The Witcher 3


Windjammers Wonder
10 Year Member
Jun 1, 2009
I'm also playing on PC. I haven't had a ton of time to sink into it. The couple of quests I have worked on the story contained in each quest is very detailed and rarely seen these days in gaming. I do have some concerns about me personally sticking with this game long term.

1) The amount of witcher sensing is already getting annoying. I think it has more to do with the goofy camera angle it puts you in relation to character movement.
2) Button press acknowledgements when trying to mount your horse or examine things is way too precise. I have to make laps around that damn horse before I can mount it. I'm the fuckin' Witcha. I should be able to leap up on that bitch with one hand like Legolas.

I really do hope the modding community takes to this game like they did Skyrim. I think the right couple of tweaks could make this game really good.


Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Like a specific type in the LBGT community that continually goes around to any game that involves unions, relationships, and/or sex and demands you should be able to do anything with any gender or species? Cause screw what the creator wants their characters to be?

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Look at what a fucking shambles Bioware is now. Their games are known for their fucking dating sim component. They tout their relationship system as one of their virtues but it's such a painfully obvious attempt to be inclusive that it loses any of its potency or purity because they want to be 'the games gay people can play.'

I'd much prefer the creators tell the story they want to tell without having to worry about leaving any potential audience 'out in the cold.'

In this world, you can't please all of the people all of the time, and you shouldn't ever try in my opinion. Just tell the best story you can, no matter how harsh, brutal or divisive it may be, and let the audience support or oppose it.

When you start letting your audience dictate your creative efforts, the next step is to fucking give them the keyboard and let them write all the dialogue and make up the characters and story too.

When Bioware changed the ending to ME 3 because of the butthurt fanbase, that was their death knell. I enjoyed Dragon Age Inquisition until I got fucking bored of it after about 30 hours.

I've been playing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt for 150 hours or so, based on time elapsed in my stats, and I only want to play it more because I love the gameplay and the storyline is incredible. I'm encouraged as I play further because I know its a far more pure effort, untainted by things like 'diversity' and 'inclusion' for their own sake.
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Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
I don't have anything constructive to add right now but I do enjoy shitting on modern BioWare. Everything they have made since Jade Empire sucks ass. Especially Dragon Age.


Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
I don't have anything constructive to add right now but I do enjoy shitting on modern BioWare. Everything they have made since Jade Empire sucks ass. Especially Dragon Age.

I admit that I've enjoyed Dragon Age overall. I like the world, the lore and the stories. I just can't stand how their social agenda and inclusiveness gets in the way of the games themselves. Dragon Age could have been the best RPG series of this era but it's held back by that company's politics.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Dragon Age (the first is the only one I played) has small enclosed areas, shallow combat, and in-game characters shilling DLC. There is nothing that it does better than the worst Witcher game.


Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Of course it doesn't. What really can?

EDIT: I don't see any of your criticisms as a knock on the product's quality, btw. The first game was still fun, for me and many others, despite what you are calling its limitations.
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Master of Disguise,
Oct 7, 2000
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Look at what a fucking shambles Bioware is now. Their games are known for their fucking dating sim component. They tout their relationship system as one of their virtues but it's such a painfully obvious attempt to be inclusive that it loses any of its potency or purity because they want to be 'the games gay people can play.'

I'd much prefer the creators tell the story they want to tell without having to worry about leaving any potential audience 'out in the cold.'

Yeah, and it really pissed me off that the one character my inquisitor wanted to be with was the lesbian elf


Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Yeah, and it really pissed me off that the one character my inquisitor wanted to be with was the lesbian elf


I mean, what if I wanted my character to fuck Leliana? I can't because she's a lesbian? I mean, in this case, the all inclusive Dragon Age left me out in the cold.

This is why I like The Witcher's narrative more. Despite being a more traditionally told story in terms of its social dynamics, the game has a pure story with a consistent vision that doesn't compromise, takes no prisoners and is rich with personality. SJWs are calling the game mysognistic, which is fucking stupid because that implies that the game hates women.

How can a fucking game hate anything? It's a fucking game. And it doesn't portray the abuse of women in any noble or just light EXCEPT in the cases where the women are criminals or assholes. Also, in dark medieval settings like this, warmongering and power hungry men will abuse women and treat they like property. It's just a particular type of world where the social dynamics are harsh and unforgiving. Nobody at CDPR hates women. That's just so fucking stupid.

And these stupid bitches are angry about what happened to Sansa in Game of Thrones. GAME OF FUCKING THRONES, where women get treated like shit all the time. But only at the end of episode 6 does the show go 'too far'. These fucking hypocrites, these social activists, don't care about the whores of Westeros because they work in a sex trade. It's like hookers don't count and it doesn't matter what they think.

And these assholes are the people Bioware is trying to make happy. These idiots that are never happy no matter what you give them.

More power to CDPR. They did what THEY wanted, not what a bunch of fucking clueless people with internet access and Twitter want.


