what the "5 credit rule" is.
On first guess I'd have thought about "it gets easier when you insert more credits (or after 5 credits)".
I may be wrong and perhaps did not perceive this correctly, but in the games where I struggled most to complete them (even WITH infinite credits) SS2 and AoF1 it didn't seem like the bosses were ANY easier.
(Also I stopped playing SS4 at one day at the last boss where I DID already feed a lot of creds and managed to beat the game the day after within the limit the AES gives)

I know that some games (the later ones) will give you options to allow for a weaker boss, maxed super meter or something, but the games I played so far didn't have that.

All in all: please enlighten me on what actually IS the 5 credit rule and if it is only in some games - in which ones is it?
Would this also apply to other genres like the Metal Slug series?
(as I'd adapt my way of approaching the games in general that way)

FilthyRear's, Top Rated Bully.,
15 Year Member
Jan 24, 2007
I'll limit myself to 3 credits on shooters - its a lot more fun when you place limits on something that you can otherwise credit-feed to beat. Same with beat-em-ups.

I'll use 5 on fighters because those are a bit tougher.


formerly DZ
15 Year Member
Mar 8, 2006
I'll limit myself to 3 credits on shooters - its a lot more fun when you place limits on something that you can otherwise credit-feed to beat. Same with beat-em-ups.

I'll use 5 on fighters because those are a bit tougher.

1 credit on shooters...come on man.


Bolt Thrower.,
Mar 21, 2014
Thanks for the replies and sharing your thoughts on a good amount of credits to use, I'd specifically be interested in the "AI resettled its fierceness" part as I'm oblivious to why this should happen after using more than 5 creds. (isn't the system tricked into believing this is my fifth credit each time via the unibios?)


May 5, 2013
1CC or bust my knee grows.

It's fun to credit feed sometimes to practice or see the rest of the game though.


Baseball Star Hitter
10 Year Member
Apr 24, 2012
If you credit feed, you might as well run with infinite energy/life with unibios. As Pasky said it's fun to see the end of a game, but 1CC is the shit usually.

I'm still trying to beat captain america (arcade) on 1CC... can't do it..


Aug 14, 2015
I always go for 1cc on shooters. I don't know why, but I usually feel like if I put in enough practice I can get there, or at least to the very end. It adds some more challenge and fun to it.

Though with every other game, I feed credits here and there. I should try giving myself standards for fighting games, seems like a good idea to inch my way towards being just a little bit better.


Mr. Big's Thug
Dec 17, 2013
I've never even been close to good enough to 1cc a shmup... I feel as though it may be because I typically play them on consoles. Only got my Big Red a year ago and have mostly done fighters and puzzle games, plus I'm tall enough that I'm stooping just a little even on the stand-up cabs so it's uncomfortable after a bit. Really gotta get me some stools for that thing when I move.


BESTEST Buttrider in chat.Officially No.10 at Schm
Oct 12, 2010
I've never even been close to good enough to 1cc a shmup... I feel as though it may be because I typically play them on consoles.

That might be a contributing factor, but the main thing is just practice practice practice. Having a comfortable setup where you aren't too far away from the screen definitely makes a difference. I remember when I used to play mars matrix on DC on a small TV from over 6 feet away, then when I finally got around to plopping a chair directly in front of the screen I had that epiphany of ohhh this is how these games are played.

Another thing is that a screen that's too big is going to be a detriment since your eyes will have to focus back and forth longer distances from different parts of the screen too much. There is a sweet spot for sure, for most it's usually between 21"'-27".


Blame madman, You Know You Want To.,
Jun 1, 2007
That might be a contributing factor, but the main thing is just practice practice practice. Having a comfortable setup where you aren't too far away from the screen definitely makes a difference. I remember when I used to play mars matrix on DC on a small TV from over 6 feet away, then when I finally got around to plopping a chair directly in front of the screen I had that epiphany of ohhh this is how these games are played.

Another thing is that a screen that's too big is going to be a detriment since your eyes will have to focus back and forth longer distances from different parts of the screen too much. There is a sweet spot for sure, for most it's usually between 21"'-27".

