Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory


Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
15 Year Member
Feb 29, 2004
Tossed the idea for a gameplay thread back and forth with Kazuki Dash. I'm at a loss as to what to really post than parts of PMs where I asked for advice from both he and SouthtownKid.

Myself, I'm still setting a goal to get to Chon Rei. But it evades me by the time I either hit Franco, Andy, or Suzaku for now, because the only way I've read to reach him is to 1cc the game untill the last boss. I'm shure I'll have to work up to 1ccing Terry, Geese and the second rounds against Yamazaki, too.

Kazuki Dash and I are also curious as to the hidden P powers. They aren't mentioned in a lot of FAQs, and not tested or documented enough for them to be easily pulled off. All I know so far is to hold Start + (ABCD) before the announcer yells "GO!"--Which usually has my game freezing up. :envy:

Here's what I posted to Kazuki reguarding Franco:
KagerouSama said:
I did do some dabbling in it today. I'd have an easier time starting without Franco's line swaying. Dude's a master at cheesing the line sway even on level 1. So I guess I have my opener for tommorow.

And here's some advice I got for using Mary against Geese from SouthtownKid:
SouthtownKid said:
It depends what level you're playing on, because the AI varies drastically between them (for example, on level 1, you can just Jump D, sweep him, he rarely counters, and he never uses Raising Storm). But whatever the level, my FF3 Mary game revolves around trying to land her best combination art (A, f+C, C, C, f,d,df+D) which can take 50%-70% life if you can start it with a jumping in D (jump in not recommended for Geese, though). Sometimes I can get him with it after blocking his low line change. Safer to go with crouching D, though.

The other biggest thing against Geese is using the SDM (b, d, db+C), because if you've done about 1/4 damage to him, the SDM will flat out kill him. Remember, if you have to use a continue, you have to enter the code to be able to use the SDM at the beginning of the match again (A+B+C+D+start until the announcer says, "GO!", and your name will turn green if it worked). And you can only use it once per round, so you have to make sure it hits. You may know all that already, but it seems like so few people actually play FF3 that I figured I better mention it. Most of the FAQs I've seen don't even mention the SDMs (or "hidden super specials" or whatever you want to call them) at all.

The regular DM doesn't seem to do as much damage, and is less practical because you have to charge it (and I miss with it and do the Straight Slicer by mistake enough, that I avoid it usually). The most important part of using the SDM is distance between you and Geese. Too far, and he'll Reppuken at the precise moment that makes him invulnerable to it, and you land right in front of him (Jin bros. will also do this a lot). Too close, and he'll do that forward rolling kick thing (b+D for him) which will nail you. At the right distance, he'll do that kick but you'll go over it and get him.

Hope that helps...

Though I should note I've had Geese do the raising storm on level 1. Just that he did it stupidly at the other side of the screen. :emb:

Guess that leaves the thread for open points of discussion from here. Enjoy?


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
What version of the game are you playing, that it freezes up by doing the ABCD + start thing? I never heard of that. The other hard thing about the hidden DMs is that you can only do them once per round, so it make it really hard to practice the ones that take strict timing. If you're still playing with Mary, you're lucky in that hers is the easiest to do in the game.

For getting to Chonrei, I don't think you need to 1cc it. You need to beat Yamazaki the first time you meet him ("ACCIDENT!") in one round. If you do that, I think it's possible to continue and still get there.

Brief advice: for fighting Franco, don't jump in, don't use specials. He'll kick you out of most everything.

For fighting Sokaku, try to coax him into doing that thing where he becomes a fireball (but without letting him get you). Once you block the first hit, get ready to get him with that combination art. There's also a range (about 3/4 screen) where he will try to do the lightning thing, and you can Crab Clutch (charge back, f+D) through it.

Anyhow, I'm glad to hear you're still playing around with it. FF3 is probably my favorite Neo fighter for 1-player.

edit: It's funny about you hearing you need to 1cc to get to the end. It just shows how underrated and undocumented this game is. There really seems to be so little information floating around about it, no reliable FAQ, hard to find others who've played it to get tips from, so you really end up having to discover the the game mostly for yourself.

