How far are you from SELLING your collection?


Super Spy Agent
10 Year Member
Aug 25, 2010
hmmm...indeed...trimmed the junk from my console stuff awhile back, I'm about half and half between arcade and NES/SNES/Genesis...

It's pretty sparse at my place now...and I'm finding I'm looking over the MVS carts...who needs *ALL* the World Heroes games...probably not me...and then there's that Ninja Combat...probably don't need that either...

Yagyu Jubei

Dodgeball Yakuza
Feb 16, 2001
I've been trimming the fat off of my collection for years. Juggling between AES, MVS, MD/Genesis, Dreamcast, OG Xbox, and Saturn, I don't have the storage to keep it all or the time to play them all. Whenever I pop in a game and it doesn't give me the thrill that it used to, it's time to let it go. I'm trying real hard to be the shepherd and not hoard every deal that I see.


Famous & Dangerous.,
Jul 27, 2003
My AES collection is:
KOF 95
KOF 96
LB 1
Blazing Star

That's it. Not selling it.


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
I never had much of a collection, you know 3 or 4 cps2 carts and some naomi stuff, 20 or so mvs carts, most of the snk ps2 releases. I got rid of everything bar the following;

Hyper Neo and 3 carts
20 mvs carts, couple single slotters - mostly fighters with a couple shooters, puzzle etc

None of it get's played, its all in boxes hidden away. Slowly convincing myself of the next thing to sell really. Probably wont let go of the MVS stuff however, maybe it'll be played this year? who knows. :emb:

Electric Grave

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15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
But you're paying monthly to store all that stuff. Trust me man, running lean is great. I'm always willing to help you out when you decide you wanna downsize. Also, there is no reason to stand in line at the post office anymore.

Thanks man, I'll def take you up on it when the time comes. Even if I sell everything I wanna sell I'd still like to have my storage but it would be definitely awesome to have a smaller one or to set up a working shop for projects inside since I don't have a garage and doing my projects at work is cool but I rather not if possible.


Morden's Lackey
Mar 1, 2005
I had ever sold the part of collection a few years ago when I need money to buy a lot of lego which it's big project...then I thought I feel why I must sold something to buy something ... so I tried to find the way to make much money until I have money each month enough to do everything without selling out ... that's good way that I did ...

I am not rich but I don't need to buy anything in hobby ... Neogeo is my favorite since I was young until the present so this is the reason why I collect many carts ...

I don't think to sell my main collection but some titles duplicate, I may sell out :)

Electric Grave

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15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
You're gonna part with the duplicates?! Oh no...the horror...


Reformed collector of junk
10 Year Member
Jan 22, 2012
I just have pcbs, mvs and a few other bits. Few items I will eventually sell when I get around to it. One vert can, one hori cab. That it. Keep it lean and use your stuff. These days I only buy 3 or 4 boards a year and I am happy with that.

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
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15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
I like you :D

That's great 'cause when I get to Thailand for my Paylaya dirty tour I'll come see you, hell, with all your money you should buy me a few gals for the weekend, we could paint the town in red...


Eager Beaver
Mar 17, 2011
I had every American console at one point some Japanese mostly turbo D. But at one point I was wasting more time arranging and cleaning than playing, one day I decided to let everything go, a few with local collectors other stuff on game stores and craigslist, I only have SNK (NGP, NGcd, AES, MVS) and Sega Saturn left, I have no appeal to Saturn anymore, didn't age well for me and I have better memories from those games than how they feel right now, most likely games are not the same without the friends you played them with, so now is the turn for the Saturn to go to someone who wants them for better or worse I won't play them again.

For Neo I truly believe most of the games aged pretty well for my taste, and I find myself driving back from work thinking which title is the chosen one, something I didn't do when I had tons of stuff I never played like NES or PS every time I tried playing something I reminded myself of the long path ahead and I couldn't be bothered but the neo haves so many games that you can play just for a few minutes and you are satisfied no need to play for hours to enjoy the game.

The neo collection stays for a long time I guess.
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Electric Grave

So Many Posts
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15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
A lot of Saturn arcade ports are still amazing and even better than the PCBs. I dunno what you mean by saying did not age well, as it is it sounds ignorant but maybe you mean the 3D games? In that case you should look into some of the 2D stuff.


