Weekly Gaming Round Up ~2/10


Athena's Stalker
15 Year Member
Oct 6, 2004

Dragon Quest Builders


Volfied - This game feels harder than Qix Neo for the PS... or maybe I'm just not as good as I used to be.

Picked up an Atari 2600 portable made by Atgames and their Genesis console, too. Haven't spent much time on the Genny, but the portable 2600 has been fun to mess around with.


20 Year Member
Nov 22, 2001

GT Sport, southern europeans and Turks have no adherence to racing etiquette, pushing others off track and generally acting like they are in a bad action movie instead of a race.

Dark Souls 2 remaster, 60fps, feels good man.


MS Paint Master.
10 Year Member
Sep 4, 2011

Saint Sword

*Note: I'm am very must excited for the release of Crossing Souls on Tuesday. If you guys haven't heard of it, look it up. The KS page usually comes up first, but the launch trailer is up and looks fantastic.


Tung's Hair Stylist
10 Year Member
Mar 9, 2012

Phoenix Wright: Trials & Tribulations- completed this one, had a lot of fun with it
Project x Zone 2- just started, hopefully I'll enjoy it as much as the first one


Cholecystectomy Required.,
10 Year Member
Oct 1, 2013
Dragon Quest VIII- finally beat this one last Sunday.
Fire Emblem Awakening - put it down for a while, this one will be next

Odin Sphere- close to the end here. Chapter 5 of Velvets story.

Ip Man

15 Year Member
Aug 14, 2006
still playing resident evil 4 on the ps2 and loving it. never thought i'd say this, but i think it may be the best in the series.

i declared resi 7 as the best horror game ever made, and the resi remake on the gamecube as one of my all time best gaming experiences ever. but resident evil 4 is a 10/10 in every department from gameplay to atmosphere. i think i'm going to re-play it over once i've finished.
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Galford's Poppy Trainer
Dec 13, 2010
still playing resident evil 4 on the ps2 and loving it. never thought i'd say this, but i think it may be the best in the series.

i declared resi 7 as the best horror game ever made, and the resi remake on the gamecube as one of my all time best gaming experiences ever. but resident evil 4 is a 10/10 in every department from gameplay to atmosphere. i think i'm going to re-play it over once i've finished.

Why the PS2 version though? As good as it still is, its basically the worst version. Especially since you must already have a current gen setup to play RE7. I'm not hating though. Even though i've played through it lots of times on just about every console, I never once played through the PS2 version so a few months ago I did it just to do it. Its a solid port for sure

RESIDENT EVIL 2 HARD MODE - Just finished Claire A. Her campaign was harder then Leon because her weapons arent as efficient at clearing zombie hoards. Bowgun and Explosive Rounds often times dont do shit to zombies By the end of the game, I actually almost ran out of ammo. Claire B is gonna be so hard :D .....but first Leon B

Ip Man

15 Year Member
Aug 14, 2006
the ps2 version is the one i have and it's satisfying enough. i did play the gamecube version which i remember having much better visuals, but i do prefer the ps2 controller over the gamecubes.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Wii version is the best RE4. Pointer aiming, visual engine from the Gamecube version, extra content from the PS2 version.


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 10, 2003

- Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
The card-based real time combat system is kind of neat, but I just end up spamming the high-level Keyblade cards and seldom have any problems. I just completed the Alice in Wonderland area and am on my way to The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Nintendo DS:

- Away Shuffle Dungeon
Making pretty good progress; my character is at experience level 24, I've rescued most of the townspeople and have upgraded all of their shops to levels 2-4 (5 is the highest). The only frustrating thing is occasionally losing my high-level Fupongs (sidekick monsters that you can evolve) during a dungeon shuffle and having to reset the game because it's too much time/work to level them up again otherwise.
- Ninjatown
Awesome Tower Defense game based on the license created by former EGM editor Shawn Smith. The gameplay is challenging and the cut scene dialogue has some good humor. My favorite units are the Business Ninjas, it cracks me up to see a ninja wearing a business tie over his ninja garb--and they're pretty useful too, as they can stop the enemy units in their tracks that usually shrug off stun damage. I'm about 55% through the story mode right now.
- Peggle Dual Shot
After reading several reviews about how awesome this game is, I finally bit the bullet and bought a copy. I was skeptical about how much fun pachinko could be, as I've never been impressed with it in the past, but I should have more faith in PopCap games, 'cuz Peggle is indeed the shit and very difficult to put down with tons of replay value. I just completed the 55-level first episode this morning and unlocked the second episode and challenge mode. Oh yeah, I almost shit myself when it came in the mail from GameStop too--the fucking thing was complete: case, manual, warning pamphlet, sticker, everything. That's the first time in my life that I've ever gotten a complete used game from Gamestop via mail order (I have gotten complete games from the brick & mortar stores though), and I've ordered literally hundreds of cartridges and discs from them over the years.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000

I have been absolutely consumed by the Yakuza series lately. I just got done putting 125 hours into Yakuza 0 and this series is, like, the best thing ever.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007

I have been absolutely consumed by the Yakuza series lately. I just got done putting 125 hours into Yakuza 0 and this series is, like, the best thing ever.

