Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn beta sign ups, Opening CG


20 Year Member
Apr 19, 2001
I may check out the XIV re-release. The problem with newer MMOs (and the reason SWTOR in particular failed) is game design: most companies have lost the ability or desire to design a difficult game with a high learning curve that rewards planning/execution. FFXI was brilliant because seemingly impossible objectives could be beaten easily (and in many cases soloable) with careful planning, a well-designed character build, and good battle strategy. Most current RPGs want to be the next WoW so they let the user grind from 0-max for free regardless of skill, then they make endgame objectives that are impossible without armies of people regardless of skill. This system eventually becomes pointless because the house always wins.

If S-E remembers what made FFXI great, then they still have a chance to succeed after blowing the initial FFXIV launch. Normally this wouldn't be the case, but their competitors are all so determined to steal WoW's customers that they refuse to create an FFXI-like MMO. S-E's customers haven't been stolen from them, so S-E's biggest enemy is itself.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
If the build on XIV just before it got shut down is any indication, count on something of a hybrid between XI and WoW.

Reason being that current producer Naoki Yoshida has done a LOT of research on trends in MMOs to see what people like, and he wants the game to be the kind of thing that can reward both the player that only has an hour to play and the palyer that wants to spend many hours grinding.

He was pretty humble about his expectations for 2.0. After he inherited the unenviable responsibility from Hiromichi Tanaka of producing the game, he acknowledge the many obstacles he faced.

He said something to the effect of 'people want the perfect game, but it's not easy to make the perfect game. You have to be a genius/natural talent to make a perfect game and there aren't that many geniuses in any field.'

He was basically summarizing a lot of what he said earlier in that they are trying to make a game that will appeal to a broad base of consumers and will have content for everyone to appreciate and enjoy.

So expect some easy objectives and expect some difficult ones. And even then, there are going to be players that break the game and find out how to exploit certain elements of it that they hadn't considered.

There was an obscenely easy way to PL people up to high 30s or low 40s in that game, and I did it for a few friends that wanted all battle jobs at 50 for the crown headgear (which isn't a bad piece).

Once Naoki Yoshida found out about it, you figure he would have fixed it but he didn't. He basically felt that there is a lot of content going on later in the game, and if this gets people to experience it sooner, it's best to let it be.

So he's showing, through his thoughts and actions, that he understands the player base to some degree. I think he's aware that people may not be understanding how to play jobs they've been rushed through, but MMOs have a way of course-correcting those problems that may arise through community-a shitty healer that got PLed and can't keep up the pace during endgame will be mercilessly dumped at the first opportunity for a better player.

EDIT: If anybody gets curious about the new build and wants someone to help them out, I am game. PM me if you want my server info. Be warned, though. While my character is max level with all battle jobs and I have good gear for most of them (AF at the very least), this new build will be unfamiliar to me and may take some time to learn how it's changed and what to look out for. I am still willing to help out how I can, however, and the LS can always use new peeps.
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Dr Shroom

made it in japan
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
I'd just like to mention that Squeenix is going to compete against themselves again when Dragon Quest X hits the WiiU. As we all know the DQ brand has some major horsepower behind it, especially in Japan and I could imagine it performing alot better than XIV ever will. Who the hell has time for two MMOs?

In the end, FFXIV won't make much of a dent and will end as a footnote in MMO history like so many other titles before it. It might do decent on the PS3 for a while because there are no real alternatives in that genre on consoles. It won't affect the chinese or koreans markets the slightest, PC or PS3-wise. I know it looks like I'm bashing this game before it's even properly out, but I'm really just being realistic here. I like the FF7 online idea, I could imagine something like having a Shinra and a Rebel side in the game similar to the horde and alliance. The FF7 world is also diverse enough for such a game IMO. Just place it in some alternative timeline to curb any complains about the canon of the game or whatever.

Companies are still trying to copy WoW and are surprised when their product fails.

The reason for not releasing Type-0 are 1) the PSP is practically dead in the west and 2) the rampart piracy on the system (It takes like ten minutes to hack the system and putting a CFW on it as we all know) and 3) they never really gave a fuck about the west.

