The sickness miasma spreading during these delightful times


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
Who else got stung hard this season? I am loving the rain here, but the ill health is a laugh really. I was sick some days back, have a nagging throat issue that hasn't left yet. Honestly, my health has had some steady hiccups the last few years.

I had a fever last year that was so high I thought I was gonna literally die. It's weird to me about being sick how in those moments everything matters, but when you get better, it is so easy to forget the specifics of those moments of misery. So has anyone else got stung by the flu or any other horrid crap?


Zantetsu's Blade Sharpener
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2000
In August last year I had a pulmonary embolism. They found me on the floor half dead and I was in the Icu on a ventilator for 7 days. I woke up with heart failure, liver damage, renal failure, a chest tube, MRSA pneumonia, a dialysis catheter and most certainly some degree of brain damage, judging by how mentally debilitated I was for the first couple months. That hospital stay was just shy of three weeks total, then I had to go back in for close to a week for Sepsis thanks to my dialysis catheter.

Luckily most of that I've recovered from. The dialysis was temporary, my ejection fraction is improving with meds and exercise, and mentally I'm steadily improving.

Beat that :p

Ip Man

15 Year Member
Aug 14, 2006
i was sick for over a week earlier this month. it's been a couple of years since i've been that sick. i don't even know what it was. had leaky eyes, and nose that just did not stop running. high temperature and a itchy throat. tried all the home remedies and was over dosing on paracetamol which usually works, but did nothing this time around. just glad it's over.


Analinguist of the Year
15 Year Member
Mar 14, 2003
In August last year I had a pulmonary embolism. They found me on the floor half dead and I was in the Icu on a ventilator for 7 days. I woke up with heart failure, liver damage, renal failure, a chest tube, MRSA pneumonia, a dialysis catheter and most certainly some degree of brain damage, judging by how mentally debilitated I was for the first couple months. That hospital stay was just shy of three weeks total, then I had to go back in for close to a week for Sepsis thanks to my dialysis catheter.

Luckily most of that I've recovered from. The dialysis was temporary, my ejection fraction is improving with meds and exercise, and mentally I'm steadily improving.

Beat that :p

WINNAR! :buttrock:


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
I'm looking forward to the flu actually, it's been about 3 years since I've had anything worth mentioning. Chalk it up to consistent beer intake, good food and exercise.


SHOCKbox Developer,
20 Year Member
Dec 14, 2001
Glad to read you are still among the living FORCE!
I would just like to tell all the OG's here to avoid anything cooked in lard like the plague. Olive oil & canola oil is fine.That is all.
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Zantetsu's Blade Sharpener
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2000
Glad to read you are still among the living FORCE!
I would just like to tell all the OG's here to avoid anything cooked in lard like the plague. Olive oil & canola oil is fine.That is all.

Yeah thanks. Honestly the docs didn't think I was going to live given how bad everything was by the time they found me, so they called in my whole family I guess to say their goodbyes?

Bleh. Crazy stuff.


I was Born This Ugly.,
15 Year Member
Sep 6, 2005
Well...I ain't got shit on Force, that's for sure (and that is not a bragging right I'd like to have).

Concerning the topic, yes, this has been an absolutely awful sickness season. Somehow, I've done the best and only been ill once back in Nov. My wife fell ill in early Dec with a nasty respiratory infection. My daughter then got it the last week of Dec. Both of them we running fevers for 5-7 days. Now, my wife has full blown pneumonia. She fell ill on the 16th, 7 days of 102-103 fever and we finally went to the ER Sunday night. Sure enough, the diagnosis came back positive for pneumonia.

It's been a bad few months.

I don't know if weather has anything to do with it, but the temps have been bonkers this year. We've had highs around 5, and and 65 (last week). Tons of wet, tons of rain. Tons of people I know have been very ill this year, nearly all of them with respiratory issues.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Mar 27, 2005
Holy shit Force, glad you're improving.

This season was the worst I've ever seen for the cold/flu. Last month I was sick for 10 days with some sort of shitty virus. It had to be something worse than the flu. I'm never sick that long, usually after 2 days I'm better.

I finally got better the day before Christmas Eve.

After that I was fine all the way through Christmas, then *BAM*... fucking sinus infection the day after Christmas. And that lasted about 10 days as well.

So I was ill more than half of the month of December, and into January as well. Made me think about trying to live healthier, that's for sure.


Pao Pao Cafe Waiter
Oct 31, 2016
Holy shit Force, glad you're improving.

This season was the worst I've ever seen for the cold/flu. Last month I was sick for 10 days with some sort of shitty virus. It had to be something worse than the flu. I'm never sick that long, usually after 2 days I'm better.

I finally got better the day before Christmas Eve.

After that I was fine all the way through Christmas, then *BAM*... fucking sinus infection the day after Christmas. And that lasted about 10 days as well.

So I was ill more than half of the month of December, and into January as well. Made me think about trying to live healthier, that's for sure.

I use to get a sinus infection once or twice a year. Then a doctor at urgent care said, "Take an allergy med like Clarion or Zyrtec daily. Next use an expectorant when you begin to feel any sinus congestion or pressure. In addition, use a saline solution spray (Ocean brand), and use nasacort."
It was a good combo and has worked well for me.

Still take the Zyrtec and use the saline liquid daily.
The other two, I only when I feel something coming on.

Hope everyone has a healthy 2017.


15 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
This is a bad year because it is a mild winter thus far. Bacteria and viruses are able to spread more easily in warmer weather.

I've said it before, you can't avoid 100% getting sick, but you have to wash your hands like a madman. Use force, lots of friction, and wash all the way up to almost your elbows. Do it twice in a row till when you are rubbing the soap doesn't look dirt color. I mean rub really hard on those hands, like squeeze your entire hand with the other one.

Then never eat anything, or touch your eye, nose, or ears without washing again.

This is what I do, and knock on wood it's been like 3 years since I've been sick. I know it's coming, but proper hand washing will save your ass, as will avoiding getting stressed out.

@ Force. That sucks man. Glad you made it. I assume the clot went into your lungs?

Most people have symptoms if they have a blood clot. Your legs are a prime area to get them. Normally you will have a swollen leg, that's warm to the touch. Chest discomfort can also be an indicator of a blood clot. That shit is no joke, as you are aware. If you have those symptoms again go to the Dr. ASAP. You can also get them from flying, or extended car trips. Try and get up and stretch and walk every hour if you sit a lot. Yo could be prone to clots, so you need to be extra careful. Hopefully it was a one-time fluke.
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Least Valuable Player
Apr 24, 2001
Damn Matt, glad you're ok.

I was in the hospital last week. Found diverticulosis and multiple hernias. Going to the doctor for a follow up in about 30 mins.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
My hip has been a little sore lately. Nothing much else to complain about.


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
Glad to read you are still among the living FORCE!
I would just like to tell all the OG's here to avoid anything cooked in lard like the plague. Olive oil & canola oil is fine.That is all.

Yeah it is rough living in california, because their are vices of deliciousness EVERYWHERE.