Why was the X-Box even made???


Kula's Candy
Jun 18, 2001
Ive been waiting for this for a long time...so i goes to the store...picks one up for a LOT of cash...got 4 games...and got home...


Its just a big fat heavy expensive box...the only and i mean ONLY decent game for it is Halo and that isnt as good as everyone says...its far too heavy and its just plain and simply crap...anyone who has plans on buying on DONT DONT DONT...stick with either ps2 of GC

The Bakumatsu

to crush the competion

[ January 04, 2002: Message edited by: The Bakumatsu ]


Kula's Candy
Jun 18, 2001
LOL its not gonna have much luck then is it...friggin GameGear outbeats the xbox...its useless


today forever
20 Year Member
Sep 27, 2000
fran learnt his lesson with 3do


and the thing is,

x box is prolly even worse than 3do

at least 3do had twisted and ssfx....
a crappy pad...and oh...

night trap starring dana plato

cant beat that


Rugal's Panther
20 Year Member
Apr 6, 2001

...time to add a new word to the spelling/grammar page.


Edo Express Delivery Guy
Jun 26, 2001
Wait until it overheats on you! I now know 4 people who bought an XBox (no idea why, perhaps they just don't like to listen to me), and all of them have had the machine fail on them! Ha! Piece of junk!


Bead Banger
Oct 25, 2001
Why was it made well I guess Bill Gates is just not happy with just one big monopoly he wanted another. You know those megolomaniac billionares there not happy unless they control everything!


Franco's Trainer
20 Year Member
Apr 29, 2001
Originally posted by Fran:
<STRONG>fran learnt his lesson with 3do



BRANDI learnt that too...


Jello Pudding Pop, Y'know? Like that whole Bill C
Jun 27, 2001
I didn't want or ask for my XBox, but it has no problems.

The games are about as good as anything else. I don't have Halo (FPS's belong on a PC with a mouse and keyboard), but DOA3 is great.

Don't know too much about how it'll do in Japan, but I think it may go over as well as a console can over there w/o Squaresoft. I think it may fare better than the GC over there.

Oh yeah, and all this talk of it being a PC, well that was the smartest thing any console manufacturer has ever done.

Lets get techie (why, because I can):

PC's can and have eclipsed consoles in sheer horsepower. The games look better, even when programmed for a General setup. See PC games have general programming so it can run on multiple hardware configurations. So for the games to look better you have to have extremely powerful hardware to compete with games that were coded for a closed box system (where you can program specifically for it and get much better performance).

So if you take all the stuff that people are used to programming for, whose tools are widely availabe and priced affordably. And then put powerful hardware, and close the box. You get a machine that everyone can develop for, and they can now program directly for the system and do TON's of things you can't get on a PC. Hell if a GeForce3 gets as much optimizations as the NeoGeo has for MOTW, think how far it can be pushed.

You may hate Microsoft because of thier success, but they do things right. That's why they have all the money and power in the computer industry.




Jun 12, 2001
i don't see how large or heavy a system is can constitute whether it's good or not...but if you want to talk games, i've got munch's and project gotham racing and both games are phenomenal. the amount of thought put behind each level in munch's odyssey is utterly incredible. PGR is hella fun and at times show's off the system's potential, but its overall design is well done too (although this was the second attempt for this game (counting MSR)).

sorry you had a bad experience with the system...i got it expecting to be happy with some of the games, but after setting it up and playing it, it exceeded my expectations...so much as for me to start thinking that the GC might end up in third place.


Former Moderator
Aug 13, 2000
To each his own. I have an XBox and I love it. Halo is fantastic, DOA3 is stunning (albeit an upgraded DOA2), and the newly released Blood Wake is fantastic!! The water effects are very cool, and the gameplay is all around a blast . . . and very challenging too.

In terms of hardware, it blows everything else away on the market. The design was very well done, Microsoft went to developers and ASKED them what they wanted, as opposed to Sony who just made up their own lame console and told the developers that they'd have to live with it. Right out of the box you have a HDD, ethernet adapter, 4 ports, HDTV support (and component video option), digital audio, more RAM, faster processor, better graphics and sound chips, etc. . . .

As for the size and weight, that doesn't bother me in the least. Remember it has a hard drive in it, unlike any other console on the market. Personally I like the design a lot, and the weight just makes it seem like you actually got something for your money!!

