Will Chaos be ported to the PS2?


Overtop Pathfinder
Sep 25, 2002
Anyone have an idea if Chaos will come to the PS2....if so is there a specific date?

Kazuki Dash

Samurai Shodown Swordsmith
Feb 21, 2004
well, if Sony in their infinite wisdom decides to screw us of this title stateside, you could always snag the import...


Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
15 Year Member
Feb 29, 2004
It was a dark, dismal day.

For now, I'll give an overly optimistic maybe .

If SVC Chaos and Metal Slug 3 enjoy a big success on the XBox, I'm sure Sony could cave-in and allow a port.

However, it doesn't look good. The games probably won't catch on all that well. Especially if SNK does it's usual amount of advertising to the United States.

Unless we start seeing television commercials state-side for these titles, mainstream sales will be luke-warm at best. Especially considering the graphics of the titles.

The game industry is to set on 3-D to really enjoy the 2-D medium. They found a new toy and refuse to go back to anything of substance untill they've made themselves sick of it.

I imagine PS2 ports of MS5 and CVS: Chaos will only come if there's an outrageous demand for the XBox versions. Which is sad, because I'm all for 2D games on the Sony system.

If worse comes to worse, maybe we'll see something for PSP.


Kazuki Dash

Samurai Shodown Swordsmith
Feb 21, 2004
Re: It was a dark, dismal day.

KagerouSama said:
Unless we start seeing television commercials state-side for these titles, mainstream sales will be luke-warm at best. Especially considering the graphics of the titles.

that would be the first ever commercial for any SNK related game in the U.S. wouldn't it? wow, we'd be witnessing history in the making...


Basara's Blade Keeper
Jul 12, 2003
It'll probably import only. Get an xbox if you want to play the US versions.


Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
15 Year Member
Feb 29, 2004
New Japan Project Telecommunciations Devision Update!


That'll be the day!

Oh how this country would be different if SNK/ SNK/P actually advertised in the US! They may have actually been popular or something!

Then there wouldn't be every other person I'd meet in an arcade bragging about Street Fighter 2/3/Alpha/DDR versions. (Yes, SFDDR is a joke.)

Truthfully though, SNK does need some advertisements. And I definately mean more than just an ad in EGM. They need the cardboard stand-ups, the posters, and a commercial or two to snag player interest.

As long as their not re-packaging Koudelka, it's all gravy, right?

Kazuki Dash

Samurai Shodown Swordsmith
Feb 21, 2004
I'm with ya, Kagerou...we should hijack the airwaves and broadcast all the old school NEO ads till all are brainwashed...muhahahahahaha!


Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
15 Year Member
Feb 29, 2004
You don't think it's too late for the NeoGeo Weenie/HotDog ad, do you?


Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
15 Year Member
Feb 29, 2004
Insert your headphones and memory card and drop yer' quarter!

I'd love to see the day when you can start a port of a Neo game on the PS2/XBox/Phantom(HAHAHA!) and actually see it display the Neo Geo screen with "Pro Gear Mega Shock," or "Giga Shock," or even, "Welcome to the games dreams are made of!"

*sigh* I'm sure Metal Slug would do well with a commercial. Even though I can see the people over at GameFaqs calling it a Contra rip-off. (Even though that's like calling Burning Fight a Captain Commando rip-off.)

SVC: Chaos needs a gimmick though. Perhaps a free poster with order, or a resin action figure of Earthquake and Dan. And definately cardboard stands for this title.

Too bad thses can't be fan-made and placed in stores. Then, SNK wouldn't be doing what they need to. Not like we'd be being paid as SNK/P reps at EB. Though, that job and title would rock.

What'cha think, Kazuki?

Kazuki Dash

Samurai Shodown Swordsmith
Feb 21, 2004
you'd be surprised that a little can go a loong way...example:

when I managed an arcade a little while back, I started printing out pix and info from SNKPlaymore's site for everything SVC related and started showing it to all the kiddies who were little more than Capcom lovers...

the result - I had gained enough interest in a few weeks to convince my bosses to get the damn game for our location. and since then it's been one of the few games that have a crowd around it specially in the evening when school's out...

proof that you can spread the gospel of SNK to those who have not been blessed by its glory...


Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
15 Year Member
Feb 29, 2004
Sounds great.

I'm glad SVC did well for you. I remember seeing Martial Masters at Colonial Mall in Valdosta, Ga. The arcade ops said that the game never had a player, much less a crowd. It definately looked like an SNK game. It had the AC/BD set up, and was in an old SF2 cabinent.

Probably just a Jamma complient game. It looked good, but was just never played. Promising.