Toshihiro Nagoshi is a great game designer. Daytona USA, Yakuza, Super Monkey Ball, Binary Domain, F-Zero GX.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Toshihiro Nagoshi is a great game designer. Daytona USA, Yakuza, Super Monkey Ball, Binary Domain, F-Zero GX.

I never thought that real estate and hostess club management would make for legit minigames but they're so very engrossing in Yakuza 0.

Also, the best brawling combat ever in a game of this type.

You can run up and down every street in Kamurocho within 5 minutes but the city is so densely packed with fun activities and side questing that you really start to feel like you're there after a while. This is the best example of a game proving that open world isn't necessary. In fact, open world is a boring glitch fest waiting to happen more often than not. There are exceptions, though (The Witcher, for example.)
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Ip Man

15 Year Member
Aug 14, 2006

I have been absolutely consumed by the Yakuza series lately. I just got done putting 125 hours into Yakuza 0 and this series is, like, the best thing ever.

when i first played yakuza on the ps2 i declared it the greatest game ever made. still can't believe there's shenmue fans out there that haven't played a yakuza game yet.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
when i first played yakuza on the ps2 i declared it the greatest game ever made. still can't believe there's shenmue fans out there that haven't played a yakuza game yet.

Nozomi Hazuki is in Yakuza 0.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
really!?. what's she doing there?

She's in Sotenbori working as a sushi chef's assistant. There's a substory she's involved in.

You can also find a phone card set for her on the streets and there's also one of those erotic videos you can watch in the video store.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
Mega Drive
Alisia Dragoon
I just beat this tonight. I popped it in when I first got it and thought it was kinda stiff. But on the second try, I love it. It's awesome when you can really feel your progress; my first playthrough I only got to the third stage. Then the fifth. Then the seventh. Then the eight. Then the clear. I used one continue (there are only three one-up style continue items scattered throughout the game) so I'm going to give it a shot and try to one-life the game at some point this week or over the weekend.

Psyvariar: Revision
Got a 1CC, as well as a score that would be in the top 10 on shmups (on two separate runs). I'd like to clear the game by taking a more difficult path before moving onto something else.

- Ninjatown
Awesome Tower Defense game based on the license created by former EGM editor Shawn Smith. The gameplay is challenging and the cut scene dialogue has some good humor. My favorite units are the Business Ninjas, it cracks me up to see a ninja wearing a business tie over his ninja garb--and they're pretty useful too, as they can stop the enemy units in their tracks that usually shrug off stun damage. I'm about 55% through the story mode right now.

That's my friend! We actually met through the designer toy industry as opposed to games, but of course our conversations often veer into gaming. When we met I was shocked that he knew who I was and was a fan :lolz: (He was actually considering a sequel on iOS but it never got past the very early stages of concept AFAIK.) You should grab some of his Ninjatown pulshies. They're all handmade. Shawnimals.com.

Ip Man

15 Year Member
Aug 14, 2006
She's in Sotenbori working as a sushi chef's assistant. There's a substory she's involved in.

You can also find a phone card set for her on the streets and there's also one of those erotic videos you can watch in the video store.

that is amazing. it's nice to see that they're paying tribute to shenmue in such a great way.

so now we know that nozomi returned to japan and probably never found ryo again.


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 10, 2003
@faceXsound: That's cool that you know Shawn in real life; he always seemed like a cool dude in the magazine and I'm happy to see that he found some success in another career path. I've seen those Ninjatown plushies before (in Game Informer I believe); I just might pick some up one of these days now that I've played the game and have more familiarity with the characters.


Robert Garcia's Butler
Nov 13, 2011

Dragonbal FighterZ.......I LOVE THIS GAME. Still have yet to touch story mode. Still just training and online matches. I am improving as i went to a tournament this weekend and went 2-2 instead of 1-2 (still getting used to airdashers) and I was able to beat a player that bodied me last tournament