Why won't this work? Naomi question

Spike Spiegel

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Apr 24, 2001
I have a Naomi 1 I'm trying to use in a standard cab, but I can't get it to work. It turns on, and you can hear the fan running, but no sound or video. I'm using the Sega I/O... I haven't hooked up the second Power supply to the power coming from the wall since I don't know how. I was HOPING that all it was for was sound (as I have powered computer speakers in that one). I know the Naomi works, because I used it in my dedicated Naomi cab (now with a 2 in it). Can someone explain how I hook up my alternate power supply... or is my Sega I/O bad? Any ideas?


Basara's Blade Keeper
20 Year Member
Mar 8, 2002
You're not powering the whole thing with a standard PSU (i.e. supplying only +5v and +12v) through the I/O board Jamma connector, are you?

If you have the Sega I/O board you need a PSU that supplies 3.3v besides 5v and 12v and it should be hooked up directly to the Naomi mobo. The I/O board should also receive power on the appropriate connector (not the jamma one).

Amano Jacu

Charles Barkley
Sep 11, 2001
I think Spike says he didn't use the sound amp, but he has connected a naomi psu to the mobo otherwise its fan wouldn't run. Is that a naomi psu that gives 3.3, 5 and 12V? Double check all the connections with the Sega I/O, including its power connector.

Spike Spiegel

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Apr 24, 2001
Amano Jacu said:
I think Spike says he didn't use the sound amp, but he has connected a naomi psu to the mobo otherwise its fan wouldn't run. Is that a naomi psu that gives 3.3, 5 and 12V? Double check all the connections with the Sega I/O, including its power connector.

I have an additional amp that does ONLY 3.3V for this. As I said, I was hoping that was for sound only... guess not. I'll have to figure out what wire is the AC in from my other amp, and wire it to this, I guess? How do I go about that, if at all?


Aug 12, 2003
Have you set the 1st pin of dipswitch 1 on ? It will switch the Naomi output to 15Khz.
By default all 4 pins of this dipswitch are off, and this corresponds to 31Khz.

Spike Spiegel

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Apr 24, 2001
parodius said:
Have you set the 1st pin of dipswitch 1 on ? It will switch the Naomi output to 15Khz.
By default all 4 pins of this dipswitch are off, and this corresponds to 31Khz.

Well aware of that, since I own 2 Naomis, and one of them is on a high res, and one will be on low. Thanks anyhow!

Amano Jacu

Charles Barkley
Sep 11, 2001
Spike Spiegel said:
I have an additional amp that does ONLY 3.3V for this. As I said, I was hoping that was for sound only... guess not. I'll have to figure out what wire is the AC in from my other amp, and wire it to this, I guess? How do I go about that, if at all?

Now I'm not sure if I understand what you mean... Can you detail more your exact set-up or post a picture of it? Your mobo needs to be feeded 3.3, 5 and 12 V from the psu, otherwise I doubt it'll work. Once it is powered properly you can take unamplified sound from the RCA jacks to a pair of self-powered speakers.

Spike Spiegel

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Apr 24, 2001
Okay, try this: My extra power supply has 3.3 v on it.. and I know where those connect. What I don't know is where does the AC from my power supply go to this? It has an "AC" section, but where do I hook that up? I have to wire that to get power at all, of course, but not sure what wire that would be that goes to it to give that pow supply juice.