Xmas Gaming Party - Fri. 12/9/05! (Austin, TX Area)


Crazed MVS Addict
May 1, 2002
It's that time of year again... Christmastime! The best time of the year! And that means its time for the 4th annual *69 Gaming Christmas Party! This is my favorite party of the year.

I'll be giving away prizes for the 2-vs-2 Random Pairing Tournament again this year. This is where teams of 2 people (paired up through random draw) compete against other teams in really easy to play games like Mario Party or Bomberman. Don't worry if you don't know how to play the games. They can usually be learned in about 10 seconds. By the end of the night, 1/2 the teams are drunk anyway, so its even more random who wins. :)

Even if you don't want to play in the 2-vs-2 tourney, don't forget to participate in the White Elephant Gift Exchange Game. Also, bring as many friends as you'd like. But please, RSVP with me so we can plan for the right amount of food. And if you're planning on bringing food or drinks (alcoholic or not), let me know as well.

In addition to the 2-vs-2 Tourney and the White Elephant Game, I'll also have other thing set up.. like an Xbox 360 for one. And you can always just hang out and point and laugh at everyone else. I suspect Karaoke Revolution Party will come up at some point and then your can REALLY point and laugh. :)

Check out the details here:


Show up anytime after 9pm this coming Friday the 9th.

P.S. YES, there will be Neo-Geo'ing going on. I have a dedicated 4-slot Neo-Geo MVS with about 20 or so carts set up. :)
