Lots of new Cave ports coming to 360


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
Nice, the only thing with playing these games on the new consoles is that they have been re-done, and aren't the same. I have a hard time growing to like any of the systems. I currently own an xbox 360, ps3, and wii, but I couldn't tell you the last time I even turned them on??...


Yeah I haven't turned on my PS3 since the Linux debacle and don't plan to until Vanquish comes out.


Edo Express Delivery Guy
Jul 15, 2010
my ps3 is basicaly a bluray/netflix player that occasionaly plays a game or two..the 360 gets love mostly from shmups same with the wii...kinda sad...


Edo Express Delivery Guy
Jul 15, 2010
lol. I own most of the newer cave PCBs so honestly it takes a lot of ports to make a J360 worth it.

It's funny seeing someone acting like an elitist based on ports.

i always saw the elitist thing swinging in the direction of..."gotta own the pcb to play an arcade perfect version of X game or your not really playing the game as it was intended"....argument. gotta have a cab gotta have a kit gotta have the arts. some times the collector bug in us is mistaken for an elitist attitude..i think its in how you present yourself not what you own that makes you elitist. if you come off as a elitist dick during conversation then you proly are....as a side note, its not hard to buy alot of sweet shit when you live in mommys basement and support nothing but your game habit.i know dudes/dudettes (many on here) that are humble about the amount of dough they spend but if you went by there accrued gaming paraphenialia
would be considered "elite"....


Master Brewer, Genzai Sake Co.
15 Year Member
Aug 8, 2006
i always saw the elitist thing swinging in the direction of..."gotta own the pcb to play an arcade perfect version of X game or your not really playing the game as it was intended"....argument. gotta have a cab gotta have a kit gotta have the arts. some times the collector bug in us is mistaken for an elitist attitude..i think its in how you present yourself not what you own that makes you elitist. if you come off as a elitist dick during conversation then you proly are....as a side note, its not hard to buy alot of sweet shit when you live in mommys basement and support nothing but your game habit.i know dudes/dudettes (many on here) that are humble about the amount of dough they spend but if you went by there accrued gaming paraphenialia
would be considered "elite"....

Most definitely. I thought the same thing when I read his post. For once it was swinging the other direction focusing on ports instead of PCBs. But to call him an elitist was a bit harsh I guess. He's just passionate.

And I know people like you described above. I am always thinking "why not spend that money on getting your own fucking place...but I never say it.
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Edo Express Delivery Guy
Jul 15, 2010
Most definitely. I thought the same thing when I read his post. For once it was swinging the other direction focusing on ports instead of PCBs. But to call him an elitist was a bit harsh I guess. He's just passionate.

And I know people like you described above. I am always thinking "why not spend that money on getting your own fucking place...but I never say it.

most of "those people" live their lives on message boards and forums...i guess living at home isnt horrible it just cuts back on things like a social life and getting laid and who needs all that when you have a mint complete pink sweets kit!!!


Zero's Secretary
Aug 15, 2006
foolishness... buy the port if it floats your boat, buy the PCB if that's your thing. State whichever is your thing on the forum.

But please spare the digital world endless walls of texts on why the other is dumb for not floating your boat with their thing.

Yo mamas was elite enough to get laid and make you allz, so make her proud and behave yo selves!!!!!!
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Unholy Custom Rank.,
15 Year Member
Aug 23, 2008
I own 2 Cave lower end bare PCBs, Ibara and DOJ. I buy pcbs if I can and its a reasonable price for me and my budget. I just ordered a J360S along with Ketsui and DSIIX as those PCBs are beyond what I want to spend along with these just announced titles.

I really don't care who lives where, what they buy, whether its full kits or not. If they love kits, taking pics of them, attempting sex and such, so be it, its their thing.

However, there are 2 things that do piss me off. #1 if you have a reputation for always buying Cave PCBs and kits and you feel the port isnt 100% like the PCB, then STFU and get the damn PCB again. Some ppl out there can't afford the pcbs but want to enjoy the game via port.

