Nci back in business?

Xian Xi

15 Year Member
Dec 1, 2005
I wonder if it's going to have shitty art again like they did with Andro Dunos.


Haomaru's Blade Shiner
10 Year Member
Dec 20, 2009
What is really a joke is that they want you to preorder a game for almost 400 Euro with no pic or info or whatsoever! *ts*

MCF 76

Metal Slug Mechanic
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2010
What is really a joke is that they want you to preorder a game for almost 400 Euro with no pic or info or whatsoever! *ts*

Yeah it is, and you know what it will still sell just to sit on a shelf by most who buy this p.o.s.
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a.k.a. Mother Teresa
Staff member
Dec 10, 2001
What is really a joke is that they want you to preorder a game for almost 400 Euro with no pic or info or whatsoever! *ts*

Let's focus on what's important here. Why would anyone buy from neoayato in the first place? I just refreshed you guys's memories with that link. Let me be more specific here and point this fact to you:

The owner of Neo Ayato is a scammer by association, who did nothing to prevent his employee from ripping off japanese stores and Yahoo Auctions bidders with countless AES counterfeits, other than asking for his cut.

You guys want to give these people your money?
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Xian Xi

15 Year Member
Dec 1, 2005
I hope you guys know that you are buying just a cart full of eproms, officially. Unless all 100 are actually "licensed" conversions.


Baseball Star Hitter
Apr 29, 2009
The price point is really not bad to be honest. With the current conversion rate, it's a bit under $390 before shipping. If it is in fact, officially licensed by Visco, this isn't a bad deal. A question though, do we actually know that this is legitimately licensed? And, as Coryoon said, the company NCI is doing business with is a bit shady to say the least. Additionally, the pre-orders are up before anything has been announced by NCI?

I don't know the history of either company. But reading the thread Coryoon posted and looking at the whole situation... well... if it looks like shit, and it smells like shit, it's probably shit.


Bewbs! Z'OMG, Teh BEWBS!,
20 Year Member
Apr 21, 2001
For $390+ I'd rather buy or make a CMVS and get the MVS cartridge. Beats the hell out of supporting Neo-Ayato, getting a cart full of EPROMs and potentially poor manufacturing, and spending an absurd amount of money on a game that's good, but not great. Not that that's ever stopped anyone from spending an absurd amount of money on a Neo game before, but just sayin...

Not to mention that there's no screenshots, very little information in broken English, and so on and so on.

Anyone that buys this is a fool.


Thou Shalt Not, Question Rot.,
Jan 17, 2013
and that's the double truth, Ruth.


Crazed MVS Addict
Apr 27, 2015
Why is band2band sold for 2k in japanese, and 1k in us on this shop website ?
Its NCI prod, as is breakers. In breakers they at least say no to sacrifice... The question is not wether u trust neoayato (wich i'm not affiliated in anyway with). Its wether or not you trust nci (wich i'm neither affiliated in any way with).
I'm not vouching for nci, i dont know what will be the quality of the pcb used. But when they say its a no sacrifice work, i trust them. It would be suicide for them to lie about this, moreover when they have bought the visco exploitation rights.

And i dont get the fuss about crossed sword 2 (wich is done with sacrifice carts, and got no rights). Well, i get that raz is quite respected for his long and quality work on the bios and other stuffs, but if you judge the product, its a convert. A boot, basically, with sacrifice cart.

Not trying to start something here, and again i'm not affiliated with any party. I didnt even buy either of those games for money reasons. And will not because for that price there are others aes game i'd like to get first.
But i kinda not like hypocrisis. You gotta say what you think, and think what you say.
Well. Haters gotta hate, troll gotta troll. Lovers gotta love.

edit : sorry, my english is not as good as i would like. I'm a french shit as u might have noticed :rolleyes:
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King's Dry Cleaner
Dec 6, 2010
NCI lied and screwed up with Treasure of Caribbean.
They promised a lot of things, and delivered a shitty flash-like game with crappy artwork and no licence whatsoever.
They even promised they would send a new and better looking artwork, but as expected they never did it.


Crazed MVS Addict
Apr 27, 2015
NCI lied and screwed up with Treasure of Caribbean.
They promised a lot of things, and delivered a shitty flash-like game with crappy artwork and no licence whatsoever.
They even promised they would send a new and better looking artwork, but as expected they never did it.
I dont know that story. My mistake. Wait and see then.
edit : after a quick check, they had licence for that game (even if its shitty, even if the artwork is shit).
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Shlong King,
20 Year Member
Dec 12, 2001
I don't think NCI has any licence for that game.

I dont know that story. My mistake. Wait and see then.
edit : after a quick check, they had licence for that game (even if its shitty, even if the artwork is shit).


Crazed MVS Addict
Apr 27, 2015
I don't think NCI has any licence for that game.

What you think is not relevant. What you know is.
Do you have any information that you might want to share with us ?
Spread fact not rumor.

The wikipedia page of nci state clearly that they had right for treasure of the carribean. Some "think" they had no right. Well, they would have been sued if that were the case. Moreover with a statement on wikipedia about a company. Have you heard of any suing ? No.

I'm out of here, no time for this. We are in an era full of conspiracy thesis shit, no need to add more on it.
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Xian Xi

15 Year Member
Dec 1, 2005
What you think is not relevant. What you know is.
Do you have any information that you might want to share with us ?
Spread fact not rumor.

