When an SNK fan loses everything, can he find any good in the world again?


Marked Wolf
Apr 3, 2002
It's me once again, but this time I won't be writting such a happy, better days type of topic. No this topic is about fraud, but not the type of fraud that most SNK groupies are used to, there will be no mention of NeoGeoFreak, or Kyokugen Star, or any other such shady characters. This is a personal story about the betraile from a once trusted friend, and it just happened at the beginning of this week.

As I've posted before, I've been close to homelessness before, but now it's even worse, because now I really have no place else to go, but this part comes later. It started about two weeks ago, with a knock at the door and the appearence of an old friend, someone who I hadn't seen sicne high school. He had said he had some good news for me, said that he'd been talking to a shared friend of ours and learned that I was looking for a job. He had a job for me he said, ok I said, let's here it. He then told me a tale of cops & robbers, said that he was a Sargent with the fugitive recovery & crime lab squads, cool I thought, he then told me that I'd be making $17.50 an hour as one of their dispatch officers. Naturally, my interest had been peeked, he proceded to then to me more about the job, and when he finished, he seemed to know what he was talking about, sounded very convincing. The frist thing I did was think of how much Neo Geo stuff I would buy when I got paid, and this also lead me to spend more here to try to learn more than what I already know about our favorite little blackbox, little did I know that I'd grow to love you all so much. After awhile, I started to notice that some things weren't right about my friend's story, stores not excepting his checks, his credit card never actually working, and his car that never showed up, he even got arrested in my apartment. But he had proper alibies for all for everything that happened, then he got arrested again, but this time he couldn't get out, and is still in there right now, and now that know what I know about him, I hope they give him twenty years. Now I find out that he got us evicted from our appartment, so now I have no job, no Neo Geo stuff on the way, no place to live, and a new hatered for people in general, that's quite possible larger than Slim Shady's. So I ask you, people of the board, is there any good left in the world for me?
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Bead Banger
Aug 13, 2000
What I would do in your situation:

contact my local marine corps recruiter and enlist

good luck.

Galford Forever

Krizalids Fashion Designer
Feb 12, 2002
Wow! That sux man. I'm sorry to hear that.

Were you able to recover your stuff? You didn't lose any of the Neo stuff that you already had did you?

I'd like to tell you that there are lots of good people left in the world, but I'm not making any false promises. There are a few here and there, but they're diamonds in the rough.

Hope things work out for you.

Daisuke Jigen

R.I.P.,, Dear Friend,
Sep 18, 2000
Dude, I feel for you. I ended up getting the rug yanked out from under me in the house I ised to live in. I live with my parents again.

I don't know what to tell you... <img src="graemlins/crying.gif" border="0" alt="[Crying]" />


Cheng's Errand Boy
Mar 13, 2002
all I can say is WOW!!

I am sadened by your loss and hope that you can find a way through it <img src="graemlins/crying.gif" border="0" alt="[Crying]" />


Global Moderator,
20 Year Member
Aug 18, 2000
Well, life has a way of throwing wonderful little experiences like this at you. It has been crazy up here lately, but it is slowly getting ironed out.

If you have your health and your mental faculties, then you are better off than some out there. Stick it out, and you will find a way to succeed. Best of luck, I will remember you to whatever deities happen to listen to people like me. ;)


20 Year Member
Nov 2, 2001
Goodness man, do you have parents or any relatives to turn to? If you do try to get them to help you. Try to keep your head up cuz it could be much worse. Its a damn shame when people would betray a friend. My friend i'll say a prayer for you.


Frenzy Football Player
Jan 3, 2002
If you are looking for a job, try prepaidlegal.com/go/dfife74. Be sure to turn on the audio. It's my dad's business, and he's always looking for associates. There's money to be made. Hope things work out for you.


Tech Support Moderator,
Apr 8, 2001
Like many folks, I lived well below the poverty level for many years. I parents were dirt poor, I was put to work at age 12 with the school's permision, I married young, I went straight into the workforce after high school and made many bad decisions (including getting married too young - that one ended in a mess). It looked pretty bleak. I decided to put myself through college. That would be a challenge. I worked odd jobs, took out student loans, etc and still stayed well below the poverty level. Many times I had no money at all. I remember selling my $40 calculus book for $2 so I could eat. Anyway, these life experiences taught me a lot about the ugly side of societ. It also taught me that even though many bad things happened along the way at at least had my health and some friends. All of that is way behind me now, I received a Computer Science degree and found a new wife. I guess what I'm trying to say here is to hang in there, things can change. But you've got to be part of that change - for most of us poor saps it does not just happen.