#2 if you don't have a cab and have never played the pcbs why are you bitching about the port not being 100% in extremely small areas when the rest of the game is fine.


Master Brewer, Genzai Sake Co.
15 Year Member
Aug 8, 2006
i guess living at home isnt horrible it just cuts back on things like a social life and getting laid and who needs all that when you have a mint complete pink sweets kit!!!

I dunno, my friend has a pretty normal social life, aside from the fact that he's 35 and still lives at home. He reminds me of the dude from that movie failure to launch.
I picture a few people on the forum though as you described above haha. Their pink sweets board, love pillow, and a cold basement floor.

strider77 said:
But please spare the digital world endless walls of texts on why the other is dumb for not floating your boat with their thing.

I might not have read all the posts but I'm pretty sure nobody here said anything about the other being dumb for their preferences.


Edo Express Delivery Guy
Jul 15, 2010
I own 2 Cave lower end bare PCBs, Ibara and DOJ. I buy pcbs if I can and its a reasonable price for me and my budget. I just ordered a J360S along with Ketsui and DSIIX as those PCBs are beyond what I want to spend along with these just announced titles.

I really don't care who lives where, what they buy, whether its full kits or not. If they love kits, taking pics of them, attempting sex and such, so be it, its their thing.

However, there are 2 things that do piss me off. #1 if you have a reputation for always buying Cave PCBs and kits and you feel the port isnt 100% like the PCB, then STFU and get the damn PCB again. Some ppl out there can't afford the pcbs but want to enjoy the game via port.

#2 if you don't have a cab and have never played the pcbs why are you bitching about the port not being 100% in extremely small areas when the rest of the game is fine.

yes and yes!! can anyone tell me why scan lines are sooo important? seriously?
in all honesty i feel its just a pissing contest...which is fine but dont hide behind words like "arcade perfect" and such. just say "i d rather blow 1000 dollars on the pcb as opposed to the 100 dollar xbox 360 version cause its way sweeter when i show it to my friends or brag about it on the net." there has to be a end justifies the means factor to me..are scan lines i a game worth an extra 500 bucks? not to me...BUT, by all means if i wanted a game and could only obtain said game via pcb i would be all about it...
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Zero's Secretary
Aug 15, 2006
I might not have read all the posts but I'm pretty sure nobody here said anything about the other being dumb for their preferences.

that was all a joke post with a healthy dose of truth... aimed at the whole net, not just this thread. basically any thread on the net that contains these 3 words is in danger... elite, PCB and port.


Master Brewer, Genzai Sake Co.
15 Year Member
Aug 8, 2006
that was all a joke post with a healthy dose of truth... aimed at the whole net, not just this thread. basically any thread on the net that contains these 3 words is in danger... elite, PCB and port.

I spoke too soon :lolz:


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
Old model 360s are like 400 dollars on play-asia... I'll probably have to wait a few years for them to come down in price. If I have the money, I'll buy the games and put them away though, cuz god knows I'll be paying through the nose for them down the line.


Edo Express Delivery Guy
Jul 15, 2010
Old model 360s are like 400 dollars on play-asia... I'll probably have to wait a few years for them to come down in price. If I have the money, I'll buy the games and put them away though, cuz god knows I'll be paying through the nose for them down the line.

415.15 shipped.....check the slim.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
415.15 shipped.....check the slim.

Huh? The slim is $50 more expensive, so I'd have to go with the original. Do Cave update their games often with patches? Maybe a J-tagged 360 is an option?


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
That's an asian one though. Wouldn't the games be region locked out of those too?


King's Dry Cleaner
Jul 27, 2008
Huh? The slim is $50 more expensive, so I'd have to go with the original. Do Cave update their games often with patches? Maybe a J-tagged 360 is an option?
The slim is probably a better choice (if you have the money) over the original since it has a 250GB hard drive included.

Cave will patch their games if it is really necessary. Actually several days ago at Cave's Festival in Akihabara, Cave said that there should be a patch coming soon for DoDonPachi DaiOuJou Black Label X from Arika.