It's like a kind of mystery, figuring it out slowly, as compared to something more well documented, like a KOF. I think that is part of its appeal for me. Like you, I had trouble with Sokaku more than the others at first, and it took forever of just playing around and figuring ranges and stuff, to be able to beat him.
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Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
15 Year Member
Feb 29, 2004
PC version. :( I like it though. CD Audio and nice look on fullscreen. I recently swapped the drive I was using though, so I may have better performance now.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
KagerouSama said:
PC version. :( I like it though. CD Audio and nice look on fullscreen. I recently swapped the drive I was using though, so I may have better performance now.
Hmm, I have no idea how the pc version works, as regards to the hidden DM thing. I think it's different on Neo CD also. If you have any other set up, you might as well get the game for that too. I think it's probably cheap enough, even on homecart. Or I've heard there is a Neo CD emulator that you can play real Neo CDs on, and you can buy the game new on Neo CD for something like $15-$30, I think. So you could still play on the pc and still get the good sound.

Kazuki Dash

Samurai Shodown Swordsmith
Feb 21, 2004
...sorry I'm late, glad I didn't miss the show

SouthtownKid said:
Hmm, I have no idea how the pc version works, as regards to the hidden DM thing. I think it's different on Neo CD also.
You ain't kiddin, STK...while FF3 looks and sounds beautiful on NEOCD, trying to input the Hidden DM code was insanely nerve-wracking for me back when I owned the CD years ago since the old FAQ I went by stated it must be done for each new opponent and mistiming the command input meant you'd reset the NEOCD...

anyways, now that I've recently snagged this game on Cart format I've been reminded just how crappy my skills have gotten...and you guys are spot on, there is so little documentation about this particular FF title that many specifics regarding reaching Chonrei and executing the hidden P Powers correctly aren't fully confirmed anywhere...shucks, the only way I know I'll definitely reach Chonrei is if the Delta Park Stage is on fire when I'm battling Chonshu

the one thing that strikes me as quite distinctive in this particular FF title is that properly utilizing the planes seems so much more important than in any other FF game, which would also explain why I really need to practice...in every other FF game I've been able to avoid using the planes much and still pull off wins, but in FF3 having 3 planes and the Quicksway technique means I can't play that way and expect to win...

hopefully this Thread will awaken some more attention to this gem from some others as the more input we can get the better...as for me, I'll be trying to practice at least once a week and try to have something worthwhile to post now and then...


Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
15 Year Member
Feb 29, 2004
As far as I know the PC versions are just conversions of the NGCD titles. But whatever as long as I get to play at all.

Went back to Mary after toddling around with Terry and Mai for a while. Franco is still giving me trouble, but not quite as much as before. But it's still so tempting to do the qcuf+A on him. Then see him taunt and think, "Hey, I could have pulled off the M. Spider just then!" Only to know full well if I'd gone with the M. Spider I'd have been knocked on my back. Err....Mary knocked on her back.... you understand.

I'm trying to avoid using my save at Chonshu. I'm still confused as what to do to get to Chonrei. I can continue after "ACCIDENT!" and get to Chonshu. But I've never gotten to Chonrei.

Kazuki Dash

Samurai Shodown Swordsmith
Feb 21, 2004
KagerouSama said:
I'm trying to avoid using my save at Chonshu. I'm still confused as what to do to get to Chonrei. I can continue after "ACCIDENT!" and get to Chonshu. But I've never gotten to Chonrei.
To play it safe, I'd say that if you wind up continuing then most likely Chonrei's out of the picture...


Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
15 Year Member
Feb 29, 2004
Kazuki Dash said:
To play it safe, I'd say that if you wind up continuing then most likely Chonrei's out of the picture...

Back to the 1CC scinario.