Oh and XIII is horrible, thanks. :)
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Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
I'd just like to mention that Squeenix is going to compete against themselves again when Dragon Quest X hits the WiiU. As we all know the DQ brand has some major horsepower behind it, especially in Japan and I could imagine it performing alot better than XIV ever will. Who the hell has time for two MMOs?

In the end, FFXIV won't make much of a dent and will end as a footnote in MMO history like so many other titles before it. It might do decent on the PS3 for a while because there are no real alternatives in that genre on consoles. It won't affect the chinese or koreans markets the slightest, PC or PS3-wise. I know it looks like I'm bashing this game before it's even properly out, but I'm really just being realistic here.

Yeah, I don't think anyone here (except Saner) is disagreeing with you on these points and I don't thnk anyone sees you hating on the game. Human nature is what it is and no matter how good S-E's intentions are or how much of a renaissance the product goes through, the market just isn't the same as it was when they started developing for it.

The only reason they're giving XI another expansion at this point, IMO, is because it's a good way to supplement the money they aren't/haven't been making off of XIV. XI players still playing at this point aren't going to quit until the game is shut down.

I like the FF7 online idea, I could imagine something like having a Shinra and a Rebel side in the game similar to the horde and alliance. The FF7 world is also diverse enough for such a game IMO. Just place it in some alternative timeline to curb any complains about the canon of the game or whatever.

I have no idea why they make cell phone games and action shooters for the FF VII franchise when what people want is more opportunities to revisit that world in the format they're familiar and comfortable with. They want a robust RPG experience, and even though a VII MMO would be pandering, at this point why NOT do it?

I used to say they shouldn't remake it, but playing through it right now again, it's obvious that the game's theory was far more ambitous than the technology that pushes it. I can only imagine what a remake of VII, with all the technology available to them right now, would be like. Everything from environments to interface to graphics and soundtrack, even full would be crazy.

The reason for not releasing Type-0 are 1) the PSP is practically dead in the west and 2) the rampart piracy on the system (It takes like ten minutes to hack the system and putting a CFW on it as we all know) and 3) they never really gave a fuck about the west.

1.) Release digitally for western speaking audiences.
2.) Release digitally for western speaking audiences at a fair price point.
3.) S-E has traditionally acted like this and it makes no fucking sense to me to treat the west like a second or third market. It is the most profitable market in the world. Tap into it, shitters.

Oh and XIII is horrible, thanks. :)

You filthy animal:D


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 24, 2001
I may check out the XIV re-release. The problem with newer MMOs (and the reason SWTOR in particular failed) is game design: most companies have lost the ability or desire to design a difficult game with a high learning curve that rewards planning/execution. FFXI was brilliant because seemingly impossible objectives could be beaten easily (and in many cases soloable) with careful planning, a well-designed character build, and good battle strategy. Most current RPGs want to be the next WoW so they let the user grind from 0-max for free regardless of skill, then they make endgame objectives that are impossible without armies of people regardless of skill. This system eventually becomes pointless because the house always wins.

You do know that Absolute Virtue was first supposed to be an unbeatable boss, right? Why is this known? Because it was first defeated using a glitch in the game and it dropped nothing lol. SE felt stupid so they gave it droppables, but it was only possible to beat it using glitches in the game..that is until they upped the level max sigh.
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Unholy Custom Rank.,
15 Year Member
Aug 23, 2008
You do know that Absolute Virtue was first supposed to be an unbeatable boss, right? Why is this known? Because it was first defeated using a glitch in the game and it dropped nothing lol. SE felt stupid so they gave it droppables, but it was only possible to beat it using glitches in the game..that is until they upped the level max sigh.

SE also insta-killed AV if a group attempted the stuck glitch before the fix, after it was discovered. The fix was implemented rather quick if I recall.

If you truly want a challenge, try beating a High Tier NM with no known strat. You should have been there for the 1st Pandemonium Warden pop game wide. 16hrs of trying to figure out any strat at all to beat him with rotating shifts of ppl on Leviathan Server.

