The Metal Slug thread


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
I think most of us know just how cool these games are to play (despite the prohibitive price tags they carry).

But I'd like to talk about the more detailed intricacies of the games, like the superb animation and graphical touches, and what the games mean to you.

I'll start with Metal Slug 2 and Metal Slug X as they're the two I've been playing most recently.

Many people say "oh if you've got X you don't need 2" or "get X because it doesn't have any slowdown blah blah blah". You get the picture.

In fact, if you play them both as heavily as I do, you'll notice BOTH suffer from slowdown. However, in both cases it's not terribly noticable. It is more evident in 2 than X, but they do both suffer. Slug 2's weakness is blatantly evident in two player mode where slowdown can get rather irksome at various points. I haven't played X in two player yet, so I don't know how badly it suffers in that department.

I've also noted that the slowdown is much worse on the CD version of Slug 2 than the cart version, when plsying on the top loader. I don't know if things are improved by using a CDZ... Anyone?

I've certainly noticed no slowdown in Slug 3 in one or two player mode, but that's not suprising seeing the huge meg count the game has.

Anyway, back to Slug 2 and X. In my opinion they're both worth owning. X presents a significantly different challenge to 2 to make it worth purchasing alongside 2. They have different attack waves, different obstacles to overcome and of course X has more weapons. Slug 2 still presents a good challenge and some sections are harder than X.

For example. Level 2 in X is way easier to complete than the same level in 2. This is most noticable with the boss, where he literally seems to take seconds to dispatch in X but is not so easy to overcome in 2.

There are noticeable differences in challenge across the many areas and levels because of the varied attack patterns and enemies between the two.

In way tho this is to be expected. If it weren't for the same backgrounds (ie the levels themselves NOT their contents) X would be an entirely different game to 2.

You could argue " but the bosses are the same ". Well, yes you could, BUT, as I've already pointed out they differ in difficulty across the two games, AND don't you keep fighting the same guys in KoF? Rugal is the boss in three of the series and is cheap as fuck in each one, so I don't feel this argument holds a lot of water.

Both are highly enjoyable, and I have been known to sit down and play 2 and then play X and enjoy the delights of both every time.

If you're on a budget, I think it's a really tight decision to make. Both are roughly the same value at present, so I would advise you play both )if you can) b4 taking a plunge. Obviously if you have your mates around a lot to play Neo then get X, but otherwise don't let the exaggerated "slowdown" whiners put you off 2.

Anyway, now your turn... and what about Slug 1 and 3??

<img src="graemlins/glee.gif" border="0" alt="[Glee]" /> <img src="graemlins/glee.gif" border="0" alt="[Glee]" /> <img src="graemlins/glee.gif" border="0" alt="[Glee]" />


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001

I've been selling shit recently just to get it, and then I realise when I have that much cash I probably won't have the balls to spend that much on a game. (albeit not just any game)

hmm , the end of the month will be fun


Fu'un-Ken Master
Oct 5, 2001
I've only got MS1. I want X (which I could get for 70 quid), but I cant find MS3 for a decent price...

MS1 is can feel the love that went into this game...the detail in every sprite, the silky-smooth gameplay and the sweet feeling of blowing everything to fuck. Although the last boss is a little disapointing considering the bosses on earlier levels, theres enough in there to keep me coming back time after time.

Same is true with all the MS games, right?

I need to get the rest... <img src="graemlins/ohno.gif" border="0" alt="[Oh No]" />


Crossed Swords Squire
Nov 10, 2001
You are so right, they will keep you coming back for more.........again and again........


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
slug 3 would need to last me a good half year.. as it would be the last neo game I'm buying for a good while.

Liquid Snake

I am untouchable
20 Year Member
Nov 22, 2000
I used to own Neo CD MS 1 & 2 but sold them years ago.

Now I have Saturn MS, PSX MSX & Neo AES MS3...

Okay...back to the topic.

Metal Slug is top notch and my opinion is that it's even better than 2, X and even 3.