Just finished a play through.
24 wins, 16 losses, 1 draw
ARG! That's eight continues!! And didn't even beat Chonshu.
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There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
Kazuki Dash said:
To play it safe, I'd say that if you wind up continuing then most likely Chonrei's out of the picture...
Nah, I've definitely continued and gotten to Chonrei. I don't know what the requirement is...

...Okay, I checked the All About SNK book with my meager Japanese, and it turns out to depend on 'Fighting Level Point', meaning what letter grade you get each round. Here's what they're worth:


If I'm reading this right, I think you need at least 180 points to fight Chonrei. I think you should make it if you're getting all A's and above. Or if not, you need to pad your score by getting some S's.

Neo Bomber Man

Miracle Seller, , ,
Aug 19, 2000
SouthtownKid said:
Nah, I've definitely continued and gotten to Chonrei. I don't know what the requirement is...

...Okay, I checked the All About SNK book with my meager Japanese, and it turns out to depend on 'Fighting Level Point', meaning what letter grade you get each round. Here's what they're worth:


If I'm reading this right, I think you need at least 180 points to fight Chonrei. I think you should make it if you're getting all A's and above. Or if not, you need to pad your score by getting some S's.

Beat me to it but yes, that's it, how well you play determines whether or not you get to see the real ending, and even whether or not you get to fight the real final boss. It's a devilish way of ensuring people keep playing the game, and hopefully in the meantime they can come to appreciate what a masterpiece this title is.

Personally I have more trouble with Andy than anyone else. He's a tricky ass in FF3 and quite irritating at times. I mostly used Terry and never quite developed a strategy against him. If you're looking for an easy way to do a lot of damage with Terry and earn yourself some pretty high fighting level points, do crouching C, burn knuckle+A, crouching C, crack shoot+B and just laugh yourself silly at the damage. I forget if it dizzies if you begin with a jumping D or so. I remember the first time I did that combo, it was on Yamazaki's first incarnation, I absolutely slaughtered him, beat him perfect in no time flat. It's sad in a way to rely on it so heavily but if you can build your strategies around positioning yourself for that attack, you'll get places with Terry. Me being sucky vs Andy and 50% of the time vs Chonshu has kept me from ever meeting Chonrei though.


today forever
20 Year Member
Sep 27, 2000
will need to play the game again,it's been ages

so with that in mind :

if i remember correctly,
with expert mode activated you always get to fight chon rei

at least terry has got an incredibly easy infinite that *completely* breaks the game

maybe he wasn't the only one but will need to check my notes :eek:

you can get loads of aaa and loads of s,it's insane

it's like snk was too busy adding useless stuff like df x 2 or the super useless chain combos like A A A fwd C

and incredibly stupid sdms with impossible setups

and didn't bother to test the damn game and didn't remove

that crazy terry infinite

that pre-choin rei bugs that always freezes the game

with all that said,
i love garou 3 to death


Ass Troll,, Ignorant, , , , (Do Not Resuscitate)
Apr 4, 2003
yo fran whats the infinite like. ive been doing 1 combo against the cpu but im not sure if its an infinte. j+C, cA, cA, cC, crackshoot D, cA, cC, crackshoot, repeat till dizzy.

it has been blocked occasionnaly but dont know if i mistimed it or if its not an infinte.


Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
15 Year Member
Feb 29, 2004
yo fran whats the infinite like. ive been doing 1 combo against the cpu but im not sure if its an infinte. j+C, cA, cA, cC, crackshoot D, cA, cC, crackshoot, repeat till dizzy.

it has been blocked occasionnaly but dont know if i mistimed it or if its not an infinte.