The free posters with purchace still sounds like a good idea. If only I weren't so deeply invested into Sony, I'd have to qualms switing to XBox for the latest stuffs.

But, alas. So many fighters, so little time, so much money put into it already.

Can't wait to get a PS2 and start on VF4:E, CVS2, KOF'00, '01, or GGX2. To think one of these days I'll see Billy Kane Vs. Axl Low.

Kazuki Dash

Samurai Shodown Swordsmith
Feb 21, 2004
til then we can dream can't we?

I'm still throwing around the idea of making black t-shirts with the NEO 330 Mega Shock startup screen in the front...

something like that may just produce enough looks and questions in an arcade to spread the word...


Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
15 Year Member
Feb 29, 2004

The T-shirt sounds good.

While you're at it you can have white wind-breaker jackets with the old "The Future is now/SNK" logo on it. And invest in some of those mega-stylish NeoGeo Fan club pins. :D At $1.00 apiece, it's a neat accessory to consider.

And you'd have to get replicas of Terry's FF3 Neo:Geo logo hat.

Then to go to an extreme.....
Have the Fan Club pin blown up to size and made into a belt buckle. Then have those Star-in-circle impressions made into a pair of blue jeans. (ala Blue Mary and Terry's jacket in MOTW.)

Then, that is a fanboy extreme. At least you'd be pimping SNK all the way. You'd have to find a pair of old-school Converse shoes though.

Kazuki Dash

Samurai Shodown Swordsmith
Feb 21, 2004
and then post the pix of my fanboy ass for all to see and flame...


Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
15 Year Member
Feb 29, 2004
You'd be more popular than G. Mantle!.:tickled:

You wouln't have to worry too much I'd think. It's not like you're cosplaying as SailorMoon or anything.

Kazuki Dash

Samurai Shodown Swordsmith
Feb 21, 2004
well there are limits to how badly I will bring attention to the NEO...


Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
15 Year Member
Feb 29, 2004
Thank goodness.

I don't know how many times I've seen that Mai Shinranui cosplayer in someone's tag-line. Only after seeing it a few times did I realize there were no panties in the pick.

I'm glad at least someone retains their pride when promoting the Neo.

Kazuki Dash

Samurai Shodown Swordsmith
Feb 21, 2004
you gotta have some judgement in these things...otherwise folks'll just dismiss it as attention whoring...but when done right, people really can see just how great the NEO can be...


Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
15 Year Member
Feb 29, 2004
Yeah. It's a pity that in my lifetime I've only ever seen one intact 2 slot MVS. (Running SS2 and MSX)

I've seen a butchered cab with no mem card or phone jacks, with the AC/BD set up. (One Slot. The Op was running Puzzle Bobble 2, even though he had FFS and SS3)

A reformed candy cab labeled Neo 21 that was never turned on.

An old Neo that was once in the theatre playing AOF, Burning Fight, and perhaps a flying/shoot game.

A reworked Neo in a Pilot in south Louisiana with only one button playing Bust-A-Move.

And most recently a custom Candy Cab running Metal Slug X with only three buttons.

Such a sad world. It's too bad that Namco has a stranglehold on the arcades in my area. Otherwise I may have found more Neo games than I have.

Kazuki Dash

Samurai Shodown Swordsmith
Feb 21, 2004
well, as long as there's NEO fans like us around there's always gonna be someone who can keep showing the mainstream peeps what they've been missing...


Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
15 Year Member
Feb 29, 2004
What they've been missing.....

Blue's Journey and Twinkle Star Sprites!!!:tickled:


Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
15 Year Member
Feb 29, 2004
Or Money Idol Exchanger....Best...game...Evar!!

Seriously though. It'd be nice if an arcade around here would put in a cab with Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 or Special. It'd really be fun to compete with the Hispanics in the area on an SNK title. They're the only competition I can get on SF3:TS. They're pretty good too. I've been beaten many a time by a Sean or Chun-li player.

Now if only the Neo had dance games.....maybe they'd replace the beat machine in Dalton with a Neo cab.....then Hell'l freeze over. And the Tigers'll with the World Series.....and pig'll fly, and The Electric Flag will have a #1 hit on radios nation-wide!

Kazuki Dash

Samurai Shodown Swordsmith
Feb 21, 2004
gotta agree with you about Spanish guys being way into good fighters regardless of format, I should know I'm one too after all...

as for our wishes for some true NEO goodness in a real arcade, if things go the way I want them to in the near future then who knows...you may just get an open invitation to come on down to a new kind of arcade being run by some nut in a custom made black NEO tshirt...