If you don't like the size and weight (and thats a pretty lame argument), just pick up a Gamecube. Much smaller and lighter, but very few good games out for it now, or even coming in the near future. Plenty of kiddie stuff to pass the time . . . ugh.

The only real disappointment for me is that Microsoft is not even ALLOWING a mouse and KB for the XBox, which I find to be very irritating. FPS games ALWAYS play better with mouse/kb, even on consoles (like the DC).

Overall I'm very happy with the XBox and would recommend it to anyone else. As for the overheating problem, I just bought a 2yr extended warranty directly from MS so I don't care if the whole thing burns up, they'll just have to replace it . . . and so far, mine has run perfectly!! <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">


Jello Pudding Pop, Y'know? Like that whole Bill C
Jun 27, 2001
Plus here's one thing I can tell you. MS didn't skimp on this console. Everything about it reeks of high quality. Everything is well constructed and is pretty solid. Every cable is extremly thick and well shielded. Controllers and even the A/V cords. The normal cords you get with consoles suck all ass. Not the XBox ones. They're almost as good as monster cables. Shielded out the ass.

XBox is definitely quality. Sure they had some bad runs, but so does every console manufacturer. Hell my first Genesis was a defect.




Genjuro's Frog,
Aug 21, 2001
...i want an XBOX, definitely...

...someday i'll be able to validate an XBOX purchase and get halo or doa3 or buffy the vampire slayer... <IMG SRC="smilies/frown.gif" border="0">


Raiden's Valet
Nov 13, 2000
I'm not a fan of the X-Box, it really doesn't have many games that interest me right now... I will probably end up getting one some day though, assuming it gets some games I want in the future, which it should. The X-Box launch was at least a hundred times better than the pathetic PS2 launch... It doesn't get much worse than that.

But, people have come up with undoubtedly the lamest excuses possible to trash the system. The "PC in a box" one pisses me off quite a bit... Look at the little sticker on the front of the Gamecube, what's it say? "Graphics by ATI". Look at the logo on the front of the Dreamcast. What's it say? "Uses Microsoft Windows CE". Those both sound like PCs in a box to me... <IMG SRC="smilies/ohno.gif" border="0">

Saying the system is "too big" is another poor excuse... What forum are we on again? Oh yeah, a NEO GEO forum! Home to the biggest damn console in videogame history... Yeah, X-Box is a bit taller, but it's how wide a system is that really makes the difference in how big it is... And can you not lift 8 pounds? You must be pretty feeble if 8 pounds is a difficult task for you...

You may not like the games, but the other excuses you gave for hating the system are really tired and worn out...

The never buy a console if it's not Japanese has been an okay (if a bit close-minded) rule in the past... I mean the Jaguar does rule, but everything else has admittedly pretty much sucked. I think the X-Box is going to be a bit different than those other systems though... It's Microsoft, they're not going to let it be the same...

[ January 04, 2002: Message edited by: chainsawyak ]


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
Originally posted by Shred:
<STRONG>Why was it made well I guess Bill Gates is just not happy with just one big monopoly he wanted another. You know those megolomaniac billionares there not happy unless they control everything!</STRONG>

Couldn't of said it better myself. It's just one big legit rip off. MS know fuck all about gaming (which is why they're buying up all these codeshops) and just want your cash.

This is the 3DO of the new millenium - DO NOT BUY IT!

Like 3DO its got a few good launch games to reel you in... but look to the future... nothing you can't get already or isn't better on DC, PS2 or GC.
Feb 4, 2001
Pfft, X-Box is crap. It comes form a long line of PC processors, which means text processors. Intel was not the company to go with. Anyway, I've yet to see a microsoft product that worked like it';s supposed to and so far I'm skeptical from reports.


Robert Garcia's Butler
Apr 5, 2001
Originally posted by chainsawyak:
But, people have come up with undoubtedly the lamest excuses possible to trash the system. The "PC in a box" one pisses me off quite a bit... Look at the little sticker on the front of the Gamecube, what's it say? "Graphics by ATI". Look at the logo on the front of the Dreamcast. What's it say? "Uses Microsoft Windows CE". Those both sound like PCs in a box to me... <IMG SRC="smilies/ohno.gif" border="0">

DC CAN use winCE, but it's not built in or anything, and it was dropped rather fast by the devs.
and ATI makes graphic chipsets. they don't make pc graphic chipsets, they just happen to be used for PCs (or macs, or gamecubes..).