In XIV an average skilled group of players had an extremely hard time killing Hard mode Garuda post fix and most cases didnt bother with Ifrit Extreme. Yoshi has proven that he is trying to cater both hardcore and casual players along with different skill lvls.


20 Year Member
Apr 19, 2001
You do know that Absolute Virtue was first supposed to be an unbeatable boss, right?
True, but AV was just 1 mob they created to troll the elitists and it wasn't the point of the endgame back when it was 75 cap. Endgame then was mainly sky gods / Dynamis / Limbus / Assault / Nyzul. All of those were very doable and even low-mannable by good players, and suicide regardless of group size for bad players.


Unholy Custom Rank.,
15 Year Member
Aug 23, 2008
True, but AV was just 1 mob they created to troll the elitists and it wasn't the point of the endgame back when it was 75 cap. Endgame then was mainly sky gods / Dynamis / Limbus / Assault / Nyzul. All of those were very doable and even low-mannable by good players, and suicide regardless of group size for bad players.

75 Cap non low manable Endgame / suicide for bad players regardless of group size.
- Ground HNM
- High Tier ZNM
- Einherjar / Odin
- Dynamis Lord / Dreamlands
- Dark Ixion / Doomvoid
- Proto Ultima
- AV

Average skill alliance players wiped to these fights all the time. Elitists still allianced these fights at 75 cap and very very few could low man them.


20 Year Member
Apr 19, 2001
Average skill alliance players wiped to these fights all the time. Elitists still allianced these fights at 75 cap and very very few could low man them.
True, but with the exceptions of DL/dreamlands and maybe einherjar, groups for those tasks weren't as common as the ones I mentioned. The hands down worst thing about FFXI was its early reliance on spawned/camped NMs. The longer it went the more it phased the importance of those NMs out, but it was definitely a very painful piece of the game for a long time. Most shells avoided NM camping unless absolutely necessary.


Krauser's Henchman
Jul 18, 2009
MMORPG genre is not "oversaturated", if anything, it's still rare in the console market, and there is nothing EXACTLY like FFXIV ARR on PC. And it's totally different world and the Final Fantasy flavor is one of a kind. the MMORPG shovelware out there really doesn't count since they are just either cheap browser games or some kind of niche FTP brand that don't even have the quality and ambition and financial support of mmorpgs like FFXIV ARR.

and not all of those Guild Wars 2 wannabe mmos fit every mmorpg fan's interests. And FFXI Online can't hold every single fan's interest forever.

If anything the SHOOTER market is oversaturated, but that isn't stopping the better ones from selling big.

Also there are at least 2 flavors of MMORPGs, free to play MMORPGs, and subscription based MMORPGS.
Fee based mmorpgs that fail turn to become FTP mmorpgs, but that doesn't mean FFXIV ARR has to follow that model to be successful.

FF XIV stands as the most colossal failure in the history of video games, IMO. Worse than Duke Nukem Forever. Yoichi Wada, president of S-E, actually admitted that the game's poor quality tarnished the brand name.

That's a huge exaggeration. DNF took longer to make AND it ended up flopping. FFXIV 1.0 flopped, but that was partially due to Tanaka's outdated principles and SE's impatience back then. but FFXIV ARR is turn things around a full 180 in a much better direction that at least has a chance to succeed on PC and PS3.
But having said all that, the game got great in February 2K12. And subscriptions actually went up when they went back to a pay model. And there are a lot of people that only own PS3s that will give the game a try.

That is true. DCUO is no FFXI. And although FFXIV ARR is a new combination between FFXI and WoW, it could earn a lot of fans.
I think its myopic to judge people for being realistic about its chances. Saner's contention that 'people shouldn't judge the new game by the old' is just blind optimism. People are going to be very scrutinizing on this game.

There's something called blind negative mindset. Where would the industry be without optimism?

I imply that FFXIV ARR has a good chance to redeem the title, much better than all the FFXIII's combined.
And even if it succeeds and is everything people hope for, MMOs are just operating under a different business model than they were when S-E decided to even make FF XIV.
So what? FFXIV doesn't need to sell out to the cheap penny pincher consumer market to succeed.
FTP is the death/stagnation of mmorpgs.

