SNK-P thinks it can set your morals (SSVS)... what do you think?


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
Apparently SNKP thought video gamers in the USA couldn't take fatalities.

Apparently they also thought that having cartoon samurai decapitate one another would make people think of a person getting killed in Iraq....

To me its as absurd as being worried that a new sequel to "1942" would make people start thinking about Pearl Harbor, or that playing "KOF" will make them similarly think about street violence.

I thought this quote from the SSVS thread was quite good:
Temjin said:
Censoring games? In 2004...when games have more gore than ever?
To make us all feel like kids again. SNK is our mommy who wont let us stay up late and watch all those scary movies!
Only japanese kids can take seeing red color, we western pigs are ruled by a big puritan monster named the USA who thinks seeing a nipple does more damage than starting wars.

What do you think?

Does SNKP have any right to make a value judgment for you?

Fatalities were a material part of what consumers expected from their purchase. After advertising fatalities, should SSVS owners have a right to return the game to SNKP for falsely advertising something that the buyers relied on in forking over several hundred dollar?

Should SNKP make some kind of statement to its loyal fans who, after years and thousands of dollars in devotion, were insulted in such a way?


Aerobics Instructor,
Apr 12, 2001
They take away all the fatalities, but they leave in the swords.

Great, show kids that they can't be mutilated with sharp objects.

Maybe they censor Mai because of JFK or something.

:multi_co: :multi_co:


Volatile Memory Construct - SN://0467839
Staff member
Apr 26, 2002
Playmore is gonna pay. Playmore are the ones who are the ball-lickers. We're gonna fuck your mothers while you watch and cry like little bitches. Once we get to Japan and find those Playmore fucks who are making this game, we're gonna make 'em eat our shit, then shit out our shit, then eat their shit which is made up of our shit that we made 'em eat. Then you're all you motherfucks are next. Love, VT and Silent Bob(ak)


Time? Astonishing!
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Should SNKP make some kind of statement to its loyal fans who, after years and thousands of dollars in devotion, were insulted in such a way?[/QUOTE]

They sure as hell better.


Hair Group,
Apr 25, 2002
Sorry I havnt been following this much, i'm a bit lost.

Is there no MVS version, if there is...does that have fatalities??

What about the Japanese Homecart version??



Crossed Swords Squire
Dec 12, 2002
If you're playing SS for the "Fatalities" then you're playing the wrong game.

Sure, they're a cool novelty feature, but nothing to cause such an uproar about just because they were taken out.


Time? Astonishing!
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Baseley09 said:
Sorry I havnt been following this much, i'm a bit lost.

Is there no MVS version, if there is...does that have fatalities??

What about the Japanese Homecart version??


Come on dude pay attention.


King of Typists,
20 Year Member
Jan 4, 2002
Bobak said:
Apparently SNKP thought video gamers in the USA couldn't take fatalities.

Man, it's not a JPN / USA thing, the fatalities and the general 'violence level 3' are locked out of the home use of ANY country verision of SSZS. This includes Japan.

Big Bruno

20 Year Member
Aug 18, 2000
Well I actually am sickened by the whole thing

to all those saying it is just Fatalities. Just think of it this way The fatalities were the Big difference Between SSV and SSVS. Sure there are other changes but Not enough to warrent the upgrade to "Special" So yes I would have been playing SSVS Mostly for the Fatalities. Being a gamer Mostly, it would eat at me knowing that big of a portion of the games was Inaccesable.

As far as a Statement from SNKP. What's the Point. It is easy to guess why they did it. Hard to reason Why the went through with it. But it will change nothing. The only thing that would make things better is if they recalled them and Undid what they did. which you and I know will not happen.

I still want the game and will get it for my MVS, but Since I am not a collector I can not buy a crippled NGH version.


Nov 25, 2003
Please return the carts to SNKP. I would love to see that. As Bobak said, you were tricked, you have a point now to do something using the laws.

I just can't imagine how the SNKP would react about it. :smirk:

And Ben Idiot Herman saying that the are reconsidering the censorship of their games for this generation. Lie.


King of Typists,
20 Year Member
Jan 4, 2002
The simple fact that this 'censorship' makes the arcade version more complete than the home version piss me off to the limit.

This is just the opposite of the fundamental NeoGeo 'arcade at home' policy. More than that, the real NeoGeo raison d'etre.


Nov 25, 2003
Regardless it its JP/US, AES/MVS, the point is: they ADVERTISED the game as having these fatalities.

They showed a DVD player to you, but inside the box was a VCR.
Mar 12, 2002
I was going to purchase ssvs but now i am not sure as you are not getting the full product you expected.Would shawn give out refunds to people who return this game? I doubt if playmore will sort this out they will just turn a blind to it,sadly. :(


Neo-Geo FAQs Editor
Aug 26, 2000
Quite simply: it defeats the purpose of releasing an update to SSV. It makes Playmore look unappreciative and greedy in my humble opinion. That thank you note is a slap in the face.

"Thanks for falling for it again, suckers!"
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Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
Verythrax said:
Regardless it its JP/US, AES/MVS, the point is: they ADVERTISED the game as having these fatalities.

They showed a DVD player to you, but inside the box was a VCR.

Well put.

Ben Herman demonstrated he and SNK-USA either don't really give a damn about us or that they have no say to the head office in Japan.

Either way, he's proven to be inept at addressing his US consumers.

SNK lied to us, and it cost us $300+.


Nov 25, 2003
Ha! The farewell message saays !"Neo-Geo fans Rule!"