Fully agree. I thought at first I wasn't as good at Neo games as when I had a cab, but it's quite different playing from my couch 8' away from my 52" 16:9 TV than sitting about a foot and a half from a 29" cab monitor. It certainly does make a difference, though I'm almost about where I used to be in terms of 1CCing when I had a cab.


Zantetsu's Blade Sharpener
10 Year Member
Dec 27, 2010
when I finally got around to plopping a chair directly in front of the screen I had that epiphany of ohhh this is how these games are played.

I had that epiphany when I finally got a cab. In fact I had been working on 1cc'ing a game for a few months, and it wasn't until I had it in the cab that I finally did it.

I play so much better when sitting close to the screen that my typical console setup has now gone completely ignored.


General Morden's Aide
Feb 3, 2013
7,688's quite different playing from my couch 8' away from my 52" 16:9 TV than sitting about a foot and a half from a 29" cab monitor. It certainly does make a difference, ...

It's the lag, that makes that difference. Certainly.


Akari's Big Brother
10 Year Member
Jul 7, 2013
I don't like shmups on the Egret 2 for that reason. Too much real estate to keep track of.


Professional College Dropout
10 Year Member
Jan 7, 2013
I don't like shmups on the Egret 2 for that reason. Too much real estate to keep track of.

I find I do better on a 20" monitor than a 29" for a lot of shmups. Sometimes I underscan the picture by a couple of inches (leaving about a 1" border around it) when I'm playing tate on a candy cab.

On the continuing subject, 1cc for life. I have noticed (at least with my perception) that fighting games like Dead or Alive 2 and Soul Calibur 2 are easier once you lose your first credit if you continue.


Zantetsu's Blade Sharpener
10 Year Member
Dec 27, 2010
I was pretty convinced after playing on my friend's egret 3 that 29" was too big for shmups. But once I got my own cab and put some real hours into it I grew to love it. You can really focus on a tight area of the screen when dodging but still easily scan the whole thing as needed.

Granted I might find 29" too big for something like rtype, I mostly play cave shooters.


General Morden's Aide
Feb 3, 2013
Many STGs lower rank when you die, I guess using a continue would do that as well.

Absolutely not. Everything rank based outside of versus fighting games happens within one credit. The only service you can sometimes count on is an instant maximum weapons upgrade provided by a special power-up. Toaplan and their offsprings used that system, see V-V, Soukyugurentai et al. There are other small gifts like in Viewpoint, where you get all your bombs back on a new credit, Psikyo offers the same attendance. There's no such thing in the Metal Slug series. The system only grants you a full clip of granades and a free HMG, IIRC.


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy
Jan 22, 2013
Actually I meant that more in the way that using a continue means you died. ;)


Zantetsu's Blade Sharpener
10 Year Member
Dec 27, 2010
If you continue, whatever rank you were at on your last ship will be reset to the basis in pretty much every shooter ever.


Raiden's Valet
10 Year Member
Jul 6, 2013
I always try to just go 1 credit on everything. It gives me a reason to play more and get better to see further into the game. I'm reading lately however that I should be credit feeding in my shooters to get practice at the later levels and build a strategy in the early levels to get ready for the harder stuff later on. I might have to change my tactics a bit...


20 Year Member
Jan 30, 2002
I also agree that 29" screens are too fucking big for most shoot'em ups when you're playing on a cabinet.

You simply don't get a good perspective of the whole screen and you focus only on a portion of it.
The bigger, the merrier - YES... when you're far away from it.

Some say it's a matter of getting used to it.
Maybe 25" is the sweet spot.

The only 29" I didn't complained was the Versus City. It may be an uglier cab next to
the Astros and Blasts, but it has a much better playing angle. It feels more relaxed to sit and play.
When I play a tate shooter on a cab, I usually step back up to the point of having my arms stretched
to get a better perspective of the screen.


Zantetsu's Blade Sharpener
10 Year Member
Dec 27, 2010
I always try to just go 1 credit on everything. It gives me a reason to play more and get better to see further into the game. I'm reading lately however that I should be credit feeding in my shooters to get practice at the later levels and build a strategy in the early levels to get ready for the harder stuff later on. I might have to change my tactics a bit...

I used to do one credit as well. I also read that credit feeding is better, so I switched to that and it definitely is. Instead of seeing how far you can get on one credit, switch your metric to number of continues and keep chopping that number down.