I'd try that out if I had any idea how to read your dictation. :annoyed:


Ass Troll,, Ignorant, , , , (Do Not Resuscitate)
Apr 4, 2003
yeah its been awhile playing this game so i played a few rounds today and yesterday. trying old combos and ppowers and such. gotta see if i still know some of the chain combos from the game. this game always was a blast in 1p mode. and the code only has to be done once on the ceo cd. the combo is done like jump + C or D, do 1 or a few crouching A's, crouching C, crackshoot +D, right after crackshoot do another crouching A, i think it combos but im not 100% sure. crouching C (by this time theyre ussually stunned, if not...), crackshoot D again or burn knuckle +A.

too bad some hidden sdm's cant be done against some oppoenents. like francos hidden cant be done against terry and probably some other charas. cause the D hits, down +C hits, but the qcb,f+CD only hits one's and dousnt send the opponent up like it should, now i cant ad the rdp+C after and the sdm is spilled. easy and damaging franco combo j+D, A, hcb+CD, hcb+CD. anybody land andy sdm correctly by the way. the shorephadan only hits 2/4 times when i do it and the opponent dousnt light up like normally.

theres really no faq that has all the correct info on this game, all the faqs ive seen had errors in them or where incomplete, if anybody would like to make one that would be nice, gaining info wouldnt be hard since everybody could pitch in some help if needed.

if anybody would like to ad some chains or combos please do, its been awhile so any help is appreciated.
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Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
15 Year Member
Feb 29, 2004
theres really no faq that has all the correct info on this game, all the faqs ive seen had errors in them or where incomplete, if anybody would like to make one that would be nice, gaining info wouldnt be hard since everybody could pitch in some help if needed.

if anybody would like to ad some chains or combos please do, its been awhile so any help is appreciated.

Hey, that's what the thread's for. So whatever you got...


Ass Troll,, Ignorant, , , , (Do Not Resuscitate)
Apr 4, 2003
i just checked it to make sure of it. the combo i typed down as an infinte is infinte. the combo dousnt work against chonsu or chon rei if im right , and it also misses crouching opponents. so if you do the terry combo and your op is ducking your crackshoot will hit too late and it wont combo. anywayz thats a seriously hurting combo and if your not ducking your gone.


Sep 18, 2005
As much as I like FF3 I'm more of a RB1 guy. FF3 was just too hard for me AI wise and I just never took the time to master it. I guess someday I'll really delve deeply into the pool called FF3 and find video gaming gold. As far as strategy's go I tend to use jumping attacks the most along with foot sweeps. Worked moderately well against the cpu, don't know about actual human players though.


today forever
20 Year Member
Sep 27, 2000
terry :

crouch C > crack shoot D > crouch C > crack shoot D > stun

after that you can restart the infinite and even add a jump in D

or kill the opponent with the power geyser if you can


another good terry strategy vs the cpu ( very similar to the one in ryuuko 2 )

throw the opponent,light power wave and strong burning knuckle as they get up

hard to find the correct timing but a piece of cake once you know how to do it

Kazuki Dash

Samurai Shodown Swordsmith
Feb 21, 2004
Neo Bomber Man said:
Personally I have more trouble with Andy than anyone else. He's a tricky ass in FF3 and quite irritating at times. I mostly used Terry and never quite developed a strategy against him.
I've got to get some more play time before I spout off anything as gospel truth, but I've noticed that Andy's aggressive AI can be exploited to your advantage if you're ready to Quicksway at a moment's notice...

in my fights against him he jumps in often and tends to try a Zaneiken from far away, which means Quicksway can have you chipping off his health while you strategize...not to mention if it's your final hit, Andy takes a refreshing dip

nice to see some more input from folks with good gameplay tidbits...particularly the ever elusive Fran...always love to see teh spaced text

well I'll hopefully have some more observations of my own to post after this weekend...

Kazuki Dash

Samurai Shodown Swordsmith
Feb 21, 2004

so I've been experimenting with a few characters so I can stop being a Terry whore in this game, specifically trying out Joe, Mai, and Hon Fu...

so far I like Hon Fu the most but I think I'll have to start using a new NEOCD pad since my current one seems to be responding less accurately...although I've noticed that at times pulling off moves in this title seems to be more difficult than if I'm playing any other NEO fighter, is this my imagination or are the controls actually more strict?

