Your ideas for a future KOF battle system


NEST Puppet
Feb 15, 2002
If you were to design a KOF battle system, what would it be?

Me, I liked the old assistance feature in KOFs prior to 99, partially because I tend to abuse strikers.

What I like to see done with the four-on-four format (where all four fight) is the following:

The three characters not fighting are on the sidelines, as usual. Only characters not KOed can assist (it also serves as a punishment of winning by time-over, as a character who lost by time can still assist). Also, personal affiliations play into the mix.

Here is how the system would work:

When the fighter is dizzied and (f+ABC|b+ABC|ABC) is pressed, a "point system" is used to determine if the character assists the dizzied character, based on each team member's attitude towards the other members. The cumulative "point total" is then tallied up, and the designated character (the character on the left if b+ABC, the character in the middle if ABC, the character on the right if f+ABC) will assist.

The uniqueness of this is that the other two members have effective power to overrule any personal grudges between the current fighter and the designated assister "for the better good of the team" (although on the other hand, the opposite can happen).

Each bench member's attitude towards each other member's attitude, along with the members' current status, is converted into points like so (Note that the current fighter's attitudes towards all three of the characters on the sideline are the only attitudes not factored in):

C - Current character
N - Bench, has not fought
T - Bench, lost by timeout
K - Bench, lost by KO
D - Designated
(L) - Likes
(N) - Neutral
(H) - Hates

  | | C |ND|TD| N |  T|  K|
  |L|  2|--|--|  1| .5| .5|
ND|N|  1|--|--| .5|  0|  0|
  |H| -2|--|--| -1|-.5| -1|
  |L|  1|--|--| .5|  0|  0|
TD|N| .5|--|--|  0|  0|-.5|
  |H| -1|--|--|-.5| -1| -1|
  |L|  2| 1|.5|  1| .5| .5|
N |N| .5|.5| 0|  0|-.5| -1|
  |H| -1|-1|-1| -1| -1| -2|
  |L|  1|.5|.5| .5|  0|  0|
T |N|  0| 0| 0|  0|  0|-.5|
  |H|-.5|-1| 0|-.5|-.5| -1|
  |L| .5| 0| 0|  0|  0|  0|
K |N|  0| 0| 0|  0|  0|  0|
  |H|-.5| 0| 0|  0|  0|  0|

Let me put an example to this:

Say Kyo, Iori, Shingo, and Chizuru are on a team, and in the first round Kyo is dizzy and Iori is designated to strike.

Kyo is neutral towards Chizuru and Shingo, hates Iori.
Iori hates the other three team members.
Shingo hates Iori, likes Chizuru and Kyo.
Chizuru is neutral towards Iori and Shingo, likes Kyo.

From the above table - 
Iori's attitude: -4
Shingo's attitude: 2
Chizuru's attitude: 1

So the grand total is -1, and that means Iori will help Kyo.

Now, if Iori had fought in the first round and Kyo designated, from the above table -
Kyo's attitude: -2
Shingo's attitude: 1
Chizuru's attitude: 1.5

The grand total would be 0.5, and thus Kyo will help Iori.


NeoGumby's Sycophant,
20 Year Member
Jun 12, 2002
That was too long .................. all what I am asking for is KOF2k1 system with one or two more power gauges* for DMs and strikers ........ with the same strikers found in KOF2000.
(there will be combo storms)

*:1 striker = 4 gauges
2 strikers = 5 gauges


Quiz Detective
Apr 9, 2002
Thats impossible, this way Iori gotta help everyone .. he hates everyone. heh


NEST Puppet
Feb 15, 2002
If you had a team of Iori, Yamazaki, Rugal, and Shingo, and Shingo is fighting...

All three bench guys hate everyone, and thus no one will help Shingo. Period.