What do you think of modern consoles?


Another Striker
Aug 20, 2013
I will never have the same impact that watching a two and three neogeo art of fighting produced on me than watching a modern console, no matter how much ultra hd it may have.


The Fatal Fury Disciple
15 Year Member
Aug 30, 2016
I’ve got nothing against the consoles themselves. Rather, I’m not a big fan of the AAA playable film-style of games that are currently popular.

The majority of the games that I own on current generation consoles tend to be retro rereleases or indie games since those tend to capture the arcade-style gameplay loops that I personally prefer (easy to learn/play, but difficult to master).

The games that are trying to emulate a cinematic experience feel like non-challenging linear experiences with only fetch quests to vary the gameplay. I can see why others enjoy them, but that type of game just doesn’t offer a satisfying gameplay loop for me.

Ip Man

15 Year Member
Aug 14, 2006
For me consoles lost their magic after the Dreamcast and completely died for me after the 360. The Ps4 era was my least favourite Gen with Shadow of Mordor being the best game I played of that era and I think it's because people have gone back to GRAPHICS!!!!!.

For most gamers today the visuals always come first. Now it's all about 4K this and 1080p that and 60fps this. If they get Sonic 06 to run at 4K they'ed declare it the best game in the series.

It's funny how the mind reverts back to primitive crap. By the Ps2 era i thought people were over graphics because people started to realise with the N64 that without the games the hardware doesn't matter, so although the Ps2 was the least powerful out of the competitors, it had all the games and that's what mattered.

That thought even transferred to the 360 era. Although the Ps3 was a beast in terms of specs compare to the 360, for a couple of years the 360 was kicking ass because it was all about the games. But come the Ps4 and every one's like " I need to get the Ps4 version of this game because the Xbone version isn't HD enough to see the freckles on this guys ass".

So now we just get the same game over and over again with a different skin. And the worst part is the visuals arn't even that good. I've always said that Mario Galaxy is far more pleasing to the eyes that most of the games released today.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
Consoles now are miniPC's. I don't see them any different than an Intel NUC with a WebTV interface for people that don't know computers....


Another Striker
Aug 20, 2013
For my neogeo it will always be a special system, each game that was launched was better than the other as they learned more about the possibilities of the system, it was always reaching the ceiling, it never stopped surprising and also fourteen years are many years of console, it was a console ahead of its time any modern console does not last so many years on the market.


General Morden's Aide
Feb 3, 2013
NeoSneth is right and the appearance of the upgrade-like intermediate gens, like the PS4 Pro or XBX, just made the last bit of difference between consoles and PCs vanish. This doesn't mean that the games aren't enjoyable, they're just too different from what I'm used to play and thus are unable to engage me. I wonder if I'd be more thrilled about those games, if I was the same age now, when I was when I first played the Neo. Probably.

Anyway, the Neo Geo and other arcade games constitute the pinnacle of 2D gaming, they're the AAA titles of sprite-based video games. I don't think that polygon-based 3D gaming is at its peak yet, therefore it can't be accurately compared to what we, the past generation of gamers, experienced back then with the Neo. But yeah, I doubt that I'll be any more thrilled, once they reach that point. It's still possible, though.


way more american than wyo, way more
15 Year Member
Oct 9, 2005
In the last few years, I've really rediscovered what I loved about games when I was a kid. It has taken around 20 years or so, but I think I've finally come to fully accept that I'll probably just never be into what passes for games now. Since the time the original Xbox came out, I've often expressed that I felt left behind by games. I could see that games were headed in a direction that I would just never be able to follow. There have been experiences on some consoles since then that I've enjoyed, but at this point, I think it's safe to say that I'll probably die without ever being able to see the appeal of AAA games.

I can't put my finger on it, and I'm sure that there are some designers workin on big games that genuinely do have a lot of passion for what they do, but the jump from pixels to polygons is not conducive to conveying the human touch. In general, I feel a lot less passion in games over the last 20 years than I did the 10 years before that, for example. This could all be down to my perception though, who knows?


Blame madman, You Know You Want To.,
Jun 1, 2007
Switch rules, the rest are trash. I don't have any desire to play Call of Warfare 8 or whatever so the ps5 and xbone x 720 don't interest me. I like when games look like games and not a movie/real life so that's probably why I'm drawn to a lot of the Nintendo games. Plus there are a crap ton of older games that will probably keep my interest until I'm no longer interested in gaming.


Armored Scrum Object
15 Year Member
Feb 17, 2007
I’ve got nothing against the consoles themselves. Rather, I’m not a big fan of the AAA playable film-style of games that are currently popular.

The majority of the games that I own on current generation consoles tend to be retro rereleases or indie games since those tend to capture the arcade-style gameplay loops that I personally prefer (easy to learn/play, but difficult to master).

The games that are trying to emulate a cinematic experience feel like non-challenging linear experiences with only fetch quests to vary the gameplay. I can see why others enjoy them, but that type of game just doesn’t offer a satisfying gameplay loop for me.