[ May 05, 2002: Message edited by: Tiptonium ]</p>


Guerilla Warrior
Nov 7, 2001
I hate getting betrayed... one of the worst feelings in the world.

Good luck man.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
Aug 18, 2001
I don't get it.

The guy just convinced you to quit your job in hopes of getting a better one? Did you let him move in with you and he stole everything? What the hell happened? He just said he had a job for you so you quit and waited weeks on end to meet up with his "boss" to get hired? I'm confused.

If you are a humble man move back in with your parents. If they are somewhat well off borrow some money. It sounds like the only thing that has changed is you no longer have an apartment or job so just sell some shit and rent a new place. Get a piss poor job to pay the rent and you're good to go. Thousands of people live like that. Just stop feeling sorry for yourself...


Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Mar 7, 2001
i know exactly what you are talking about i am living in a situation like that right now i defanetly feel for you hang in their but you know everybody here at the boards are here and hope everything turns up!!!


Marked Wolf
Apr 3, 2002
Thanks for all your support everybody, and to clairify things, I was looking for a job (meaning jobless)he shows up one day and offered one, I don't own any Neo stuff, but had some plans to buy some with my frist paycheck, my roommate became romanticly attached to him, and she asked him to move in, we didn't have shit but the apartment (so no I can't sell anything) anyway, so yes we have lost everything, and no I don't have any family to stay with or ask for money from. This isn't an atempt at pitty, it's a way of venting for me, because writting for some odd reason tends to cheer me up. Plus I like to look at the reactions of the stuff I write, and see if I have any merit as a writer, although I am feeling a bit surrpraized at seeing that this topic has generated over 11 posts since I put it up, and for that I thank you all.
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Kyo 2000

I've been through a similar situation... Not completely similar, but it's very true that I lost everything.

First thing to do, is figure out a temporary place to live. Doesn't matter where, find a shelter, a friend, anything.

Put one foot in front of the other, and take ANY job to get on your feet. Legal jobs, I mean. Nothing against the law. McDonald's IS an option when you're losing it all.

Joining the military is not the worst idea I've heard.

Try to make good decisions, see your way through.


Tech Support Moderator,
Apr 8, 2001
If you don't have anything how are you getting access to the Internet? Public library?


Foreman of Jewish Tunnels
20 Year Member
Mar 19, 2001
That's terrible, I don't really know what to say, just good luck, and look on the bright side. <img src="graemlins/crying.gif" border="0" alt="[Crying]" />


Rugal's Panther
Jan 11, 2001

Yes, there still is a great deal of good in the worl in store for you. This is just one of those really shitty bumps in the road. I'm really sorry to hear about you so called friend. That really is crappy man. I wish you good fortune in this matter. I'm sure you will prevail!

Mark Stevens

Quiz Detective
Sep 21, 2001
Sorry about that guy. Joining the military is a good idea if everything else goes to pot especially if you're college educated because you'll have commissioned status and, by extension, good pay. If not, after preliminary military experience, you could get funding for a college education. It's best to join the military for reasons of patriotism but it's also a legitimate means of upward social mobility. But whatever you decide, this is the land of opportunity after all. You'll pull through given raw determination and belief in yourself. Like people have said, don't limit yourself by pride. Take whatever job you can get no matter how "lowly" it may seem. And promote yourself. That's the key. The classifieds are the tip of the iceberg. Actually go from place to place filling out applications. Inevitably someone will need assistance so getting a job will be inevitable sans a horrendous criminal record which I assume you don't have. I graduated with a BS in accounting and yet couldn't find work in my field. I eventually got a job at Burger King to start out. It's not so bad as long as you realize that the initial job is just a stepping stone to greater things. In January, I got a job as a grant writer for an agricultural company. I earn $40+ a year plus perks for grant acceptance. Recently I got a $7500 bonus for a grant that was accepted. Even a year ago, I would have never envisioned this success. Things may be bad now but you never know what the future may hold. One more thing, I take as much pride in my new job as in the "menial" job I had before. You know why? Because big or small, I was still contributing to society in my own humble way.


Marked Wolf
Apr 3, 2002
Well, once again thank you to all, but I've been doing the whole flood the market stuff, dropping my name and all that jive, for about a month now so it's not like I haven't tried. I'm currently taking steps to join the military, have been told by my father that I should consider the Coast Guard, but there in lies a miner problem, that being that there so much stuff that I'm interested in with all the branches, that I don't know which to choose. It's like being a kid in a big candy store, if there are any military personnel here that could help inform me about their own branches, I'd be very grateful.
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