Also any advice for using Hon Fu or Mai would be appreciated...


today forever
20 Year Member
Sep 27, 2000
it's a shame that a genuine gameplay thread about a great game will prolly die soon ?

i'd like to contribute more but when i play an old garou den game,
it's always gd sp 90 % of the time with a little bit of rb 1

it's very likely that your neo cd pad isn't faulty

gd 3 was crazy,it was hard as hell to perform a simple power wave

i remember using terry and andy in my first weeks of playing the game

then i started picking mary and mai

i really do not remember much,so i can't be very helpful right now

it's been years as i said before

but i hope to play gd 3 a little tomorrow,so maybe i can contribute some more ?

( to be honest,
i believe you should focus on rb 1 because it's the natural evolution of the system of gd 3 )

gd 3 remains sweet,for the 1p mode and the insame amount of snk goodness in it

Kazuki Dash

Samurai Shodown Swordsmith
Feb 21, 2004
Fran said:
it's very likely that your neo cd pad isn't faulty

gd 3 was crazy,it was hard as hell to perform a simple power wave

i remember using terry and andy in my first weeks of playing the game
Same as me, sadly...since relying on him exclusively back in FF2, I played it safe too often by sticking to Terry instead of really exploring the depths of the other characters(a mistake I've been trying to rectify)...glad to hear it's the control and not the pad, I knew I wasn't crazy

i really do not remember much,so i can't be very helpful right now

it's been years as i said before

but i hope to play gd 3 a little tomorrow,so maybe i can contribute some more ?
No prob Fran ol man, whenever you can spare the time is fine by me..I'll be doing some experimenting here and there myself

( to be honest, i believe you should focus on rb 1 because it's the natural evolution of the system of gd 3 )

gd 3 remains sweet,for the 1p mode and the insame amount of snk goodness in it
agreed...as far as 1P enjoyment goes, RBFF and FF3 are tops (heck, I'd even put RBS just behind them) so I'm sure I'll wind up returning back to the RB series after a spell

now here's hoping this new set of posts snags the attention of some of the other folks from before
:eye: :eye:


Ass Troll,, Ignorant, , , , (Do Not Resuscitate)
Apr 4, 2003
i was playing this a few days ago and didnt seem to be able to get the yamazaki ending. usually i end up fighting chon rei, and even if i loose the first round to yama i end up fighting chon rei. if i remember correctly there was another ending ive only seen ones and it was the yamazaki one, right...? if im correct you didnt even get to fight chon su. and is it possible to select the bosses in AES or MVS, its easy on my cdz but i dont know if its possible on mvs/aes (PC, emu).

anyway this game is really nice, like all the FF's since FFS. they all have that special something that sets them appart and yet makes them all look alike. well not FFS but deffenitelly FF3 & RB(1)(S)(2). RB2 might just be the best but FF3 is the best looking presentation and bg's and stuff. damn for some reason i always forget to put MOTW in the FF list as its a great game. must be the damn title eluding me.

Kazuki Dash

Samurai Shodown Swordsmith
Feb 21, 2004
and is it possible to select the bosses in AES or MVS, its easy on my cdz but i dont know if its possible on mvs/aes (PC, emu).
Other than using the UniBIOS, the only code I've seen is for Home Consoles:

- Defeat Chonrei
- Start a New Game
- At Character Select Screen, press B over Terry, Hon Fu, Mai Geese, Bob, Sokaku, Andy, Franco Bash, Joe, Mary


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
i was playing this a few days ago and didnt seem to be able to get the yamazaki ending. usually i end up fighting chon rei, and even if i loose the first round to yama i end up fighting chon rei. if i remember correctly there was another ending ive only seen ones and it was the yamazaki one, right...? if im correct you didnt even get to fight chon su. and is it possible to select the bosses in AES or MVS, its easy on my cdz but i dont know if its possible on mvs/aes (PC, emu).
To get the Yamazaki ending, you have to play badly. Meaning get bad grades each round. And I think lose a round to him, first time you meet him. And I don't think it's possible to choose the bosses at all on MVS without unibios (which I do not have).