Super Otousan 2

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Super Otousan 2 logo.

Super Otousan 2 (超お父さん 2) is a pachinko-slot machine released by SNK for Japan. It's the sequel to one of SNK's earliest pachinko games, Super Otousan. It was developed with the game's first developers and the Sky Love team.


A year has passed after Zelta's defeat and Ruri has moved out of her home. Wanting to see her daughter's smiling face again, Takeo and Sachiko leave their tiny house to visit Ruri, which leads to a fun summer vacation at the beach and hot springs. However, Shiga, an evil organization lead by Mari, wants to use this chance to take down Super Otousan. It's once again up to Takeo to defend his family from danger.


There are three main stages that take place: the hotel, the beach, and the streets. Each stage has several events and mini-games that take place to move the story. One of them includes saving Ruri from Shiga's henchmen. Players who succeed in these sequences can have a chance to progress the game with a battle stage with Super Otousan. Winning these stages allows players an extra 30 games of playtime. If players don't trigger a battle stage, they can still have a chance to lengthen their playtime by winning the "Super Bonus" stage.

Several bonuses were included to improve the reel results, making it 56% longer than the first game. Players can also score a Big Bonus where they'll have the choice of playing through one of the three songs from the Honjo family. Ruri will an image song, Takeo's song is a vocal version of the game's main theme, and Sachiko's is a flashback sequence of how the parents first met.

The "Bath Time" sequence from the previous game was also expanded to include a "Date Time" with Ruri.


  • Takeo Honjo - main protagonist and clumsy father of the Honjo family. He runs a kissen (Japanese coffee shop) to make the bills. Once he wears the V Belt, he transforms into Super Otousan. His super finishing move is the "V Slash".
  • Sachiko Honjo - chain-smoking and overweight wife of Takeo. She has a tough attitude and likes to remember "the good old days".
  • Ruri Honjo - 18 year old daughter of the Honjo family and mascot for the games. She uses her telepathy to help her father during battles.


  • Mari - mysterious girl who seems to want something with Super Otousan.
  • Dark Hero - the mysterious hero of Shiga.
  • Daigon - wooden robot constructed by the Shiga forces.
  • Jack - hummanoid shark man that is ordered to stop Super Otousan.
  • Fly Queen - a woman dressed in a pink butterfly costume.


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