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  1. G

    The Last Blade - A few questions...

    Hey hey! Just got this game, and am busy playing it. However, as I have the Japanese version but don't speak Japanese, I was hoping someone could help me with a couple o'questions:- I have some scrolls missing - the last five of the penultimate category and the last two of the final category...
  2. G

    Puzzle Bobble Mini strangeness...

    Hey hey! I got Puzzle Bobble Mini (the UK version, NEOP0020) for the NGPC a bit ago, and had a problem with it. It wouldn't save any scores, options, or anything. The Survival mode just kept rewriting the first-place score, rather than filling the table up. The Puzzle mode (after clearing...
  3. G

    A couple of KOFR-1 queries...

    Hey hey! Recently picked up this game from eBay, and I have a couple of questions: 1) When selecting a character, there is a blank space between Shingo and Leona (the Edit Member section) that I can't seem to get filled. What, if any, character should be there, and how are they unlocked? 2)...
  4. G

    Samurai Shodown! 2 seems a bit steep...

    I must admit to being a tad confused... Why is this SS!2 so expensive? I'd have thought it was a £10 game... Is there something magnificently special about this copy?
  5. G

    Sonic Pocket Adventure - Robotnik Puzzle...

    Hey hey! Here's hoping some kind/ wise soul can help... I'm missing a puzzle piece in STHPA. I cannot seem to find it. It's the piece in the top-right corner of the Dr. Robotnik puzzle, the actual corner piece. It's very frustrating... Anyone know where it is? I've checked the FAQ at...
  6. G

    A couple of KOFR-2 queries...

    Hey hey! Firstly, sorry for asking so many questions on this board. I'm getting the hang of this NGPC lark, however... Okay, so, having looked at skill lists for the Making Mode on this fine, fine game, I have noticed that some (it seems to be 14, usually) Skills are labelled as...
  7. G

    Neo Mystery Bonus question...

    Hey hey! Been playing this for the last day or two, and got the game counter up to 3000, the number the manual said would unlock the pro settings. However, the promised message and promotion did not appear. Like an idiot, I wondered if I'd have to start a new game, only to accidentally save...
  8. G

    UK NGPC question...

    Hey hey! Just wondering if anyone could help me with these two 'obvious newbie' questions regarding European 'clamshell' NGPC releases: Do all Euro games come with 3 instruction manuals?; Do all Euro games come with the yellow 'warning' slip? Thanks for reading!
  9. G

    English/ Japanese options...

    Hi! Just ordered a NGPC (yes, I know it's taken far too long, but...) and I have a question... Looking through the reviews on this very site, I noticed in the 'fact box' in the corner there were 'English Option' and 'Japanese option' entries. How does this work? Does this mean that Japanese...
  10. G

    Saturn KOF'95 Back Cover...

    Hi! Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but... Having seen on this site various references to homebrew covers, etcetera, I was wondering if anyone had ever made a homebrew back cover for the Saturn version of KOF'95 (the insert that lies under the CD tray, making the rear cover...