That's why DCUO will always be a mediocre mmorpg because the developers ambition is too small and closed minded.
That's why FFXIV ARR has a better chance of lasting longer than Guild Wars 2 (GW2 is just a cheap cash in and doesn't even provide all
the fundamentals of an immersive mmorpgs. People only really play it because its free to play mmorpg for dummies. )

My prediction: it will have a loyal subscriber base, just like XI did. It won't dethrone WoW because nothing can dethrone WoW but the player base will be generally awesome to play with, just like XI was.

Well at least that is a decent perspective.

Also someone that said Square Enix is competing with themselves because of Dragon Quest X. THEY ARE NOT COMPETING WITH THEMSELVES.

1. Dragon Quest X is exclusive to Wii consoles. PC and PS3 exclusive gamers won't care for it. DQX is mmorpg lite. It's a simple and old school grind heavy mmorpg. It's an mmorpg for a completely different audience and platform market.

2. FFXIV ARR is being developed for PC and PS3. Completely different market. On PS3, the only competition is DCUO (which is just a FTP corpse that's already outdated in every category compared to even decade old mmorpgs like FFXI. )

there is competition on PC, but FFXIV ARR can definitely win interest from even FFXI, WoW and GW2 veterans that understand the values of subscription fee model and are sick of older mmorpgs. There are many people looking for the next big mmorpg and willing to pay to play it.
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Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 24, 2001
SE also insta-killed AV if a group attempted the stuck glitch before the fix, after it was discovered. The fix was implemented rather quick if I recall.

If you truly want a challenge, try beating a High Tier NM with no known strat. You should have been there for the 1st Pandemonium Warden pop game wide. 16hrs of trying to figure out any strat at all to beat him with rotating shifts of ppl on Leviathan Server.
In XIV an average skilled group of players had an extremely hard time killing Hard mode Garuda post fix and most cases didnt bother with Ifrit Extreme. Yoshi has proven that he is trying to cater both hardcore and casual players along with different skill lvls.

I was actually still playing the game when pandemonium was unbeatable. I remember the live coverage on the Lev "People are passing out and throwing up, but we have to continue!!!"


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 24, 2001
75 Cap non low manable Endgame / suicide for bad players regardless of group size.
- Ground HNM
- High Tier ZNM
- Einherjar / Odin
- Dynamis Lord / Dreamlands
- Dark Ixion / Doomvoid
- Proto Ultima
- AV

Average skill alliance players wiped to these fights all the time. Elitists still allianced these fights at 75 cap and very very few could low man them.

Good god screw Dark Ixion, screw him to hell. I died so many times tanking that son of a..that and getting aggro with a samurai when WSing him from behind..instant death. I remember wide scanning for him and sandworm.

"Found DI!!! Do you have the throwing item? Gimme, I'm maxed out on throwing....ok... I'll creep up to him.....SDFJSDLF: FLEAS GO AWAY....FUCK HE SAW ME, HE IS RUNNING, BACK TO WIDE SCANNING!@#!@#"


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 24, 2001
True, but with the exceptions of DL/dreamlands and maybe einherjar, groups for those tasks weren't as common as the ones I mentioned. The hands down worst thing about FFXI was its early reliance on spawned/camped NMs. The longer it went the more it phased the importance of those NMs out, but it was definitely a very painful piece of the game for a long time. Most shells avoided NM camping unless absolutely necessary.

3 manning Khim go!!! One thing I will never forget is this HNM group only had 3 people on Khim because for some reason their entire LS was somewhere else. Anyway, they got it to 1% and it did fulm 3 times in a row. They all wiped, one of our guys went up it, hit it once and it dropped a Hautclaire... I was laughing so hard.


Master Brewer, Genzai Sake Co.
15 Year Member
Aug 8, 2006
You should have been there for the 1st Pandemonium Warden pop game wide. 16hrs of trying to figure out any strat at all to beat him with rotating shifts of ppl on Leviathan Server.