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
Aug 18, 2001
XBox is not exciting, neither is Gamecube. Because neither have games. Halo is stupid. Want a FPS? Buy a PC game. DoA is not a fighter. Monkey ball is not not that great either (never liked marble madness either), and well, I dislike Star Wars so I can't say anything about that Star wars flying game.

I am slowly getting to like Metal Gear Solid 2... I hate the fact that Vamp and Fortune are "supernaturally powered" (so uncreative), but I can deal with the rest.


20 Year Member
Nov 2, 2001
The only thing I don't like is Microsoft's gaming philosophy. Bill gates thinks Power = Good games. Where does Creativity come in? I'll take a PS2 and a Gamecube. Nintendo has the best philosophy on games(despite lack of good nintendo titles at the moment). Nintendo, SNK, Sega, Namco, somtimes Capcom and a few others have good philosophy on games and Microsoft just doesn't fit in the picture. Now the Xbox is a nice piece of hardware but I just don't think i'll be getting one.

I'm sure you are saying "DOA 3 is an Awesome game" well you are wrong. I know alot of you don't play 3d games seriously but however I do and among the 3d hardcore, DOA is a Joke. Virtua Fighter and Tekken is what the real Deal is. DOA is what Waku Waku 7 is to King of Fighters. Halo however is pretty good but Xbox still doesn't give me what I want.

PS2 and Gamecube offer what I want.


Ghost of Captain Kidd
Jun 13, 2001
I think XBox has a better chance than 3DO did, because they came in at a more reasonable price point than 3DO. They have the big names coming out with games (Konami, Tecmo, Capcom, Sega), and they have some interesting features (HD to store music on, massive memory). Personally, I think that not buying a product based on its country of origin is fairly short-sighted (unless there's some higher reason for it, like civil rights).

If anything will hurt the XBox, it's the company that made it. Microsoft doesn't have the best reputation for product quality or stability (even the patches have problems of their own), and this reputation will be an albatross around their neck no matter what market they approach. Windows XP was their big chance to shake the albatross, but even there they failed almost comically.


Kula's Candy
Jun 18, 2001
If u havent got Halo for the Xbox its not worth buying it...if u even attempt to play doa3 u can the joypad is so friggin complicated to get around...u cant play nothin on it...

My adivce is get either a GameCube or PS2...(or get the best thing of course...Neo Geo <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">


Jello Pudding Pop, Y'know? Like that whole Bill C
Jun 27, 2001
Originally posted by Lord_Yama:
<STRONG>Pfft, X-Box is crap. It comes form a long line of PC processors, which means text processors. Intel was not the company to go with. Anyway, I've yet to see a microsoft product that worked like it';s supposed to and so far I'm skeptical from reports.</STRONG>

Have you ever done any real programming? Or processor design analysis?

The FPU (floating point unit) on the modified P3 that's in the XBox can crank out computations needed for 3D graphics just as good as anything else out there. It beats the pants off what's in the GC or PS2.

It can crank out 2D, 3D, or what ever the hell you want it to. That's the nice thing about PC's, they can do anything you want, and they only get better at it.

And before you reply, yes Fran I'm a PC boy. Computer Engineering, it's what I do <IMG SRC="smilies/wink.gif" border="0">.




Ghost of Captain Kidd
Jun 13, 2001
Here's the reason why the X-Box was made, from a natural-law standpoint:

In nature, when one species becomes all-dominant in an ecosystem, the resources that species relies on begin to become scarce. This is seen in the PC market, in which MS has a kung-fu grip on the desktop market (what is it now, 90%+? You can't get much larger than that).

When this happens, the species (MS) must find a new environment (console gaming) with resources (customers) that it can use for sustenance (sales). If the species cannot find new resources, it will start cannibalizing itself (sort of see this in that XP is competing--after a fashion--with the inertia of their customers who already purchased 98, ME, or 2000).

So, MS is expanding in order to have their eggs in as many baskets as they can, so that they can ultimately survive.

(I mean from a natural standpoint; they are certainly in no great danger of dying right now, so don't flame me on this <IMG SRC="smilies/tongue.gif" border="0">)

[ January 05, 2002: Message edited by: John ]