White nationalists marching on UVa...


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
I wonder if Islamist Jihadists were invited to the "unite the right" rally. Or maybe there just aren't enough of them out there.


Chat rnoderator
20 Year Member
In today's age of Alex Jones InfoWars, Rosa Parks would be defamed harder than anyone else. Look at last weekend when a woman got killed by vehicular homicide, and what springs up on the Ben Shapiro affilate sites? Stories about fat slut libtard hamster killed. You can sit back and pick apart the victims based on the stuff you don't like all day long in any situation. But why?

What I dislike is when any group tries to push another group down. We should be elevating each other, not stepping on the heads of "the other".

I have no problem with any of this.

It seems that the problem is that the people who could help most (white voters) often don't want to hear that some group has a problem regardless. Look at the NFL sports sites comment sections about Kaepernick - somehow these people have become racists simply because Kaepernick peed in the cheerios bowl.

Although there is a rumor that because the DoD sponsors the NFL, certain social media outlets are behind the vile and racist commentaries.

The Kaepernick thing to me is an outgrowth of the unquestioning 'Support Our Troops' magnet ribbon, post-9/11 American fuck yeah, make sports jocks wear camo 50x a year, retard version of patriotism that is being sold to fans. Again, maybe my naivete, but I would think a white player doing the same thing as maybe say an anti-war protest would get the same shit, although he probably wouldn't get called a nigger.

I do wish I understood what your last sentence means. I love a good conspiracy theory.

Lithy I know you know how cops feel about cameras.

+1million about the unreasonable demands for an ideal victim.

Rosa Parks *intentionally* got herself arrested. She attended communist meetings and was a member of the Voter's League. She was a long-time member of the NAACP.

Project Veritas would be all over her SOROS CONNECTIONS.

Aside from his work, which would be (and was) called "race hustling," MLK was no angel, FFS.

Like I said, I'm sure plenty of cops are reticent about more cameras, although we have had dashcams for forever now. Just personal experience, the younger officers in our department were very positive about getting them which honestly surprised me. The chief was initially opposed but after trialing them (claims at least) that he saw the benefit. We only had the one officer who was very opposed.

I think a lot of the issues with police forces in general has a lot more to do with the type of people who become officers. I'm not sure if this is a cause or effect type thing, but it becomes very apparent during interviews or contract negotiations that the middle-ranking officers (much less so with chiefs in my experience and patrolmen are a mixed bag) are type A, alpha male, come at me bro kind of guys. I know prior military experience gets candidates moved to the top of the hiring list in PA, I don't know if that is true everywhere. Hiring soldiers is of course an all but guaranteed way to get cops that act like soldiers in your neighborhood. Not a great method of policing a neighborhood.

As for Parks, you're probably right that with today's hyper-information age, she could be torn down. Again, on the 'ideal victim' argument, I'm not trying to say that it is right, only that I think it holds back just movements from wider acceptance. That's just my perception.

Your last sentence has too many italics for me to decide if there is a hidden joke.


20 Year Member
Just realized I'll be eligible to run for president in 2020.

Okay, here's my platform so far.

We're gonna be putting cameras on all the cops. Those cameras will log GPS info. A warrant is needed to be on duty without that shit on and running.

White Supremacy is back on the menu at CVE, obviously.

I'll be directing DoJ to very thoroughly review the administrations of all my predecessors with an eye toward prosecution.

I pledge to reveal my location and surrender to federal authorities peaceably at end of my term.

Lock us Up 2020.


ng.com SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
The Liberal Media is totally misrepresenting Trump's remarks.

The president didn't say that there were "good Nazis". In his "good people" remarks, he was talking about the people who weren't Nazis or Clansmen and merely showed up at a "Unite the Right" rally and marched alongside Neo-Nazis and Clansman.

I really wish the Media would stop misrepresenting the president's remarks.

They don't seem to realise that it lessens any point anyone is trying to make when they lie about it to sensationalise.


Street Hoop Star

Oh look, yet another time you're calling me out, color me surprised.
I'm not pointing out one specific group, and I'm not pointing out one specific incident.

...and what's this?



I was Born This Ugly.,
15 Year Member

Oh look, yet another time you're calling me out, color me surprised.

I'm not pointing out one specific group, and I'm not pointing out one specific incident.

...and what's this?


Love the black hardhats...OSHA would approve. I'm surprised they'd wear them though...they're the wrong color.
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20 Year Member
Just watched the Vice video and scary stuff.
All I know is Charly Manson is behind this. And the internet (hasn't really done much for humanity if it ends up accelerating its own downfall. The Manson bit was a joke).
But seriously, Trump is fucking irresponsible on so many fronts. And he has the balls to say Kim Jong is a nut.
Also how Jewishness and Communism seem to be terms that have fantastical meanings, it would be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic.
What the fuck man...


Street Hoop Star
Just watched the Vice video and scary stuff.
All I know is Charly Manson is behind this. And the internet (hasn't really done much for humanity if it ends up accelerating its own downfall. The Manson bit was a joke).
But seriously, Trump is fucking irresponsible on so many fronts. And he has the balls to say Kim Jong is a nut.
Also how Jewishness and Communism seem to be terms that have fantastical meanings, it would be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic.
What the fuck man...

It's indeed terrifying. I'm just 2 hours away from Charlottesville and the fact that these asshats came here willingly to incite violence speaks volumes.


went home to be a family man
10 Year Member
I know most folks on this board aren't religious, but I do see a lot of posts that lump all Christians in with hate groups that claim to be part of some church or another, be it Westboro or whoever. I thought there was value in sharing a message from our Bishop in the Methodist Church. (despite popular opinion that most Christians are right wing or republican, the Methodists, Lutherans, and many others are centrist or left in ideology. Evangelical tend to by far right and baptists slight right).