I was on Leviathan as well although I didn't participate in much end game outside of my BST linkshell, but my RL friend Ciegrayndez did. Did you know him? I don't think either of us have played since 2009 though.


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 24, 2001
Oh I was reminded of something time there was this glitch that someone figured out. He went into King Ranperres tomb and somehow glitched Vrtra to appear in East Ron (Draw in wasn't working correctly or something). And it started killing all the newbies in east ron. A GM was called and he had to kill it, was actually quite funny. Sorry...ffxi brings back some good memories heh.

Although my favorite moments will always be seeing newbies running away from a wild rabbit shouting "HELP!!"
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Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
The hands down worst thing about FFXI was its early reliance on spawned/camped NMs. The longer it went the more it phased the importance of those NMs out, but it was definitely a very painful piece of the game for a long time. Most shells avoided NM camping unless absolutely necessary.

I agree wholeheartedly with this statement. Competing with other players for NMs that had pathetically long spawn times was so frustrating. Competing for Moldy Earring and Assault Jerkin were so goddamn frustrating. Going down into the dungeon (don't remember the name now) and seeing people just standing around was so fucking disheartening. Never mind camping Joyeuse.

This is one of the really nice thing about FF XIV. NMs respawn within 5 minutes so competition was NEVER a problem. Granted, there's server population to consider: that mob might be more heavily camped if the servers had more players. And that may be an issue later, but it was nice to know that within a half hour, I could farm the NM for what I needed and move on.

It also helps that a lot of the really nice items can be acquired through Grand Company seals and instances that don't require you to schedule the better part of a day to run endgame with some elite LS (although playing with high skill players really helps, obviously.) No camping, no waiting for interminably long respawn times, no competing and losing the claim due to latency.

These were the most maddening things to me about XI.

We stopped playing XI during the second phase of Wings of the Goddess. I liked the concept of things like Campaign but I thought the PS2's hardware limitations prevented the PC build of the game flourishing (at that time) and you can tell that it also affected Besieged, an otherwise great idea, to a great extent.


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 24, 2001
The Ps2 version of FFXI needed to be discontinued because I agree it was holding it back a lot. Unfortunately it seemed like most the FFXI players in JP were/still are? ps2 players. I blame them... I personally didn't understand why/how a person could play the game on the Ps2 as it looked horrid and was hard to keep up with anything. Oh and don't get me started about the sloppy Xbox 360 port lol.
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Master Brewer, Genzai Sake Co.
15 Year Member
Aug 8, 2006
I agree wholeheartedly with this statement. Competing with other players for NMs that had pathetically long spawn times was so frustrating. Competing for Moldy Earring and Assault Jerkin were so goddamn frustrating. Going down into the dungeon (don't remember the name now) and seeing people just standing around was so fucking disheartening. Never mind camping Joyeuse.

This is one of the really nice thing about FF XIV. NMs respawn within 5 minutes so competition was NEVER a problem. Granted, there's server population to consider: that mob might be more heavily camped if the servers had more players. And that may be an issue later, but it was nice to know that within a half hour, I could farm the NM for what I needed and move on.

It also helps that a lot of the really nice items can be acquired through Grand Company seals and instances that don't require you to schedule the better part of a day to run endgame with some elite LS (although playing with high skill players really helps, obviously.) No camping, no waiting for interminably long respawn times, no competing and losing the claim due to latency.

These were the most maddening things to me about XI.

We stopped playing XI during the second phase of Wings of the Goddess. I liked the concept of things like Campaign but I thought the PS2's hardware limitations prevented the PC build of the game flourishing (at that time) and you can tell that it also affected Besieged, an otherwise great idea, to a great extent.

It's true that NM camping in XI was usually frustrating, but a lot of my fondest memories are actually from camping NMs and talking with the random people that were there competing with me, etc. I had an incredibly fast pull too so that also helped (charm). While it's probably nice to have a NM repop every 5 minutes, it was so exciting seeing that NM finally spawn after sometimes days of waiting. It was always nice just to know the ToD so you could start logging in at the new spawn window even if you didn't get him the first time.