I love the music in the last level, totally rock!!!

(slowdown in the last level......heheheh ;) )

I was so happy when SNK decided to re-release Metal Slug 3 AES. This is the only AES game I don't regret to spend $290.

I'm glad this is the only Metal Slug game price below $220 in the series....

christopher belmondo

Fio's Quartermaster
Jan 19, 2002
yaeh,the metal slug games !!!
like evrybody here before me, i love that games !!
i love 2d games,and i think this games are a kind of art !!!

such great animations like in these games,such a love for the detail !
i seldon have seen in any other 2d game !!!

i remember see the first pics of metal slug,by loving games as contra or rolling thunder i was on fire, and this all for my neo geo !!
wow !!!!!
and then playing this game......great leveldesign,compared with a unike artdesign, it was one of this moments you know why you like vidio gaming that much !!
these days sometimes it's hard to find a answer by looking at new games why !!

anyway,i think the metal slug games are the best in it's kind !!
i still like contra 3 and the md contra,or alien soldier or rolling thunder....but metal love !!

this series has taken this genre to a never seen level before,and i like all the parts metal slug 1,2 x and 3 !!

metal slug 4, i haven't play, and i must honestly say,that i have mixed feelings about this part !!

what i have seen now.......looks like a cool game..but to say...very different from the previous slugs !
of's a different company !
so i fear it will have another design,not that freaky level or art design from this irme guy,and i think this is one big point what makes slug that great,his creativety......but the pics of ms4..give me another feeling..maybe some not fiting things in my opinion in there !!
some bosses look more like megaman bosses,and the so inpired...and all a little mixed !
maybe it looks more like slug one !

but somehow...i slug has top the other..always something new and fresh ...but all games are cool and one of it's kind of the slug series!!
i love them all ,like most of you !!

so i don't care so much about the slowdown,the gameplay is so great...and they don't interupt it in my opinion !!

these days i play slug 3 all over the time,trying to pass the game with one credit...and i think it's posible,some people told me never, but i doing pretty well,i come now into the 5 stage...and than....bye bye !!!
but i will try !!
this game has something....i always find something new,a little funny animation,a secret here....or a new trick ,taktic for a boss or in stage situation !!

great games........all of them !
if i have to decide which is the say 2...a other x...and another say 1 because it's more ww2 feeling and they don't like the aliens stuff !!

i think all of them have so great moments......and so ,in it's kind every part it's the best !!

i like how the story grows....first part...near only ww2 feeling,at the end...maybe you can figure out of the things to come with the aliens !
then part two.......and x ,...first levels normal slug action and then...the aliens appear !(at the beginning you see one spaceship in the background,like in 3 !!)great !!
and 3...what can i say...?...a masterpiece in 2d gaming !!!!! but again,all of them..unike !!!

somebody of you know that irem game "neo storm" or "gun force 2"..?
a great game......that has a lot of simularety to slug, only much more serious action !!!
the same design and love for details !!!
i love that so much !!

..and the futere..?

metal slug
...hope dr.willy is only one of my ghost and the game rocks,but without the original design....hope it will not only became another castlevania or contra !!!after treasure left,it was not the same anymore !!
the name.....but no soul !!!!!!

by the way...konami has anunce a new contra part.....i think for the ps 2 !!
what will this become .......?

have to play some slug 3 again,must master that game !!!
somebody has done already..?

see ya..!!!!!!!!!11

[ March 15, 2002: Message edited by: christopher belmondo ]</p>


Franco's Trainer
20 Year Member
Apr 29, 2001
MS2 have much better colors than X... X is Metal Slug on acid <img src="graemlins/loco.gif" border="0" alt="[Loco]" />

christopher belmondo

Fio's Quartermaster
Jan 19, 2002
Originally posted by BRANDI:
<strong>MS2 have much better colors than X... X is Metal Slug on acid <img src="graemlins/loco.gif" border="0" alt="[Loco]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>