Eager Beaver
Mar 17, 2011
Mostly 3D like amok, dark saviour, tomb raider, even some of the 2D stuff like shinobi legends I don't know the controller or the choppy animation it's just not there anymore toshinden aghhh even resident evil or scud I don't feel them anymore.

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
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15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
I don't blame you but what about the other stuff...I actually like Karnov's better on Saturn 'cause you can switch B/C. SFZero3 is the best version surpassing all other versions. Batsugun if you like shooters. RBS is awesome on it too, Geese is there, not nightmare Geese but you can still get him. I could make a list, there's just a lot of arcade ports that are awesome, I guess you can always use emulation and forget the Saturn but still while some games have aged poorly, others shine like a diamond.


Armored Scrum Object
Feb 10, 2016
There is a lot to say about remembering the time spent playing these games with friends. NBA Jam TE on Saturn is amazing, and I spent more time than I care to admit playing it with friends. However, I can only play it for a half or so by myself. All the games are more fun with friends, except RPG games...

Liquid Snake

I am untouchable
20 Year Member
Nov 22, 2000
I think i'm going to sell my entire AES library (US/EU/JPN) before market crashes one day. How much can i get?
Disc is in mint condition and im the original owner, smoke free house......


Igniz's Servent
Apr 30, 2010
I think i'm going to sell my entire AES library (US/EU/JPN) before market crashes one day. How much can i get?
Disc is in mint condition and im the original owner, smoke free house......
View attachment 33869

What is this? A NEO-GEO for ants? How can we be expected to teach children to learn how to game? It has to be at least… three times bigger than this!

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
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15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
There is a lot to say about remembering the time spent playing these games with friends. NBA Jam TE on Saturn is amazing, and I spent more time than I care to admit playing it with friends. However, I can only play it for a half or so by myself. All the games are more fun with friends, except RPG games...

That's 'cause RPGs aren't fun at all...


Morden's Lackey
Mar 1, 2005
@wyo_vr4: I like EC because he always says what he is thinking ... he is sincere ...

Electricgrave: If you would like to do that at Pattaya, let do it but I don't ... my wife doesn't let me do surely :D
Almost foreign when come to travel in Thailand, they go to Pattaya for entertain, I don't like to go there, it's same as Patpong in Bangkok.

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
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15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
Sorry about butchering the name of the place, lol. Bangkok would be so much I could get lost in all those places...I spend a lot of time in Miami so I really like the party style but I hear you, I just thought that maybe you were running the place down there and had all the hook ups! At any rate, thanks for the vote of confidence.


Loyal Neo-Disciple
Dec 31, 2015
long story short: sold vc20, amiga, gb, snes, n64, gc, wii, wiiu, ds, 3ds, ms, md, saturn, dc, gg, psp, ps1, ps2, ps3, xbox, 360 and so on incl. all games. most of the time: ebay, start price 1€, eyes closed & "go for it".

good decision & it was pretty relieving. only kept xone, ps4 and the aes. but the aes is in its box, the carts are stored in a cupboard. in 2016 i play neo geo only via ouya or mame (or on ios/android devices) - 99% exactly the games i have as aes cart (small collection). i also kept every resident evil / biohazard game on any platform stored in a big cardboard box - next thing to sell.

might sell the aes and the carts, but i actually like the physical presence of it. otherwise its useless and since you can sell snk labeled shit pressed in bars (btw electricgrave loves them for breakfast) it might be the right time...
Jul 15, 2008
I am selling my last candy cab today, and I am excited to move on. People in the hobby have pretty much ruined it for me and I am not the same guy who gloated about the stuff I own like it made me cool.

I can get by just fine on an inexpensive collection of modded consoles, flashcarts, burned discs and pvm's. Actually I havent really played those in the last year much and I am fine with it.

I will always need a hobby where I can tinker with my hands, most of my enjoyment with the arcade hobby came from buying project cabs and restoring them, thats now transitioned into working on cars.
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20 Year Member
Mar 15, 2011
Sold everything I had years ago. I only plan on "collecting" for Dreamcast now. I don't really want to sell my PSX but I never use it. Probably isn't worth much anyway and FMVs dont play right on it.

Colorado Rockie

Terry Bogard's Taylor
Jan 5, 2012
I think more and more about selling off everything. I have quite a lot of stuff and I don't play a lot of it, something I doubt EG would approve of ;). I wouldn't be able to choose what to let go though (sympton of a hoarder) and it would have to be everything or nothing. Only thing I collect today video game wise is Vita.