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 24, 2001
One thing that FFXI did right in my opinion was combining all the regions into the servers. Sure the translation system was crap and made for funny conversations, but it was always awesome being able to converse with Japanese players, Euro players and US players all at once. More MMOs need to do this IMO.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
The Ps2 version of FFXI needed to be discontinued because I agree it was holding it back a lot. Unfortunately it seemed like most the FFXI players in JP were/still are? ps2 players. I blame them... I personally didn't understand why/how a person could play the game on the Ps2 as it looked horrid and was hard to keep up with anything. Oh and don't get me started about the sloppy Xbox 360 port lol.

I think, and I'm just basing this on previous conversations I had with other people who played XI over the nearly 6 years I was involved from US launch so take that for what it's worth, that people tended to traditionally view FF as a console experience and I think that mindset held fast with a large portion of their player base.

I also can't speak to the size of PCs in Japan back in the day, but living space requirements were also a consideration, I'm sure. The PS2 just didn't take up as much space as the PCs of the day so in Japan, that may have been a factor. Playing on PS2 offered FF fans and MMO fans alike a chance to experience both at the same time, and with a beloved IP as well. I have said it many, many times: FF XI is probably the most efficient 'product' S-E ever produced for distilling the ideas of FF and presenting them in a single format. I still believe that. I am not talking about whether or not I think 'it's the best FF game' or whatever. I'm talking about conceptualization to realization: FF XI does exactly what S-E intended it to do, and that's why I think it has such a firm hold on its player base and why it continues to be viewed almost romantically by its community. The fundamental components of that game are something that, subconsciously, just works for its supporters.

PC gaming has come a long way towards more uniform hardware requirements since then. I have a rig now that seems to run everything without requiring any mods or tweaking, but the same can't be said of the XI launch period. I think people liked the idea of 'turn the game system on, play the game' and getting an optimal experience on the PC may not have been as easy back then as it was now.

It's true that NM camping in XI was usually frustrating, but a lot of my fondest memories are actually from camping NMs and talking with the random people that were there competing with me, etc. I had an incredibly fast pull too so that also helped (charm). While it's probably nice to have a NM repop every 5 minutes, it was so exciting seeing that NM finally spawn after sometimes days of waiting. It was always nice just to know the ToD so you could start logging in at the new spawn window even if you didn't get him the first time.

This is the other reason I think FF XI has such a high attach rate to it: for the amount of time you invested into accomplishing a goal, the sense of reward transcended the platform and client. I remember when I finally got my Byakko's Haidate after murdering that mob so many times and having to wait for my turn in the LS rotation, I felt a sense of pride. Farming the spawn items is not easy because of the heavy competition. So to gather enough people, to compete for the spawn items and then pray and hope for tiger to drop his pants was unbelievably satisfying. It didn't matter how much I used the pants or not. I HAD them, and that created a sense of accomplishment that just went beyond the mechanics of the game or 'winning.' So I feel you.

But my ultimate value in the game did not lie in competing, because I fucking despise PvP with a passion and competing for NMs is a type of PvP. Some people love it. Some people crave it. I already lived my 'PvP' days in the 90s, in the arcades at fighting games. I already did that, and this digital form of competition just isn't for me. I prefer when MMOs challenge players to work together to overcome challenges. That cooperative element is something I truly thrive on-getting a bunch of people with different goals and mindsets to function as a cohesive whole to the eventual benefit of everyone...that is where I get my kicks out of online play with others nowadays.

Gestalt is an amazing thing.
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Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 24, 2001
This is the other reason I think FF XI has such a high attach rate to it: for the amount of time you invested into accomplishing a goal, the sense of reward transcended the platform and client. I remember when I finally got my Byakko's Haidate after murdering that mob so many times and having to wait for my turn in the LS rotation, I felt a sense of pride. Farming the spawn items is not easy because of the heavy competition. So to gather enough people, to compete for the spawn items and then pray and hope for tiger to drop his pants was unbelievably satisfying. It didn't matter how much I used the pants or not. I HAD them, and that created a sense of accomplishment that just went beyond the mechanics of the game or 'winning.' So I feel you.