The exec council members of our church received this today. I thought it was very well written and glad it was given to our ministers for guidance during this time. I personally politically am a constitutional conservative, but have found very few areas of agreement with this administration.

Anyways - the letter:

Bishop Bruce R. Ough

My shock, dismay, and grief over the clashes between white supremacy advocates and counter-protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, continue to grow. I grieve for the lives lost, and pray for the family of Heather Heyer, the families of the two state troopers killed while monitoring the Charlottesville demonstration from the air, and for the healing of all the injured. I am shocked by the blatant resurgence of white nationalism, neo-Nazism, and racially motivated domestic terrorism in the United States. I am dismayed (and frightened) by the animosity, division, extremism, and evil that is spiraling out of control in the U.S.
Let there be no excuses or political justification for the evil that was on full display in Charlottesville last Saturday. Nor let us forget that many such displays of white supremacy, racism, and hatred go unreported or under-reported in many places. White supremacist and neo-Nazi ideologies are abhorrent and entirely inconsistent with the Christian faith.
Jesus called his followers to “love your neighbor.” It is clear this key spiritual imperative means all neighbors without regard to race, color, religion, or national origin. And, Paul taught that “enmities, strife, jealousy, anger, quarrels, dissensions, and factions” are among many works of the flesh that are antithetical to the kingdom of God. “By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (Galatians 5: 19-23). These works of the Spirit lead to peace-making and the kingdom of God.
The Social Principles of our United Methodist Church are a clarion call and powerful witness in times such as these. “We affirm that no identity or culture has more legitimacy than any other. We call the Church to challenge any hierarchy of cultures or identities” (Para. 161A, The Nurturing Community, page 110, 2016 Book of Discipline). And, from Para. 162A The Social Community, page 120: “Racism, manifested as sin, plagues and hinders our relationship with Christ, inasmuch as it is antithetical to the gospel itself … Therefore, we recognize racism as sin and affirm the ultimate and temporal worth of all persons … We commit as the Church to move beyond symbolic expressions and representative models that do not challenge unjust systems of power and access.”
Martin Luther King, Jr. echoed a similar sentiment when he challenged the United States to transform the thin paper of the Declaration of Independence that affirms the self-evident truth “that all men are created equal, are endowed with certain inalienable rights” into thick action.
I pray that the shock, dismay, and grief of Charlottesville will be a turning point for the U.S. and even our global United Methodist Church. We share collective responsibility to turn our thin words into thick action. We share collective responsibility to break our silence. We share collective responsibility to restore health to the communities and relationship out of which extremism, hatred, and racism grow. We share collective responsibility, as followers of the Prince of Peace, to create non-violent communities where people with different political and religious views respect each other. We share responsibility to articulate the vision of the Beloved Community where no person feels endangered on account of their social, racial or cultural identity.
This collective responsibility begins by each of us examining our own hearts for the prejudice that contributes to attitudes of supremacy or hatred, or to violence, or silence or fear. Peacemaking and reconciliation always begins within.
This is the moment for The United Methodist Church and all peoples of faith to be bold in our witness against racism and white supremacy. The vision of the Beloved Community lies not behind us, but before us. I urge us to pray for the Holy Spirit to break through and work through The United Methodist Church to heal our broken world and make tangible, visible the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
Bishop Bruce R. Ough
President, Council of Bishops
The United Methodist Church


20 Year Member
I know most folks on this board aren't religious, but I do see a lot of posts that lump all Christians in with hate groups that claim to be part of some church or another, be it Westboro or whoever. I thought there was value in sharing a message from our Bishop in the Methodist Church. (despite popular opinion that most Christians are right wing or republican, the Methodists, Lutherans, and many others are centrist or left in ideology. Evangelical tend to by far right and baptists slight right).

The exec council members of our church received this today. I thought it was very well written and glad it was given to our ministers for guidance during this time. I personally politically am a constitutional conservative, but have found very few areas of agreement with this administration.

Anyways - the letter:


Interesting read and POV...I'll just say Presbyterians are the Jews of the Protestants.


Three 6 Mafia
10 Year Member
Interesting note, it seems any videos about this you watch on Youtube, you can see their "fake news" thing in full effect. No matter which one you watch (even try finding a video by a conspiracy theory guy or those weird Christian Numerology cult people) and you see all the suggested videos to watch next are only from "checkmarked" main stream news channels. It used to be that if you watched a video from a fringe channel or subject, the suggested videos would let you fall further down the rabbit hole until your head exploded.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
I personally politically am a constitutional conservative, but have found very few areas of agreement with this administration.

Not sure how any constitutional conservative would be surprised that they don't agree with a GOP administration.


I know most folks on this board aren't religious, but I do see a lot of posts that lump all Christians in with hate groups that claim to be part of some church or another, be it Westboro or whoever. I thought there was value in sharing a message from our Bishop in the Methodist Church. (despite popular opinion that most Christians are right wing or republican, the Methodists, Lutherans, and many others are centrist or left in ideology. Evangelical tend to by far right and baptists slight right).

The exec council members of our church received this today. I thought it was very well written and glad it was given to our ministers for guidance during this time. I personally politically am a constitutional conservative, but have found very few areas of agreement with this administration.

Anyways - the letter:


Thanks for this

If you voted for this and are surprised then, I'm sorry.
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A Broken Man
20 Year Member
What a shame this has absolutely killed Charlottesville's reputation. Good Virginian city. When people think Birmingham, they think Birmingham riots. Now when people think Charlottesville, they'll think Charlottesville Nazis.


Playa' From, Around The Way.,
If you show up to protest in riot gear and counter protest in helmets and bandanas to hide your identity/ cover face from tear gas, you probably shouldn't be protesting. So much fucking hate