Geese is alive?!?!


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
O. Yashiro said:
I actually always thought it would be cool if Geese turned out to be Andy's father since if Im corect Andy and Terry were both just adopted by Jeff and it was never clarified that they were blood brothers right. Just a little conspiracy theory that a couple of my friends and I cooked up to turn the Bogards against each other.

As far as the continuity of the KoF storyline I think that it all still connects someway somehow. As in relevance to the "dead " strikers in KoF 2000 I think it has been noted before (by myself and I hope others) that it was easy to tell the strikers that were deceased apart from the ones that were alive in a relatively simple way. Look at their exit. Go back and play 2000 and pick Yashiro as a striker and then pick Geese....notice the difference? Now pick Vice/Mature and then pick Geese...see it again. The deceased strikers all fade away for their exit but Geese jumps out, does his move, and then says "Come ON!!!" and then plainly jumps away...CLEARLY shwoing that he wasnt deceased. Just thought I would share that with everyone.
Back around '94 there was a lot of talk about Geese being Andy's dad, given how the young Geese looked in AOF 2. My roommate read me official word from SNK printed in Gamest magazine, where SNK said without ambiguity that Geese is not Andy's father. They did not (and to best of my knowledge have not to this day) made any statement about Geese and Terry, which of course led to a bunch more speculation. I was hoping for an answer in Real Bout Fatal Fury but Geese would rather fall off another building than be pulled up and answer Terry's questions, I guess.

By the way, that's an interesting idea about the dead strikers; I never noticed that and I will definitely check it out. I'm not sure if it explains why dead people and people from the future and past appear, though...


20 Year Member
Apr 12, 2003
ShikiMikoto said:
Frankly, I want these traditional old timers to DIE OUT ALREADY! Ay...

Most people say that, but then they complain about the new bosses being shitty.

Personally I like Igniz from the newer SNK bosses.


Azura's Swordsmith
Oct 17, 2003
OrochiEddie said:
I think it'd be a great plot twist if Geese was Terry's real dad. Since Jeff was only an adopted father

I always thought this to. Wow.


Morden's Lackey
Sep 27, 2003
geese, geese, geese....
This man just can't die... he's too strong, how many of you can beat him in AOF2 ?:smirk:

if you think about it, he isn't playable in many games... so I was realy happy to see him in SVC, maybe he's a secret caract. in kof03... (:rolleyes: )

anyway geese won't show up to terry or rock since he's afraid to go to the court.

By the way, does anyone know who is geese's wife? i mean rock's mother?


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
Oct 12, 2000
Fygee said:
If Geese is alive, then why is he allowing Terry, his mortal enemy, to raise his son?

We all know that Geese is Terry's father... the whole Star Wars saga relived in a fighting game! People have been joking about this for ages now. Maybe it really IS true? :D