T-Shirt Contest Voting 
  (Voting is closed)

If you are a member of the forums and your member # is 5000 or less, you may be eligible to help decide the winners of the t-shirt contest. Please read the guidelines thoroughly before casting your vote.

Your member # must be 5000 or less.
All forum moderators may vote, regardless of member #.
Any member listed on the contact page may vote, regardless of member #.
If you entered the t-shirt contest, you cannot vote.
Your email should contain your member #.
Your email address that you vote from will be checked with the member list for verification.
Your vote can consist of one to three choices, but no more than 3.
Submit choices in order of preference and separate with line breaks.
Last day to submit vote is December 8th, 2002.

 View the Entries!


Example vote:

email headers:


from: blusmurf80@hotmail.com
to: webmaster@neo-geo.com
subject: t-shirt vote

Body of email:

- cut and paste if you like.
then edit to your choices


Member: 99

Entry: 25
Entry: 143
Entry: 76

When you are ready to vote, please send your selection(s) to webmaster@neo-geo.com.
Your vote is important and will determine what shirt(s) will be printed. Please choose in an unbiased manner, picturing what you would wear and not of whom will win.

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Last Update 12/04/06 01:38 AM