It's kind of funny that gamers eventually came to mock the timed events and scripted experience of old full motion video games, yet now, here we are, with cinematic styled titles that are often full of quicktime events and linear experiences.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
I’ve got nothing against the consoles themselves. Rather, I’m not a big fan of the AAA playable film-style of games that are currently popular.

The majority of the games that I own on current generation consoles tend to be retro rereleases or indie games since those tend to capture the arcade-style gameplay loops that I personally prefer (easy to learn/play, but difficult to master).

The games that are trying to emulate a cinematic experience feel like non-challenging linear experiences with only fetch quests to vary the gameplay. I can see why others enjoy them, but that type of game just doesn’t offer a satisfying gameplay loop for me.

Yea, I don't mind the cinematic gaming stuff when it's kept to a minimum. I like to control my character for most of the game and not have directions on the screen telling me what to press. It's nice but some games OD with it. Cut Scenes are cool too but when half the game is cut scenes that also kills it. That's pretty much almost all Triple A titles now. People love the flashy over the top cinematic events.

I don't know if I'll be moving on to this new generation of consoles. There are probably still some triple a titles I might want to play. Indie games keep getting more and more detailed. It really is a great time to be a gamer who enjoys more of those metroidvania type games. There is a ton of them and it looks like new 2d action arcade style games just keep getting released. The indie games almost always come to Steam anyways so need for a newer gen console for those.

Also getting tired of buying games I haven't played with intentions of playing. Still have a pretty big backlog with the ps3 and 360. With Steam I probably played and beat like 10% of the library. So yeah, need to stop and enjoy what I have before moving on to new stuff.

Cyber Shadow and Bushiden are right up my alley though.


Cholecystectomy Required.,
10 Year Member
Oct 1, 2013
I really got a lot out of this console generation from two fronts. On one hand, games immersed me much moreso than previous generations could through game play and world building, such as Final Fantasy VII remake, Horizon, Resident Evil 2, and God of War.

On the other side, my PS4 and Switch became port machines, with awesome collections that made the original games much easier to play through with quality of life changes. Bioshock, Borderlands, Final Fantasy VII-IX, Cave Story, Kingdom Hearts, Uncharted, and more.

I do dislike day one patches and shipping an incomplete game, as well as long download times to play a new game day one.

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Viewpoint Vigilante
Jul 20, 2007
Similar to what others have said, my favorite kinds of games are those that are trying to re-create the arcade experience at home. I'm also into JRPGs as a secondary type of thing and I do go for some action/popular types of games here and there. I lost interest in first person shooters a long time ago, and I find games like Assassin's Creed boring. I have mostly gotten my PS3 & PS4 based on fighting games, and the PS4 hooked me in with a surprising amount of "retro" type of content. I bought it off a former coworker cheap. I never got a switch because I have most of the games on Wii U already. I'm also no longer thrilled by platformers anymore. Maybe I will get that once its in the bargain bin for the handheld aspect. Not sure I will get a PS5, although if Final Fantasy returns to form in a medieval setting that might reel me in.
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Ninja Combat Warrior
Apr 6, 2013
The Switch is incredible, it's a first party Nintendo/Vita/Port machine. PS5/XBX are irrelevant until we get something huge like a new GTA or Elder Scrolls


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
Consoles now are miniPC's. I don't see them any different than an Intel NUC with a WebTV interface for people that don't know computers....

This is the big turnoff for me. There's nothing magical about a box full of off-the-shelf parts. That said, something as customized as the PS3 is not a good idea. Xbox and PlayStation are essentially PCs now (PS5 does some cool non-PC-ish stuff), and the Switch is a rebranded nVidia Shield.


margarine sandwich
15 Year Member
Oct 25, 2007
Consoles now are miniPC's. I don't see them any different than an Intel NUC with a WebTV interface for people that don't know computers....
Consoles are still different because they are standardised hardware. Everyone's PS5 has the same internal hardware, and games developers can make their games with that in mind. With consoles, you aren't compelled to upgrade your hardware, to play the latest games. So, the only real ongoing cost is the cost of the games.
Also, the cost of buying a console goes down over time, as it's subsidised by game sales. If you buy a PS5 next year, it will be cheaper than buying it this year.
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Akari's Big Brother
20 Year Member
Oct 10, 2000
I've been a hard-core, high-end PC user for games for about a decade now, but I still like the idea of the console. For me, they aren't appealing (although I've been pleasantly surprised with the PS5 to be honest in my few weeks with the console). For many people, though, they want an easy solution - pop a game in and it just works.

PC's are fickle, PC ports of AAA are often broken AF upon release, and to get the game running smoothly on your rig you have to tinker with it; sometimes in obtuse ways like changing windows settings and the like. Not everyone likes to tinker, and for those folks I get the appeal of a console in the modern age. There is also used games sales. While this practice is beginning to wane, the industry thought we'd be discless two generations ago and yet, here we are. For lower-income families, the used game market is still a main source of gaming media.