But my ultimate value in the game did not lie in competing, because I fucking despise PvP with a passion and competing for NMs is a type of PvP. Some people love it. Some people crave it. I already lived my 'PvP' days in the 90s, in the arcades at fighting games. I already did that, and this digital form of competition just isn't for me. I prefer when MMOs challenge players to work together to overcome challenges. That cooperative element is something I truly thrive on-getting a bunch of people with different goals and mindsets to function as a cohesive whole to the eventual benefit of everyone...that is where I get my kicks out of online play with others nowadays.

Gestalt is an amazing thing.

One of the most difficult things in FFXI was getting a relic weapon. I remember getting my Samurai GK Relic, fully upgraded. It was something really worth celebrating since it was nearly an impossible task without alliances helping you to get the materials and currency. Then SE upped the level cap and said, "Oh hey, you can upgrade your weapon again, but you have to do something similar to what you just completed..... again." That's when I quit and sold my account lol. They really screwed the relic owners, now it's easy as hell to get one (or so i've heard)


Unholy Custom Rank.,
15 Year Member
Aug 23, 2008
True, but with the exceptions of DL/dreamlands and maybe einherjar, groups for those tasks weren't as common as the ones I mentioned. The hands down worst thing about FFXI was its early reliance on spawned/camped NMs. The longer it went the more it phased the importance of those NMs out, but it was definitely a very painful piece of the game for a long time. Most shells avoided NM camping unless absolutely necessary.

I agree and SE added even more insult to injury with Tiamat and Jormungand being a 3-5 Day spawn.

I was actually still playing the game when pandemonium was unbeatable. I remember the live coverage on the Lev "People are passing out and throwing up, but we have to continue!!!"

Yep was a rather crazy event and I still feel for Tsola as he was there the whole time non-stop.

I was on Leviathan as well although I didn't participate in much end game outside of my BST linkshell, but my RL friend Ciegrayndez did. Did you know him? I don't think either of us have played since 2009 though.

Name sounds familiar. If you had a BST LS depending on the time frame you likely knew Clownfyre and Maew then.

When I came back to the game this Nov, I gave up on Leviathan and transferred to Phoenix with some friends. Just being on Leviathan for 10 years and the overall difference of the server now compared to the past made me move.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
I am not judging you Fox, but I could never have sold my account. I had done too much, gone through too much, met too many people and been through so many alliances, linkshells and groupings to do that. That character had become a part of me and forever would be. This is what I mean by 'transcending the platform.' I can't do something with fervor for 5+ years without being forever affected by it.

The idea that somebody else out there would be walking around in my skin or using me as a mule or selling off all my crap and deleting my account was just too much to think about.

When people found out I was quitting, they were asking 'can I have your stuff?' and I was like 'Fuck you, this shit is all going into the tomb like a pharoah and no one gets to loot my remains.'

And there he remains, peacefully at rest until the end of time. Or until S-E completely delets the character, whichever comes first.
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Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 24, 2001
I am not judging you Fox, but I could never have sold my account. I had done too much, gone through too much, met too many people and been through so many alliances, linkshells and groupings to do that. That character had become a part of me and forever would be. This is what I mean by 'transcending the platform.' I can't do something with fervor for 5+ years without being forever affected by it.

The idea that somebody else out there would be walking around in my skin or using me as a mule or selling off all my crap and deleting my account was just too much to think about.

When people found out I was quitting, they were asking 'can I have your stuff?' and I was like 'Fuck you, this shit is all going into the tomb like a pharoah and no one gets to loot my remains.'

And there he remains, peacefully at rest until the end of time. Or until S-E completely delets the character, whichever comes first.

I agree with ya. The problem was the game was starting to affect my life. Being in an HNM shell really was screwing up my hours and destroying any hope of a social life, so I had to get rid of it. I knew if the account was still there I would go back to it, so I had to get rid of it. I'll always have the fun memories heh.
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