Of course they rule... I would love to have this kind of fans that buy my uber expensive games, despite how many times I had tricked them. :oh_no:

It just kicked the bucket, IMO.


I'm a stealthy Ghost-like pimp daddy bitch, yo!
Jan 23, 2003
Shito is right

this the first time an AES release got censored even in jap territory

so my question is:
is Japan changing?
or has CERO(the japanese ESRB) gained power as of late. Cause I don't buy the fact some people complained at the arcades, as stated in the other thread
who knows...sure ,the whole thing is weird


Nov 25, 2003
kaos said:
Shito is right

this the first time an AES release got censored even in jap territory

so my question is:
is Japan changing?
or has CERO(the japanese ESRB) gained power as of late. Cause I don't buy the fact some people complained at the arcades, as stated in the other thread
who knows...sure ,the whole thing is weird

Nope. As always, SNKP (as the old SNK) is afraid of her own shadow. That Iraq issue is a JOKE. It's require much more mental processing to find a relation between samurais killing each other and Iraq than otherwise.

They suppose things, without any verification.


Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Aug 9, 2002
NeoLord said:
Quite simply: it defeats the purpose of releasing an update to SSV. It makes Playmore look unappreciative and greedy in my humble opinion. That thank you note is a slap in the face.

"Thanks for falling for it again, suckers!"

I couldn't have said it any better.

Personally, I'm waiting for the ported versions. If the moves aren't in those either, then SNKP was being inept (which we're used to...). If the moves are in those versions, then SNKP was being sneaky.

Big Bruno

20 Year Member
Aug 18, 2000
Bobak said:
Well put.

Ben Herman demonstrated he and SNK-USA either don't really give a damn about us or that they have no say to the head office in Japan.

Either way, he's proven to be inept at addressing his US consumers.

SNK lied to us, and it cost us $300+.

This was a SNKP Global Decesion. It not Like they are going to say Ok we will make a change for the US only release. I am sure the game is coded to have the brutality level default to low, since there is no ingame menu option to change this and you can not boot in MVS mode to get the Soft Dips read you are stuck with the Low Default.

My thoughts are to make this change would be to swap the Program Rom and add a Menu option for the brutality level. Hell put a parental Lock on it and save the password to the Mem card or a warning message about graphic violence. But don't take it away.

Edit: changed violence to brutality due to better understanding of Soft Dips. Sorry do not have the game for my mvs yet.....
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Kazuki Dash

Samurai Shodown Swordsmith
Feb 21, 2004
Bobak said:
Well put.

Ben Herman demonstrated he and SNK-USA either don't really give a damn about us or that they have no say to the head office in Japan.

Either way, he's proven to be inept at addressing his US consumers.

SNK lied to us, and it cost us $300+.

Ben Herman has proven he has no clout with or knowledge of Playmore Japan's practices...I've felt this way about him for a while now, but I cannot say whether he willfully blinds himself or is merely Playmore Japan's mouthpiece for domestic affairs...

and I prefer to think that Playmore lied to us, as the SNK I knew and loved was lost completely in the original bankruptcy period and what remained was a pretentious organization that did little more than use the SNK name to excuse their half-hearted I mentioned in the Fatality thread, SNK's parting words in KOF 2000's credits ("Thanks with love") proved to be more genuine than the two-faced closing statement slapped on the back of SSV Special's manual...


Former Moderator
Aug 13, 2000
Bobak said:
Well put.

Ben Herman demonstrated he and SNK-USA either don't really give a damn about us or that they have no say to the head office in Japan.

Either way, he's proven to be inept at addressing his US consumers.

SNK lied to us, and it cost us $300+.

I agree. I am as disappointed as everyone else about this issue. I feel that showing the finishing moves ON THEIR WEBSITE, and then CUTTING them from the game, was dishonest and unacceptable.

Bobak you should make a poll about this issue and see what the results are. That would give a better idea of how the community feels. :annoyed:


Former Moderator
Aug 13, 2000
rudekid said:
I was going to purchase ssvs but now i am not sure as you are not getting the full product you expected.Would shawn give out refunds to people who return this game? I doubt if playmore will sort this out they will just turn a blind to it,sadly. :(

Shawn should not have to refund one penny for this problem. He has done a huge amount to support home cart releases, and is probably the only reason they continued to come out years beyond when they might have ended. In my opinion it is totally unfair to think he would need to refund anything, when it was SNK/Playmore that made the decision to censor the home carts, and SAID NOTHING ABOUT IT TO ANYONE PRIOR TO THE RELEASE.

Should SNK Playmore offer refunds directly (NOT through the Neo Store which should not have to bear one cent of the cost of this debacle), due to false advertising? Absolutely. Would they ever do such a thing? Not bloody likely. :mad:
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King of Typists,
20 Year Member
Jan 4, 2002
Man, this whole story smells like shit.

Here is a point:

1) do you know the ROM CART of KOF96 actually CONTAINS the WHOLE Chizuru and Goenitz selectable thing, including all portraits, complete and working select screen, and even SPECIAL ENDING in ALL LANGUAGES?

2) Do you know those charas are NO WAY unlockable on the ROM CART but with the DEV BIOS?

3) Do you know the VERY SAME FEATURE has been upgraded as standard in the NEO-CD version/port of the game?

Bottom line: in that case, SNK intentionally locked that feature in the ROM CART just to try pushing the ROM user to re-buy the CD as well.

Possibly, all ports of SSZS will feature full Level-3 violence...

lame + 100
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