Tony Hawk American Sk8land Friend Code


Hinako's Cook
Jul 16, 2001
Enter your friend codes here. So far I'm rusty as hell, I haven't really played too much TH since THPS2. But it's slowly coming back to me.



Beard of Zeus,
20 Year Member
May 17, 2002
Blaine said:
Enter your friend codes here. So far I'm rusty as hell, I haven't really played too much TH since THPS2. But it's slowly coming back to me.


So how is this compared to THPS2?


Hinako's Cook
Jul 16, 2001
Well, number one-

I do not like how the shoulder buttons no longer spin, they're used for transfers. I only don't like it becuase I keep hitting it accidentally.

However, it's really necessary since the ability to go over the spine is really cool.

Second, as best I can tell, you can't remap your tricks. Now, you can change your specials and the button presses to use them (as well, you do not have have to use the touchscreen for the specials. which is good) but you can't change your normal moves. At least, I think. If you can, I haven't found it.

Which sucks because I have my old way of working, and I really want the christ air to be left-right-grab (but it turns out, it's not even a special anymore. which sucks, since the 900 christ air was my finishing move).

Now, that said, I really dig the rpg-esque stat system. you no longer 'spend' points on skills, you develop skills. If you can hold a grind for longer than 5 seconds, your grind goes up. If you can land a combo with 3 flip tricks your ollie goes up, grab tricks increase your air and so on.

What's really nice is, if you were actually good at something, you can level up in no time. My lip tricks are almost maxed out already, but I've always been good a the gymnast plants. So even if you start a new character, you can start busting out moves and you'll see your stats just +1ing real quick like.

The ability to grab onto cars is cool, wall plants are very cool and it seems like manuals are easier to perform.

All told is a very good game. The online is a good deal of fun, but I'd almost call it a gimmick at best. Since you can't chat at all, and you only compete with one person... I guess it doesn't really feel like you're playing someone else at all.

That said, it's a good game and I'd reccomend.


15 year old,
15 Year Member
Jan 26, 2004
The last Tony Hawk I played was 3 on PS2. Damn good game. There's just too much on ly list right now before this one.


Beard of Zeus,
20 Year Member
May 17, 2002
I want to get all of the DS games that just came out, but I dunno if I will be able to.

That new level up part sounds good though.


Crossed Swords Squire
Jan 18, 2004
Hey, just added you to my list. I haven't played this online yet, but the fact that you're rusty makes me want to play with ya lol. I haven't played a Tony Hawk game in a long while, but i'm definitely loving this one. I'm sure that i'll get good eventually.

Here's my friend code: 365132293255


Least Valuable Player
Apr 24, 2001
Weevus said:
The last Tony Hawk I played was 3 on PS2. Damn good game. There's just too much on ly list right now before this one.

3 was the first and last TH game I've played... I loved it, but can't seem to get into any other ones.

I really want to play some games - I have almost $100+ in GameStop credit, and I don't know whart to buy.

I might rent NFS: MW today for the current Xbox and try that out. And by try it out, I mean rip it to the HDD.

And the onlt 360 title I want to try is RR6 - but it doesnt look like I'm any closer to that.

Ah, winter... I still havent got around to DoS, and I really should be playing it.


Crossed Swords Squire
Jan 18, 2004
Winter has always sucked for gaming. I think they'd make more money if they spaced it out a bit more... 'cause no one except for the rich are going to be able to afford EVERY AAA winter title on release day.
I just barely finished DoS the other day, but there's still so much left to that game that I just can't put it down.


aka The Grinch
20 Year Member
Dec 16, 2000
ShyningFade said:
Winter has always sucked for gaming. I think they'd make more money if they spaced it out a bit more... 'cause no one except for the rich are going to be able to afford EVERY AAA winter title on release day.

Yea, no p00p.. You'd think these game companies would get smart and start releasing games during the summer when kids are working jobs and have off of school.