U.S. Retail PSP Price. Value Pack??


Rip Van Winkle
Nov 29, 2002
I put a pre-order for a PSP at a GameStop the other day. So,
yesterday I went in there to find out what the hell did I
pre-ordered, a standard or a value pack. I also asked about
the price. As expected, the people there didn't know anything.
So they got out what looked like a GameStop insiders trade
magazine. It was written there that the standard PSP will
retail for about $185 and, if there is to be a value pack, it would
retail for about $234.

I tried to make my point that if a value is indeed released here, that
that is what I want. I was the first person to pre-order at that
particular GameStop, so I figured it shouldn't be a problem to get
a straight "Yes sir" answer. But as always, I could not get them to
commit to it. I did not even get a tentative yes. They said that since
they didn't know if the value pack was even going to be released here,
they didn't want to make any commitments. What's worse, they told me
that even if they knew value pack is going to be released here that
they could not guarantee me one at that moment since they didn't
know what the launch protocol was going to be.
And I'm the first one to pre-order. Bummer!! :angry:

Anyways, as I left the store I started pondering about the likelyhood
of us getting a U.S. value pack. If past history can tell us something,
then it doesn't look good. Japan always gets the packages while we
always get the bare bones systems. Remember the PS2? When it
launched they got the remote control, a memory card, and a demo
disk. We only got the system by itself with nothing else.

I think history will repeat itself... :oh_no:

?What is the concensus here?


Whilst Drunk., I Found God., Booze = Bad.,
20 Year Member
Dec 12, 2003
avulon said:
I put a pre-order for a PSP at a GameStop the other day. So,
yesterday I went in there to find out what the hell did I
pre-ordered, a standard or a value pack. I also asked about
the price. As expected, the people there didn't know anything.
So they got out what looked like a GameStop insiders trade
magazine. It was written there that the standard PSP will
retail for about $185 and, if there is to be a value pack, it would
retail for about $234.

I tried to make my point that if a value is indeed released here, that
that is what I want. I was the first person to pre-order at that
particular GameStop, so I figured it shouldn't be a problem to get
a straight "Yes sir" answer. But as always, I could not get them to
commit to it. I did not even get a tentative yes. They said that since
they didn't know if the value pack was even going to be released here,
they didn't want to make any commitments. What's worse, they told me
that even if they knew value pack is going to be released here that
they could not guarantee me one at that moment since they didn't
know what the launch protocol was going to be.
And I'm the first one to pre-order. Bummer!! :angry:

Anyways, as I left the store I started pondering about the likelyhood
of us getting a U.S. value pack. If past history can tell us something,
then it doesn't look good. Japan always gets the packages while we
always get the bare bones systems. Remember the PS2? When it
launched they got the remote control, a memory card, and a demo
disk. We only got the system by itself with nothing else.

I think history will repeat itself... :oh_no:

?What is the concensus here?

For some reason, I see the US launch being painful. It seems "dealing with" the gameshops has become increasingly difficult. They either don't know anything, or they are rude. [don't get me wrong, I have buddies that work for Gamestop, there are cool guys out there, hell my sis used to work at EBGames...but the majority are "comic-shop guy" retards] The last few games I've pre-ordered went anything but smoothly...and this is a freakin' system that will be in high demand....I foresee much pain and suffering.

I think I'll preorder at a couple places [including Best Buy, Toys R Us, etc] and hope for the best.
May 29, 2002
When I tried to preorder it at EB a month ago, the manager's demenor was something like this:

1.) He was confused why I was preordering it.
2.) THey didn't have a formal way to preorder it.
3.) I was the first person to ask to preorder it.

My take: Basically its simply just the wrong time to advertize and open preorders on the PSP right now. If Sony opened preorderers during Xmastime, tons of zombie shoppers would clog all the sales associates with FAQ's on "Which is better, PSP or DS?" or "What's the difference"? or the like. All for a piece of hardware that won't come out until Spring, while American shoppers would want to Buy It Now!.

Sony will likely do a big preorder sales blitz in January. "Cure the wintertime blues with a hot new PSP!" kind of thing.

OR... Sony knows they can make shoddy hardware, and uses Japan's citizens as a test to see how it all holds up. Americans want a simple, reliable, nofuss gadget that entertains them when they want. Sony is simply charging their batteries, so to speak before the release, which I predict will be bigger in North America, than in Japan.

I dunno, just some theories.


Jul 4, 2002
Maybe Gamestop didn't know about the value pack because Sony hasn't announced it for the states yet.

I love how people crap on a company for things totally out of their control.


Presented by the Florida Department of Economic Op
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2000
The fact is, no one knows anything about the PSP.. the release date, price, and preorder model are still up in the air. Sony hasn't announced anything formally except a tentative Q1 release date in the US, and even now there are rumors going around that they won't make it in time.

I still managed to get my preorder in, it helps if you're on friendly terms with the whole staff. All I know is, after seeing new movies of Ridge Racers and the PSP in action, I don't want to be left empty handed when it does release. It's already fucking hard enough to hold off on an import release. If it wasn't for the DS and GBA titles, I'd have bought a PSP by now.
Feb 4, 2001
daybona said:
Maybe Gamestop didn't know about the value pack because Sony hasn't announced it for the states yet.

I love how people crap on a company for things totally out of their control.


They haven't confirmed the American line just yet. Gamestop is taking "PSP preorders" simply because the demand if there (well...not that we have any preorders...but you know what I mean...I tihnk)

You can'ty expect the employees there to have all details when Sony's customer representatives don't give them ANY details.

In terms of helpfulness, one area Sony's the worst in is customer reps. Microsoft used to be the best, but now that they're combining a lot of their XBox reps with their PC reps, Nintendo's taking a lead.

But even MS or Nintendo reps wouldn't know these details to give the employees good details this early.


Rip Van Winkle
Nov 29, 2002
Yes, yes

I understand that video game store emplyees don't know anything about the PSP because SONY hasn't said anything about it. That's not my concern.
My concern is the value pack, I don't think it's going to be released here.

You what else, I have a feeling that SONY is going to have a little surprise for us come launch day. I have a feeling that the U.S. PSPs are not going to be region free...

But hopefully I'm just being pessimistic and/or paranoid.


Whilst Drunk., I Found God., Booze = Bad.,
20 Year Member
Dec 12, 2003
avulon said:
I understand that video game store emplyees don't know anything about the PSP because SONY hasn't said anything about it. That's not my concern.
My concern is the value pack, I don't think it's going to be released here.

You what else, I have a feeling that SONY is going to have a little surprise for us come launch day. I have a feeling that the U.S. PSPs are not going to be region free...

But hopefully I'm just being pessimistic and/or paranoid.

U.S. PSP will definitely be region-protected after the popularity of the import getting over here this Christmas.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
avulon said:
I understand that video game store emplyees don't know anything about the PSP because SONY hasn't said anything about it. That's not my concern.
My concern is the value pack, I don't think it's going to be released here.

You what else, I have a feeling that SONY is going to have a little surprise for us come launch day. I have a feeling that the U.S. PSPs are not going to be region free...

But hopefully I'm just being pessimistic and/or paranoid.

I hate to say it, but I think there is a strong possibility that your every suspicion could be correct, avulon. Makes it just that much harder not to say to hell with the uncertainty and hit Buy it Now!


Crossed Swords Squire
Aug 25, 2004
Working at EB Games I got the chance to talk to our Sony Rep last month. She said that they have a date and price set. They didn't want to release the information until after christmas, so parents wouldn't spend countless hours looking for a system that isn't out for christmas.