<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[LOL]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[LOL]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[LOL]" /> <img src="graemlins/drool.gif" border="0" alt="[Drool]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[LOL]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[LOL]" />

christopher belmondo

Fio's Quartermaster
Jan 19, 2002
Originally posted by kernow:
<strong>please dont tempt me into ms3 :( </strong><hr></blockquote>

<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[LOL]" /> kernow...i think...there is no way around !!!!!

you have to.......sorry pal !!!!!!! <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[LOL]" /> <img src="graemlins/drool2.gif" border="0" alt="[Drool 2]" />

but believe me,it's only for your own good !!
(and this time you can believe the stranger man...even whem mother says "NO" !!!) <img src="graemlins/glee.gif" border="0" alt="[Glee]" />

[ March 15, 2002: Message edited by: christopher belmondo ]</p>


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
Yep, kernow you HAVE to buy MS3... or spend the rest of eternity in HELL playing Legend of Success Joe.... <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[LOL]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[LOL]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[LOL]" />


Astra Superstar
Jun 18, 2001
Metal Slug 3 (and Garou:Mark of the Wolves <img src="graemlins/drool.gif" border="0" alt="[Drool]" /> ) is the reason why I sold my Neo Geo CD and bought my Neo Geo Home Cartrige, what else can I say. MS3 is the BEST Metal Slug in the series for me (until MS4 is released, I hope) but MS1 also has a very special magic for me... I think it has a detail level that any other Slugs have. One day I'll have it for my Neo, but I'm afraid that it'll be the !Arcade! conversion as long as I can't afford a US1000$+ game. <img src="graemlins/crying.gif" border="0" alt="[Crying]" />


Crossed Swords Squire
Nov 10, 2001

I agree with you wholeheartedly, MS1 is the BEST of them all.......and boy, is that saying something.


Aero Fighter,
Mar 19, 2001
Metal Slug X is the first cart and the main reason why I bought my first NeoGeo. God !!! I love that game - I've played the PSX version, but you know, it's not the same...

After that I get the 2. First, I thought slowdown was due to my system <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[LOL]" /> and return the cart to the store. I wanted to sold it but I've decided to keep it because I get for a cheap price...

I don't wich slug is better ?! but who care ! they are all unique and I love them all.

All I can tell IMO slug series is the best series of all time, and it's a rare privilege to play it again & again...

Got bless NAZCA - god bless SNK - god bless you all, my NeoFriends...


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
I think in terms of pure animation quality and graphical touches (like the little boxing gloves on springs that come out of Tarma's and Marco's back packs) MSX is by far and away the best in the series.

MS1 has some great bosses and the graphical touches are brilliant, but I think MSX definitley improves over MS1 here.

In terms of graphical touches MS3 is a let down until you reach the last level... the whole jet pack thing is first class, as is the little satellite later on in the level.

I prefer the colour pallete used in MS2 over X, so I think MS2 has consistently the best and most detailed backgrounds - The jumbo jet with flashing warning lights on the Hong Kong level is just a really great little touch and something else to distract you from the enemy!! :D

I don't like the way they introduced the aliens so early on MSX... it kinda ruins the later suprises that 2 throws at you that you miss out on if you go straight to MSX as your first ever port of call for the series.

MS3 adds good variation with the mutant crabs, people and plants... and altho the last level is awesome, and very funny, it's a shame you end up battling aliens again... I just hope they aren't a part of MS4.

I think MSX provides the all round Metal Slug experience that any Slug fan or Slug inductee needs... fantastic graphics and animation, good challenge, fantastic sound and a good choice of weapons and Slug vehicles to choose from.