I have numerous issues with modern AAA game development, but most of those have already been covered already.


Another Striker
Aug 20, 2013
Can you imagine getting to modern consoles all the hardware juice from 1990 to 1999 when garou came out just like they did with Neogeo but I don't think it will happen because they didn't have that affection that snk had with his mvs / aes they don't intend to have a hardware age of more than 4 years.

ChuChu Flamingo

We have purposely, trained him wrong, ...as a joke
10 Year Member
Nov 23, 2010
Too much sequelitis,remasters, and topical flavor of the month games.


Angel's Love Slave
20 Year Member
Sep 29, 2000
In the last few years, I've really rediscovered what I loved about games when I was a kid. It has taken around 20 years or so, but I think I've finally come to fully accept that I'll probably just never be into what passes for games now. Since the time the original Xbox came out, I've often expressed that I felt left behind by games. I could see that games were headed in a direction that I would just never be able to follow. There have been experiences on some consoles since then that I've enjoyed, but at this point, I think it's safe to say that I'll probably die without ever being able to see the appeal of AAA games.

I can't put my finger on it, and I'm sure that there are some designers workin on big games that genuinely do have a lot of passion for what they do, but the jump from pixels to polygons is not conducive to conveying the human touch. In general, I feel a lot less passion in games over the last 20 years than I did the 10 years before that, for example. This could all be down to my perception though, who knows?

I sorta agree, but you should take a hard look at the Nintendo Switch scene. So many great indie games with a 90s gaming vibe on that platform.

Ip Man

15 Year Member
Aug 14, 2006
I've been a hard-core, high-end PC user for games for about a decade now, but I still like the idea of the console. For me, they aren't appealing (although I've been pleasantly surprised with the PS5 to be honest in my few weeks with the console). For many people, though, they want an easy solution - pop a game in and it just works.

PC's are fickle, PC ports of AAA are often broken AF upon release, and to get the game running smoothly on your rig you have to tinker with it; sometimes in obtuse ways like changing windows settings and the like. Not everyone likes to tinker, and for those folks I get the appeal of a console in the modern age. There is also used games sales. While this practice is beginning to wane, the industry thought we'd be discless two generations ago and yet, here we are. For lower-income families, the used game market is still a main source of gaming media.

I have numerous issues with modern AAA game development, but most of those have already been covered already.

For me this was always the issue with PC games. Even in the 90's games would crash or not even start up because some unseen setting was off.


The Fatal Fury Disciple
15 Year Member
Aug 30, 2016
Cyber Shadow and Bushiden are right up my alley though.


Aside from SNK and Team Ninja releases, Cyber Shadow and No More Heroes 3 are the only "new" games I'm really looking forward to this gen.


Crazed MVS Addict
Sep 6, 2017
If I'm not on my cabs I'm on the Switch, if not the Switch then PS4, if not the PS4 then the Xbox One X. I'm into a lot of the new games coming out and consume quite a bit from all over the place. While I do buy retro games for these systems from time to time I typically get the original games for the original platform and focus on what's new. I very much enjoyed the recent Resident Evil games so REVIII will be what gets me to buy the PS5 and jump into the next gen. All the new Switch games have been super fun for me as well.


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
All consoles have their merits but most of the titles worth playing appear on PC anyway for which they're better off played on.


way more american than wyo, way more
15 Year Member
Oct 9, 2005
I sorta agree, but you should take a hard look at the Nintendo Switch scene. So many great indie games with a 90s gaming vibe on that platform.

Oh, I forgot to even mention Switch, didn't I? I fully agree with the assessment that the Switch has a pretty keen 90s vibe, though I guess I never considered it in those terms. I got a Switch the day it came out and a Lite a few days after it came out. I've had a lot of fun with a bunch of games on it. If i have to point out specific games, Curse of the Moon and Celeste are the two games that I've played the most on mine. I also really enjoyed the Link's Awakening remake. I played Breath of the Wild for quite a few hours, but to be honest, it's not really my thing. But yeah, Switch has been insanely good. I realize that it's technically a newer system, but the type of content they've focused on kinda makes it feel like a continuation of like... the 90s. It's definitely something different than the other consoles in that gen.

While we're here though, I gotta mention a couple things - after posting in this thread, I realized just how many hundreds of hours I've spent playing Monster Hunter, which, while consistent with a lot of conventions which were staples of classic games, is pretty specifically a new type of game experience. Still, I see this as a continuation of classic Capcom type stuff.

And, while we're at that - PS4. There are an awful lot of great games on PS4. I can't speak to the big ticket games on the platform, but the first western release of Ketsui and Battle Garegga (I think Garegga was technically released in the US on PCB, but big question as to if any place actually got it), same with Dangun Feveron, and first console release of Esprade on PS4, which is pretty dope.