Sometimes you just have to say what the fuck, you know?
Neo-Geo AES JP SN# 209061
Neo-Geo AES JP SN# 055682
Neo-Geo CDZ JP SN# 0027880
Neo-Geo CD JP SN# 0026713
Neo-Geo Pocket Color US SN# 0318462
Neo-Geo Pocket Color US SN# ?
Neo-Geo Pocket Color US SN# ?
Neo-Geo MVS-4-25 US SN# 015132
(with a MV-6F inside SN# ?)
Total number of games across my 89 systems = 1384
Wii Code 3982 3571 7539 3886
SSBB 0645 5489 2105
MK 0731 6002 4392
Galaga High Score: 418,110pts. (stage 45)