<img src="graemlins/glee.gif" border="0" alt="[Glee]" /> <img src="graemlins/glee.gif" border="0" alt="[Glee]" /> <img src="graemlins/glee.gif" border="0" alt="[Glee]" />


Nov 29, 2001
I have MS 1,2 &3 MVS carts and enjoy them all.
Have only played X in mame, I like that too, it will probably be the next cart for me, would like to have the set ( untill MS4 is released)
I canot speak to highly of the series, it is what got me into MVS :)
PS the slowdown issue in #2 is something to get used to, its just a querky part of the game, its not a problem.
BTW #3 rules for me at the moment, but that may change. Depends on mood tomorrow may be #1 :)


Mickey's Coach
Jul 26, 2001
I only have MS1 so far for my cabinet, I can now get half way through the final mission on one cred. Its kicking my ass big style - but I'm loving it. I do have a question about the end of level bonuses, do you get that 100,000 point "great" bonus (not the tank bonus) for rescuing a certain number/all of the hostages ? Can you get the bonus in every mission ? I'm pretty sure i got it once even though I missed a few hostages. Any help appreciated. The NGPC slugs are both excellent as well.

christopher belmondo

Fio's Quartermaster
Jan 19, 2002
Originally posted by garou_d:
<strong>Metal Slug X is the first cart and the main reason why I bought my first NeoGeo. God !!! I love that game - I've played the PSX version, but you know, it's not the same...

After that I get the 2. First, I thought slowdown was due to my system <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[LOL]" /> and return the cart to the store. I wanted to sold it but I've decided to keep it because I get for a cheap price...

I don't wich slug is better ?! but who care ! they are all unique and I love them all.

All I can tell IMO slug series is the best series of all time, and it's a rare privilege to play it again & again...

Got bless NAZCA - god bless SNK - god bless you all, my NeoFriends...</strong><hr></blockquote>

i agree, and for the last part...Thanks garou_d,feel the same !!!

<img src="graemlins/glee.gif" border="0" alt="[Glee]" />


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
hmm, I have £165 saved roughly for it..

gehh sure I could buy something else!

slug1 conversion (ff3 used plz)
slug3 jpn new



Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
Hey, kernow - what about student loans? don't you get like £3,000 nowadays if you're living away from home? <img src="graemlins/spock.gif" border="0" alt="[Spock]" /> :)

Give up eating, clothes, washing your self, and soon you'll have an entire Metal Slug AES collection!! <img src="graemlins/glee.gif" border="0" alt="[Glee]" />

I'd really try and go for 2 or X b4 you move on to 3... but you gotta get one of them!

I suppose 3 is worth purchasing for the Elephant alone... and then there's the cool osterich and mole slugs there pretty damn good too...

That's what I like best about Slug 3 - the variation. The content and layout are good progress over 2/X... whereas what I've seen from 4 it's just a rehash of Slug 1&2... but I could be wrong I suppose.

Anyways, I hate to put a damper on what is turning out to be a cool thread, but I have severe doubts that MS4 is ever offically coming to AES... Expect !Arcade! conversions in the future, but I'm not holding out for a pure AES release. Megaking seem to think there's no money left in the market... and perhaps they're right. But anyway, lets not dwell on this too much, and just think of the joy that 1,2,X, and 3 still bring us... and NGPC versions too!!


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
hmm, this money i have saved is from selling my US AES carts.. I've only got 3 games now (ss2,kof98,ffs), all fighters so I need something different, I'm still having problems justifying spending that much, but the money is from games and should go back into it really.


christopher belmondo

Fio's Quartermaster
Jan 19, 2002
Originally posted by Tarma:
Give up eating, clothes, washing your self, and soon you'll have an entire Metal Slug AES collection!! <img src="graemlins/glee.gif" border="0" alt="[Glee]" />

<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[LOL]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[LOL]" />

he is right kernow...!!
and maybe one more,there will be no regret cause slug is so cccccccooooooooooooolllllllllll !!!

[ March 16, 2002: Message edited by: christopher belmondo ]</p>


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
look guys, I'm not 38 and drive an SLK

I cant afford to spray coin on videogames that are.. shit..

I know slug 3 rocks.. but £225???

I'm so close to it.. but it better kick some ass for that price