MS Paint Master.
10 Year Member
Sep 4, 2011
A few nights ago, I had finally beaten the Griffon after completing everything (I think?) in the opening area while thinking "hey, this is pretty easy now that I've got the hang of things. I got back to the game (finally) this evening, and the new area is taking me to school! The enemy levels are all over the place (I ran into a cave and came across a lvl. 33 spider boss (I'm still lvl 4), and every now and again, I get spanked by mobs until I figure out the right strategy for that particular enemy type. Normally, this is about where I would be getting frustrated, and yet, the game is fair so I can't get mad at the game, only myself for not being better at it. I've been able to take out some lvl.11 scorpion looking things so far, and put up a decent fight against a lvl. 18 wyvern guarding a treasure, and the struggle feels rewarding.
I'm really enjoying the game immensely, even the choices in conversations feel like they carry far more weight than in other games of this type. I walked into a tavern and greeted to a cut scene where some bandits came in while I was having a drink, and I managed to placate them by offering to buy them a round and conceal my identity. I was pretty pleased with myself until I left the tavern and noticed others in the bandits crew were shaking down the village for money and daughters to rape...this game is pretty heavy. It's pretty refreshing to have an gaming experience whose story and themes aren't watered down.


A simple man who simply loves gaming.
20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2002
I'm just running around Velen trying to complete all the unknown locations (?s). Everytime I mix in a secondary quest I get several more (?s). I also reached level eight last night and unlocked the second tier of skills. I look forward to toying around with my new skills after work today. I chose the second tier Axii skill that confuse enemies into fighting for you, should be helpful.


A simple man who simply loves gaming.
20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2002
I've played about thirty hours now. I feel like I've experienced a very diverse, memorable cast of characters. More so than in the past half dozen rpg games I've played. The quality of these side quests is shocking, they're just flatout more enjoyable than the main quest.

My only regret so far is wasting one ability point on a general skill, which doesn't seem to benefit from mutagen bonuses.

Figure 2x red, 1x blue, and 1x green will be my final ability sets but I need to take a closer look at which skills are the best.

I'm getting that "once a generation" warm, fuzzy feeling playing this game.


20 Year Member
Jun 27, 2001
1080p is not a problem with this card. You should be fine running witcher 3 in ultra with this card. My monitor has a max res of 2560×1600 so I noticed a drop in fps running ultra settings. Installed the 2nd card yesterday and Witcher 3 is now running smooth as butter.

Remember to disable Nvidia Hairworks. I heard that really drops fps.

I am downloading this now via STEAM on my PC. I will remember to disable this. I too am running a 970 but on a 27" IPS monitor. Hope it runs smoothly.



A simple man who simply loves gaming.
20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2002
Today I realized that I failed to give gwent enough attention.

I've missed opportunities to get unique cards.

Fuck it, starting over and on the "dead march" difficulty too.


Unholy Custom Rank.,
15 Year Member
Aug 23, 2008
60hrs played and finished the game last night at lvl34 on Death March without the regenerate HP ability. Still have a few quests left that are very minor. Was a good playthrough with no guides. I will likely start over again and take my time.


A simple man who simply loves gaming.
20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2002
The rpg element is definitely turned up a notch here on death march difficulty.

Gone is the ability to regain health while meditating.

But the game is still pretty easy, atleast when compared to say...Bloodborne.


Unholy Custom Rank.,
15 Year Member
Aug 23, 2008
The rpg element is definitely turned up a notch here on death march difficulty.

Gone is the ability to regain health while meditating.

But the game is still pretty easy, atleast when compared to say...Bloodborne.

Don't put points in the regen ability either, it honestly cheapens the game. Dodging and proper Quen use is key besides reading bestiary for weaknesses.


New Challenger
Feb 4, 2013
I'm just blown away by this game. It really puts some of the bigger studios to shame. It shits all over anything put out by Bethesda and I'm sure they have much bigger budgets and a larger team. I hope that CDPR makes a FORTUNE off this thing. Most of all though, this has me frothing at the mouth for Cyberpunk 2077. Holy crap that's going to be mind blowing. They've set the bar super high for themselves.


Sexless Insecure troglodyte, Has an awesome pc rig
Jul 8, 2010
Glad you guys like the game, and also mad respect for enduring the sub-30 fps stutters on consoles. Good times...


NAM-75 Vet
Jun 2, 2008
Finally cleared a few notches off my PC gaming plate, and started this. My god what a great looking game. I've already lost about 15 hours to this game, and it's gonna be taking much much more. Definitely the best free game I've gotten in a long damn time! I'm digging the flow of combat, and using the different signs. At first I was content to just keep spamming the fire sign when I needed, since it worked so well against pretty much everything I'd encountered thus far, like Dogs, bandits, Neckers, Drowners, but it wasn't until those boss fights with first that Golem, and then one of the Wild Hunt that it finally clicked I'd need to actually learn to use the other signs to their advantage. They kicked my ass hard. A lot. Then I started putting much more thought into fighting, and I've been getting way more out of the game because of it. Totally agreeing with this game shaming a lot of what else is out there in the genre.


Unholy Custom Rank.,
15 Year Member
Aug 23, 2008
Glad you guys like the game, and also mad respect for enduring the sub-30 fps stutters on consoles. Good times...

I see you are continuing to have a discussion with yourself.
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Sexless Insecure troglodyte, Has an awesome pc rig
Jul 8, 2010
Sorry...I only play FPS online games on a small screen with a mouse & keyboard.