Jtagging requires you to open up the 360 and solder. You would need to have some soldering skills or know someone who Jtags which will probably cost around $50. Not only that but finding whatever NTSC-J games you want will be pretty hard, I'm guessing.

That's an asian one though. Wouldn't the games be region locked out of those too?
Asian consoles play NTSC-J games.
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Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
yes and yes!! can anyone tell me why scan lines are sooo important? seriously?
in all honesty i feel its just a pissing contest...which is fine but dont hide behind words like "arcade perfect" and such. just say "i d rather blow 1000 dollars on the pcb as opposed to the 100 dollar xbox 360 version cause its way sweeter when i show it to my friends or brag about it on the net." there has to be a end justifies the means factor to me..are scan lines i a game worth an extra 500 bucks? not to me...BUT, by all means if i wanted a game and could only obtain said game via pcb i would be all about it...

Some folks just be gourmet about they games, brah. Pheasant under glass cost more than an order of tacos. If i had the monies for pheasant under glass, i damn sure wouldn't eat it off a paper plate. I like RGB monitors and can't stand playing games on TVs. Doesn't make me better than anyone else- just different than most. Its cool. There is room for everyone in this hobby. I love scanlines. GamesX has a great RGB primer, and sheds light on what some of us are on about;)


Edo Express Delivery Guy
Jul 15, 2010
Some folks just be gourmet about they games, brah. Pheasant under glass cost more than an order of tacos. If i had the monies for pheasant under glass, i damn sure wouldn't eat it off a paper plate. I like RGB monitors and can't stand playing games on TVs. Doesn't make me better than anyone else- just different than most. Its cool. There is room for everyone in this hobby. I love scanlines. GamesX has a great RGB primer, and sheds light on what some of us are on about;)

what do scanlines bring to the game?????? play better? more accurate? and youve missed my point, is an arcade board really sooo much better in terms of game play or presentation than a console release that it merits being many hundred dollars more...expensive items do not necessarily denote a high level of sophistication,sometimes just an excess of money and a lack of common sense. is esgaluda 2 on pcb really worth 400 dollars more than its console counterpart? i ve seen it side by side with galuda 2 running on a nice z series sony lcd and i find it VERY hard to believe anyone would find the arcade counterpart the more attractive of the two...so is it the gameplay??? i couldnt tell from my time with the two of them. dont get me wrong i am neither condeming nor promoting one side or the other, its just that i have yet to see any evidence that sways me in the direction of the arcade over console argument. so dont be offended, i am not pointing fingers at anyone just waiting for something other than "it looks better...?" as a defense...


Edo Express Delivery Guy
Jul 15, 2010
Asian consoles play NTSC-J games only.[/QUOTE]

i was under the assumption that he was looking for an asian console?
to play the jpn released shmups?


King's Dry Cleaner
Jul 27, 2008
i was under the assumption that he was looking for an asian console?
to play the jpn released shmups?
Yeah, I answered. The Asian consoles play Japanese games, NTSC-J.

Edit: I modified my previous post because putting the word "only" at the end of the statement probably was a little confusing and threw it off.


Edo Express Delivery Guy
Jul 15, 2010
Yeah, I answered. The Asian consoles play Japanese games, NTSC-J.

Edit: I modified my previous post because putting the word "only" at the end of the statement probably was a little confusing and threw it off.

thats what i thought but its late and its been a real long day...so i thought maybe i was bonkers...


Shigen's Fitness Trainer
Apr 12, 2010
US JTAG'ed console is by far the cheapest way to go. Assuming you're okay with the old hardware. Finding the 360 shmup imports is cake for jtag. And finding someone to JTAG it isn't very hard if you've got a vulnerable console already. Finding a newer (Jasper), still vulnerable console *at a decent price* is the hardest part.


Master Brewer, Genzai Sake Co.
15 Year Member
Aug 8, 2006
DDP Resurrection is up for preorder on play-asia. SE and LE.