The wikipedia page of nci state clearly that they had right for treasure of the carribean. Some "think" they had no right. Well, they would have been sued if that were the case. Moreover with a statement on wikipedia about a company. Have you heard of any suing ? No.

I'm out of here, no time for this. We are in an era full of conspiracy thesis shit, no need to add more on it.


King's Dry Cleaner
Dec 6, 2010
What you think is not relevant. What you know is.
Do you have any information that you might want to share with us ?
Spread fact not rumor.

The wikipedia page of nci state clearly that they had right for treasure of the carribean. Some "think" they had no right. Well, they would have been sued if that were the case. Moreover with a statement on wikipedia about a company. Have you heard of any suing ? No.

I'm out of here, no time for this. We are in an era full of conspiracy thesis shit, no need to add more on it.

They had no licence for it.
Face (the company that used to own the IP) went out of business many years ago.
When asked, people from NCI said that they couldn't locate the current IP owner, thus they were unable to purchase the licence.


Haomaru's Blade Shiner
10 Year Member
Dec 20, 2009
...BUT wikipedia said it. I mean who should one trust if not wikipedia?


Divine Hand of the UniBIOS,
Staff member
20 Year Member
Nov 12, 2002
Why is band2band sold for 2k in japanese, and 1k in us on this shop website ?
Its NCI prod, as is breakers. In breakers they at least say no to sacrifice... The question is not wether u trust neoayato (wich i'm not affiliated in anyway with). Its wether or not you trust nci (wich i'm neither affiliated in any way with).
I'm not vouching for nci, i dont know what will be the quality of the pcb used. But when they say its a no sacrifice work, i trust them. It would be suicide for them to lie about this, moreover when they have bought the visco exploitation rights.

And i dont get the fuss about crossed sword 2 (wich is done with sacrifice carts, and got no rights). Well, i get that raz is quite respected for his long and quality work on the bios and other stuffs, but if you judge the product, its a convert. A boot, basically, with sacrifice cart.

Not trying to start something here, and again i'm not affiliated with any party. I didnt even buy either of those games for money reasons. And will not because for that price there are others aes game i'd like to get first.
But i kinda not like hypocrisis. You gotta say what you think, and think what you say.
Well. Haters gotta hate, troll gotta troll. Lovers gotta love.

edit : sorry, my english is not as good as i would like. I'm a french shit as u might have noticed :rolleyes:

We got hold of a load of ironclad converts for cs2 so we are not converting original games that were not already converted. Getting that to happen slowed things down on the release of CS2 a little.

I personally feel its is a grand effort what NCI are trying (if they do have the licence) but understand they are going to have to do everything perfect if they want people to start to trust in them again after the TOTC situation. Using neoayato was probably not a good step in that direction but maybe they had no choice.


a.k.a. Mother Teresa
Staff member
Dec 10, 2001
Guys, if NCI and Atomikwave really did create those new AES PCBs as they said, they now officially have the ability to produce AES carts from scratch. Tell me what is going to stop Atomikwave from making counterfeits of high dollars games? Oh wait... He already did that many times. Come to think about it, I understand why Neo Ayato is involved now. They're probably going to distribute all of these counterfeits :keke:

Xian Xi

15 Year Member
Dec 1, 2005
I'm gonna sell "licensed" "face" diggerman carts now.


General Morden's Aide
Feb 3, 2013
Guys, if NCI and Atomikwave really did create those new AES PCBs as they said, ...

Don't you sense any Jason Young involvement here?

Since !Arcade! was able to create those PCBs, Pandora's Box opened... and since Jason mass produces snap-locks now, conveniently subsidized by the AF3 performance act, bootlegging became a homebrew game all of a sudden. The "no innocent carts & boxes are sacrificed any longer" slogan, repeated like a mantra by DEV.TEAM & co., rings earworm-like in my ears... as in Green Peace... eh... Green Boots. And yeah, another consequence is, that conversions are seen as originals nowadays. Think of all the original parts in it... It isn't just NCI, it's vertical integration with a maple-syrup aftertaste.


a.k.a. Mother Teresa
Staff member
Dec 10, 2001
Look what I've just found:

Atomikwave said:
SVP les gars pour les questions demander directement aux revendeurs.
Les infos que je possédé je les ai données ..
A mon niveau les choses dont je suis certains , c'est que les jeux seront neuf , 100 % customisé. ( boites , coques , pcb )
Pour le reste ( numerotation , nombre d'exemplaires , paiement en plusieurs fois .... ) voyez direct avec eux svp.

Me concernant j'ai des projet perso qui vont arriver , certain sous license et d'autres non ( un peu comme kizuna us).
Mais pour le moment rien n'est prêt. Quand cela prendra forme , vous serait les premiers prévenu.


I was right.

Not only they can produce brand new AES carts from scratch (cases, cart shells and PCBs) but Atomikwave is also going to release more carts later. Some are going to be licensed carts, some will be straight out counterfeits of high dollars games (like that english Kizuna he posted in the general section back in november)

They are so predictable. I highly recommend you guys stay away from any of this and stop supporting such assholes. They are ruining the AES market. Whether or not they bought the licence for Breakers Revenge, giving them your money is supporting a counterfeit factory, plain and simple. Please stop the madness.
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